Online Library » International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics: January 23–29, 1975, Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan
cover of the book International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics: January 23–29, 1975, Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan

Ebook: International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics: January 23–29, 1975, Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan


Front Matter....Pages -
Analyticity properties of scattering amplitudes: A review of some recent developments....Pages 1-12
Recent development in hyperfunction theory and its application to physics (microlocal analysis of s-matrices and related quantities)....Pages 13-29
Micro-local calculus....Pages 30-37
Microlocal study of S-matrix singularity structure....Pages 38-48
Convolutors for ultrahyperfunctions....Pages 49-54
Mass singularities of Feynman amplitudes....Pages 55-58
Large momentum behaviour of Feynman amplitudes....Pages 59-65
Spectral dependence of the analyticity domain of local vertex functions....Pages 66-71
Asymptotics and light-cone singularities in quantum field theory....Pages 72-84
Structure of singularities of Wightman-distributions and the Wilson-Zimmermann-expansion respectively lightcone-expansion....Pages 85-91
Conformal invariance in Minkowskian quantum field theory and global operator expansions....Pages 92-101
On some massless superrenormaliz?ble and nonrenormalizable theories....Pages 102-106
The locality condition in parafermi field theory....Pages 107-110
Bound state nature and deep inelastic structure functions....Pages 111-113
The physical content of the statistical bootstrap and high energy hadron interaction....Pages 114-115
Field theoretical approach to composite particle reactions....Pages 116-117
Particles and bound states and progress toward unitarity and scaling....Pages 118-127
Field theory of relativistic strings....Pages 128-137
Results and problems in irreversible statistical mechanics of open systems....Pages 138-150
The Wightman axioms and the mass gap for weakly coupled (?4)3 quantum field theories....Pages 151-159
Soluble models and the meaning of nonrenormalizability....Pages 160-169
Bound states and asymptotic fields in model field theories....Pages 170-174
Feynman propagators associated with the Veneziano model....Pages 175-179
Dual string models and quantum gravity....Pages 180-183
Physical states satisfying supergauge conditions in dual resonance models....Pages 184-186
The canonical quantization of a relativistic string....Pages 187-188
Algebraic methods and quark structure....Pages 189-195
Unitarity and asymptotic condition in a model with dipole ghost....Pages 196-198
Invariant gauge families inherent in Abelian-gauge field theory....Pages 199-201
Space-time approach to anomalies in the Ward-Takahashi identities and implications in physical processes....Pages 202-204
Dispersion approach to Ward-Takahashi identities....Pages 205-213
Renormalization of supersymmetric gauge theories....Pages 214-217
Stochastic calculus....Pages 218-223
Asymptotic properties of the spectral distributions of disordered systems....Pages 224-227
A remark to Harris's theorem on percolation....Pages 228-229
The ergodicity of the motion of a particle in a potential field....Pages 230-235
Ergodicity of some simple model systems of infinitely many particles....Pages 236-237
New exact solutions of the classical Yang-Mills field equation....Pages 238-239
Topology of Higgs fields....Pages 240-241
Spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in a vector-gluon model....Pages 242-244
Quantum field-theoretical approach to spontaneously broken gauge invariance....Pages 245-248
Reviews on axiomatic study of symmetry breaking....Pages 249-255
Structure of renormalized Feynman amplitudes....Pages 256-260
On the regularization in the Callan-Symanzik equation....Pages 261-263
The statistics of particles in local quantum theories....Pages 264-273
Relaxation and fluctuation of macrovariables....Pages 274-280
Holomorphic functions with a nonnegative imaginary part in the future tube....Pages 281-282
Algebraic aspects of Wightman quantum field theory....Pages 283-292
The infrared problem and non-fock representations of the canonical commutation relations....Pages 293-293
Dynamical theories of Brownian motion....Pages 294-296
Continuous representations of the test function algebra and the existence problem for quantum fields....Pages 297-302
Unbounded derivations of C* algebras....Pages 303-311
A method for making relativistic non-quantum systems by constructing the Hamiltonian and the other nine generating functions....Pages 312-314
An algebraic approach to the theory of K-flows and K-entropy....Pages 315-318
Symmetry restoration at finite temperature....Pages 319-325
Critical behaviour of stationary random fields....Pages 326-329
Phase transitions of continuous order....Pages 330-335
Order of the phase transition related to the degeneracy and interaction with proposal for an exact problem....Pages 336-338
The Heisenberg model on the Cayley tree....Pages 339-341
Generalized Gell-Mann and low group Transformations: Scaling variables and cross-over effects....Pages 342-348
Generalizations and applications of Callan-Symanzik equations to statistical mechanics in critical phenomena....Pages 349-352
