Ebook: Phytoplankton and Equilibrium Concept: The Ecology of Steady-State Assemblages: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), held in Castelbuono, Italy, 1–8 September 2002
- Tags: Freshwater & Marine Ecology, Ecology, Nature Conservation, Plant Systematics/Taxonomy/Biogeography
- Series: Developments in Hydrobiology 172
- Year: 2003
- Publisher: Springer Netherlands
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This volume summarises the outcome of the 13th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP) on if, and if so under what conditions phytoplankton assemblages reach equilibrium in natural environments. Quite a number of ecological concepts use terms such as: ecological equilibrium, stability, steady-state, climax, stable state, etc. However, these ecological concepts often have been "translations" of scientific theories developed in physics or chemistry but they almost always lack scientific corroboration, the problem being that often these concepts remain vague and they are not formally defined. Here an attempt to formally recognize what "equilibrium" is in phytoplankton ecology is traced. The book also contains papers by leading scientists on the taxonomy of two selected key groups: cryptomonads and filamentous cyanoprokaryotes. This volume is addressed to all those involved in phytoplankton taxonomy and ecology and in ecology itself.
This volume summarises the outcome of the 13th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP) on if, and if so under what conditions phytoplankton assemblages reach equilibrium in natural environments. Quite a number of ecological concepts use terms such as: ecological equilibrium, stability, steady-state, climax, stable state, etc. However, these ecological concepts often have been "translations" of scientific theories developed in physics or chemistry but they almost always lack scientific corroboration, the problem being that often these concepts remain vague and they are not formally defined. Here an attempt to formally recognize what "equilibrium" is in phytoplankton ecology is traced. The book also contains papers by leading scientists on the taxonomy of two selected key groups: cryptomonads and filamentous cyanoprokaryotes. This volume is addressed to all those involved in phytoplankton taxonomy and ecology and in ecology itself.
This volume summarises the outcome of the 13th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP) on if, and if so under what conditions phytoplankton assemblages reach equilibrium in natural environments. Quite a number of ecological concepts use terms such as: ecological equilibrium, stability, steady-state, climax, stable state, etc. However, these ecological concepts often have been "translations" of scientific theories developed in physics or chemistry but they almost always lack scientific corroboration, the problem being that often these concepts remain vague and they are not formally defined. Here an attempt to formally recognize what "equilibrium" is in phytoplankton ecology is traced. The book also contains papers by leading scientists on the taxonomy of two selected key groups: cryptomonads and filamentous cyanoprokaryotes. This volume is addressed to all those involved in phytoplankton taxonomy and ecology and in ecology itself.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
From IAAP to IAP....Pages 1-2
Are there steady-state phytoplankton assemblages in the field?....Pages 3-12
Life strategies, dominance patterns and mechanisms promoting species coexistence in phytoplankton communities along complex environmental gradients....Pages 13-36
Phytoplankton assemblage at equilibrium in large and deep subalpine lakes: a case study from Lago Maggiore (N. Italy)....Pages 37-48
Steady state phytoplankton in a deep pre-alpine lake: species and pigments of epilimnetic versus metalimnetic assemblages....Pages 49-64
Steady state phytoplankton assemblages during thermal stratification in deep alpine lakes. Do they occur?....Pages 65-72
The Effect of perturbations on phytoplankton assemblages in a deep reservoir (Vouglans, France)....Pages 73-83
Factors influencing the phytoplankton steady state assemblages in a drinking-water reservoir (Omerli reservoir, Istanbul)....Pages 85-95
Steady-state assemblages of phytoplankton in four temperate lakes (NE U.S.A.)....Pages 97-109
Phytoplankton assemblages and steady state in deep and shallow eutrophic lakes — an approach to differentiate the habitat properties of Oscillatoriales....Pages 111-121
Equilibrium phase conditions in shallow German lakes: How Cyanoprokaryota species establish a steady state phase in late summer....Pages 123-132
Steady-state assemblages in a Mediterranean hypertrophic reservoir. The role of Microcystis ecomorphological variability in maintaining an apparent equilibrium....Pages 133-143
Algal assemblage types of bog-lakes in Hungary and their relation to water chemistry, hydrological conditions and habitat diversity....Pages 145-155
Dominant species, functional assemblages and frequency of equilibrium phases in late summer phytoplankton assemblages in Hungarian small shallow lakes....Pages 157-168
Steady-state phytoplankton assemblages in shallow Bulgarian wetlands....Pages 169-176
Controlling factors of phytoplankton assemblages in wetlands: an experimental approach....Pages 177-186
Steady state of phytoplankton assemblage in the tropical Lake Catemaco (Mexico)....Pages 187-196
Do steady state assemblages occur in shallow lentic environments from wetlands?....Pages 197-209
The role of physical stability on the establishment of steady states in the phytoplankton community of two Maritime Antarctic lakes....Pages 211-224
A companion to the identification of cryptomonad flagellates (Cryptophyceae = Cryptomonadea)....Pages 225-270
Taxonomic notes on some freshwater planktonic Cryptophyceae based on light microscopy....Pages 271-283
Ecological and taxonomic observations on the flagellate algae characterising four years of enclosure experiments in Lake Tovel (Southern Alps)....Pages 285-296
How diverse are planktonic cryptomonads in Brazil? Advantages and difficulties of a taxonomic-biogeographical approach....Pages 297-306
Occurrence of Cryptophyceae and katablepharids in boreal lakes....Pages 307-314
