Ebook: Intelligent Computing Theories and Technology: 9th International Conference, ICIC 2013, Nanning, China, July 28-31, 2013. Proceedings
- Tags: Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet), Information Storage and Retrieval, Image Processing and Computer Vision, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Algorithm Analysis and Problem Com
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7996
- Year: 2013
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2013, held in Nanning, China, in July 2013. The 79 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 561 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on systems biology and computational biology; cognitive science and computational neuroscience; knowledge discovery and data mining; machine learning theory and methods; biomedical informatics theory and methods; complex systems theory and methods; natural language processing and computational linguistics; fuzzy theory and models; fuzzy systems and soft computing; particle swarm optimization and niche technology; swarm intelligence and optimization; unsupervised and reinforcement learning; intelligent computing in bioinformatics; intelligent computing in Petri nets/transportation systems; intelligent computing in social networking; intelligent computing in network software/hardware; intelligent control and automation; intelligent data fusion and information security; intelligent sensor networks; intelligent fault diagnosis; intelligent computing in signal processing; intelligent computing in pattern recognition; intelligent computing in biometrics recognition; intelligent computing in image processing; intelligent computing in computer vision; special session on biometrics system and security for intelligent computing; special session on bio-inspired computing and applications; special session on intelligent computing and personalized assisted living; computer human interaction using multiple visual cues and intelligent computing; and special session on protein and gene bioinformatics: analysis, algorithms and applications.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2013, held in Nanning, China, in July 2013. The 79 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 561 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on systems biology and computational biology; cognitive science and computational neuroscience; knowledge discovery and data mining; machine learning theory and methods; biomedical informatics theory and methods; complex systems theory and methods; natural language processing and computational linguistics; fuzzy theory and models; fuzzy systems and soft computing; particle swarm optimization and niche technology; swarm intelligence and optimization; unsupervised and reinforcement learning; intelligent computing in bioinformatics; intelligent computing in Petri nets/transportation systems; intelligent computing in social networking; intelligent computing in network software/hardware; intelligent control and automation; intelligent data fusion and information security; intelligent sensor networks; intelligent fault diagnosis; intelligent computing in signal processing; intelligent computing in pattern recognition; intelligent computing in biometrics recognition; intelligent computing in image processing; intelligent computing in computer vision; special session on biometrics system and security for intelligent computing; special session on bio-inspired computing and applications; special session on intelligent computing and personalized assisted living; computer human interaction using multiple visual cues and intelligent computing; and special session on protein and gene bioinformatics: analysis, algorithms and applications.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2013, held in Nanning, China, in July 2013. The 79 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 561 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on systems biology and computational biology; cognitive science and computational neuroscience; knowledge discovery and data mining; machine learning theory and methods; biomedical informatics theory and methods; complex systems theory and methods; natural language processing and computational linguistics; fuzzy theory and models; fuzzy systems and soft computing; particle swarm optimization and niche technology; swarm intelligence and optimization; unsupervised and reinforcement learning; intelligent computing in bioinformatics; intelligent computing in Petri nets/transportation systems; intelligent computing in social networking; intelligent computing in network software/hardware; intelligent control and automation; intelligent data fusion and information security; intelligent sensor networks; intelligent fault diagnosis; intelligent computing in signal processing; intelligent computing in pattern recognition; intelligent computing in biometrics recognition; intelligent computing in image processing; intelligent computing in computer vision; special session on biometrics system and security for intelligent computing; special session on bio-inspired computing and applications; special session on intelligent computing and personalized assisted living; computer human interaction using multiple visual cues and intelligent computing; and special session on protein and gene bioinformatics: analysis, algorithms and applications.