On the rigorous definition of superfluidity and superconductivity....Pages 353-355
Variational problems and free boundary problems....Pages 356-369
Uniqueness, analyticity and decay properties of correlations in equilibrium systems....Pages 370-379
On the propagation of support of solutions to general systems of partial differential equations....Pages 380-386
Wave propagation in a non-linear lattice....Pages 387-393
Quantization of non-linear waves....Pages 394-400
On the nonlinear diffusion equation of Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov type....Pages 401-407
Global solutions to the Broadwell's model of Boltzmann equation for a simple discrete velocity gas....Pages 408-412
Scaling method for asymptotic evaluation in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics....Pages 413-419
Self-entrainment of a population of coupled non-linear oscillators....Pages 420-422
Thermodynamic limit of non-equilibrium systems....Pages 423-431
Equilibrium states and ergodic properties of infinite systems....Pages 432-432
Variational principles for Markov processes and Onsager principle....Pages 433-436
Functional averages in statistical physics....Pages 437-445
On the validity of collective variable description of bose systems....Pages 446-448
Equilibrium statistical mechanics of one-dimensional classical lattice systems....Pages 449-457
A look at the development of spectral and scattering theory in Japan....Pages 458-466
On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation....Pages 467-471
Abstract approaches to spectral and scattering theory, contributions from Japan....Pages 472-475
Eigenfunction expansions for differential operators with operator-valued coefficients and their applications to the Schr?dinger operators with long-range potentials....Pages 476-482
Asymptotic completeness in three-particle quantum mechanical scattering....Pages 483-485
Decay and asymptotics for wave equations with dissipative term....Pages 486-490
Treatment of three body problems in coordinate space....Pages 491-496
Links between decay properties of correlations and analyticity of the pressure and correlation functions....Pages 497-503
Linear response , stability , cluster properties....Pages 504-509
Equilibrium and metastable states of classical systems....Pages 510-515
Dynamical theories of Brownian motion....Pages 516-519
Distribution of zeros and the equation of state....Pages 520-523
New theorems on algebraic equation and its application to statistical physics....Pages 524-527
Operator-valued-measure approach to spectra of two-dimensional classical harmonic lattices....Pages 528-531
Models for relativistic statistical mechanics....Pages 532-534
Path integrals in Riemannian manifolds....Pages 535-542
Bose quantum field theory as an Ising ferromagnet: Recent developments....Pages 543-553
Back Matter....Pages -

Front Matter....Pages -
Analyticity properties of scattering amplitudes: A review of some recent developments....Pages 1-12
Recent development in hyperfunction theory and its application to physics (microlocal analysis of s-matrices and related quantities)....Pages 13-29
Micro-local calculus....Pages 30-37
Microlocal study of S-matrix singularity structure....Pages 38-48
Convolutors for ultrahyperfunctions....Pages 49-54
Mass singularities of Feynman amplitudes....Pages 55-58
Large momentum behaviour of Feynman amplitudes....Pages 59-65
Spectral dependence of the analyticity domain of local vertex functions....Pages 66-71
Asymptotics and light-cone singularities in quantum field theory....Pages 72-84
Structure of singularities of Wightman-distributions and the Wilson-Zimmermann-expansion respectively lightcone-expansion....Pages 85-91
Conformal invariance in Minkowskian quantum field theory and global operator expansions....Pages 92-101
On some massless superrenormaliz?ble and nonrenormalizable theories....Pages 102-106
The locality condition in parafermi field theory....Pages 107-110
Bound state nature and deep inelastic structure functions....Pages 111-113
The physical content of the statistical bootstrap and high energy hadron interaction....Pages 114-115
Field theoretical approach to composite particle reactions....Pages 116-117
Particles and bound states and progress toward unitarity and scaling....Pages 118-127
Field theory of relativistic strings....Pages 128-137
Results and problems in irreversible statistical mechanics of open systems....Pages 138-150
The Wightman axioms and the mass gap for weakly coupled (?4)3 quantum field theories....Pages 151-159
Soluble models and the meaning of nonrenormalizability....Pages 160-169
Bound states and asymptotic fields in model field theories....Pages 170-174
Feynman propagators associated with the Veneziano model....Pages 175-179
Dual string models and quantum gravity....Pages 180-183
Physical states satisfying supergauge conditions in dual resonance models....Pages 184-186
The canonical quantization of a relativistic string....Pages 187-188
Algebraic methods and quark structure....Pages 189-195
Unitarity and asymptotic condition in a model with dipole ghost....Pages 196-198
Invariant gauge families inherent in Abelian-gauge field theory....Pages 199-201
Space-time approach to anomalies in the Ward-Takahashi identities and implications in physical processes....Pages 202-204
