Online Library » Clustering Phenomena in Atoms and Nuclei: International Conference on Nuclear and Atomic Clusters, 1991, European Physical Society Topical Conference, Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, June 3–7, 1991
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Ebook: Clustering Phenomena in Atoms and Nuclei: International Conference on Nuclear and Atomic Clusters, 1991, European Physical Society Topical Conference, Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, June 3–7, 1991


In these days of specialization it is important to bring together physicists working in diverse areas to exchange and share their ideas and excitement. This leads to cross-fertilization of ideas, and it enriches, as in biological systems, a specialized field with new strength, development and direction derived from another area. Although this might be an uncommon thing, it is an important step in our under­ standing of the physical world around us, which is, after aIl, the main purpose of physics. The seed for this conference was really sowed when one of us (MB) and Mr. Manngärd showed some a-scattering data at backward angles to FBM one summer about four years ago. That occasion led to a long research collaboration between the Abo Akademi physicists and other scientists in several countries. The actual idea to explore the possibility of holding a conference, however, crystallized in the summer of 1989 during a visit of FBM to Abo Akademi. The final decision to organize a conference was made after MB visited Profes­ sor Ben Mottelson in Copenhagen and Professor Anagnostatos in Athens. At this point it was recognized that there are similarities as weIl as differences between clustering phenomena in nuclei and systems consisting of atoms. It was therefore conjectured that it could be very stimulating to bring together these groups to exchange their ideas and to leam from each other's fields. A conference along these lines, we hoped, would contribute to an increased mutual understanding.

These are truly interdisciplinary proceedings: For the first time they gather on a large scale results of researchers dealing with clustering aspects in nuclear, atomic and molecular physics. Reaching far beyond purelyacademic interests this concept has become inreasingly important in the last few decades. As pointed out in the summary by Nobel prize winner B.R. Mottelson, acquaintance with the methods used in all the abovementioned fields is essential for a thorough study and understanding of the clustering phenomenon. Section headings: Clusters and Nuclei; Theoretical Approaches; Cluster Radioactivity and Fragmentation; Clustering in Light Nuclei; Atomic Clusters and Ions; Reactions and Clusters (Nuclear and Atomic); Nuclear vs. Atomic Clusters.

These are truly interdisciplinary proceedings: For the first time they gather on a large scale results of researchers dealing with clustering aspects in nuclear, atomic and molecular physics. Reaching far beyond purelyacademic interests this concept has become inreasingly important in the last few decades. As pointed out in the summary by Nobel prize winner B.R. Mottelson, acquaintance with the methods used in all the abovementioned fields is essential for a thorough study and understanding of the clustering phenomenon. Section headings: Clusters and Nuclei; Theoretical Approaches; Cluster Radioactivity and Fragmentation; Clustering in Light Nuclei; Atomic Clusters and Ions; Reactions and Clusters (Nuclear and Atomic); Nuclear vs. Atomic Clusters.
Front Matter....Pages I-XVI
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Shell Structure in Nuclei and in Metal Clusters....Pages 3-13
Simple Models for Metal Clusters....Pages 14-25
Electronic Shell Structure in Metal Clusters....Pages 26-35
Quantum Chemical Interpretation of Absorption Spectra of Small Alkali Metal Clusters....Pages 36-58
Effects of Crystal Field Splitting and Surface Faceting on the Electronic Shell Structure....Pages 59-67
Fermion-Boson Classification in Microclusters....Pages 68-82
Multipole Response of 3He Clusters....Pages 83-86
