Ebook: Nitroarenes: Occurrence, Metabolism, and Biological Impact
- Tags: Biochemistry general, Waste Management/Waste Technology, Ecotoxicology, Physical Chemistry
- Series: Environmental Science Research 40
- Year: 1990
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Prior to 1979, consideration of the problem of the carcinogenicity of the aromatic amine class of chemicals took place primarily in poster sessions and symposia of annual meetings of the American Association for Cancer Research and analogous international associations. In November 1979 the first meeting concerned with the aromatic amines was held in Rockville, Haryland under primary sponsorship of the National Cancer Institute. The proceedings from this meeting were published as Monograph 58 of the Journal of the National Cancel' Institute in 1981. The second meeting in this series, the Second International Conference on N-Substituted Aryl Compounds, was held in March/April of 1982 in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The National Cancer Institute and The National Center for Toxicological Research were the primary sponsors of this meeting. The proceedings were published as Volume 49 of the journal En-vil'onmental Health Perspectives in 1983. The third meeting in this series was held in April of 1987 at the Dearborn Hyatt in Dearborn, Michigan. The principal sponsor of this meeting was the Heyer L. Pre ntis Comprehensive Cancer Center of Metropolitan Detroit. The proceedings, Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Responses to Aromatic Amines and Nitroal'enes, were published in 1987 by Elsevier Press. The fourth meeting was held in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 15-19, 1989.
Front Matter....Pages i-ix
Evidence from Animal Studies for the Carcinogenicity of Inhaled Diesel Exhaust....Pages 1-13
Interpretation of Carcinogenicity and Effective Dose in Chronic Exposures of Rats to High Diesel Exhaust Concentrations....Pages 15-27
Carcinogenicity of Dinitroarenes in Rat Lung....Pages 29-37
In Vivo Metabolism and Genotoxic Effects of the Air Pollutant and Marker for Nitro-Pah’s, 2-Nitrofluorene....Pages 39-59
Nitroarenes: Their Detection, Mutagenicity and Occurrence in the Environment....Pages 61-72
The Atmospheric Formation of Nitroarenes and Their Occurrence in Ambient Air....Pages 73-84
Metabolism of 1-Nitropyrene Oxides and Effect of Nitrogen Dioxide on Arene Activation....Pages 85-93
Mutagenic and Biochemical Consequences of the Reaction of Arylamines with DNA....Pages 95-103
Mutagenesis Induced by a Single Acetylaminofluorene Adduct Within the NarI Site is Position Dependent....Pages 105-112
Unusual Hydrogen Bonding Patterns in 2-Aminofluorene (AF) and 2-Acetylaminofluorene (AAF) Modified DNA....Pages 113-123
DNA Adduct Formation During Chronic Administration of an Aromatic Amine....Pages 125-133
Aerial Oxidation of Acetylaminofluorene-Derived DNA Adducts....Pages 135-147
Mutations and Homologous Recombination Induced by N-Substituted Aryl Compounds in Mammalian Cells....Pages 149-156
Comparison of the Mutagenic Potency of DNA Adducts Formed by Reactive Derivatives of Aflatoxin, Benzidine and 1-Nitropyrene in a Plasmid System....Pages 157-166
Mutations Induced in the lacI Gene of E. coli by 1-Nitroso-8-Nitropyrene and Furylfuramide: The Influence of Plasmid pKM101 and Excision Repair on the Mutational Spectrum....Pages 167-180
DNA Adduct Formation by 1-Nitropyrene 4,5- and 9,10-Oxide....Pages 181-187
Nitropolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Diesel Exhaust: Potential Role of DNA Binding in Carcinogenicity....Pages 189-199
Validation/Application of 32P-Postlabeling Analysis for the Detection of DNA Adducts Resulting from Complex Air Pollution Sources Containing PAHs and Nitrated PAHs....Pages 201-209
Analysis of NO2-PAH DNA Adducts by Mass Spectrometry....Pages 211-217
Generation of Reactive Intermediates from 2-Nitrofluorene that Bind Covalently to DNA, RNA and Protein in Vitro and in Vivo in the RAT....Pages 219-230
Activation of Carcinogenic N-Arylhydroxamic Acids by Peroxidase/H2O2/Halide Systems: Route to C-Nitroso Aromatics....Pages 231-244
Biochemical Studies on the Putative Nitroso Metabolite of Chloramphenicol: A New Model for the Cause of Aplastic Anemia....Pages 245-255
Mechanisms of Fanft/Anft Induced Bladder Cancer....Pages 257-264
Mutagenic Arylazides, Arylnitrenes, Arylnitrenium Ions....Pages 265-271
Products Obtained by in Vitro Reaction of 4, 5-Epoxy-4, 5-Dihydro-1-Nitropyrene with DNA....Pages 273-284
Oxidative Metabolism of Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mammalian Cell Fractions....Pages 285-293
The Possible Role of Nitroarenes in Human Cancer....Pages 295-307
Reaction of Glutathione with 4-Nitrosobiphenyl....Pages 309-316
Determination of Carcinogenic Arylamine N-Oxidation Phenotype in Humans by Analysis of Caffeine Urinary Metabolites....Pages 317-317
Assessing the Biological Significance of Nitracrine Analogues: The Relationship Between Microbial and Mammalian Mutagenicity....Pages 318-318
An Evaluation of the Metabolism of 1-Nitro[14C]Pyrene by Rabbit Tracheal Epithelial Cells: Kinetic Analysis....Pages 319-319
Comparison of Anti-genotoxic Activities of Dibenzoylmethane, 1,3-Indandione and 2-(Methylmercapto)benzimidazole in Bacteria and Human Cells.....Pages 320-320
Differential Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of 1, 3- and 1, 6-Dinitropyrene in Mammilian Cell Lines Derived from Various Tissues and Species....Pages 321-321
Cooked-Meat Derived Aromatic Amine Mutagens and Their Immunoassay....Pages 322-322
Establishment of New Strains of S. Typhimurium Highly Sensitive to Nitroarenes and Aromatic Amines: TA98 and TA100 Substrains with Rich Nitroreductase or Acetyltransferase Activities....Pages 323-323
Back Matter....Pages 324-324
....Pages 325-325