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Ebook: Landslide Science and Practice: Volume 2: Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring


This book contains peer-reviewed papers from the Second World Landslide Forum, organised by the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), that took place in September 2011. The entire material from the conference has been split into seven volumes, this one is the second: 1. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, 2. Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring, 3. Spatial Analysis and Modelling, 4. Global Environmental Change, 5. Complex Environment, 6. Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation, 7. Social and Economic Impact and Policies.

This book contains peer-reviewed papers from the Second World Landslide Forum, organised by the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), that took place in September 2011. The entire material from the conference has been split into seven volumes, this one is the second:

  1. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning,
  2. Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring,
  3. Spatial Analysis and Modelling,
  4. Global Environmental Change,
  5. Complex Environment,
  6. Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation,
  7. Social and Economic Impact and Policies.

This book contains peer-reviewed papers from the Second World Landslide Forum, organised by the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), that took place in September 2011. The entire material from the conference has been split into seven volumes, this one is the second:

  1. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning,
  2. Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring,
  3. Spatial Analysis and Modelling,
  4. Global Environmental Change,
  5. Complex Environment,
  6. Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation,
  7. Social and Economic Impact and Policies.

Front Matter....Pages i-xix
Front Matter....Pages 1-2
New Real-Time Landslide Monitoring System in Polish Carpathians....Pages 3-14
Application of the PS-InSAR Technique for the Post-Failure Landslide Deformation Monitoring at Lubietova Site in Central Slovakia....Pages 15-23
Monitoring of the “Razanj” Landslide in Serbia....Pages 25-31
Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Montaguto Landslide (Southern Italy)....Pages 33-38
Landsliding Events Triggered by Rainfalls in the Enna Area (South Italy)....Pages 39-47
Assessing Volume Earthwork by Using Unconventional Photogrammetry....Pages 49-56
The Ancona Early Warning Centre, Instrumentation and Continuous Monitoring of the Landslides....Pages 57-65
Slope Stability Assessment and Monitoring of a Vulnerable Site on Rishikesh-Uttarkashi Highway, India....Pages 67-71
Landslide Displacement Monitoring from Multi-Temporal Terrestrial Digital Images: Case of the Valoria Landslide Site....Pages 73-78
A Geosensor Network Based Monitoring and Early Warning System for Landslides....Pages 79-86
Underground Landslide Displacement Monitoring: A New MMES Based Device....Pages 87-93
Groundwater Investigations Using Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing Data in Solani Watershed, India....Pages 95-100
Application of a Multiplet-Location Coupled Technique to Microseismic Data for Identification of Rock Slope Active Surfaces....Pages 101-107
Slope Disaster Monitoring System Using Battery-Operated Wireless Sensor Network....Pages 109-116
The Use of ERT for Investigation of Berzhita Landslide, Tirana Area, Albania....Pages 117-123
Conventional and Innovative Techniques for the Monitoring of Displacements in Landslide Affected Area....Pages 125-131
Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Ground Displacement of the Tena Landslide (Spain)....Pages 133-140
Long-Term Analysis of Landslides Via SBAS-DInSAR Technique....Pages 141-146
4D Monitoring of Active Landslides by Multi-Temporal Airborne LiDAR Data....Pages 147-151
Experiences of Debris-Flow Monitoring and Warning at Catchment Scale in the Pyrenees....Pages 153-159
Front Matter....Pages 1-2
Setup of a Landslide Monitoring System on the Philippine Island of Leyte Near the Village of Malinao (Municipality of St. Bernard)....Pages 161-167
Application of the Newly Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Method Survey in a Landslide Area....Pages 169-175
Characterization and Study of a Complex Landslide Site in Northern Italy....Pages 177-183
HR Satellite Imaging and Borehole Monitoring of Landslides in Daunia, Italy....Pages 185-191
Monitoring Concepts and Requirements for Large Rockslides in Norway....Pages 193-200
Continuous Monitoring and Near-Real Time Processing of GPS Observations for Landslide Analysis: A Methodological Framework....Pages 201-209
Retrogressive Slope Failures in Natural Slope: A Case Study....Pages 211-216
Performance of Image Correlation Techniques for Landslide Displacement Monitoring....Pages 217-226
A Novel Fiber Optic Sensing System for Monitoring Debris Flows....Pages 227-233
Integrated Monitoring of Lateral Spreading Phenomena Along the North-West Coast of the Island of Malta....Pages 235-241
InSAR Data for Mapping and Monitoring Landslides in Tena Valley....Pages 243-249
Monitoring Displacement on the Mannen Rockslide in Western Norway....Pages 251-256
Multitemporal Study of the San Martino Sulla Marrucina Landslide (Central Italy)....Pages 257-263
Surface and Deep Displacements Evaluated by GPS and Inclinometers in a Clayey Slope....Pages 265-271
A Possible Mechanism of Movement of an Ancient Clayey Landslide....Pages 273-279
