Ebook: Turbulent Shear Flows 6: Selected Papers from the Sixth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, September 7–9, 1987
- Tags: Fluid- and Aerodynamics
- Year: 1989
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Since the inaugural symposium at the Pennsylvania State University in 1977, the venues for the series of biennial symposia on turbulent shear flows have alternated between the USA and Europe. For the Sixth Symposium, the first to be held in France, the city of Toulouse proved a natura] choice, being a centre for the aerospace industry, meteorological research and higher education. The meeting was hosted by the Paul Sabatier University on the southern perimeter of the city, and there nearly 300 workers in the field of turbulence converged to pronounce upon, debate and absorb the current issues in turbulent shear flows and to enjoy the unfailing September sunshine. The meeting had attracted more than 200 offers of papers from which just over 100 full papers and about 20 shorter communications in open forums could be accommodated. The present volume contains 28 of the original symposium presentations selected by the editors. Each contribution has been revised by its authors - sometimes quite extensively -in the light of the oral presentation. It is our hope that the selection provides a substantial statement of permanent interest on current research in the five areas covered by this book, i.e. fundamentals and closures, scalar transport and geophysical flows, aerodynamic flows, complex flows, and numerical simulations.
Front Matter....Pages I-IX
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Introductory Remarks....Pages 3-5
MIS: A Way to Derive the Dissipation Equation....Pages 6-17
The Calculation of the Flow through a Two-dimensional Faired Diffuser....Pages 18-31
The Distortion of Weak Turbulence by High Strain....Pages 32-45
Experimental Study of Homogeneous Turbulence in the Presence of Rotation....Pages 46-57
Study of Lagrangian Characteristic times Using Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulence....Pages 58-67
An Eigenfunction Analysis of Turbulent Thermal Convection....Pages 68-77
Front Matter....Pages 79-79
Introduction: A Note on Passive Scalar Transport in Turbulence....Pages 81-84
Transport of Passive Scalars in a Turbulent Channel Flow....Pages 85-96
Turbulent Diffusion Behind a Heated Line Source in a Nearly Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow....Pages 97-108
Scalar Mixing Layer in Grid Turbulence with Transport of Passive and Reactive Species....Pages 109-118
Turbulent Temperature Mixing Layer: Measurement and Modelling....Pages 119-128
Turbulent Transport and Evaporation of Droplets Generated at an Air-Water Interface....Pages 129-147
Front Matter....Pages 149-149
Introductory Remarks....Pages 151-153
Statistical Characteristics of the Velocity Incidence in a Decelerated Boundary Layer....Pages 154-163
Manipulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers in Zero-Pressure Gradient Flows: Detailed experiments and Modelling....Pages 164-178
Some Similarities Between Turbulent Boundary Layers Manipulated by Thin and Thick Flat Plate Manipulators....Pages 179-193
A Study of Turbulence Modelling in Transonic Shock-Wave Boundary-Layer Interactions....Pages 194-214
Evolution of Axisymmetric Wakes From Attached and Separated Flows....Pages 215-231
Time-Dependent Structure in Wing-Body Junction Flows....Pages 232-248
Front Matter....Pages 249-249
Introduction....Pages 251-253
Computational Study of the Unsteady Flow due to Wakes Passing Through a Channel....Pages 255-268
The Effect of Lateral Divergence on the Structure of a Turbulent Channel Flow and Its Heat Transfer....Pages 269-282
Vortex Street and Turbulent Wakes behind a Circular Cylinder Placed in a Rotating Rectangular Channel....Pages 283-298
Shear Layers Bounding Separated Regions....Pages 299-312
Turbulent Structure of Backward-Facing Step Flow and Coherent Vortex Shedding from Reattachment in Open-Channel Flows....Pages 313-337
Experimental Investigation of the Flow Through an Axisymmetric Constriction....Pages 338-350
Front Matter....Pages 351-351
Introduction....Pages 353-359
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Plane Shear Layers....Pages 360-380
A Numerical Study of a Stably-Stratified Mixing Layer....Pages 381-397
Turbulence Submitted to Stable Density Stratification: Large-Eddy Simulations and Statistical Theory....Pages 398-416
Direct Simulation of a Turbulent Oscillating Boundary Layer....Pages 417-440
Some Inlet-Plane Effects on the Numerically Simulated Spatially-Developing Mixing Layer....Pages 441-454
Back Matter....Pages 455-455
Front Matter....Pages I-IX
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Introductory Remarks....Pages 3-5
MIS: A Way to Derive the Dissipation Equation....Pages 6-17
The Calculation of the Flow through a Two-dimensional Faired Diffuser....Pages 18-31
The Distortion of Weak Turbulence by High Strain....Pages 32-45
Experimental Study of Homogeneous Turbulence in the Presence of Rotation....Pages 46-57
Study of Lagrangian Characteristic times Using Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulence....Pages 58-67
An Eigenfunction Analysis of Turbulent Thermal Convection....Pages 68-77
Front Matter....Pages 79-79
Introduction: A Note on Passive Scalar Transport in Turbulence....Pages 81-84
Transport of Passive Scalars in a Turbulent Channel Flow....Pages 85-96
Turbulent Diffusion Behind a Heated Line Source in a Nearly Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow....Pages 97-108
Scalar Mixing Layer in Grid Turbulence with Transport of Passive and Reactive Species....Pages 109-118
Turbulent Temperature Mixing Layer: Measurement and Modelling....Pages 119-128
Turbulent Transport and Evaporation of Droplets Generated at an Air-Water Interface....Pages 129-147
Front Matter....Pages 149-149
Introductory Remarks....Pages 151-153
Statistical Characteristics of the Velocity Incidence in a Decelerated Boundary Layer....Pages 154-163
Manipulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers in Zero-Pressure Gradient Flows: Detailed experiments and Modelling....Pages 164-178
Some Similarities Between Turbulent Boundary Layers Manipulated by Thin and Thick Flat Plate Manipulators....Pages 179-193
A Study of Turbulence Modelling in Transonic Shock-Wave Boundary-Layer Interactions....Pages 194-214
Evolution of Axisymmetric Wakes From Attached and Separated Flows....Pages 215-231
Time-Dependent Structure in Wing-Body Junction Flows....Pages 232-248
Front Matter....Pages 249-249
Introduction....Pages 251-253
Computational Study of the Unsteady Flow due to Wakes Passing Through a Channel....Pages 255-268
The Effect of Lateral Divergence on the Structure of a Turbulent Channel Flow and Its Heat Transfer....Pages 269-282
Vortex Street and Turbulent Wakes behind a Circular Cylinder Placed in a Rotating Rectangular Channel....Pages 283-298
Shear Layers Bounding Separated Regions....Pages 299-312
Turbulent Structure of Backward-Facing Step Flow and Coherent Vortex Shedding from Reattachment in Open-Channel Flows....Pages 313-337
Experimental Investigation of the Flow Through an Axisymmetric Constriction....Pages 338-350
Front Matter....Pages 351-351
Introduction....Pages 353-359
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Plane Shear Layers....Pages 360-380
A Numerical Study of a Stably-Stratified Mixing Layer....Pages 381-397
Turbulence Submitted to Stable Density Stratification: Large-Eddy Simulations and Statistical Theory....Pages 398-416
Direct Simulation of a Turbulent Oscillating Boundary Layer....Pages 417-440
Some Inlet-Plane Effects on the Numerically Simulated Spatially-Developing Mixing Layer....Pages 441-454
Back Matter....Pages 455-455