"In Human and Nonhuman Bone Identification: A Color Atlas,Diane L. France, one of the most respected forensic anthropologists in the world, offered a comprehensive handbook of photographs and other information essential for examining skeletal remains and determining species and body parts. Conveniently designed for field use, this compact version of the book presents the major skeletal elements from the same species as the bestselling Atlas. Focusing on the bones most often discovered in field scenarios, the book is divided into two major sections: General Osteology includes major features of bone growth and development and highlights general comparisons of quadrupedal mammals to human bones. This section includes an introduction to bird skeletal anatomy and some suggestions on how to clean and preserve bones ; Major Bones of the Bodies of Different Animals includes most bones from the cranium to the metatarsal."--publisher. Read more...
Content: General osteology --
Major bones of the bodies of different animals. Cranium ; Mandible ; Scapula ; Humerus ; Radius ; Ulna ; Metacarpals and forelimbs ; Pelvic girdle ; Femur ; Tibia ; Fibula ; Metatarsals and hindlimbs.
Abstract: "In Human and Nonhuman Bone Identification: A Color Atlas,Diane L. France, one of the most respected forensic anthropologists in the world, offered a comprehensive handbook of photographs and other information essential for examining skeletal remains and determining species and body parts. Conveniently designed for field use, this compact version of the book presents the major skeletal elements from the same species as the bestselling Atlas. Focusing on the bones most often discovered in field scenarios, the book is divided into two major sections: General Osteology includes major features of bone growth and development and highlights general comparisons of quadrupedal mammals to human bones. This section includes an introduction to bird skeletal anatomy and some suggestions on how to clean and preserve bones ; Major Bones of the Bodies of Different Animals includes most bones from the cranium to the metatarsal."--publisher
"In Human and Nonhuman Bone Identification: A Color Atlas,Diane L. France, one of the most respected forensic anthropologists in the world, offered a comprehensive handbook of photographs and other information essential for examining skeletal remains and determining species and body parts. Conveniently designed for field use, this compact version of the book presents the major skeletal elements from the same species as the bestselling Atlas. Focusing on the bones most often discovered in field scenarios, the book is divided into two major sections: General Osteology includes major features of bone growth and development and highlights general comparisons of quadrupedal mammals to human bones. This section includes an introduction to bird skeletal anatomy and some suggestions on how to clean and preserve bones ; Major Bones of the Bodies of Different Animals includes most bones from the cranium to the metatarsal."--publisher. Read more... Content: General osteology --
Major bones of the bodies of different animals. Cranium ; Mandible ; Scapula ; Humerus ; Radius ; Ulna ; Metacarpals and forelimbs ; Pelvic girdle ; Femur ; Tibia ; Fibula ; Metatarsals and hindlimbs.
Abstract: "In Human and Nonhuman Bone Identification: A Color Atlas,Diane L. France, one of the most respected forensic anthropologists in the world, offered a comprehensive handbook of photographs and other information essential for examining skeletal remains and determining species and body parts. Conveniently designed for field use, this compact version of the book presents the major skeletal elements from the same species as the bestselling Atlas. Focusing on the bones most often discovered in field scenarios, the book is divided into two major sections: General Osteology includes major features of bone growth and development and highlights general comparisons of quadrupedal mammals to human bones. This section includes an introduction to bird skeletal anatomy and some suggestions on how to clean and preserve bones ; Major Bones of the Bodies of Different Animals includes most bones from the cranium to the metatarsal."--publisher
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