Results of Geoelectrical Monitoring of Landslides Collected by the SafeLand/TEMPEL Network....Pages 281-288
Geophysical-Geotechnical Sensor Networks for Landslide Monitoring....Pages 289-294
Remedial Works on the Smrečje Landslide, Croatia....Pages 295-300
Monitoring Slow-Moving Landslides Using Spatially Adaptive Least Squares Image Matching....Pages 301-307
Seismometric Monitoring of Hypogeous Failures Due to Slope Deformations....Pages 309-315
Front Matter....Pages 1-2
Use of Persistent Scatterer InSAR within Terrafirma Landslide Services....Pages 317-323
Detection and Characterization of Rock Slope Instabilities Using a Portable Radar Interferometer (GPRI)....Pages 325-329
Landslides and Hydro-Climatic Conditions in the Hutná Catchment Area (Central Slovakia)....Pages 331-337
Landslide Umka: The First Automated Monitoring Project in Serbia....Pages 339-345
Landslide-Related PS Data Interpretation by Means of Different Techniques....Pages 347-355
Advanced Image Analysis for Automated Mapping of Landslide Surface Fissures....Pages 357-363
Portable Ring Shear Apparatus and Its Application....Pages 365-369
Assessing of Spatio-Temporal Factors Influencing Landslides Using PSInSAR....Pages 371-378
Methodological and Technological Advances in the Application of Spaceborne DInSAR for Landslide Monitoring....Pages 379-384
Freeze-Thaw Cycle and Rockfall Monitoring....Pages 385-390
Rapid Assessment of Landslide Activity in Emilia Romagna Using GB-InSAR Short Surveys....Pages 391-399
Resolving Landslide-Bedrock Interaction by Nanoseismic Monitoring....Pages 401-406
SAR Interferometry for Landslides Risk Assessment at Local Scale: The Case Study of Castagnola (Northern Apennines, Italy)....Pages 407-414
In Situ and Remote Long Term Real-Time Monitoring of a Large Alpine Rock Slide....Pages 415-421
C/X-Band SAR Interferometry Used to Monitor Slope Instability in Daunia, Italy....Pages 423-430
Landslide 3D Surface Deformation Model Obtained Via RTS Measurements....Pages 431-436
Application of SqueeSAR™ to the Characterization of Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations: The Berceto Case Study (Parma, Italy)....Pages 437-443
Use of the Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) in Landslide Research and Practice....Pages 445-449
Gravitational Instability Analysis of the Prato Carnico Village....Pages 451-459
Rockfall Full Scale Field Tests....Pages 461-467
Front Matter....Pages 1-2
Sprinkling Tests to Understand Hydrological Behaviour of Mudslide....Pages 469-473
High Resolution InSAR Monitoring of Coastal Landslides....Pages 475-478
Evaluation of Temperature Effects on Strain Measurements with DTSS....Pages 479-485
Measurements of Hydraulic Subsurface Processes by Means of Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing (DTS)....Pages 487-493
Applying GPR and 2D ERT for Shallow Landslides Characterization: A Case Study....Pages 495-502
Monitoring and Modelling of Rainfall-Induced Landslide in Volcanic Soil Slope....Pages 503-510
Impact Pressure Measurements in Shallow Landslides....Pages 511-515
Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanner to the Assessment of the Evolution of Diachronic Landslides....Pages 517-523
Ground-Based Radar for Permanent Monitoring of Landslides....Pages 525-530
The Ganderberg Landslide (South Tyrol, Italy): Mitigation of Residual Risk by Real-Time Monitoring....Pages 531-535
The Case History of the Bagnaschino Landslide, from Early Warning to Site Specific Rainfall Threshold....Pages 537-542
Application of Monitoring Data for the Prediction of the Time to Failure and Risk Management....Pages 543-547
Development of WILMS: Well Inform Landslide Monitoring System for USM Healthy Campus....Pages 549-557
Integrating Landslide Monitoring into Multi-Hazard Monitoring Systems....Pages 559-565
Front Matter....Pages 567-571
An Appraisal on Ongoing Practices for Landslide Early Warning Systems in Selected South and East Asian Countries....Pages 573-580
Examples of Cost Effective Practices for Landslide Monitoring for Early Warning in Developing Countries of Asia....Pages 581-588
Validation and Interpretation of Monitored Behavior of Slopes Vulnerable to Failure....Pages 589-595
Overview of Some Empirical Methods to Correlate Rainfall and Shallow Landslide and Applications in Malaysia....Pages 597-602
Experimental Alert Model for Hydrogeological Risk: A Case Study in Sicily....Pages 603-610
An Operational Warning System for the Forecasting of Landslide Occurrence at Regional Scale....Pages 611-617
Front Matter....Pages 567-571
Radar Interferometry for Early Stage Warning on Monuments at Risk....Pages 619-625
Landwarn: An Operative Early Warning System for Landslides Forecasting Based on Rainfall Thresholds and Soil Moisture....Pages 627-634
Method of Residual-State Creep Test to Understand the Creeping Behaviour of Landslide Soils....Pages 635-642
Operational Procedure for a Hydrogeological Warning System in Aosta Valley....Pages 643-649
Defining Physically-Based Rainfall Thresholds for Early Warning Systems....Pages 651-657
Rainfall Threshold Analysis and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Wudu County....Pages 659-664
Cloud Monitoring: An Innovative Approach for the Prevention of Landslide Risks....Pages 665-670
Landslide Triggering and Local Rainfall Thresholds in Bradanic Foredeep, Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)....Pages 671-677
Development of Debris Flow Early Warning System for Volcanic Rivers at Mt. Merapi Area....Pages 679-685
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