Ebook: Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics
Author: Setsuo Ichimaru Hiroshi Iyetomi Shigenori Tanaka (auth.) Forrest J. Rogers Hugh E. Dewitt (eds.)
- Tags: Nuclear Physics Heavy Ions Hadrons
- Series: NATO ASI Series 154
- Year: 1987
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
A NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics was held on the Santa Cruz Campus of the University of California, from August 4 through August 9, 1986. It was attended by 80 participants from 13 countries, 45 of whom were invited speakers. The present volume contains the texts of the invited talks and many of the contributed papers. The relative length of each text is roughly proportional to the length of the workshop presentation. The aim of the workshop was to bring together leading researchers from a number of related disciplines in which strong Coulomb interactions play a dominant role. Compared to the 1977 meeting in Orleans-la-Source, France and the 1982 meeting in Les-Houches, France, it is apparent that the field of strongly coupled plasmas has expanded greatly and has become a very significant field of physics with a wide range of applications. This workshop had a far greater participation of experimental researchers than did the previous two, and some confrontations of real experiments with theoretical calculations occurred. In the two earlier meetings the theoretical presentations were dominated by numerical simulations of static and dynamic properties of various strongly coupled plasmas. The dearth of experiments in the 1970's is now replaced by some very good experimental efforts.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Thermodynamic Functions, Transport Coefficients and Dynamic Correlations in Dense Plasmas....Pages 3-18
Static and Dynamic Properties of Strongly-Coupled Classical One-Component Plasmas: Numerical Experiments on Supercooled Liquid State and Simulation of Ion Plasma in the Penning Trap....Pages 19-33
Extraction of the One-Component Plasma Bridge Function from Computer Simulation Data....Pages 35-39
Some Properties of a Polarized OCP....Pages 41-44
Perturbation Theory of the Miscibility Gap in Metal Salt Solutions....Pages 45-49
Front Matter....Pages 51-51
A High-?, Strongly-Coupled, Non-Neutral Ion Plasma....Pages 53-64
Laser Scattering Measurements of Thermal Entropy and Ion-Acoustic Fluctuations in Collision-Dominated Plasmas....Pages 65-75
Production and Diagnosis of Dense Cool Alkali Plasmas....Pages 77-85
Shock Waves and Thermodynamics of Strongly Compressed Plasmas....Pages 87-97
Strongly-Coupled Plasma Diagnostics and Experimental Determination of DC Electrical Conductivity....Pages 99-108
Front Matter....Pages 109-109
Two-Component Plasmas in Two and Three Dimensions....Pages 111-122
Kinetic Theory of the Interdiffusion Coefficient in Dense Plasmas....Pages 123-132
Transport Properties of a Fully Ionized Plasma: Semi-Classical or Quantum Mechanical Approach....Pages 133-136
Front Matter....Pages 137-137
Dense Matter in Astrophysics: Selected Topics....Pages 139-150
Transport Processes and Neutrino Emission Processes in Dense Astrophysical Plasmas....Pages 151-159
White Dwarf Stars: Laboratories for Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics....Pages 161-172
Toward an Improved Pure Hydrogen EOS for Astrophysical Applications....Pages 173-177
Solar Oscillations and the Equation of State....Pages 179-182
Front Matter....Pages 183-183
Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Transitions in Hydrogen and Rare Gas Plasmas....Pages 185-198
Nonideal Plasmas and Bound States....Pages 199-213
Front Matter....Pages 183-183
Higher-Order Levinson Theorems and the Planck-Larkin Partition Function for Reacting Plasmas....Pages 215-228
Metallic Lithium by Quantum Monte Carlo....Pages 229-238
Thomas-Fermi Theory and its Generalizations, Applied to Strongly Coupled Plasmas....Pages 239-251
The Thomas-Fermi and Related Models....Pages 253-260