Size-Dependent Plasmons in Small Metal Clusters....Pages 87-87
Nucleonic Orbitals in the Valence Particle Plus Core Model of Nuclear Reactions....Pages 88-98
Magic Numbers in Atomic Clusters: Energetic, Electronic and Structural Effects....Pages 99-109
Front Matter....Pages 111-111
Medium Dependence in Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 113-125
Energy-Density Functional Formalism in Nuclear Physics....Pages 126-143
An Inverse Scattering Theory for the Identical Particles and the 12C-12C Potential....Pages 144-152
The Role of a Repulsive Core in the Investigation of Clusters in Light Nuclei....Pages 153-160
Microscopic Versus Macroscopic Treatment of Clusters in Nuclei....Pages 161-173
An Operator Interpolation Method for the Description of Intercluster Dynamics....Pages 174-175
Pauli-Forbidden States and the Levinson Theorem in ? + ? Scattering....Pages 176-176
Construction of Permutational Symmetry Adapted Non-Spurious States for Multi-Cluster Systems....Pages 177-182
Correlated Basis Approach to Strong Interacting Systems....Pages 183-183
Non-Closed-Shell Nuclear Clusters and the Algebraic Approach....Pages 184-199
Front Matter....Pages 111-111
Microscopic Cluster Models for Nuclear Astrophysics....Pages 200-200
The Visualization of the Energetic Structure of Nuclear Molecules....Pages 201-201
Nuclear Structure Effects in Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Light Ions....Pages 202-209
Front Matter....Pages 211-211
From Nuclear Molecules to Cluster Radioactivities....Pages 213-234
Theories of Cluster Radioactivities....Pages 235-249
Mechanism of the Spontaneous and Induced Two-Body Fragmentation of Heavy Nuclei....Pages 250-261
Cluster Radioactivity and Nuclear Structure-Clusters as Solitons....Pages 262-272
Cluster Radioactivity....Pages 273-282
Observation of Nuclear Clusters in the Spontaneous Decay of Heavy Clusters....Pages 283-292
Evidence of Spontaneous Emission of Oxygen Clusters from 228Th....Pages 293-293
New Points of View on the Symmetric Fission of 258Fm....Pages 294-294
Shell Model Approach to the Description of Cluster Radioactivity of Heavy Nuclei....Pages 295-295
Exotic Cluster Decays and Reinforcing and Switching of Shell Gaps in Nuclei....Pages 296-297
Alpha Widths in Deformed Nuclei: A Microscopic Approach....Pages 298-298
Clusters in Nuclear Fission....Pages 299-299
Excitation and Fission in Alkali-Atom Clusters....Pages 300-304
Fragmentation of Doubly Charged Alkali-Metal Clusters....Pages 305-311
Effects of Electronic and Atomic Shell Configurations on Fragmentations of Metal Clusters....Pages 312-312
Spontaneous Decay of Ionized Atomic Clusters: Statistical and Non-Statistical Channels....Pages 313-323
Front Matter....Pages 325-325
Alpha-Nucleus Interaction Beyond Woods-Saxon....Pages 327-337
Front Matter....Pages 325-325
Local Potential Description of Elastic Scattering and of Cluster Structure in Light Nuclei....Pages 338-349
Alpha Clustering in Nuclei and the Structure of 44Ti....Pages 350-359
General Regularities in Alpha-Particle-Nucleus Interaction and Cluster Structure of Light Nuclei....Pages 360-365
Excitation Functions of Elastic Scattering of Alpha-Particles on Light Nuclei Measured in Reversed Geometry at Zero Degree....Pages 366-376
High-Resolution Study of ?+28Si Elastic Scattering with a Cyclotron-Fragmented ?-Cluster States?....Pages 377-378
Semi-microscopic n?-Cluster Model for Light Nuclei....Pages 379-379
Large Clusters in Light Nuclei....Pages 380-391
Molecular Resonances in 24Mg Revealed in the 12C(20Ne, 12C12C)8Be Reaction....Pages 392-393
Detection of 12C Fragments in the First Excited 0+ State—Nuclear Structure in 24Mg?....Pages 394-394
The Properties of 28Si Resonances at the 31.5 MeV and 33.2 MeV Excitation Energies via the 24Mg(?, 12C)16O and 24Mg(?, ?)24Mg Reactions....Pages 395-396
Front Matter....Pages 397-397
Energetics and Dynamics of Solvation and Fission in Clusters....Pages 399-420
Role of Valence Electrons in the Structure and Properties of Microclusters....Pages 421-434
Atomic Clusters and Inelastic Sputtering of Condensed Matter by Ions....Pages 435-442