Front Matter....Pages -
Research on Signaling Pathways Reconstruction by Integrating High Content RNAi Screening and Functional Gene Network....Pages 1-10
A Preliminary Study of Memory Functions in Unaffected First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenia....Pages 11-19
Classifying Aging Genes into DNA Repair or Non-DNA Repair-Related Categories....Pages 20-29
Data Mining with Ant Colony Algorithms....Pages 30-38
Content-Based Diversifying Leaf Image Retrieval....Pages 39-46
Binary Coded Output Support Vector Machine....Pages 47-55
Edge Multi-scale Markov Random Field Model Based Medical Image Segmentation in Wavelet Domain....Pages 56-63
Model of Opinion Interactions Base on Evolutionary Game in Social Network....Pages 64-72
A Possibilistic Query Translation Approach for Cross-Language Information Retrieval....Pages 73-82
Three Kinds of Negation of Fuzzy Knowledge and Their Base of Logic....Pages 83-93
Experimental Teaching Quality Evaluation Practice Based on AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model....Pages 94-100
Behavior of the Soft Constraints Method Applied to Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems....Pages 101-109
Surprise Simulation Using Fuzzy Logic....Pages 110-119
Colon Cell Image Segmentation Based on Level Set and Kernel-Based Fuzzy Clustering....Pages 120-129
High Dimensional Problem Based on Elite-Grouped Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 130-136
An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Quadratic Interpolation....Pages 137-144
A New Gene Selection Method for Microarray Data Based on PSO and Informativeness Metric....Pages 145-154
A Hybrid Attractive and Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Gradient Search....Pages 155-162
Video Target Tracking Based on a New Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Particle Filter....Pages 163-171
Firefly Algorithm and Pattern Search Hybridized for Global Optimization....Pages 172-178
Differential Levy-Flights Bat Algorithm for Minimization Makespan in Permutation Flow Shops....Pages 179-188
Cloud Model Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Functions Optimization....Pages 189-197
An Improved Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Parallel Hybrid Mutation....Pages 198-206
Bat Algorithm with Recollection....Pages 207-215
An Adaptive Bat Algorithm....Pages 216-223
Comparative Study of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms with Heuristic Swap Operators for Traveling Salesman Problem....Pages 224-233
Kernel k’-means Algorithm for Clustering Analysis....Pages 234-243
Recursive Feature Elimination Based on Linear Discriminant Analysis for Molecular Selection and Classification of Diseases....Pages 244-251
Inferring Transcriptional Modules from Microarray and ChIP-Chip Data Using Penalized Matrix Decomposition....Pages 252-259
Mathematical Inference and Application of Expectation-Maximization Algorithm in the Construction of Phylogenetic Tree....Pages 260-266
Dimensionality Reduction for Microarray Data Using Local Mean Based Discriminant Analysis....Pages 267-276
Machine Learning-Based Approaches Identify a Key Physicochemical Property for Accurately Predicting Polyadenlylation Signals in Genomic Sequences....Pages 277-285
Disease-Related Gene Expression Analysis Using an Ensemble Statistical Test Method....Pages 286-291
A Novel Method for Palmprint Feature Extraction Based on Modified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network....Pages 292-298
An Improved Squeaky Wheel Optimization Approach to the Airport Gates Assignment Problem....Pages 299-306
Study on Rumor Spreading Simulation Model in Collective Violent Events....Pages 307-313
Particle Swarm Optimization-Neural Network Algorithm and Its Application in the Genericarameter of Microstrip Line....Pages 314-323
Fair Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm with Repeatable Pre-configuration Mechanism....Pages 324-331
Dynamic Obstacle-Avoiding Path Planning for Robots Based on Modified Potential Field Method....Pages 332-342
On Incremental Adaptive Strategies....Pages 343-352
Quantitative Evaluation across Software Development Life Cycle Based on Evidence Theory....Pages 353-362
B1 Signal Acquisition Method for BDS Software Receiver....Pages 363-372
Isomerism Multiple-Path Routing Algorithm of Intelligent Terminals....Pages 373-381
Prediction Based Quantile Filter for Top-k Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 382-392
An Automatic Generation Strategy for Test Cases Based on Constraints....Pages 393-400
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Pathological Voices....Pages 401-409
A New Algorithm of Frequency Estimation for Frequency-Hopping Signal....Pages 410-417