Occupation Numbers in Partially Ionized Plasmas....Pages 261-265
Thomas Fermi Calculation of the Degree of Ionization in a Dense Plasma....Pages 267-272
Front Matter....Pages 273-273
Density Functional Methods in Hot Dense Plasmas....Pages 275-292
Description of Atomic Species in Dense Plasmas using a Density-Functional-Theory Approach....Pages 293-303
The Freezing of Charged and Uncharged Hard-Sphere Systems....Pages 305-313
Atomic Structure of an Impurity Neon in Liquid Metallic Hydrogen....Pages 315-328
Front Matter....Pages 329-329
Solvable Models of Coulomb Systems in Two Dimensions....Pages 331-347
Charge Correlations and Sum Rules in Coulomb Systems I....Pages 349-355
Charge Correlations and Sum Rules in Coulomb Systems II: Dynamics....Pages 357-364
Theory of the Strongly Coupled 2-D Plasma with the 1/r Potential....Pages 365-377
Front Matter....Pages 379-379
Metallic Fluids in the Critical Region....Pages 381-394
Acoustic Velocity Measurements on Fluid Metals from Two-Fold Compressions to Two-Fold Expansions....Pages 395-406
Structure of the Jovian Envelope and the Equation of State of Dense Hydrogen....Pages 407-413
Front Matter....Pages 415-415
Nonlinear Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorems and their Applications to Dynamical Problems in Strongly Coupled Plasmas....Pages 417-430
Collective Modes and Mode Coupling for a Dense Plasma in a Magnetic Field....Pages 431-440
Ion Stopping Power in Dense Partially Degenerate Plasmas....Pages 441-462
Front Matter....Pages 415-415
Exact Asymptotic Expression for the Static Dielectric Function of a Uniform Electron Liquid at Large Wave Vectors....Pages 463-482
The Strongly Coupled OCP Plasmon Dispersion for Finite Wavenumbers....Pages 483-490
Front Matter....Pages 491-491
Electric Microfield Distributions....Pages 493-509
Optical Properties of Non-Ideal Plasmas....Pages 511-526
Simulation Studies of Ion Dynamic Effects on Dense Plasma Line Shapes....Pages 527-538
Electric Microfield Distributions in Strongly Coupled Plasmas from Integral Equation Solutions....Pages 539-543
Effects of Dielectronic Satellite Broadening on the Emission Spectra From Hot Plasmas....Pages 545-548
Influence of Effective Interionic Potentials on the Low Frequency Electric Microfield Distributions in Dense Semi-Classical Hydrogen Plasmas....Pages 549-558
Stark Effect in Dense, Correlated Plasmas....Pages 559-563
Resonant Absorption in Dense Cesium Plasma....Pages 565-569
Front Matter....Pages 571-571
Onsager-Thomas-Fermi “Atoms” and “Molecules”: “Chemistry” of Correlations in Dense Plasmas....Pages 573-585
Quantal Hypernetted Chain Equation Applied to Liquid Metallic Hydrogen....Pages 587-596
Computation of an Improved Integral Equation by Non Linear Resummation of the First Graphs of the Bridge Function....Pages 597-601
Back Matter....Pages 603-610
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Thermodynamic Functions, Transport Coefficients and Dynamic Correlations in Dense Plasmas....Pages 3-18
Static and Dynamic Properties of Strongly-Coupled Classical One-Component Plasmas: Numerical Experiments on Supercooled Liquid State and Simulation of Ion Plasma in the Penning Trap....Pages 19-33
Extraction of the One-Component Plasma Bridge Function from Computer Simulation Data....Pages 35-39
Some Properties of a Polarized OCP....Pages 41-44
Perturbation Theory of the Miscibility Gap in Metal Salt Solutions....Pages 45-49
Front Matter....Pages 51-51
A High-?, Strongly-Coupled, Non-Neutral Ion Plasma....Pages 53-64
Laser Scattering Measurements of Thermal Entropy and Ion-Acoustic Fluctuations in Collision-Dominated Plasmas....Pages 65-75
Production and Diagnosis of Dense Cool Alkali Plasmas....Pages 77-85
Shock Waves and Thermodynamics of Strongly Compressed Plasmas....Pages 87-97
Strongly-Coupled Plasma Diagnostics and Experimental Determination of DC Electrical Conductivity....Pages 99-108
Front Matter....Pages 109-109
Two-Component Plasmas in Two and Three Dimensions....Pages 111-122
