Ebook: The Nuclear Equation of State: Part A: Discovery of Nuclear Shock Waves and the EOS
- Tags: Astronomy Observations and Techniques, Classical and Quantum Gravitation Relativity Theory, Nuclear Physics Heavy Ions Hadrons, Theoretical Mathematical and Computational Physics
- Series: NATO ASI Series 216a
- Year: 1989
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The NATO Advanced Study Institute on The Nuclear Equatioo of State was held at Peiiiscola Spain from May 22- June 3, 1989. The school was devoted to the advances, theoretical and experimental, made during the past fifteen years in the physics of nuclear matter under extreme conditions, such as high compression and high temperature. Moie than 300 people had applied for participatio- this demonstrates the tremendous interest in the various subjects presented at the school. Indeed, the topic of this school, namely the Nuclear Equatioo of State, • plays the central role in high energy heavy ion collisions; • contains the intriguing possibilities of various phase transitions (gas - vapor, meson condensation, quark - gluon plasma); • plays an important role in the static and dynamical behavior of stars, especially in supernova explosions and in neutron star stability. The investigation on the nuclear equation of state can only be accomplished in the laboratory by compressing and heating up nuclear matter and the only mechanism known to date to achieve this goal is through shock compression and -heating in violent high energy heavy ion collisions. This key mechanism has been proposed and highly disputed in of high energy heavy ion physics, the early 70's. It plays a central role in the whole field and particularly in our discussions during the two weeks at Peiiiscola.
Front Matter....Pages i-xiii
Opening Remarks....Pages 1-29
Collective Flow Measured with the Plastic Ball....Pages 31-43
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions studied with the Streamer Chamber at the BEVALAC....Pages 45-61
Fragment Flow and Squeeze-Out of Hot Dense Nuclear Matter....Pages 63-80
Stopping Power and the Equation of State at Intermediate Energy....Pages 81-86
Collective Flow Measurements in Asymmetric Nuclear Collisions....Pages 87-96
4? Fragment Measurements at MSU and the Nuclear Equation of State....Pages 97-113
Collective Flow of Charged Fragments and Neutrons from Bevalac Experiment 848H....Pages 115-121
Pion and Proton Emission in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 123-131
Hard Photons and Subthreshold Mesons from Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions....Pages 133-146
Hard Photons from Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 147-159
Production of Lepton Pairs at the LBL Bevalac....Pages 161-175
Intermediate Mass Fragment Emission in the Reactions Nb + Au And Fe + Au At 50 to 100 Mev/A....Pages 177-185
The HISS TPC....Pages 187-195
The Equation of State and Viscosity in the Hydrodynamic Model....Pages 197-220
Transport Theory, Viscosity and Kaon Production....Pages 221-237
Study of Observables from Heavy Ion Data using VUU and QMD Calculations....Pages 239-255
Medium Effects and Nuclear Transport Theory....Pages 257-271
Many Body Modes of Excitation in Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 273-281
How to extract the nuclear equation of state from heavy ion data....Pages 283-291
Transverse Momentum Generation and Dilepton Emission in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 293-309
Relativistic Vlasov-Uehling-Uhlenbeck Model for High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions....Pages 311-320
The Relativistic BUU Approach — Analysis of Retardation Effects and Thermal Properties....Pages 321-330
High Energy Photons and Pions in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Reactions....Pages 331-340
Photon and Pion Production in Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 341-351
Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 353-362
On the Derivation of the Quantum Molecular Dynamics Approach....Pages 363-373
Fermionic Molecular Dynamics....Pages 375-387
Mean Field and Collisions in Hot Nuclei....Pages 389-399
Nuclear Multifragmentation and the Equation of State....Pages 401-412
Medium Energy Collisions and Multifragmentation....Pages 413-422
Introductory Remarks to the Lectures of Erwin Schopper and Arthur M. Poskanzer....Pages 423-425
Early History of Shock Waves in Heavy Ion Collisions (The Frankfurt Group)....Pages 427-446
A History of Central Collisions at the Bevalac....Pages 447-462
The SIS/ESR-Project at GSI — Present and Future....Pages 463-476
High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions and the Rhic Project at Brookhaven....Pages 477-484
Adaptation of the Theory of Superconductivity to the Behavior of Oxides....Pages 485-495
High Pressure Equation of State in Various Areas of Physics — Overview....Pages 497-511
Scale Transformations, the Energy-Momentum Tensor and the Equation of State....Pages 513-520
Density Functional Theory at Finite Temperatures....Pages 521-532
The Collective Spin of Nuclear Surface Vibrations....Pages 533-539
Review of the Current Status of Cold Fusion....Pages 541-556
Coulomb Assisted Cold Fusion....Pages 557-560
Cold Confusion....Pages 561-565
The Nuclear Matter Saturation Problem....Pages 567-584
Variational Theory of Nuclear and Neutron Matter....Pages 585-604
Exploring Many-Body Theories in Light Nuclei....Pages 605-614
Spectral Functions and the Momentum Distribution of Nuclear Matter....Pages 615-624
Meson and Quark Degrees of Freedom in Nuclear Matter and Finite Nuclei....Pages 625-634
The Relativistic Mean-Field Model of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics....Pages 635-647
