![book The Spanish Schoole-master. Containing seven dialogues, according to every day in the weeke, and what is necessarie everie day to be done, wherein is also most plainly shewed the true and perfect pronunciation of the Spanish tongue, toward the furtherance](/covers/files_170/nocover.jpg)
- Author: William Stepniy
- Language: English, Spanish
- Year: 1591
![book The Spanish Grammer: With certeine Rules teaching both the Spanish and French tongues. By which they have some knowledge in the French tongue, may the easier attaine to the Spanish, and like-wise they that have the Spanish, with more facilitie learne the](/covers/files_170/nocover.jpg)
- Author: John Thorius Anthonie de Corro
- Language: English, Spanish
- Year: 1590
![book Tratado de gramática razonada, con aplicación decidida y constante al estudio del idioma español](/covers/files_170/nocover.jpg)
Tratado de gramática razonada, con aplicación decidida y constante al estudio del idioma español
- Author: Gregorio Herrainz
- Language: Spanish
- Year: 1885
![book Vtil, y breve institvtion, para aprender los principios, y fundamentos de la lengua Hespañola [Útil y breve institución para aprender los principios y fundamentos de la lengua española]/ Institution tres brieve & tres utile, pour aprendre les premiers fon](/covers/files_170/nocover.jpg)
- Author: Bartholomaeus Gravius (impresor)
- Language: Spanish, Latin, French
- Year: 1555
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- Author: Juan de Arona Pedro Paz Soldán
- Language: Spanish
- Year: 1883
![book Instituciones de la gramática española](/covers/files_170/nocover.jpg)
- Author: Bartolomé Jiménez Patón
- Language: Spanish
- Year: 16
![book Gramática de la lengua castellana [1492]](/covers/files_170/nocover.jpg)
- Author: Antonio de Nebrija/ Lebrija (aut.), Federico Carlos Sainz de Robles (ed.)
- Language: Spanish
- Year: 1976
![book Nouvelle methode por apprendre facilement et en peu de temps la langue espagnole](/covers/files_170/nocover.jpg)
- Author: Claude Lancelot
- Language: French
- Year: 1631
![book Grammatica spagnuola, ed italiana](/covers/files_170/nocover.jpg)
- Author: Lorenzo Franciosini Fiorentino
- Language: Italian
- Year: 1707