Kinetic Theory of the Interdiffusion Coefficient in Dense Plasmas....Pages 123-132
Transport Properties of a Fully Ionized Plasma: Semi-Classical or Quantum Mechanical Approach....Pages 133-136
Front Matter....Pages 137-137
Dense Matter in Astrophysics: Selected Topics....Pages 139-150
Transport Processes and Neutrino Emission Processes in Dense Astrophysical Plasmas....Pages 151-159
White Dwarf Stars: Laboratories for Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics....Pages 161-172
Toward an Improved Pure Hydrogen EOS for Astrophysical Applications....Pages 173-177
Solar Oscillations and the Equation of State....Pages 179-182
Front Matter....Pages 183-183
Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Transitions in Hydrogen and Rare Gas Plasmas....Pages 185-198
Nonideal Plasmas and Bound States....Pages 199-213
Front Matter....Pages 183-183
Higher-Order Levinson Theorems and the Planck-Larkin Partition Function for Reacting Plasmas....Pages 215-228
Metallic Lithium by Quantum Monte Carlo....Pages 229-238
Thomas-Fermi Theory and its Generalizations, Applied to Strongly Coupled Plasmas....Pages 239-251
The Thomas-Fermi and Related Models....Pages 253-260
Occupation Numbers in Partially Ionized Plasmas....Pages 261-265
Thomas Fermi Calculation of the Degree of Ionization in a Dense Plasma....Pages 267-272
Front Matter....Pages 273-273
Density Functional Methods in Hot Dense Plasmas....Pages 275-292
Description of Atomic Species in Dense Plasmas using a Density-Functional-Theory Approach....Pages 293-303
The Freezing of Charged and Uncharged Hard-Sphere Systems....Pages 305-313
Atomic Structure of an Impurity Neon in Liquid Metallic Hydrogen....Pages 315-328
Front Matter....Pages 329-329
Solvable Models of Coulomb Systems in Two Dimensions....Pages 331-347
Charge Correlations and Sum Rules in Coulomb Systems I....Pages 349-355
Charge Correlations and Sum Rules in Coulomb Systems II: Dynamics....Pages 357-364
Theory of the Strongly Coupled 2-D Plasma with the 1/r Potential....Pages 365-377
Front Matter....Pages 379-379
Metallic Fluids in the Critical Region....Pages 381-394
Acoustic Velocity Measurements on Fluid Metals from Two-Fold Compressions to Two-Fold Expansions....Pages 395-406
Structure of the Jovian Envelope and the Equation of State of Dense Hydrogen....Pages 407-413
Front Matter....Pages 415-415
Nonlinear Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorems and their Applications to Dynamical Problems in Strongly Coupled Plasmas....Pages 417-430
Collective Modes and Mode Coupling for a Dense Plasma in a Magnetic Field....Pages 431-440
Ion Stopping Power in Dense Partially Degenerate Plasmas....Pages 441-462
Front Matter....Pages 415-415
Exact Asymptotic Expression for the Static Dielectric Function of a Uniform Electron Liquid at Large Wave Vectors....Pages 463-482
The Strongly Coupled OCP Plasmon Dispersion for Finite Wavenumbers....Pages 483-490
Front Matter....Pages 491-491
Electric Microfield Distributions....Pages 493-509
Optical Properties of Non-Ideal Plasmas....Pages 511-526
Simulation Studies of Ion Dynamic Effects on Dense Plasma Line Shapes....Pages 527-538
Electric Microfield Distributions in Strongly Coupled Plasmas from Integral Equation Solutions....Pages 539-543
Effects of Dielectronic Satellite Broadening on the Emission Spectra From Hot Plasmas....Pages 545-548
Influence of Effective Interionic Potentials on the Low Frequency Electric Microfield Distributions in Dense Semi-Classical Hydrogen Plasmas....Pages 549-558
Stark Effect in Dense, Correlated Plasmas....Pages 559-563
Resonant Absorption in Dense Cesium Plasma....Pages 565-569
Front Matter....Pages 571-571
Onsager-Thomas-Fermi “Atoms” and “Molecules”: “Chemistry” of Correlations in Dense Plasmas....Pages 573-585
Quantal Hypernetted Chain Equation Applied to Liquid Metallic Hydrogen....Pages 587-596
Computation of an Improved Integral Equation by Non Linear Resummation of the First Graphs of the Bridge Function....Pages 597-601
Back Matter....Pages 603-610