Ebook: Cosmic Plasma Physics: Proceedings of the Conference on Cosmic Plasma Physics Held at the European Space Research Institute (ESRIN), Frascati, Italy, September 20–24, 1971
- Tags: Nuclear Physics Heavy Ions Hadrons
- Year: 1972
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The plan to hold a conference on cosmic plasma physics originated in the Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society, whose chairman, B. Lehnert, took the first steps towards its realization. - ESRIN readily adopted this idea, and preliminary contacts with a number of other groups showed that there was a good deal of interest in bringing to gether people working in different areas of the field of cosmic plasma physics. It was clearly felt that an exchange of views and experience, and an attempt to define problem areas, would be profitable. In this spirit a programme was de vised which covered a large variety of topics, ranging from ionospheric to galactic structures. A diversified programme of this kind runs the risk that the communication between the various fields of specialization remains insufficient. It was gratifying to find that within the wide field of cosmic plasma physics a lively dialogue was in fact possible. The Conference was sponsored by the European Physical Society. Financial support was provided by ESRO. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the excellent suggestions of the programme committee members L. Biermann, N. D'Angelo, R. Gendrin, and B. Lehnert. I should like to thank my colleagues B. Bertotti, K. Lackner, and J.F. McKenzie, and numerous other ESRIN staff members, for their valuable help. I feel particularly indebted to the conference secretary, Miss Sachs, who did the real work while I just signed the letters.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Relations Between Cosmic and Laboratory Plasma Physics....Pages 1-14
Magnetospheric Substorms....Pages 15-23
Parametric Instabilities Generated in the Ionosphere by Intense Radio Waves....Pages 25-26
Study of a Jovian Plasmasphere and the Occurrence of Jupiter Radiobursts....Pages 27-35
Effect of a Large Amplitude Wave Packet and Second Order Resonance on the Stimulation of VLF Emissions....Pages 37-44
Universal Instability Associated with the Plasmapause and Its Role in Geomagnetic Micropulsations....Pages 45-54
Deformation and Striation of Barium Clouds in the Ionosphere....Pages 55-60
Thermal Energy Transport in the Solar Wind....Pages 61-72
The Solar Wind Near the Sun: The Solar Envelope....Pages 73-79
Influence of Neutral Interstellar Matter on the Expansion of the Solar Wind....Pages 81-91
Hydrogen — Helium Expansion from the Sun....Pages 93-100
Heating of the Solar Wind Ions....Pages 101-101
On the Generation of Shock Pairs in the Solar Wind....Pages 103-104
Spectral Anisotropy of Alfv?n-Waves in the Solar Wind....Pages 105-111
Evidence for Waves and/or Turbulence in the Vicinity of Shocks in Space....Pages 113-122
Comets in the Solar Wind....Pages 123-135
Comet-Like Interaction of Venus with the Solar Wind....Pages 137-140
Laboratory Experiments on the Interaction between a Plasma and a Neutral Gas....Pages 141-148
Wave Motion in Type I Comet Tails....Pages 149-156
Divers Solar Rotations....Pages 157-164
Soft X-Ray Spectral Studies of Solar Flare Plasmas....Pages 165-174
Similarities between Solar Flares and Laboratory Hot Plasma Phenomena....Pages 175-184
Gyromagnetic Radiation from Bunched Electrons....Pages 185-189
Observations of Coronal Magnetic Field Strengths and Flux Tubes and their Stability....Pages 191-193
The Dynamical Behavior of the Interstellar Gas, Field, and Cosmic Rays....Pages 195-202
Stellar Magnetohydrodynamics....Pages 203-213
Plasma Turbulent Heating and Thermal X-Ray Sources....Pages 215-223
Radio and Optical Observations of Pulsars....Pages 225-231
Propagation of Relativistic Electromagnetic Waves in a Plasma....Pages 233-238
A Three-Dimensional Relativistic Computation for the Pulsar Magnetosphere....Pages 239-247
On the Origin of Pulsar Radiation....Pages 249-259
Strong Magnetic Field Effects in the Pulsar Crusts and Atmospheres....Pages 261-268
Cosmic Ray Spectrum and Plasma Turbulence....Pages 269-271
The Properties of Magnetic Neutral Sheet Systems....Pages 273-281
Field Line Motion in the Presence of Finite Conductivity....Pages 283-291