Precision Measurements of Atomic Masses Using Highly Charged Ions and Atomic Clusters....Pages 442-452
Carbon Clusters from a Cs-Sputter Ion Source....Pages 453-453
Atomic Structure and Magic Numbers for Cu Clusters at Elevated Temperatures....Pages 454-455
Calculation of the Photoionization Cross Sections for Small Metal Clusters....Pages 456-457
Front Matter....Pages 459-459
Alpha Cluster Emission in Heavy Ion Fragmentation....Pages 461-467
Peculiarities in Partial Cross Sections of Light Heavy-Ion Reactions — Evidence for Nuclear Molecules....Pages 468-482
Multiply Charged Atomic Clusters....Pages 483-496
Front Matter....Pages 459-459
Analytical Determination of the Microscopic N-N Interaction Potential — Applications to Cluster Transfer and Fusion Reactions....Pages 497-511
Formation and Dissolution of Clusters Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics....Pages 512-524
Cluster Degree of Freedom and Nuclear Reaction and Decay....Pages 525-539
Competition Between Light Cluster and Constituent Multinucleon Emission in Heavy-Ion Nuclear Reactions....Pages 540-550
Heavy-Cluster Transfer Reactions....Pages 551-558
Collisions Between Atomic Clusters....Pages 559-559
Cluster Transfer at Very Low Energies....Pages 560-568
Front Matter....Pages 569-569
Nuclear Versus Atomic Clusters....Pages 571-581
Back Matter....Pages 583-584

These are truly interdisciplinary proceedings: For the first time they gather on a large scale results of researchers dealing with clustering aspects in nuclear, atomic and molecular physics. Reaching far beyond purelyacademic interests this concept has become inreasingly important in the last few decades. As pointed out in the summary by Nobel prize winner B.R. Mottelson, acquaintance with the methods used in all the abovementioned fields is essential for a thorough study and understanding of the clustering phenomenon. Section headings: Clusters and Nuclei; Theoretical Approaches; Cluster Radioactivity and Fragmentation; Clustering in Light Nuclei; Atomic Clusters and Ions; Reactions and Clusters (Nuclear and Atomic); Nuclear vs. Atomic Clusters.
Front Matter....Pages I-XVI
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Shell Structure in Nuclei and in Metal Clusters....Pages 3-13
Simple Models for Metal Clusters....Pages 14-25
Electronic Shell Structure in Metal Clusters....Pages 26-35
Quantum Chemical Interpretation of Absorption Spectra of Small Alkali Metal Clusters....Pages 36-58
Effects of Crystal Field Splitting and Surface Faceting on the Electronic Shell Structure....Pages 59-67
Fermion-Boson Classification in Microclusters....Pages 68-82
Multipole Response of 3He Clusters....Pages 83-86
Size-Dependent Plasmons in Small Metal Clusters....Pages 87-87
Nucleonic Orbitals in the Valence Particle Plus Core Model of Nuclear Reactions....Pages 88-98
Magic Numbers in Atomic Clusters: Energetic, Electronic and Structural Effects....Pages 99-109
Front Matter....Pages 111-111
Medium Dependence in Heavy Ion Collisions....Pages 113-125
Energy-Density Functional Formalism in Nuclear Physics....Pages 126-143
An Inverse Scattering Theory for the Identical Particles and the 12C-12C Potential....Pages 144-152
The Role of a Repulsive Core in the Investigation of Clusters in Light Nuclei....Pages 153-160
Microscopic Versus Macroscopic Treatment of Clusters in Nuclei....Pages 161-173
An Operator Interpolation Method for the Description of Intercluster Dynamics....Pages 174-175
Pauli-Forbidden States and the Levinson Theorem in ? + ? Scattering....Pages 176-176
Construction of Permutational Symmetry Adapted Non-Spurious States for Multi-Cluster Systems....Pages 177-182
Correlated Basis Approach to Strong Interacting Systems....Pages 183-183
Non-Closed-Shell Nuclear Clusters and the Algebraic Approach....Pages 184-199
Front Matter....Pages 111-111
Microscopic Cluster Models for Nuclear Astrophysics....Pages 200-200
The Visualization of the Energetic Structure of Nuclear Molecules....Pages 201-201
Nuclear Structure Effects in Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Light Ions....Pages 202-209
