Ebook: Turbulent Shear Flows 8: Selected Papers from the Eighth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Munich, Germany, September 9 – 11, 1991
- Tags: Fluid- and Aerodynamics
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the Eighth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows held at the Technical University of Munich, 9-11 September 1991. The first of these biennial international symposia was held at the Pennsylvania State Uni versity, USA, in 1977; subsequent symposia have been held at Imperial College, London, England; the University of California, Davis, USA; the University of Karlsruhe, Ger many; Cornell University, Ithaca, USA; the Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France; and Stanford University, California, USA. The purpose of this series of symposia is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of new developments in the field of turbulence, especially as related to shear flows of importance in engineering and geo physics. From the 330 extended abstracts submitted for this symposium, 145 papers were presented orally and 60 as posters. Out of these, we have selected twenty-four papers for inclusion in this volume, each of which has been revised and extended in accordance with the editors' recommendations. The following four theme areas were selected after consideration of the quality of the contributions, the importance of the area, and the selection made in earlier volumes: - wall flows, - separated flows, - compressibility effects, - buoyancy, rotation, and curvature effects. As in the past, each section corresponding to the above areas begins with an introduction by an authority in the field that places the individual contributions in context with one another and with related research.
This volume from the well-known series on turbulent shear flows contains four parts on wall flows, separated flows, compressibility effects and buoyancy, and rotation and curvature effects. Each section begins with an invited introductory article followed by a selection of thoroughly refereed papers rewritten and carefully edited for these proceedings. The book covers theoretical developments, experiments, and applications in the engineering sciences and geophysics, and addresses researchers, graduate students, and engineers.
This volume from the well-known series on turbulent shear flows contains four parts on wall flows, separated flows, compressibility effects and buoyancy, and rotation and curvature effects. Each section begins with an invited introductory article followed by a selection of thoroughly refereed papers rewritten and carefully edited for these proceedings. The book covers theoretical developments, experiments, and applications in the engineering sciences and geophysics, and addresses researchers, graduate students, and engineers.
Front Matter....Pages I-VIII
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Introductory Remarks....Pages 3-5
Effects of Adverse Pressure Gradients on Mean Flows and Turbulence Statistics in a Boundary Layer....Pages 7-21
Three-Dimensional Vortical Structure of a Large-Scale Coherent Vortex in a Turbulent Boundary Layer....Pages 23-36
On the Origin of Streaks in Turbulent Shear Flows....Pages 37-49
Turbulence in High-Frequency Periodic Fully-Developed Pipe Flow....Pages 51-65
A Model Equation for Transitional and Turbulent Plane Channel Flow....Pages 67-80
Contribution to the Modelling of Near-Wall Turbulence....Pages 81-96
Direct Numerical Simulation of Low Prandtl Number Thermal Field in a Turbulent Channel Flow....Pages 97-119
Front Matter....Pages 121-121
Introductory Remarks....Pages 123-125
Flow Around Surface-Mounted, Three-Dimensional Obstacles....Pages 127-139
Measurements and Modelling of the Turbulent Near Wake Flow of a Disk With a Central Jet....Pages 141-153
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow Over and Around a Cube in a Plate Channel....Pages 155-168
Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow with Separation....Pages 169-187
Calculation of Vortex Shedding Past a Square Cylinder with Various Turbulence Models....Pages 189-204
Second-Moment Modelling of Recirculating Flow with a Non-Orthogonal Collocated Finite-Volume Algorithm....Pages 205-222
Front Matter....Pages 223-223
Introductory Remarks....Pages 225-228