Collisionless Shocks....Pages 293-303
Non-Linear Evolution of Firehose-Unstable Alfven Waves....Pages 305-310
Resonant Diffusion in Strongly Turbulent Plasmas....Pages 311-317
The Structure of the Earth’s Bow Shock....Pages 319-325
Experimental Study of Electron and ion Heating in High-? Perpendicular Collisionless Shock Waves....Pages 327-334
Nonlinear Theory of Cross-Field and Two-Stream Instabilities in the Equatorial Electrojet....Pages 335-337
Fermi Acceleration in Interplanetary Space....Pages 339-348
The Galactic Cosmic Ray Diurnal Variation as a Streaming Plasma Interaction Between Galactic and Solar Corpuscular Radiation....Pages 349-350
The Interplanetary Conditions Associated with Cosmic Ray Forbush Decreases....Pages 351-358
The Diurnal Effect of Cosmic Rays and its Dependence on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field....Pages 359-364
Back Matter....Pages 365-369
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Relations Between Cosmic and Laboratory Plasma Physics....Pages 1-14
Magnetospheric Substorms....Pages 15-23
Parametric Instabilities Generated in the Ionosphere by Intense Radio Waves....Pages 25-26
Study of a Jovian Plasmasphere and the Occurrence of Jupiter Radiobursts....Pages 27-35
Effect of a Large Amplitude Wave Packet and Second Order Resonance on the Stimulation of VLF Emissions....Pages 37-44
Universal Instability Associated with the Plasmapause and Its Role in Geomagnetic Micropulsations....Pages 45-54
Deformation and Striation of Barium Clouds in the Ionosphere....Pages 55-60
Thermal Energy Transport in the Solar Wind....Pages 61-72
The Solar Wind Near the Sun: The Solar Envelope....Pages 73-79
Influence of Neutral Interstellar Matter on the Expansion of the Solar Wind....Pages 81-91
Hydrogen — Helium Expansion from the Sun....Pages 93-100
Heating of the Solar Wind Ions....Pages 101-101
On the Generation of Shock Pairs in the Solar Wind....Pages 103-104
Spectral Anisotropy of Alfv?n-Waves in the Solar Wind....Pages 105-111
Evidence for Waves and/or Turbulence in the Vicinity of Shocks in Space....Pages 113-122
Comets in the Solar Wind....Pages 123-135
Comet-Like Interaction of Venus with the Solar Wind....Pages 137-140
Laboratory Experiments on the Interaction between a Plasma and a Neutral Gas....Pages 141-148
Wave Motion in Type I Comet Tails....Pages 149-156
Divers Solar Rotations....Pages 157-164
Soft X-Ray Spectral Studies of Solar Flare Plasmas....Pages 165-174
Similarities between Solar Flares and Laboratory Hot Plasma Phenomena....Pages 175-184
Gyromagnetic Radiation from Bunched Electrons....Pages 185-189
Observations of Coronal Magnetic Field Strengths and Flux Tubes and their Stability....Pages 191-193
The Dynamical Behavior of the Interstellar Gas, Field, and Cosmic Rays....Pages 195-202
Stellar Magnetohydrodynamics....Pages 203-213
Plasma Turbulent Heating and Thermal X-Ray Sources....Pages 215-223
Radio and Optical Observations of Pulsars....Pages 225-231
Propagation of Relativistic Electromagnetic Waves in a Plasma....Pages 233-238
A Three-Dimensional Relativistic Computation for the Pulsar Magnetosphere....Pages 239-247
On the Origin of Pulsar Radiation....Pages 249-259
Strong Magnetic Field Effects in the Pulsar Crusts and Atmospheres....Pages 261-268
Cosmic Ray Spectrum and Plasma Turbulence....Pages 269-271
The Properties of Magnetic Neutral Sheet Systems....Pages 273-281
Field Line Motion in the Presence of Finite Conductivity....Pages 283-291
Collisionless Shocks....Pages 293-303
Non-Linear Evolution of Firehose-Unstable Alfven Waves....Pages 305-310
Resonant Diffusion in Strongly Turbulent Plasmas....Pages 311-317
The Structure of the Earth’s Bow Shock....Pages 319-325
Experimental Study of Electron and ion Heating in High-? Perpendicular Collisionless Shock Waves....Pages 327-334
Nonlinear Theory of Cross-Field and Two-Stream Instabilities in the Equatorial Electrojet....Pages 335-337
Fermi Acceleration in Interplanetary Space....Pages 339-348
The Galactic Cosmic Ray Diurnal Variation as a Streaming Plasma Interaction Between Galactic and Solar Corpuscular Radiation....Pages 349-350
The Interplanetary Conditions Associated with Cosmic Ray Forbush Decreases....Pages 351-358
The Diurnal Effect of Cosmic Rays and its Dependence on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field....Pages 359-364
Back Matter....Pages 365-369