Ebook: Adjustment Computations: Spatial Data Analysis
Author: Charles D. Ghilani
no measurement is ever exact. Adjustment Computations updates a classic, definitive text on surveying with the latest methodologies and tools for analyzing and adjusting errors with a focus on least squares adjustments, the most rigorous methodology available and the one on which accuracy standards for surveys are based.
This extensively updated Fifth Edition shares new information on advances in modern software and GNSS-acquired data. Expanded sections offer a greater amount of computable problems and their worked solutions, while new screenshots guide readers through the exercises. Continuing its legacy as a reliable primer, Adjustment Computations covers the basic terms and fundamentals of errors and methods of analyzing them and progresses to specific adjustment computations and spatial information analysis. Current and comprehensive, the book features:
Easy-to-understand language and an emphasis on real-world applications
Analyzing data in three dimensions, confidence intervals, statistical testing, and more
An updated support web page containing a 150-page solutions manual, software (STATS, ADJUST, and MATRIX for Windows computers), MathCAD worksheets, and more at http://www.wiley.com/college/ghilani
The latest information on advanced topics such as the tau criterion used in post-adjustment statistical blunder detection
Adjustment Computations, Fifth Edition is an invaluable reference and self-study resource for working surveyors, photogrammetrists, and professionals who use GNSS and GIS for data collection and analysis, including oceanographers, urban planners, foresters, geographers, and transportation planners. It's also an indispensable resource for students preparing for licensing exams and the ideal textbook for courses in surveying, civil engineering, forestry, cartography, and geology.