An Experiment on Free Turbulence/Shock Wave Interaction....Pages 229-248
Compressible Homogeneous Shear: Simulation and Modeling....Pages 249-267
Simulation and Modeling of Homogeneous Compressible Turbulence Under Isotropic Mean Compression....Pages 269-282
Compressible Turbulence Subjected to Shear and Rapid Compression....Pages 283-296
Front Matter....Pages 223-223
The Effect of Compressibility on Conserved Scalar Entrainment in a Plane Free Shear Layer....Pages 297-311
Front Matter....Pages 313-313
Introductory Remarks....Pages 315-317
Some Further Exploration of Turbulence Models for Buoyancy Driven Flows....Pages 319-341
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Convective Boundary Layer: A Comparison of Four Computer Codes....Pages 343-367
Effects of Solid Body Rotation on the Transport of Turbulence....Pages 369-381
Scaling and Structure of Turbulent Eddies in Curved Sheared Flows....Pages 383-401
Experimental Investigation of the Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer on a Rotating Disk....Pages 403-414
Reorganization of Coherent Vortices in Shear Layers under the Action of Solid-Body Rotation....Pages 415-430
Back Matter....Pages 431-431
This volume from the well-known series on turbulent shear flows contains four parts on wall flows, separated flows, compressibility effects and buoyancy, and rotation and curvature effects. Each section begins with an invited introductory article followed by a selection of thoroughly refereed papers rewritten and carefully edited for these proceedings. The book covers theoretical developments, experiments, and applications in the engineering sciences and geophysics, and addresses researchers, graduate students, and engineers.
Front Matter....Pages I-VIII
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Introductory Remarks....Pages 3-5
Effects of Adverse Pressure Gradients on Mean Flows and Turbulence Statistics in a Boundary Layer....Pages 7-21
Three-Dimensional Vortical Structure of a Large-Scale Coherent Vortex in a Turbulent Boundary Layer....Pages 23-36
On the Origin of Streaks in Turbulent Shear Flows....Pages 37-49
Turbulence in High-Frequency Periodic Fully-Developed Pipe Flow....Pages 51-65
A Model Equation for Transitional and Turbulent Plane Channel Flow....Pages 67-80
Contribution to the Modelling of Near-Wall Turbulence....Pages 81-96
Direct Numerical Simulation of Low Prandtl Number Thermal Field in a Turbulent Channel Flow....Pages 97-119
Front Matter....Pages 121-121
Introductory Remarks....Pages 123-125
Flow Around Surface-Mounted, Three-Dimensional Obstacles....Pages 127-139
Measurements and Modelling of the Turbulent Near Wake Flow of a Disk With a Central Jet....Pages 141-153
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow Over and Around a Cube in a Plate Channel....Pages 155-168
Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow with Separation....Pages 169-187
Calculation of Vortex Shedding Past a Square Cylinder with Various Turbulence Models....Pages 189-204
Second-Moment Modelling of Recirculating Flow with a Non-Orthogonal Collocated Finite-Volume Algorithm....Pages 205-222
Front Matter....Pages 223-223
Introductory Remarks....Pages 225-228
An Experiment on Free Turbulence/Shock Wave Interaction....Pages 229-248
Compressible Homogeneous Shear: Simulation and Modeling....Pages 249-267
Simulation and Modeling of Homogeneous Compressible Turbulence Under Isotropic Mean Compression....Pages 269-282
Compressible Turbulence Subjected to Shear and Rapid Compression....Pages 283-296
Front Matter....Pages 223-223
The Effect of Compressibility on Conserved Scalar Entrainment in a Plane Free Shear Layer....Pages 297-311
Front Matter....Pages 313-313
Introductory Remarks....Pages 315-317
Some Further Exploration of Turbulence Models for Buoyancy Driven Flows....Pages 319-341
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Convective Boundary Layer: A Comparison of Four Computer Codes....Pages 343-367
Effects of Solid Body Rotation on the Transport of Turbulence....Pages 369-381
Scaling and Structure of Turbulent Eddies in Curved Sheared Flows....Pages 383-401
Experimental Investigation of the Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer on a Rotating Disk....Pages 403-414
Reorganization of Coherent Vortices in Shear Layers under the Action of Solid-Body Rotation....Pages 415-430
Back Matter....Pages 431-431