Ebook: Cardiovascular Disease: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms, Prevention, and Treatment
- Tags: Cardiology, Biochemistry general
- Series: GWUMC Department of Biochemistry Annual Spring Symposia
- Year: 1995
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The Fourteenth Washington International Spring Symposium, held in Washington, D.C., in June 1994, brought together over 400 leading scientists from 21 countries to review and update research on cardiovascular disease. This group satisfied the symposium goals of formulating a more comprehensive and integrated picture of the events contributing to atherosclerosis and of exploring modified gene expression as an to understanding the causes of atherosclerosis and providing clues to the approach prevention and treatment. This volume contains most of the papers presented at the eight plenary sessions together with selected contributions from the special sessions. The multidisciplinary nature of the chapters and their authors should stimulate the interests of biochemists, cell and molecular biologists, pathologists, pharmacologists, epidemiologists, nutritionists, and clinicians. The volume is divided into eight sections which reflect the focus of the plenary sessions. Part I focuses on the pathophysiology of atherosclerotic plaques and predicts that the nature of the fibrous cap of atheroma determines plaque disruption and clinical events. Papers in Part II deal with atherogenic lipoproteins. The introductory paper reviews the current view of the role of plasma lipoproteins in atherosclerosis. With respect to the newer members on the list,: [oxidized LDL, Lp(a)] evidence is provided that suggests the involvement of one major gene in the development of oxidized LDL lipids. the expression of inflammatory genes, and the development of aortic fatty streaks.
Atherogenesis: Lipid Accumulation and Plaque Disruption: Processes Triggering Clinical Instability in Coronary Disease-An Overview; B.G. Brown. Expression of 92 kDa Gelatinase in Human Atherosclerotic Lesions Following Recent Plaque Rupture; D.L. Brown.Atherogenic Lipoproteins: Current Concepts of the Plasma Lipoproteins and Their Role in Atherosclerosis-An Overview; H.B. Brewer, Jr. Homeostasis of Lipid Oxidation in the Artery Wall; A.M. Fogelman, etal.Antiatherogenesis/Cholesterol Removal Mechanisms: The Role of HDL Receptors in Removal of Cellular Cholesterol; J.F. Oram, et al.SignalTransduction in Vascular Proliferation: Identification of FGF1-Inducible Genes by Differential Display; J.A. Winkles, et al.Adhesion Pathobiology: Molecular Basis and Pathological Consequences of Neutrophil Adherence to Endothelium; J.M. Harlan, et al.Thrombosis/Fibrinolysis: Regulation of Vascular Fibrinolysis by Type 1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI1): D. Seiffert, et al.ModifiedGene Expression/Clues to Cause, Prevention, and Treatment ofAtherosclerosis: Genetic Factors Contributing to Atherosclerosis: From Humans to Mice and Back Again; C.H. Warden, A.J. Lusis.Atherosclerosis Prevention and Public Policy: Cholesterol and Mortality: What Can Metaanalysis Tell Us? D.J. Gordon. 35 additional articles. Index.
Atherogenesis: Lipid Accumulation and Plaque Disruption: Processes Triggering Clinical Instability in Coronary Disease-An Overview; B.G. Brown. Expression of 92 kDa Gelatinase in Human Atherosclerotic Lesions Following Recent Plaque Rupture; D.L. Brown.Atherogenic Lipoproteins: Current Concepts of the Plasma Lipoproteins and Their Role in Atherosclerosis-An Overview; H.B. Brewer, Jr. Homeostasis of Lipid Oxidation in the Artery Wall; A.M. Fogelman, etal.Antiatherogenesis/Cholesterol Removal Mechanisms: The Role of HDL Receptors in Removal of Cellular Cholesterol; J.F. Oram, et al.SignalTransduction in Vascular Proliferation: Identification of FGF1-Inducible Genes by Differential Display; J.A. Winkles, et al.Adhesion Pathobiology: Molecular Basis and Pathological Consequences of Neutrophil Adherence to Endothelium; J.M. Harlan, et al.Thrombosis/Fibrinolysis: Regulation of Vascular Fibrinolysis by Type 1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI1): D. Seiffert, et al.ModifiedGene Expression/Clues to Cause, Prevention, and Treatment ofAtherosclerosis: Genetic Factors Contributing to Atherosclerosis: From Humans to Mice and Back Again; C.H. Warden, A.J. Lusis.Atherosclerosis Prevention and Public Policy: Cholesterol and Mortality: What Can Metaanalysis Tell Us? D.J. Gordon. 35 additional articles. Index.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Lipid Accumulation and Plaque Disruption: Processes Triggering Clinical Instability in Coronary Disease....Pages 1-9