Seizure Detection in Clinical EEG Based on Multi-feature Integration and SVM....Pages 418-426
PEEC Modeling for Linear and Platy Structures with Efficient Capacitance Calculations....Pages 427-434
A Novel Image Retrieval Method Based on Mutual Information Descriptors....Pages 435-442
Tumor Gene Expressive Data Classification Based on Locally Linear Representation Fisher Criterion....Pages 443-449
Sparse Signal Analysis Using Ramanujan Sums....Pages 450-456
Eigenface-Based Sparse Representation for Face Recognition....Pages 457-465
Facial Expression Recognition Based on Adaptive Weighted Fusion Histograms....Pages 466-474
An Efficient Indexing Scheme for Iris Biometric Using K-d-b Trees....Pages 475-484
Research on Remote Sensing Images Online Processing Platform Based on Web Service....Pages 485-493
An Advanced Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Good-Point Set and Application to Motion Estimation....Pages 494-502
Contour Segmentation Based on GVF Snake Model and Contourlet Transform....Pages 503-508
Australian Sign Language Recognition Using Moment Invariants....Pages 509-514
Palmprint Recognition Method Based on a New Kernel Sparse Representation Method....Pages 515-523
A Linear Method for Determining Intrinsic Parameters from Two Parallel Line-Segments....Pages 524-532
Real-Time Visual Tracking Based on an Appearance Model and a Motion Mode....Pages 533-540
Vanishing Point Based Image Segmentation and Clustering for Omnidirectional Image....Pages 541-550
Secure SMS Based Automatic Device Pairing Approach for Mobile Phones....Pages 551-560
Optimization Algorithm Based on Biology Life Cycle Theory....Pages 561-570
An Idea Based on Plant Root Growth for Numerical Optimization....Pages 571-578
A Bacterial Colony Chemotaxis Algorithm with Self-adaptive Mechanism....Pages 579-586
Using Dynamic Multi-Swarm Particle Swarm Optimizer to Improve the Image Sparse Decomposition Based on Matching Pursuit....Pages 587-595
Research and Analysis on Ionospheric Composition Based on Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 596-604
An Improved Harmony Search Algorithms Based on Particle Swarm Optimizer....Pages 605-613
An Emergency Vehicle Scheduling Problem with Time Utility Based on Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 614-623
DEABC Algorithm for Perishable Goods Vehicle Routing Problem....Pages 624-632
BFO with Information Communicational System Based on Different Topologies Structure....Pages 633-640
PSO-Based SIFT False Matches Elimination for Zooming Image....Pages 641-648
Object Tracking Based on Extended SURF and Particle Filter....Pages 649-657
First Progresses in Evaluation of Resonance in Staff Selection through Speech Emotion Recognition....Pages 658-671
A Mass Spectra-Based Compound-Identification Approach with a Reduced Reference Library....Pages 672-676
Role of Protein Aggregation and Interactions between ?-Synuclein and Calbindin in Parkinson’s Disease....Pages 677-684
Cognitive Models of Peer-to-Peer Network Information of Magnanimity....Pages 685-690
Back Matter....Pages -
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2013, held in Nanning, China, in July 2013. The 79 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 561 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on systems biology and computational biology; cognitive science and computational neuroscience; knowledge discovery and data mining; machine learning theory and methods; biomedical informatics theory and methods; complex systems theory and methods; natural language processing and computational linguistics; fuzzy theory and models; fuzzy systems and soft computing; particle swarm optimization and niche technology; swarm intelligence and optimization; unsupervised and reinforcement learning; intelligent computing in bioinformatics; intelligent computing in Petri nets/transportation systems; intelligent computing in social networking; intelligent computing in network software/hardware; intelligent control and automation; intelligent data fusion and information security; intelligent sensor networks; intelligent fault diagnosis; intelligent computing in signal processing; intelligent computing in pattern recognition; intelligent computing in biometrics recognition; intelligent computing in image processing; intelligent computing in computer vision; special session on biometrics system and security for intelligent computing; special session on bio-inspired computing and applications; special session on intelligent computing and personalized assisted living; computer human interaction using multiple visual cues and intelligent computing; and special session on protein and gene bioinformatics: analysis, algorithms and applications.
