Ebook: Science and Technology of Rapid Solidification and Processing
- Tags: Metallic Materials, Characterization and Evaluation of Materials
- Series: NATO ASI Series 278
- Year: 1995
- Publisher: Springer Netherlands
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This book represents a collection of papers presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (NATO/ARW) on "Science and Technology of Rapid Solidification and Processing", held at Hotel Thayer, West Point Military Academy, New York, N. Y. , during June 21-24, 1994. The workshop was attended by over forty scientists representing several NATO member countries as well as representatives from Japan, China (PRC), Taiwan and India. The purpose of this NATO/ARW conference was to review the major advances made in most recent years in both the theoretical and experimental areas of rapid solidification technology and processing. In accordance with the NATO/ARW format, the agenda for the conference was so arranged to offer in depth presentation of the latest developments in the subject area as well as to encourage follow-up discussions by the participants. There was seven sessions each opened with a lecture by an invited guest speaker. Sessions 1-4, covered two days of the conference and focused mainly on Processing Technologies of Rapid Solidification and Thermodynamic Properties (Practical Applications). Sessions 4-6 concentrated on Thermodynamics of Metastable Alloys, Relaxation, Diffusion, Magnetic and Electric Properties (Fundamentals). Session 6 was devoted to the Structural Characterization of Supercooled Melts, Ultra Fine Polycrystalline Materials (New Innovations and Techniques). There were two equally important aspects of this NATO/ARW conference which must be mentioned. Firstly, this is the first NATO/ARW conference on Science and Technology of Rapid Solidification and Processing held in the United States.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Grain Boundary Deformation and Fracture of a Fine Grained, High Purity Al-2% Mg Alloy at 150° C (423K)....Pages 1-11
Growth Parameters in Formation and Stability of Rapidly Solidified Microstructure....Pages 13-24
Synthesis and Properties of Bulk Metallic Glasses....Pages 25-41
Synthesis and Properties of Bulk Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Alloys....Pages 43-52
Aluminum-Rich Metallic Glasses....Pages 53-71
Numerical and Experimental Study of Porosity Evolution during Plasma Spray Deposition of W....Pages 73-107
Spray Processing of Ti Metal Matrix Composites....Pages 109-121
Spray Forming with Uniform Droplets....Pages 123-134
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Alloys and Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) Processed by the Spray Forming Technique....Pages 135-146
Surface Crystallization and Field Induced Anisotropy of Cobalt-Rich Amorphous Alloys....Pages 147-155
A Perspective on the High Resistance to Coarsening and Durability of Silicide Dispersions in RSPM Al-Fe-V-Si Alloys....Pages 157-171
Short-Drop-Tube Experiments on AlCuFe Quasicrystal-Forming Alloys....Pages 173-178
Solidification of Refractory Materials Processed in the Ultrahigh Vacuum Drop Tube at the Cerem — Grenoble....Pages 179-184
Thixoforming of Spray Cast Materials....Pages 185-193
High Temperature Deformation of Rapidly Solidified 7091 P/M Aluminum Alloy....Pages 195-203
Microstructures, Tensile Properties and Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of the Zirconium Modified 2024 Alloys Processed by Liquid Dynamic Compaction....Pages 205-216
Processing and Structure of a Rapidly Solidified Mg-8.5 wt.%Li-1wt.%Ca-1wt.%Y Alloy Via Liquid Dynamic Compaction....Pages 217-225
Rapid Solidification Processing of Discontinuously-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites....Pages 227-248
Processing and Properties of Spray Formed 2XXX Aluminum Alloys....Pages 249-269
Self-Diffusion and Relaxation Processes in Amorphous Metallic Alloys....Pages 271-289
Microscopic Criteria for Glass Formation....Pages 291-307
Magnetic Behavior in Nanocrystalline Fe-Cu-Nb-Si-B Alloys at Elevated Temperatures....Pages 309-316
Non-Contact AC Calorimetry on Undercooled Alloys....Pages 317-326
Diffraction Studies of the Structure of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Fe-W Alloys....Pages 327-337
Structural Characteristics of the Nanocrystalline Materials Synthesized by Completely Crystallizing Amorphous Alloys....Pages 339-347
Theory of the Crystallization of PZT Thin Films Via Rapid Thermal Annealing....Pages 349-361
Back Matter....Pages 363-371
....Pages 373-390