- Author: National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Materials and Manufacturing Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, and Safety Aspects of Engineered Nanomaterials Health Committee to Develop a Research Strategy for Environmental
- Language: English
- Year: 2012
- Author: National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Board on Life Sciences, Kansas Committee on the Evaluation of a Site-Specific Risk Assessment for the Department of Homeland Security's Planned National Bio-and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan
- Language: English
- Year: 2011
- Author: National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, Committee to Review the Worker and Public Health Activities Program Administered by the Department of Energy and the Department of Health and Human Services
- Language: English
- Year: 2007