Front Matter....Pages -
Research on Signaling Pathways Reconstruction by Integrating High Content RNAi Screening and Functional Gene Network....Pages 1-10
A Preliminary Study of Memory Functions in Unaffected First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenia....Pages 11-19
Classifying Aging Genes into DNA Repair or Non-DNA Repair-Related Categories....Pages 20-29
Data Mining with Ant Colony Algorithms....Pages 30-38
Content-Based Diversifying Leaf Image Retrieval....Pages 39-46
Binary Coded Output Support Vector Machine....Pages 47-55
Edge Multi-scale Markov Random Field Model Based Medical Image Segmentation in Wavelet Domain....Pages 56-63
Model of Opinion Interactions Base on Evolutionary Game in Social Network....Pages 64-72
A Possibilistic Query Translation Approach for Cross-Language Information Retrieval....Pages 73-82
Three Kinds of Negation of Fuzzy Knowledge and Their Base of Logic....Pages 83-93
Experimental Teaching Quality Evaluation Practice Based on AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model....Pages 94-100
Behavior of the Soft Constraints Method Applied to Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems....Pages 101-109
Surprise Simulation Using Fuzzy Logic....Pages 110-119
Colon Cell Image Segmentation Based on Level Set and Kernel-Based Fuzzy Clustering....Pages 120-129
High Dimensional Problem Based on Elite-Grouped Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 130-136
An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Quadratic Interpolation....Pages 137-144
A New Gene Selection Method for Microarray Data Based on PSO and Informativeness Metric....Pages 145-154
A Hybrid Attractive and Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Gradient Search....Pages 155-162
Video Target Tracking Based on a New Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Particle Filter....Pages 163-171
Firefly Algorithm and Pattern Search Hybridized for Global Optimization....Pages 172-178
Differential Levy-Flights Bat Algorithm for Minimization Makespan in Permutation Flow Shops....Pages 179-188
Cloud Model Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Functions Optimization....Pages 189-197
An Improved Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Parallel Hybrid Mutation....Pages 198-206
Bat Algorithm with Recollection....Pages 207-215
An Adaptive Bat Algorithm....Pages 216-223
Comparative Study of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms with Heuristic Swap Operators for Traveling Salesman Problem....Pages 224-233
Kernel k’-means Algorithm for Clustering Analysis....Pages 234-243
Recursive Feature Elimination Based on Linear Discriminant Analysis for Molecular Selection and Classification of Diseases....Pages 244-251
Inferring Transcriptional Modules from Microarray and ChIP-Chip Data Using Penalized Matrix Decomposition....Pages 252-259
Mathematical Inference and Application of Expectation-Maximization Algorithm in the Construction of Phylogenetic Tree....Pages 260-266
Dimensionality Reduction for Microarray Data Using Local Mean Based Discriminant Analysis....Pages 267-276
Machine Learning-Based Approaches Identify a Key Physicochemical Property for Accurately Predicting Polyadenlylation Signals in Genomic Sequences....Pages 277-285
Disease-Related Gene Expression Analysis Using an Ensemble Statistical Test Method....Pages 286-291
A Novel Method for Palmprint Feature Extraction Based on Modified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network....Pages 292-298
An Improved Squeaky Wheel Optimization Approach to the Airport Gates Assignment Problem....Pages 299-306
Study on Rumor Spreading Simulation Model in Collective Violent Events....Pages 307-313
Particle Swarm Optimization-Neural Network Algorithm and Its Application in the Genericarameter of Microstrip Line....Pages 314-323
Fair Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm with Repeatable Pre-configuration Mechanism....Pages 324-331
