Ebook: Time-Dependent Effects in Disordered Materials
- Tags: Solid State Physics, Spectroscopy and Microscopy
- Series: NATO ASI Series 167
- Year: 1988
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This volume comprised the proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Geilo, Norway between 29 March and 9 April 1987. Al though the principal support for the meeting was provided by the NATO Cornrni ttee for Scientific Affairs, a number of additional sponsors also contributed. Additional funds were received from: Institutt for Energiteknikk (Norway) The Norwegian Research Council for Science and Humanities NORDITA (Denmark) VISTA (Norway) The organizing cornrni ttee would like to take this opportunity to thank all sponsors for their help in promoting an exciting and rewarding meeting. This Study Institute was the ninth of a series of meetings held in Geilo on subjects related to phase transitions and was a natural successor to the 1985 meeting on Scaling Phenomena in Disordered Systems. Many of the subjects discussed at the latter meeting were revisited in 1987, with time dependence as an added feature. Often the common theme was the concept of fractals first introduced into statistical physics some six years ago. However, by no means all disordered systems can be forced into a fractal framework, and many of the lectures reinforced this lesson.
Front Matter....Pages i-xiv
Aggregation and Crystal Growth....Pages 1-17
Role of Fluctuations in Fluid Mechanics and Dendritic Solidification....Pages 19-43
The Growth of Fractal Aggregates....Pages 45-70
Colloidal Flow....Pages 71-87
The Microworld of Electrodeposition....Pages 89-92
DLA with Short-Range Interactions....Pages 93-96
Effect of Rotational Diffusion on Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering from Fractal Clusters....Pages 97-101
Theory of Dielectric Breakdown in Metal-Loaded Dielectrics....Pages 103-106
Fractal Interpretation of Dielectric Response....Pages 107-110
Dynamics and Structure of Viscous Fingers in Porous Media....Pages 111-138
Viscous Fingering Instabilities in Porous Media....Pages 139-143
Multifractals....Pages 145-161
Multifractality on Percolation Clusters....Pages 163-171
Multifractals: Formalism and Experiments....Pages 173-183
On Multifractals: Thermodynamics and Critical Exponents....Pages 185-193
On the Characterization of Chaotic Systems Using Multifractals....Pages 195-198
Viscous Fingering on Percolation Clusters....Pages 199-208
Self-Avoiding Walks Between Terminals on Percolation Clusters....Pages 209-212
Diffusion on Percolation Clusters....Pages 213-216
Fluctuation and Dissipation on Fractals: A Probabilistic Approach....Pages 217-218
Time-Dependent Effects Near the Percolation Threshold in Water-in-Oil Microemulsions....Pages 219-223
Tracer Dispersion: A New Characteristic Length Scale Measurement in Heterogeneous Porous Media....Pages 225-228
Relaxation in the Random Energy Model....Pages 229-232
Scaling Theories for Anomalous Dynamics on Fractals: Fractons....Pages 233-241
Fracton Interpretation of Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Materials....Pages 243-249
Fracton Excitation in Silica Smoke-Particle Aggregates....Pages 251-254
Evidence for Phonon-Fracton Crossover in Silica Aerogels by Brillouin-Scattering Measurements....Pages 255-258
Critical Behavior of Elastic Stiffness Moduli in a Random Network of Rigid and Nonrigid Bonds....Pages 259-262
1/f Noise in Random Systems: Recent Progress....Pages 263-278
The Glass Transition of Polymers....Pages 279-295
Time Dependent Nonlinear Response of a Dipolar Glass....Pages 297-300
Slow Relaxation of Organic Low Temperature Glasses....Pages 301-304
Spin Dynamics in Dilute Systems....Pages 305-315
Spin Glass Theory....Pages 317-329
Graph Partitioning as a Spin Glass Problem....Pages 331-337
Random Lattice Impurities in the Zero-Density Limit....Pages 339-341
Glassy Relaxation in Charge Density Wave Systems....Pages 343-357
Neural Networks and Statistical Mechanics....Pages 359-364
Comparison of Domain Growth Kinetics in Two and Three Dimensions....Pages 365-382
Metastability and Instability in an Orientational Glass....Pages 383-386
Recent Theoretical Developments in the Kinetics of First Order Phase Transitions....Pages 387-411
On Dense Branching Phase Separation....Pages 413-416
Crystallization Kinetics of Metallic Glasses Co78?xFexSi9B13 Probed by Electrical Resistivity and Magnetization....Pages 417-420
Polymer Dynamics and Gelation....Pages 421-423
Optical Investigations of Aggregation Process in Aqueous Noble Metal Colloid Systems....Pages 425-449
Pattern Formation in Lipid Membranes....Pages 451-456
Direct Spectroscopy of Microemulsion Droplet Fluctuations....Pages 457-464
Renormalization Group Results for Random Resistor Networks....Pages 465-469
Hamiltonian Formulation for the Conformation and Resistance of Random Walks....Pages 471-480
Resonant Scattering and Classical Localization....Pages 481-486
Quantum Percolation: Meaning and Results....Pages 487-490
Back Matter....Pages 491-494
....Pages 495-504