Ebook: Nonequilibrium Effects in Ion and Electron Transport
- Genre: Physics // Plasma Physics
- Tags: Characterization and Evaluation of Materials
- Year: 1990
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This volume presents the contributions of the participants in the Sixth International Swarm Seminar, held August 2-5, 1989, at the Webb Institute in Glen Cove, New York. The Swarm Seminars are traditionally held as relatively small satellite conferences of the International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) which occurs every two years. The 1989 ICPEAC took place in New York City prior to the Swarm Seminar. The focus of the Swarm Seminars has been on basic research relevant to understanding the transport of charged particles, mainly electrons and ions, in weakly ionized gases. This is a field that tends to bridge the gap between studies of fundamental binary atomic and molecular collision processes and studies of electrical breakdown or discharge phenomena in gases. Topics included in the 1989 seminar ranged the gamut from direct determinations of charged-particle collision cross sections to use of cross sections and swarm parameters to model the behavior of electrical gas discharges. Although the range of subjects covered was in many respects similar to that of previous seminars, there was an emphasis on certain selected themes that tended to give this seminar a distinctly different flavor. There was, for example, considerable discussion on the meaning of "equilibrium" and the conditions under which nonequilibrium effects become important in the transport of electrons through a gas.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
Non-Equilibrium Electron Transport: A Brief Overview....Pages 1-9
Beam, Swarm and Theoretical Studies of Low-Energy Electron Scattering: Some Exemplars....Pages 11-36
Coupled Solutions of Boltzmann Equation, Vibrational and Electronic Nonequilibrium Kinetics....Pages 37-48
Higher-Order Electron Transport in Gases....Pages 49-66
Non-Local Descriptions of Electron Swarms in Space-Time....Pages 67-81
A Description of the Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Electrons in Gases: Macro-Kinetics....Pages 83-98
Nonequilibrium Effects in Electron Transport at High E/n....Pages 99-120
Electron Collision Cross Sections for Processing Plasma Gases from Swarm and Discharge Data....Pages 121-142
When Can Swarm Data Be Used to Model Gas Discharges....Pages 143-156
Non-Equilibrium Effects in DC and RF Glow Discharges....Pages 157-176
Measurements of Attachment Coefficients in the Presence of Ionization....Pages 177-195
A Close Encounter Between Theory and Experiment in Electron-Ion Collisions....Pages 197-210
Electron-Ion, Ion-Ion, and Ion-Neutral Interactions....Pages 211-227
Electron-Ion Recombination in Dense Molecular Media....Pages 229-244
The Mobility of Electrons in Liquid Argon; Some Differences and some Similarities with the Motion of Electrons in Crystals and Gases....Pages 245-259
Ultrafast and Ultrasensitive Dielectric Liquids/Mixtures: Basic Measurements and Applications....Pages 261-274
Diffusion of Electrons in a Constant Field: Steady Stream Analysis....Pages 275-289
Diffusion of Electrons in a Constant Field: Tof Analysis....Pages 291-312
A Monte Carlo Simulation Of Electron Drift Limited By Collisions In Gas Mixtures Using The Null Collision Method....Pages 313-328
An Analysis of Transient Velocity Distribution of Electrons....Pages 329-331
An Exact Theory for the Transient Behavior of Electron Swarm Parameters....Pages 333-335
Electron Transport Property under Electric and Magnetic Fields Calculated by the FTI Method....Pages 337-338
A Multigroup Approach to Electron Kinetics....Pages 339-341
Integral Expansion often Reducing to the Density Gradient Expansion, Extended to Nonmarkov Stochastic Processes. Consequent Stochastic Equation for Quantum Mechanics more Refined than Schrodinger’s.....Pages 343-343
Generalized Diffusion Coefficients and 1/f Power Spectral Noise....Pages 345-347
Fokker-Planck Calculation of the Electron Swarm Energy Distribution Function....Pages 349-349
Nonlinear Diffusion....Pages 351-352
The Characteristic Energy of Electrons in Hydrogen....Pages 353-354
Electron Swarm Parameters in Krypton and its Momentum Transfer Cross Sections....Pages 355-356
The Electron-Mercury Momentum Transfer Cross Section at Low Energies....Pages 357-357
Longitudinal Diffusion to Mobility Ratios for Electrons in Noble Gases....Pages 359-359
Relations Between Electron Kinetics in DC ExB and Microwave Discharges....Pages 361-362
Computer Simulation of a Discharge in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields....Pages 363-365
Structures of the Velocity Distributions and Transport Coefficients of the Electron Swarm in CH4, in a DC Electric Field....Pages 367-369
Negative Ion Kinetics in BC13Discharges....Pages 371-372
Electron-Energy Dependence of Electron Attachment to Molecules as Studied by a Pulse Radiolysis Microwave Cavity Technique....Pages 373-374
Negative Ion Pulses Induced by Laser Irradiation of DC Discharge Media....Pages 375-375
The Attachment of Electrons in Water Vapour at Low Values of E/N....Pages 377-380
Isotope Studies and Energy Dependences of Rate Constants for the Reaction 0?+ N20 at Several Temperatures....Pages 381-383
Recent Falp Studies of Dissociative Recombination and Electron Attachment....Pages 385-386
Recent Sift Studies of Ion-Molecule Reactions: The Deuteration of Interstellar Molecules....Pages 387-388
Reactions of Several Hydrocarbon Ions with Atomic Hydrogen and Atomic Nitrogen....Pages 389-391
Quenching of NO+(v=1,3) in Low Energy Collisions with CH4and He....Pages 393-394
Rotational Energy Effects in Ion-Molecule Reactions....Pages 395-396
The Application of a Selected Ion Flow Drift Tube to the Determination of Proton Affinity Differences....Pages 399-400
Energy Dependences of Rate Constants for the Reaction 22Ne++20Ne at Several Temperatures....Pages 401-402
Deexcitation of HE(21P) in Collisions With Rare Gas Atoms....Pages 403-404
Measurements of DT/K for Sodium Ions Drifting in Argon....Pages 407-408
Transverse Diffusion of Neon Ions in Neon....Pages 409-410
Ion and Fast Neutral Model for Nitrogen at Very High E/N....Pages 411-412
Study of the Electron Transport in an RF Discharge in Ar and CH4/H2by Optical Emission Spectroscopy....Pages 413-414
Time-Resolved Investigations of H2and H2:CH4R.F. Plasmas....Pages 415-416
Scattering of Electrons of High-Molecular Rydbergs in Dense Atomic and Molecular Gases....Pages 417-418
A Constant Ratio Approximation Theory of the Cylindrical Positive Column of a Glow Discharge....Pages 419-420
Laser-Induced Opto-Galvanic Studies of Pre-Breakdown Swarm Phenomena....Pages 421-422
Influence of Negative Ion and Metastable Transport on the Stochastic Behavior of Negative Corona (Trichel) Pulses....Pages 423-425
Improvement in the Breakdown Strength of SF6/N2Mixtures-A Physical Approach....Pages 427-428
Geometry-Dependent Displacement Current in the Pulsed-Townsend Drift Tube....Pages 429-432
....Pages 433-434