The Giant Monopole Resonance and the Compressibility of Nuclear Matter....Pages 649-660
The Nuclear Matter Compressibility from Breathing Mode: A Semi-Phenomenological Approach....Pages 661-678
Nuclear Compression Modulus from Monopole Data....Pages 679-688
Constraints on the Nuclear Equation of State from Type II Supernovae and Newly Born Neutron Stars....Pages 689-719
The Hadronic Equation of State and Supernovae....Pages 721-730
Supernovae and Stellar Collapse....Pages 731-750
Neutron Stars, Fast Pulsars, Supernovae and the Equation of State of Dense Matter....Pages 751-774
Constraints on the equation of state for neutron stars from fast rotating pulsars....Pages 775-784
Neutron Star Calculations in the Relativistic Hartree- And Hartree-Fock Approximation....Pages 785-792
The Equation of State and Properties of Neutron Stars....Pages 793-797
Back Matter....Pages 799-802
Front Matter....Pages i-xiii
Opening Remarks....Pages 1-29
Collective Flow Measured with the Plastic Ball....Pages 31-43
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions studied with the Streamer Chamber at the BEVALAC....Pages 45-61
Fragment Flow and Squeeze-Out of Hot Dense Nuclear Matter....Pages 63-80
Stopping Power and the Equation of State at Intermediate Energy....Pages 81-86
Collective Flow Measurements in Asymmetric Nuclear Collisions....Pages 87-96
4? Fragment Measurements at MSU and the Nuclear Equation of State....Pages 97-113
Collective Flow of Charged Fragments and Neutrons from Bevalac Experiment 848H....Pages 115-121
Pion and Proton Emission in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 123-131
Hard Photons and Subthreshold Mesons from Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions....Pages 133-146
Hard Photons from Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 147-159
Production of Lepton Pairs at the LBL Bevalac....Pages 161-175
Intermediate Mass Fragment Emission in the Reactions Nb + Au And Fe + Au At 50 to 100 Mev/A....Pages 177-185
The HISS TPC....Pages 187-195
The Equation of State and Viscosity in the Hydrodynamic Model....Pages 197-220
Transport Theory, Viscosity and Kaon Production....Pages 221-237
Study of Observables from Heavy Ion Data using VUU and QMD Calculations....Pages 239-255
Medium Effects and Nuclear Transport Theory....Pages 257-271
Many Body Modes of Excitation in Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 273-281
How to extract the nuclear equation of state from heavy ion data....Pages 283-291
Transverse Momentum Generation and Dilepton Emission in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 293-309
Relativistic Vlasov-Uehling-Uhlenbeck Model for High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions....Pages 311-320
The Relativistic BUU Approach — Analysis of Retardation Effects and Thermal Properties....Pages 321-330
High Energy Photons and Pions in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Reactions....Pages 331-340
Photon and Pion Production in Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 341-351
Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 353-362
On the Derivation of the Quantum Molecular Dynamics Approach....Pages 363-373
Fermionic Molecular Dynamics....Pages 375-387
Mean Field and Collisions in Hot Nuclei....Pages 389-399
Nuclear Multifragmentation and the Equation of State....Pages 401-412
Medium Energy Collisions and Multifragmentation....Pages 413-422
Introductory Remarks to the Lectures of Erwin Schopper and Arthur M. Poskanzer....Pages 423-425
Early History of Shock Waves in Heavy Ion Collisions (The Frankfurt Group)....Pages 427-446
A History of Central Collisions at the Bevalac....Pages 447-462
The SIS/ESR-Project at GSI — Present and Future....Pages 463-476
High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions and the Rhic Project at Brookhaven....Pages 477-484
Adaptation of the Theory of Superconductivity to the Behavior of Oxides....Pages 485-495
High Pressure Equation of State in Various Areas of Physics — Overview....Pages 497-511
Scale Transformations, the Energy-Momentum Tensor and the Equation of State....Pages 513-520
Density Functional Theory at Finite Temperatures....Pages 521-532
The Collective Spin of Nuclear Surface Vibrations....Pages 533-539
Review of the Current Status of Cold Fusion....Pages 541-556
Coulomb Assisted Cold Fusion....Pages 557-560
Cold Confusion....Pages 561-565
The Nuclear Matter Saturation Problem....Pages 567-584
Variational Theory of Nuclear and Neutron Matter....Pages 585-604
Exploring Many-Body Theories in Light Nuclei....Pages 605-614
Spectral Functions and the Momentum Distribution of Nuclear Matter....Pages 615-624
Meson and Quark Degrees of Freedom in Nuclear Matter and Finite Nuclei....Pages 625-634
The Relativistic Mean-Field Model of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics....Pages 635-647
The Giant Monopole Resonance and the Compressibility of Nuclear Matter....Pages 649-660
The Nuclear Matter Compressibility from Breathing Mode: A Semi-Phenomenological Approach....Pages 661-678
Nuclear Compression Modulus from Monopole Data....Pages 679-688
Constraints on the Nuclear Equation of State from Type II Supernovae and Newly Born Neutron Stars....Pages 689-719
The Hadronic Equation of State and Supernovae....Pages 721-730
Supernovae and Stellar Collapse....Pages 731-750
Neutron Stars, Fast Pulsars, Supernovae and the Equation of State of Dense Matter....Pages 751-774
Constraints on the equation of state for neutron stars from fast rotating pulsars....Pages 775-784
Neutron Star Calculations in the Relativistic Hartree- And Hartree-Fock Approximation....Pages 785-792
The Equation of State and Properties of Neutron Stars....Pages 793-797
Back Matter....Pages 799-802