Through a Catholic lens: religious perspectives of nineteen film directors from around the world
- Author: Malone Peter
- Language: English
- Year: 2007
Through a Catholic lens : religious perspectives of nineteen film directors from around the world
- Author: Peter Malone Peter Malone Rose Pacatte Greg Friedman Gaye Ortiz Maggie Roux Michael Paul Gallagher Claire Openshaw Dario Vigano Rob Rix Jan Epstein Lloyd Baugh Nick Cruz Jose Tavares de Barros Ricardo Yanez Luis Garcia Orso Guido Convents Marc Gervais Tom Aitken James Abbott
- Language: English
- Year: 2007
- Author: Jesus Christ Jesus Christ., Jesus Christus., Malone Peter
- Language: English
- Year: 2012
- Author: Jesus Christ Jesus Christ., Jesus Christus., Malone Peter
- Language: English
- Year: 2012
- Author: Frank and Malone Peter Smith
- Language: English
- Year: 1971