Ebook: An Economic Analysis of Severe Industrial Hazards
Author: Dr. Immo Querner (auth.)
- Tags: Economics general, Environmental Economics
- Series: Microeconomic Studies
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: Physica-Verlag Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
and Acknowledgments Apparently almost every other month severe industrial hazards invade our living rooms, be it in terms of an ex post report or in terms of an alarming scenario, be it in a remote corner of the world or just in front of our doorstep. Although the invasion of our living rooms is mostly only via printed or electronic media (as opposed to personally experienced tragedies), people in the western hemissphere seem to be concerned, and so are politics and science. Given that welfare-economics has played (or is about to play) a helpful role in terms of analyzing and rationalizing "political" issues (such as the environment, education, or the law) that had been deemed too soft, too psychological, too value-laden, or too political, a book about the economics of catastrophic industrial hazards and their prevention will hardly come as a surprise. However, what are the precise obj ecti ves of this book? For a start, the author intends to argue the welfare-economic relevance of severe industrial hazards, both from a theoretical as well as from a very down-to-earth perspecti ve. Secondly, it shall be demonstrated that and how the problem can be theoretically dealt with, without really departing from standard micro-economics, in particular the "Pareto principle" and, when it comes to very small "collective" physical risks, the well established "von Neumann-Morgenstern" framework.
The book is concerned with the economics of potentially fatal industrial hazards, namely the prospect of very unlikely, yet catastrophic, incidents. The first part of the analysis is devoted to the microeconomic representation of the relevant risk-preference patterns displayed by both endangered individuals as well as insurers exposed to risk on the basis of the von Neumann-Morgenstern framework. The second part is concernedwith a standard microeconomic assessment of the welfare-impact of industrialfacilities constituting a severe industrial hazard. Particular attentionis paid to the economic investigation into insurance regulatory policy-instruments aimed at correcting risk-externalities created by the risk-emiting sector. Thus, the book serves two primary objectives: First, a better theoretical understanding and modelling of the economic nature of the problem constituted by severe industrial hazards. Second, developing regulatory concepts of optimally coping with it by means of adroitly instrumentalizing the incentives provided by the insurance sector and the law of tort.