Ebook: The Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Crystals
- Tags: Condensed Matter Physics, Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Sciences, Biochemistry general, Atomic Molecular Optical and Plasma Physics
- Series: NATO ASI Series 431
- Year: 1994
- Publisher: Springer Netherlands
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Liquid-crystalline phases are now known to be formed by an ever growing range of quite diverse materials, these include those of low molecular weight as well as the novel liquid-crystalline polymers, such phases can also be induced by the addition of a solvent to amphiphilic systems leading to lyotropic liquid crystals. Irrespective of the structure of the constituent molecules these numerous liquid-cl)'Stailine phases are characterised by their long range orientational order. In addition certain phases exhibit elements of long range positional order. Our understanding, both experimental and theoretical, at the molecular level of the static behaviour of these fascinating and important materials is now well advanced. In contrast the influence of the long range order; both orientational and positional, on the molecular dynamics in liquid Cl)'Stais is less well understood. In an attempt to address this situation a NATO Advanced Study Institute devoted to liquid ctystal dynamics was held at n Ciocco, Barga, Italy in September 1989. This brought together experimentalists and theoreticians concerned with the various dynamical processes occurring in all liquid crystals. The skills of the participants was impressively wide ranging; they spanned the experimental techniques used in the study of molecular dynamics, the nature of the systems investigated and the theoretical models employed to understand the results. While much was learnt it was also recognised that much more needed to be done in order to advance our understanding of molecular dynamics in liquid Cl)'Stais.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
A Comparative Survey of the Physical Techniques Used in Studies of Molecular Dynamics....Pages 1-9
On the Description of Ordering in Liquid Crystals....Pages 11-40
Diffusion Models for Molecular Motion in Uniaxial Mesophases....Pages 41-69
ESR And Liquid Crystals: Statistical Mechanics and Generalised Smoluchowski Equations....Pages 71-84
Techniques and Applications of Langevin Dynamics Simulations....Pages 85-138
An Introduction to the Molecular Dynamics Method and to Orientational Dynamics in Liquid Crystals....Pages 139-169
Nuclear Spin Relaxation Formalism for Liquid Crystals....Pages 171-194
Nuclear Spin Relaxation and Molecular Motion in Liquid Crystals....Pages 195-206
The Effects of Director Fluctuations on Nuclear Spin Relaxation....Pages 207-231
Nuclear Spin Relaxation Mechanisms in Liquid Crystals Studied by Field Cycling NMR....Pages 233-255
Probe Studies of Liquid Crystals....Pages 257-270
ESR and Molecular Motions in Liquid Crystals: Motional Narrowing....Pages 271-312
Thermodynamics of Liquid Crystals and the Relation to Molecular Dynamics: ESR Studies....Pages 313-333
ESR Studies of Molecular Dynamics at Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals....Pages 335-364
ESR and Slow Motions in Liquid Crystals....Pages 365-402
Raman and IR Fluctuation Spectroscopy of Liquid Crystals....Pages 403-430
Dielectric Relaxation Behaviour of Liquid Crystals....Pages 431-450
Neutron Scattering from Liquid Crystals....Pages 451-480
Molecular Order and Motion in Liquid Crystal Polymers Studied by Pulsed Dynamic NMR....Pages 481-503
Aggregates of Amphiphiles in Lyotropic Liquid Crystals....Pages 505-518
Orientation and Frequency Dependent NMR Relaxation Studies of Bilayer Membranes: Characterisation of the Lipid Motions....Pages 519-536
Molecular Dynamics in Liquid-Crystalline Systems Studied by Fluorescence Depolarisation Techniques....Pages 537-571
Spectroscopic Studies on Structure and Dynamics of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals: Cubic and Reversed Hexagonal Phases and Lipid Vesicles....Pages 573-601
Back Matter....Pages 603-610
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
A Comparative Survey of the Physical Techniques Used in Studies of Molecular Dynamics....Pages 1-9
On the Description of Ordering in Liquid Crystals....Pages 11-40
Diffusion Models for Molecular Motion in Uniaxial Mesophases....Pages 41-69
ESR And Liquid Crystals: Statistical Mechanics and Generalised Smoluchowski Equations....Pages 71-84
Techniques and Applications of Langevin Dynamics Simulations....Pages 85-138
An Introduction to the Molecular Dynamics Method and to Orientational Dynamics in Liquid Crystals....Pages 139-169
Nuclear Spin Relaxation Formalism for Liquid Crystals....Pages 171-194
Nuclear Spin Relaxation and Molecular Motion in Liquid Crystals....Pages 195-206
The Effects of Director Fluctuations on Nuclear Spin Relaxation....Pages 207-231
Nuclear Spin Relaxation Mechanisms in Liquid Crystals Studied by Field Cycling NMR....Pages 233-255
Probe Studies of Liquid Crystals....Pages 257-270
ESR and Molecular Motions in Liquid Crystals: Motional Narrowing....Pages 271-312
Thermodynamics of Liquid Crystals and the Relation to Molecular Dynamics: ESR Studies....Pages 313-333
ESR Studies of Molecular Dynamics at Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals....Pages 335-364
ESR and Slow Motions in Liquid Crystals....Pages 365-402
Raman and IR Fluctuation Spectroscopy of Liquid Crystals....Pages 403-430
Dielectric Relaxation Behaviour of Liquid Crystals....Pages 431-450
Neutron Scattering from Liquid Crystals....Pages 451-480
Molecular Order and Motion in Liquid Crystal Polymers Studied by Pulsed Dynamic NMR....Pages 481-503
Aggregates of Amphiphiles in Lyotropic Liquid Crystals....Pages 505-518
Orientation and Frequency Dependent NMR Relaxation Studies of Bilayer Membranes: Characterisation of the Lipid Motions....Pages 519-536
Molecular Dynamics in Liquid-Crystalline Systems Studied by Fluorescence Depolarisation Techniques....Pages 537-571
Spectroscopic Studies on Structure and Dynamics of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals: Cubic and Reversed Hexagonal Phases and Lipid Vesicles....Pages 573-601
Back Matter....Pages 603-610