Expression of 92 KDA Gelatinase in Human Atherosclerotic Lesions Following Recent Plaque Rupture....Pages 11-17
Proteinases and Restenosis: Matrix Metalloproteinase and their Inhibitor and Activator....Pages 19-30
Current Concepts of the Plasma Lipoproteins and Their Role in Atherosclerosis....Pages 31-40
Homeostasis of Lipid Oxidation in the Artery Wall....Pages 41-43
Molecular Basis for the Lysine Binding Polymorphism of Lipoprotein(a)....Pages 45-47
Triglyceride-Rich Lipoprotein Metabolism and Diabetes....Pages 49-55
Apolipoprotein E: Paradoxes Abound....Pages 57-66
The Role of Second Messenger Pathways in the Pathophysiology of Hyperapob and Premature Coronary Artery Disease....Pages 67-73
The Role of HDL Receptors in Removal of Cellular Cholesterol....Pages 75-78
The Defect in HDL3 Mediated Efflux of Newly Synthesized Cholesterol is Associated with Impaired Activation of Protein Kinase C in Tangier Fibroblasts....Pages 79-87
Cholesterol Efflux from Cells in Culture: Studies with Lipid-Free Acceptors, Reconstituted Particles and Whole Serum....Pages 89-95
Apo A-I Containing Particles and Atherosclerosis....Pages 97-103
Vascular Endothelium: An Integrator of Pathophysiologic Stimuli in Cardiovascular Disease....Pages 105-107
Identification of FGF-1-Inducible Genes by Differential Display....Pages 109-120
Antioxidants and Endothelial Expression of Vcam-1: A Molecular Paradigm for Atherosclerosis....Pages 121-127
Mechanisms of Potentiation of Pdgf in Atherosclerosis....Pages 129-132
The Regulation of Normal and Pathological Angiogenesis by Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor....Pages 133-144
Developmentally Associated Gene Expression in Rabbit Vascular Smooth Muscle CeLLS....Pages 145-151
Molecular Basis and Pathologic Consequences of Neutrophil Adherence to Endothelium....Pages 153-157
The Distribution of Adhesion Molecules in Normal and Atherosclerotic Aarteries and Aortas....Pages 159-172
L-Selectin Regulation of Lymphocyte Homing and Leukocyte Rolling and Migration....Pages 173-184
L-Selectin, a Lectin-Like Receptor Involved in Normal Lymphocyte Recirculation and Inflammatory Leukocyte Trafficking....Pages 185-189
New Perspectives in P-Selectin Biology....Pages 191-197
Rat P-Selectin Mediates Neutrophil-Platelet Interactions Via two Sites (23–30, 76–90) Located on Its Lectin-Like Domain.....Pages 199-204
Regulation of Vascular Fibrinolysis by Type 1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor....Pages 205-209
Local Increase in Pai-2 on Stimulation of Monocytes with Modified Ldl....Pages 211-216
Structure, Function and Regulation of the Urokinase Receptor....Pages 217-221
Role of the Ldl Receptor-Related Protein in Proteinase and Lipoprotein Catabolism....Pages 223-233
Molecular Biology of Tf....Pages 235-247
Thrombin Receptor: Structure and Function....Pages 249-253
Antiplatelet Effects of Direct Acting Thrombin Inhibitors and Platelet Gpiib/Illa Antagonists: Comparative Analysis....Pages 255-267
Biosynthesis of Docosanoids by Human Platelet: Cardiovascular Properties....Pages 269-277
Plasma Coagulation Factors in Emergency Room Patients with Acute Chest Pain and Subsequent Hospitalization: Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Artery Disease, and Hypertension....Pages 279-289
Genetic Factors Contributing to Atherosclerosis: From Humans to Mice and Back Again....Pages 291-298
Genetic Manipulation of Lipoprotein Receptors: Implications for Lipid Metabolism and Atherosclerosis....Pages 299-306
Genetic Models of Vascular Disease....Pages 307-312
Generation and Characterization of Apolipoprotein Cl-Deficient Mice....Pages 313-315
Studies of Apolipoprotein B And Lipoprotein(a) in Transgenic Mice....Pages 317-322
Isolation of Novel Genes Regulated by Dietary Cholesterol by a Pcr-Based Subtraction Library....Pages 323-326
Cholesterol and Mortality: What Can Meta-Analysis Tell Us?....Pages 327-332
Screening for High Blood Cholesterol: A Risky Business....Pages 333-340
Cholesterol Lowering, Low Cholesterol, and Mortality....Pages 341-346
Bavarian Cholesterol Screening Project (Bcsp)....Pages 347-351
Back Matter....Pages 353-357
....Pages 359-366