Ebook: Statistical Properties of Nuclei: Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistical Properties of Nuclei, held at Albany, New York, August 23–27, 1971
- Tags: Nuclear Physics Heavy Ions Hadrons
- Year: 1972
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
An International Conference on the "Statistical Properties of Nuclei" was held from August 23 to August 27, 1971, at the State University of New York at Albany campus. The purpose of the conference was to review the current status of the experimental and theoretical aspects of resonance reaction theories, statistics of resonance parameters such as level spacings, neutron, fission, radiative and reaction widths, level densities, fluctuations in cross sections, strength functions and its relation to the optical model, intermediate structure in particle and photon induced reactions, and statistical aspects of the decay of the compound nucleus. The conference was held under the auspices of the Inter national Union of Pure and Applied Physics. The organization of the conference was greatly facilitated by the financial support received from the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, The National Science Foundation and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the generous use of the physical facilities and other audio-visual services provided by the State University of New York. It is with great pleasure that I thank all tbese agencies for their kind support.
Front Matter....Pages i-xxx
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Welcome Address....Pages 3-6
Introductory Talk....Pages 7-23
Survey of Resonance Reaction Theories....Pages 25-44
Unitary Parametrization of Nuclear Reactions....Pages 45-51
Front Matter....Pages 53-53
High Resolution Neutron Cross Sections....Pages 55-79
High-Resolution Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy in Natural Fluorine, Aluminum, Chlorine and Potassium....Pages 81-90
Comparison of Feshbach and R-Matrix Reaction Theories for 12C(n,n)12C....Pages 91-97
High Resolution Proton Resonance Reactions....Pages 99-120
Nuclear Spectroscopy Utilizing an (Alpha, Nucleon) Resonance Reaction....Pages 121-127
Front Matter....Pages 129-129
Fluctuations in Charged Particle Cross Sections....Pages 131-138
Coherence Widths in Highly Excited Compound Nuclei....Pages 139-148
Distribution of Neutron and Fission Widths....Pages 149-177
Level Spacings, Correlation Functions and Statistics....Pages 179-194
Some Properties of Level Spacing Distributions....Pages 195-204
Recent Experimental Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy Results as a Test of Statistical Theories of Short and Long Range Order for Level Spacings....Pages 205-213
Deviations from the Statistical Description of Neutron Level Spacing Distributions and Stabilizing Effects of Nuclear Shells in Positions of Nuclear Excited States....Pages 215-229
Front Matter....Pages 231-231
The Measurement of Radiative Capture Widths....Pages 233-249
Investigation of the Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra for Individual Resonances in the 169Tm(n, ?) Reaction....Pages 251-256
Decay Properties of Nuclear Levels Populated by the (?, ??) Reaction....Pages 257-262
The 5.5 MeV Anomalous Gamma Radiation in 205Tl(n,?)206 Tl....Pages 263-270
Front Matter....Pages 231-231
Correlations between Partial Widths of Different Channels....Pages 271-289
In Search of Non-statistical Effects in Neutron Capture....Pages 291-298
Channel Correlation Effects for Fragmented Analog States....Pages 299-306
Front Matter....Pages 307-307
Strength Functions and Intermediate Structure....Pages 309-325
Average Total Neutron Cross Sections of Heavy Elements at 2.7 keV....Pages 327-334
Resonance Parameters and the Optical Model....Pages 335-350
Compound Nucleus Effects in 24Mg+? Elastic Scattering at 20–23 MeV....Pages 351-358
Structure in the (n, n?) Gross Sections of Se Isotopes....Pages 359-365
S- and P-Wave Strength Functions and the Spin, Isospin and Spin-Orbit Dependence of the Optical Potential....Pages 367-375
Front Matter....Pages 377-377
A Survey of Nuclear Level Density Theories....Pages 379-403
Distribution Theory of Nuclear Level Densities and Related Quantities....Pages 405-424
Experimental and Theoretical Nuclear Level Densities....Pages 425-445
J-Dependence of Level Density in 180Hf and 178Hf from Statistical Properties of Series of Resonances with Assigned Spin....Pages 447-454
Fluctuation Analysis of Total Neutron Cross Sections....Pages 455-461
Front Matter....Pages 463-463
Evaporation Spectra....Pages 465-481
Yields of K Isomer, Beta, and Ground Bands in Yb (?, xn ?) 174Hf Reactions....Pages 483-487
Products of the Reaction 12C + 209Bi....Pages 489-495
Yrast Trapping in Heavy Ion Compound Nucleus Reactions....Pages 497-504
The Role of Angular Momentum and Isobaric Spin in Tests of the Independence Hypothesis....Pages 505-525
Compound Nucleus Reactions between Oxygen Ions and 18O, 12C, and 14C Targets....Pages 527-534
Front Matter....Pages 463-463
Compound Nuclear Lifetimes from Blocking Experiments in Ge and Mo....Pages 535-542
Front Matter....Pages 543-543
Intermediate Structure....Pages 545-562
Evidence for Intermediate Structure Near an Isobaric Analogue Resonance....Pages 563-572
Intermediate Structures in the Neutron Scattering Cross Sections of Iron....Pages 573-578
Intermediate Structure in Photon Induced Reactions....Pages 579-587
Ground-State Radiation Widths for Resonant States in 57Fe....Pages 589-600
Threshold Photoneutrons and Photon Doorways....Pages 601-610
Front Matter....Pages 611-617
Round Table Discussion....Pages 619-619
Back Matter....Pages 621-647
....Pages 649-665