Front Matter....Pages 211-211
From Nuclear Molecules to Cluster Radioactivities....Pages 213-234
Theories of Cluster Radioactivities....Pages 235-249
Mechanism of the Spontaneous and Induced Two-Body Fragmentation of Heavy Nuclei....Pages 250-261
Cluster Radioactivity and Nuclear Structure-Clusters as Solitons....Pages 262-272
Cluster Radioactivity....Pages 273-282
Observation of Nuclear Clusters in the Spontaneous Decay of Heavy Clusters....Pages 283-292
Evidence of Spontaneous Emission of Oxygen Clusters from 228Th....Pages 293-293
New Points of View on the Symmetric Fission of 258Fm....Pages 294-294
Shell Model Approach to the Description of Cluster Radioactivity of Heavy Nuclei....Pages 295-295
Exotic Cluster Decays and Reinforcing and Switching of Shell Gaps in Nuclei....Pages 296-297
Alpha Widths in Deformed Nuclei: A Microscopic Approach....Pages 298-298
Clusters in Nuclear Fission....Pages 299-299
Excitation and Fission in Alkali-Atom Clusters....Pages 300-304
Fragmentation of Doubly Charged Alkali-Metal Clusters....Pages 305-311
Effects of Electronic and Atomic Shell Configurations on Fragmentations of Metal Clusters....Pages 312-312
Spontaneous Decay of Ionized Atomic Clusters: Statistical and Non-Statistical Channels....Pages 313-323
Front Matter....Pages 325-325
Alpha-Nucleus Interaction Beyond Woods-Saxon....Pages 327-337
Front Matter....Pages 325-325
Local Potential Description of Elastic Scattering and of Cluster Structure in Light Nuclei....Pages 338-349
Alpha Clustering in Nuclei and the Structure of 44Ti....Pages 350-359
General Regularities in Alpha-Particle-Nucleus Interaction and Cluster Structure of Light Nuclei....Pages 360-365
Excitation Functions of Elastic Scattering of Alpha-Particles on Light Nuclei Measured in Reversed Geometry at Zero Degree....Pages 366-376
High-Resolution Study of ?+28Si Elastic Scattering with a Cyclotron-Fragmented ?-Cluster States?....Pages 377-378
Semi-microscopic n?-Cluster Model for Light Nuclei....Pages 379-379
Large Clusters in Light Nuclei....Pages 380-391
Molecular Resonances in 24Mg Revealed in the 12C(20Ne, 12C12C)8Be Reaction....Pages 392-393
Detection of 12C Fragments in the First Excited 0+ State—Nuclear Structure in 24Mg?....Pages 394-394
The Properties of 28Si Resonances at the 31.5 MeV and 33.2 MeV Excitation Energies via the 24Mg(?, 12C)16O and 24Mg(?, ?)24Mg Reactions....Pages 395-396
Front Matter....Pages 397-397
Energetics and Dynamics of Solvation and Fission in Clusters....Pages 399-420
Role of Valence Electrons in the Structure and Properties of Microclusters....Pages 421-434
Atomic Clusters and Inelastic Sputtering of Condensed Matter by Ions....Pages 435-442
Precision Measurements of Atomic Masses Using Highly Charged Ions and Atomic Clusters....Pages 442-452
Carbon Clusters from a Cs-Sputter Ion Source....Pages 453-453
Atomic Structure and Magic Numbers for Cu Clusters at Elevated Temperatures....Pages 454-455
Calculation of the Photoionization Cross Sections for Small Metal Clusters....Pages 456-457
Front Matter....Pages 459-459
Alpha Cluster Emission in Heavy Ion Fragmentation....Pages 461-467
Peculiarities in Partial Cross Sections of Light Heavy-Ion Reactions — Evidence for Nuclear Molecules....Pages 468-482
Multiply Charged Atomic Clusters....Pages 483-496
Front Matter....Pages 459-459
Analytical Determination of the Microscopic N-N Interaction Potential — Applications to Cluster Transfer and Fusion Reactions....Pages 497-511
Formation and Dissolution of Clusters Studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics....Pages 512-524
Cluster Degree of Freedom and Nuclear Reaction and Decay....Pages 525-539
Competition Between Light Cluster and Constituent Multinucleon Emission in Heavy-Ion Nuclear Reactions....Pages 540-550
Heavy-Cluster Transfer Reactions....Pages 551-558
Collisions Between Atomic Clusters....Pages 559-559
Cluster Transfer at Very Low Energies....Pages 560-568
Front Matter....Pages 569-569
Nuclear Versus Atomic Clusters....Pages 571-581
Back Matter....Pages 583-584
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