Dispersion approach to Ward-Takahashi identities....Pages 205-213
Renormalization of supersymmetric gauge theories....Pages 214-217
Stochastic calculus....Pages 218-223
Asymptotic properties of the spectral distributions of disordered systems....Pages 224-227
A remark to Harris's theorem on percolation....Pages 228-229
The ergodicity of the motion of a particle in a potential field....Pages 230-235
Ergodicity of some simple model systems of infinitely many particles....Pages 236-237
New exact solutions of the classical Yang-Mills field equation....Pages 238-239
Topology of Higgs fields....Pages 240-241
Spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in a vector-gluon model....Pages 242-244
Quantum field-theoretical approach to spontaneously broken gauge invariance....Pages 245-248
Reviews on axiomatic study of symmetry breaking....Pages 249-255
Structure of renormalized Feynman amplitudes....Pages 256-260
On the regularization in the Callan-Symanzik equation....Pages 261-263
The statistics of particles in local quantum theories....Pages 264-273
Relaxation and fluctuation of macrovariables....Pages 274-280
Holomorphic functions with a nonnegative imaginary part in the future tube....Pages 281-282
Algebraic aspects of Wightman quantum field theory....Pages 283-292
The infrared problem and non-fock representations of the canonical commutation relations....Pages 293-293
Dynamical theories of Brownian motion....Pages 294-296
Continuous representations of the test function algebra and the existence problem for quantum fields....Pages 297-302
Unbounded derivations of C* algebras....Pages 303-311
A method for making relativistic non-quantum systems by constructing the Hamiltonian and the other nine generating functions....Pages 312-314
An algebraic approach to the theory of K-flows and K-entropy....Pages 315-318
Symmetry restoration at finite temperature....Pages 319-325
Critical behaviour of stationary random fields....Pages 326-329
Phase transitions of continuous order....Pages 330-335
Order of the phase transition related to the degeneracy and interaction with proposal for an exact problem....Pages 336-338
The Heisenberg model on the Cayley tree....Pages 339-341
Generalized Gell-Mann and low group Transformations: Scaling variables and cross-over effects....Pages 342-348
Generalizations and applications of Callan-Symanzik equations to statistical mechanics in critical phenomena....Pages 349-352
On the rigorous definition of superfluidity and superconductivity....Pages 353-355
Variational problems and free boundary problems....Pages 356-369
Uniqueness, analyticity and decay properties of correlations in equilibrium systems....Pages 370-379
On the propagation of support of solutions to general systems of partial differential equations....Pages 380-386
Wave propagation in a non-linear lattice....Pages 387-393
Quantization of non-linear waves....Pages 394-400
On the nonlinear diffusion equation of Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov type....Pages 401-407
Global solutions to the Broadwell's model of Boltzmann equation for a simple discrete velocity gas....Pages 408-412
Scaling method for asymptotic evaluation in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics....Pages 413-419
Self-entrainment of a population of coupled non-linear oscillators....Pages 420-422
Thermodynamic limit of non-equilibrium systems....Pages 423-431
Equilibrium states and ergodic properties of infinite systems....Pages 432-432
Variational principles for Markov processes and Onsager principle....Pages 433-436
Functional averages in statistical physics....Pages 437-445
On the validity of collective variable description of bose systems....Pages 446-448
Equilibrium statistical mechanics of one-dimensional classical lattice systems....Pages 449-457
A look at the development of spectral and scattering theory in Japan....Pages 458-466
On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation....Pages 467-471
Abstract approaches to spectral and scattering theory, contributions from Japan....Pages 472-475
Eigenfunction expansions for differential operators with operator-valued coefficients and their applications to the Schr?dinger operators with long-range potentials....Pages 476-482
Asymptotic completeness in three-particle quantum mechanical scattering....Pages 483-485
Decay and asymptotics for wave equations with dissipative term....Pages 486-490
Treatment of three body problems in coordinate space....Pages 491-496
Links between decay properties of correlations and analyticity of the pressure and correlation functions....Pages 497-503
Linear response , stability , cluster properties....Pages 504-509
Equilibrium and metastable states of classical systems....Pages 510-515
Dynamical theories of Brownian motion....Pages 516-519
Distribution of zeros and the equation of state....Pages 520-523
New theorems on algebraic equation and its application to statistical physics....Pages 524-527
Operator-valued-measure approach to spectra of two-dimensional classical harmonic lattices....Pages 528-531
Models for relativistic statistical mechanics....Pages 532-534
Path integrals in Riemannian manifolds....Pages 535-542
Bose quantum field theory as an Ising ferromagnet: Recent developments....Pages 543-553
Back Matter....Pages -
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