Ebook: Pregnancy for dummies
- Genre: Education
- Year: 2009
- Publisher: For Dummies
- Edition: 3
- Language: English
- pdf
With robust sales and its own four-part cable TV series, Pregnancy For Dummies has been a perennial favorite, giving parents-to-be authoritative, friendly, up-to-date advice on every aspect of pregnancy and childbirth. This new edition offers all of the latest information expecting parents want to know, including expanded coverage on the health and well-being of both mother and child. It takes readers through the first, second, and third trimesters, providing new and updated coverage of prenatal genetic screening and diagnosis, amniocentesis, new high-tech ultrasounds, and the revised FDA/USDA food pyramid. It also discusses the recent celebrity trend of "on-demand" cesarean sections, multiple births, what to expect in labor and delivery, postpartum care, choosing bottle or breastfeeding, preparing a home (and siblings) for a new baby, caring for preemies, and the mother's mental as well as physical health.
"A thorough, accurate, and highly informative guide." -- Los Angeles Times
Amazon.com Review This book's title sure sounds a little scary, but as its often-hilarious testimonials from first-time parents show, expectant parents frequently feel really stupid. Like the vast majority of For Dummies books, this one is supremely organized and indexed to help you find the answer to most any question, especially the embarrassing ones you may be reluctant to ask your doctor ("Is it okay to have sex in the last trimester?" "How long does it take the ugly conehead effect to go away after birth?") and the more serious ones ("Can I breast-feed while I'm on the Pill?").
Unlike many pregnancy books, this one has plenty of helpful information for the mother's partner, including ways to deal with vicious mood swings, helpful tips for preparing for childbirth class, and seven tricks for easing her labor pain--even if she's threatening that you'll never have sex again. Besides chapter after chapter of information about pregnancy's physical aspects and how to stay comfortable during the next 40 weeks, there's also plenty of advice on emotional issues--from learning how to say "hands off!" to the pesky people who want to rub your belly to coping with postpartum blues. Some readers may be offended by the book's slightly warped sense of humor (example: "breast engorgement really sucks"), but the authors never treat serious topics in an off-base way. The book's definitely geared toward first-time parents, but for moms and dads confused by the many new medical tests and modern options (such as the doula [pregnancy coach] dilemma or decision to freeze the baby's umbilical cord or not), there's a fine education to be had between this book's covers.