Ebook: Mathematical Analysis of Decision Problems in Ecology: Proceedings of the NATO Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, July 9–13, 1973
- Tags: Ecology, Analysis, Mathematics general
- Series: Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 5
- Year: 1975
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The contents of this volume involve selection, emendation and up-dating of papers presented at the NATO Conference "Mathe matical Analysis of Decision problems in Ecology" in Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-13, 1973. It was sponsored by the System Sciences Division of NATO directed by Dr. B. Bayraktar with local arrange ments administered by Dr. Ilhami Karayalcin, professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Istanbul. It was organized by A. Charnes, University professor across the University of Texas System, and Walter R.Lynn, Di rector of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell Unjversity. The objective of the conference was to bring together a group of leading researchers from the major sciences involved in eco logical problems and to present the current state of progress in research of a mathematical nature which might assist in the solu tion of these problems. Although their presentations are not herein recorded, the key note address of Dr. John A. Logan, president, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and the presentation of Dr. Michael J. L. Kirby, then Assistant principal Secretary to the premier of Nova Scotia, Canada, greatly influenced the discussion of papers and their subsequent emendations and revisions.
Front Matter....Pages N1-VIII
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
An Hierarchical Goal Programming Approach to Environmental-Land Use Management....Pages 2-13
An Ecosystem Approach to Problem Solving....Pages 14-44
A Grazing Lands Simulation Model....Pages 45-83
Front Matter....Pages 84-84
Game Theoretic Approach to Equitable Regional Environmental Quality Management....Pages 85-115
Optimization Models for Regional Air Pollution Control....Pages 116-137
Environmental Noise Management....Pages 138-173
Models in Biological Wastewater Treatment: Objectives, Results, Applicability.....Pages 174-203
Biological Filter Design Optimization....Pages 204-247
Front Matter....Pages 248-248
Sampling & Mapping Reservoirs & Vectors of Human Disease....Pages 249-270
The Transmission and Control of Schistosome Infections....Pages 271-298
Simulation Models for Genetic Control Alternatives....Pages 299-317
Mathematical Models of the Sterile Male Technique of Insect Control....Pages 318-359
Front Matter....Pages 360-360
The Limits to Growth in a Neo-Classical Model....Pages 361-370
Dynamic Optimization of the Trade-Off between Production and Pollution....Pages 371-385
A “Pollution” Game: A Theoretical and Experimental Study....Pages 386-421
Back Matter....Pages 423-424
Front Matter....Pages N1-VIII
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
An Hierarchical Goal Programming Approach to Environmental-Land Use Management....Pages 2-13
An Ecosystem Approach to Problem Solving....Pages 14-44
A Grazing Lands Simulation Model....Pages 45-83
Front Matter....Pages 84-84
Game Theoretic Approach to Equitable Regional Environmental Quality Management....Pages 85-115
Optimization Models for Regional Air Pollution Control....Pages 116-137
Environmental Noise Management....Pages 138-173
Models in Biological Wastewater Treatment: Objectives, Results, Applicability.....Pages 174-203
Biological Filter Design Optimization....Pages 204-247
Front Matter....Pages 248-248
Sampling & Mapping Reservoirs & Vectors of Human Disease....Pages 249-270
The Transmission and Control of Schistosome Infections....Pages 271-298
Simulation Models for Genetic Control Alternatives....Pages 299-317
Mathematical Models of the Sterile Male Technique of Insect Control....Pages 318-359
Front Matter....Pages 360-360
The Limits to Growth in a Neo-Classical Model....Pages 361-370
Dynamic Optimization of the Trade-Off between Production and Pollution....Pages 371-385
A “Pollution” Game: A Theoretical and Experimental Study....Pages 386-421
Back Matter....Pages 423-424