Dynamic Obstacle-Avoiding Path Planning for Robots Based on Modified Potential Field Method....Pages 332-342
On Incremental Adaptive Strategies....Pages 343-352
Quantitative Evaluation across Software Development Life Cycle Based on Evidence Theory....Pages 353-362
B1 Signal Acquisition Method for BDS Software Receiver....Pages 363-372
Isomerism Multiple-Path Routing Algorithm of Intelligent Terminals....Pages 373-381
Prediction Based Quantile Filter for Top-k Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 382-392
An Automatic Generation Strategy for Test Cases Based on Constraints....Pages 393-400
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Pathological Voices....Pages 401-409
A New Algorithm of Frequency Estimation for Frequency-Hopping Signal....Pages 410-417
Seizure Detection in Clinical EEG Based on Multi-feature Integration and SVM....Pages 418-426
PEEC Modeling for Linear and Platy Structures with Efficient Capacitance Calculations....Pages 427-434
A Novel Image Retrieval Method Based on Mutual Information Descriptors....Pages 435-442
Tumor Gene Expressive Data Classification Based on Locally Linear Representation Fisher Criterion....Pages 443-449
Sparse Signal Analysis Using Ramanujan Sums....Pages 450-456
Eigenface-Based Sparse Representation for Face Recognition....Pages 457-465
Facial Expression Recognition Based on Adaptive Weighted Fusion Histograms....Pages 466-474
An Efficient Indexing Scheme for Iris Biometric Using K-d-b Trees....Pages 475-484
Research on Remote Sensing Images Online Processing Platform Based on Web Service....Pages 485-493
An Advanced Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Good-Point Set and Application to Motion Estimation....Pages 494-502
Contour Segmentation Based on GVF Snake Model and Contourlet Transform....Pages 503-508
Australian Sign Language Recognition Using Moment Invariants....Pages 509-514
Palmprint Recognition Method Based on a New Kernel Sparse Representation Method....Pages 515-523
A Linear Method for Determining Intrinsic Parameters from Two Parallel Line-Segments....Pages 524-532
Real-Time Visual Tracking Based on an Appearance Model and a Motion Mode....Pages 533-540
Vanishing Point Based Image Segmentation and Clustering for Omnidirectional Image....Pages 541-550
Secure SMS Based Automatic Device Pairing Approach for Mobile Phones....Pages 551-560
Optimization Algorithm Based on Biology Life Cycle Theory....Pages 561-570
An Idea Based on Plant Root Growth for Numerical Optimization....Pages 571-578
A Bacterial Colony Chemotaxis Algorithm with Self-adaptive Mechanism....Pages 579-586
Using Dynamic Multi-Swarm Particle Swarm Optimizer to Improve the Image Sparse Decomposition Based on Matching Pursuit....Pages 587-595
Research and Analysis on Ionospheric Composition Based on Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 596-604
An Improved Harmony Search Algorithms Based on Particle Swarm Optimizer....Pages 605-613
An Emergency Vehicle Scheduling Problem with Time Utility Based on Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 614-623
DEABC Algorithm for Perishable Goods Vehicle Routing Problem....Pages 624-632
BFO with Information Communicational System Based on Different Topologies Structure....Pages 633-640
PSO-Based SIFT False Matches Elimination for Zooming Image....Pages 641-648
Object Tracking Based on Extended SURF and Particle Filter....Pages 649-657
First Progresses in Evaluation of Resonance in Staff Selection through Speech Emotion Recognition....Pages 658-671
A Mass Spectra-Based Compound-Identification Approach with a Reduced Reference Library....Pages 672-676
Role of Protein Aggregation and Interactions between ?-Synuclein and Calbindin in Parkinson’s Disease....Pages 677-684
Cognitive Models of Peer-to-Peer Network Information of Magnanimity....Pages 685-690
Back Matter....Pages -