Ebook: Atomic Physics 8: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Atomic Physics, August 2–6, 1982, Göteborg, Sweden
- Tags: Atomic Molecular Optical and Plasma Physics
- Year: 1983
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The Eighth International Conference on Atomic Physics was held at Ch~lmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden on August 2-6, 1982. Following the tradition established by earlier conferences in the series, it was attended by 280 participants from 24 countries. A total of 28 invited talks were delivered at the conference. These talks, which are presented in this volume, covered a wide range of topics in atomic physics in a broad sense. They extend from very basic problems (e.g., the interpretation of quantum mechanics in light of Bell's theorem and the feasibility of relativistic many-body calculations) to applied problems (e.g., laser detection of trace elements and spectroscopy of chemisorbed molecules). Professor M.Ya. Amusia was unable to attend the conference but his invited paper is included here. Professor V.S. Letokhov presented a talk entitled "Prospects of Laser Detection of Very Rare Isotopes, but was unable to provide a manuscript. At the conference, 175 post ers were presented. Abstracts have been published in a separate volume. It is very much appreciated that all the 1981 Nobel laureates, Nicolaas Bloembergen, Arthur Schawlow and Kai Siegbahn, were able to attend and deliver their invited talks. Professor Schawlow summed up the conference and this too is presented here. The con ference also benefited considerably from the presence of Professor 1.1. Rabi, who gave a much appreciated talk at the conference dinner. As this talk was given without a manuscript, it could unfortunately not be included here.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Conference Opening....Pages 1-3
Dynamics of Resonant States....Pages 5-22
Impact of Atomic Physics on Fundamental Constants....Pages 23-42
The Quantum Hall Effect....Pages 43-54
Sub-Doppler Spectroscopy....Pages 55-70
Doppler Narrowing and Collision-Induced Zeeman Coherence in Four-Wave Light Mixing....Pages 71-81
Excitation of the Positronium 13S1 - 23S1 Two Photon Transition....Pages 83-101
Experimental Tests of Bell’s Inequalities in Atomic Physics....Pages 103-128
Relativistic Effects in Many-Body Systems....Pages 129-147
Relativistic Many-Body Calculations....Pages 149-170
One- and Two-Electron Systems....Pages 171-196
New Results on Muonium and Muonic Helium....Pages 197-211
Structure and Dynamics of Atoms Probed by Inner-Shell Ionization....Pages 213-241
Some Current Problems in Electron Spectroscopy....Pages 243-286
Collective Effects in Isolated Atoms....Pages 287-304
Many Body Calculations of Photoionization....Pages 305-337
A Time-Dependent Local Density Approximation of Atomic Photoionization....Pages 339-353
Shape Resonances in the Photoionization Spectra of Free and Chemisorbed Molecules....Pages 355-368
Atomic Collisions in the High Energy Regime....Pages 369-394
Heavy Particle Collisions....Pages 395-413
Light Scattering as a Probe for Atomic Interactions....Pages 415-430
Electron-Photon Correlation Studies of Spin Exchange, Spin Orbit and Quantum Beats....Pages 431-446
High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy of Small Molecules....Pages 447-466
Resonant Fast-Beam/Laser Interactions: Saturated Absorption and Two-Photon Absorption....Pages 467-483
Isotopic Shifts....Pages 485-507
Hyperfine Structure and Isotope Shifts of Rydberg States in Alkaline Earth Atoms....Pages 509-542
Concluding Remarks....Pages 543-564
Back Matter....Pages 565-569
....Pages 571-592