Dominance patterns of planktonic algae in Swedish forest lakes....Pages 315-324
Distribution and seasonal dynamics of Cryptomonads in Sicilian water bodies....Pages 325-329
Flagellate algae (Chrysophyceae, Dinophyceae, Cryptophyceae) in 48 high mountain lakes of the Northern and Southern slope of the Eastern Alps: biodiversity, taxa distribution and their driving variables....Pages 331-348
Redefinition of Peridinium lomnickii Woloszynska (Dinophyta) by scanning electronmicroscopical survey....Pages 349-355
Long-term trends in species composition and diurnal migration of dinoflagellates in Lake Tovel (Trentino, Italy)....Pages 357-366
Planktic oscillatorialean cyanoprokaryotes (short review according to combined phenotype and molecular aspects)....Pages 367-382
A new planktic species of Pseudanabaena (Cyanoprokaryota, Oscillatoriales) from North American large lakes....Pages 383-388
Estimation of minimum sedimentary inoculum (akinete) pool of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii: a morphology and life-cycle based method....Pages 389-394
Equilibrium/steady-state concept in phytoplankton ecology....Pages 395-403
This volume summarises the outcome of the 13th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP) on if, and if so under what conditions phytoplankton assemblages reach equilibrium in natural environments. Quite a number of ecological concepts use terms such as: ecological equilibrium, stability, steady-state, climax, stable state, etc. However, these ecological concepts often have been "translations" of scientific theories developed in physics or chemistry but they almost always lack scientific corroboration, the problem being that often these concepts remain vague and they are not formally defined. Here an attempt to formally recognize what "equilibrium" is in phytoplankton ecology is traced. The book also contains papers by leading scientists on the taxonomy of two selected key groups: cryptomonads and filamentous cyanoprokaryotes. This volume is addressed to all those involved in phytoplankton taxonomy and ecology and in ecology itself.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
From IAAP to IAP....Pages 1-2
Are there steady-state phytoplankton assemblages in the field?....Pages 3-12
Life strategies, dominance patterns and mechanisms promoting species coexistence in phytoplankton communities along complex environmental gradients....Pages 13-36
Phytoplankton assemblage at equilibrium in large and deep subalpine lakes: a case study from Lago Maggiore (N. Italy)....Pages 37-48
Steady state phytoplankton in a deep pre-alpine lake: species and pigments of epilimnetic versus metalimnetic assemblages....Pages 49-64
Steady state phytoplankton assemblages during thermal stratification in deep alpine lakes. Do they occur?....Pages 65-72
The Effect of perturbations on phytoplankton assemblages in a deep reservoir (Vouglans, France)....Pages 73-83
Factors influencing the phytoplankton steady state assemblages in a drinking-water reservoir (Omerli reservoir, Istanbul)....Pages 85-95
Steady-state assemblages of phytoplankton in four temperate lakes (NE U.S.A.)....Pages 97-109
Phytoplankton assemblages and steady state in deep and shallow eutrophic lakes — an approach to differentiate the habitat properties of Oscillatoriales....Pages 111-121
Equilibrium phase conditions in shallow German lakes: How Cyanoprokaryota species establish a steady state phase in late summer....Pages 123-132
Steady-state assemblages in a Mediterranean hypertrophic reservoir. The role of Microcystis ecomorphological variability in maintaining an apparent equilibrium....Pages 133-143
Algal assemblage types of bog-lakes in Hungary and their relation to water chemistry, hydrological conditions and habitat diversity....Pages 145-155
Dominant species, functional assemblages and frequency of equilibrium phases in late summer phytoplankton assemblages in Hungarian small shallow lakes....Pages 157-168
Steady-state phytoplankton assemblages in shallow Bulgarian wetlands....Pages 169-176
Controlling factors of phytoplankton assemblages in wetlands: an experimental approach....Pages 177-186
Steady state of phytoplankton assemblage in the tropical Lake Catemaco (Mexico)....Pages 187-196
Do steady state assemblages occur in shallow lentic environments from wetlands?....Pages 197-209
The role of physical stability on the establishment of steady states in the phytoplankton community of two Maritime Antarctic lakes....Pages 211-224
A companion to the identification of cryptomonad flagellates (Cryptophyceae = Cryptomonadea)....Pages 225-270
Taxonomic notes on some freshwater planktonic Cryptophyceae based on light microscopy....Pages 271-283
Ecological and taxonomic observations on the flagellate algae characterising four years of enclosure experiments in Lake Tovel (Southern Alps)....Pages 285-296
How diverse are planktonic cryptomonads in Brazil? Advantages and difficulties of a taxonomic-biogeographical approach....Pages 297-306
Occurrence of Cryptophyceae and katablepharids in boreal lakes....Pages 307-314
Dominance patterns of planktonic algae in Swedish forest lakes....Pages 315-324
Distribution and seasonal dynamics of Cryptomonads in Sicilian water bodies....Pages 325-329
Flagellate algae (Chrysophyceae, Dinophyceae, Cryptophyceae) in 48 high mountain lakes of the Northern and Southern slope of the Eastern Alps: biodiversity, taxa distribution and their driving variables....Pages 331-348
Redefinition of Peridinium lomnickii Woloszynska (Dinophyta) by scanning electronmicroscopical survey....Pages 349-355
Long-term trends in species composition and diurnal migration of dinoflagellates in Lake Tovel (Trentino, Italy)....Pages 357-366
Planktic oscillatorialean cyanoprokaryotes (short review according to combined phenotype and molecular aspects)....Pages 367-382
A new planktic species of Pseudanabaena (Cyanoprokaryota, Oscillatoriales) from North American large lakes....Pages 383-388
Estimation of minimum sedimentary inoculum (akinete) pool of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii: a morphology and life-cycle based method....Pages 389-394
Equilibrium/steady-state concept in phytoplankton ecology....Pages 395-403