Ebook: Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations: Essays in Honor of Ennio De Giorgi
Author: William K. Allard (auth.) Ferruccio Colombini Antonio Marino Luciano Modica Sergio Spagnolo (eds.)
- Tags: Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control, Optimization
- Series: Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications 1
- Year: 1989
- Publisher: Birkhäuser Basel
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The Italian school of Mathematical Analysis has long and glo rious traditions. In the last thirty years it owes very much to the scientific pre-eminence of Ennio De Giorgi, Professor of Mathemati cal Analysis at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. His fundamental theorems in Calculus of Variations, in Minimal Surfaces Theory, in Partial Differential Equations, in Axiomatic Set Theory as well as the fertility of his mind to discover both general mathematical structures and techniques which frame many different problems, and profound and meaningful examples which show the limits of a theory and give origin to new results and theories, makes him an absolute reference point for all Italian mathematicians, and a well-known and valued personage in the international mathematical world. We have been students of Ennio de Giorgi. Now, we are glad to present to him, together with all his collegues, friends and former students, these Essays of Mathematical Analysis written in his hon our on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday (February 8th, 1988), with our best wishes and our thanks for all he gave in the past and will give us in the future. We have added to the research papers of this book the text of a conversation with Ennio De Giorgi about the diffusion and the communication of science and, in particular, of Mathematics.
Front Matter....Pages i-xxii
An Improvement of Cartan’s Test for Ordinarity....Pages 1-8
A Mathematical Contribution to Gibbs’s Analysis of Fluid Phases in Equilibrium....Pages 9-28
The Epi-Continuation Method for Minimization Problems. Relation with the Degree Theory of F. Browder for Maximal Monotone Operators....Pages 29-58
Discretization of Evolution Variational Inequalities....Pages 59-92
Homogenization for Non Linear Elliptic Equations with Random Highly Oscillatory Coefficients....Pages 93-133
Asymptotics for Elliptic Equations Involving Critical Growth....Pages 135-147
Asymptotic Behaviour for Dirichlet Problems in Domains Bounded by Thin Layers....Pages 149-192
Fundamental Interior Estimates for a Class of Second Order Elliptic Operators....Pages 193-249
?-Convergence of Integral Functionals Defined on Vector-Valued Functions....Pages 251-259
Limits of Obstacle Problems for the Area Functional....Pages 261-283
Some Remarks on the Well-Posedness of the Cauchy Problem in Gevrey Spaces....Pages 285-309
Approximating Measures and Rectifiable Curves....Pages 311-319
A Note on Duality and the Calculus of Variations....Pages 321-329
Some Results on Periodic Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Hilbert Spaces....Pages 331-353
Generalized Solutions to Ordinary Differential Equations with Discontinuous Right-Hand Sides Via ?-Convergence....Pages 355-358
Stationary Solutions of Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equations with an External Magnetic Field....Pages 359-370
On the Touching Principle....Pages 371-400
Generalized Solutions and Convex Duality in Optimal Control....Pages 401-449
Back Matter....Pages 451-460
Models of Self-Descriptive Set Theories....Pages 461-471
....Pages 519-519