Ebook: Organization and Decision Theory
- Tags: Operations Research/Decision Theory, Microeconomics
- Series: Recent Economic Thought Series 18
- Year: 1989
- Publisher: Springer Netherlands
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Ira Horowitz Depending upon one's perspective, the need to choose among alternatives can be an unwelcome but unavoidable responsibility, an exciting and challenging opportunity, a run-of-the-mill activity that one performs seem ingly "without thinking very much about it," or perhaps something in between. Your most recent selections from a restaurant menu, from a set of jobs or job candidates, or from a rent-or-buy or sell-or-Iease option, are cases in point. Oftentimes we are involved in group decision processes, such as the choice of a president, wherein one group member's unwelcome responsibility is another's exciting opportunity. Many of us that voted in the presidential elections of both 1956 and 1984, irrespective of political affiliation, experienced both emotions; others just pulled the lever or punched the card without thinking very much about it. Arriving at either an individual or a group decision can sometimes be a time consuming, torturous, and traumatic process that results in a long regretted choice that could have been reached right off the bat. On other occasions, the "just let's get it over with and get out of here" solution to a long-festering problem can yield rewards that are reaped for many 1 ORGANIZATION AND DECISION THEORY 2 years to come. One way or another, however, individuals and organiza tions somehow manage to get the decision-making job done, even if they don't quite understand, and often question, just how this was accomplished.
Front Matter....Pages i-ix
Introduction....Pages 1-11
Analytical Issues in Decision Methodology....Pages 13-62
Commentary....Pages 63-81
On Rationality....Pages 83-164
Commentary....Pages 165-170
Decision Analysis in Contemporary Organizations: Problems and Perspectives....Pages 171-203
Commentary....Pages 204-211
Implementing Decision Analysis: Problems and Opportunities....Pages 213-245
Commentary....Pages 246-253
Expert Systems....Pages 255-276
Commentary....Pages 277-288
Back Matter....Pages 289-294
Front Matter....Pages i-ix
Introduction....Pages 1-11
Analytical Issues in Decision Methodology....Pages 13-62
Commentary....Pages 63-81
On Rationality....Pages 83-164
Commentary....Pages 165-170
Decision Analysis in Contemporary Organizations: Problems and Perspectives....Pages 171-203
Commentary....Pages 204-211
Implementing Decision Analysis: Problems and Opportunities....Pages 213-245
Commentary....Pages 246-253
Expert Systems....Pages 255-276
Commentary....Pages 277-288
Back Matter....Pages 289-294