Ebook: Chemistry and Physics of Fracture
- Tags: Characterization and Evaluation of Materials
- Series: NATO ASI Series 130
- Year: 1987
- Publisher: Springer Netherlands
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
For many years it has been recognized that engineering materials that are-tough and ductile can be rendered susceptible to premature fracture through their reaction with the environment. Over 100 years ago, Reynolds associated hydrogen with detrimental effects on the ductility of iron. The "season cracking" of brass has been a known problem for dec ades, but the mechanisms for this stress-corrosion process are only today being elucidated. In more recent times, the mechanical properties of most engineering materials have been shown to be adversely affected by hydrogen embrittlement or stress-corrosion cracking. Early studies of environmental effects on crack growth attempted to identify a unified theory to explain the crack growth behavior of groups of materials in a variety of environments. It is currently understood that there are numerous stress-corrosion processes some of which may be common to several materials, but that the crack growth behavior of a given material is dependent on microstructure, microchemistry, mechanics, surface chemistry, and solution chemistry. Although the mechanism by which various chemical species in the environment may cause cracks to propagate in some materials but not in others is very complex, the net result of all environmentally induced fracture is the reduction in the force and energy associated with the tensile or shear separation of atoms at the crack tip.
Front Matter....Pages I-XIII
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Chemistry and Physics of Fracture (An Overview)....Pages 3-11
What, if Anything, Can Chemistry Offer to Fracture Mechanics?....Pages 12-22
Mechanics of Brittle Cracking of Crystal Lattices and Interfaces....Pages 23-43
Materials Science of Fracture Processes....Pages 44-59
Front Matter....Pages 61-61
Plastic Processes at Crack Tips....Pages 63-84
Discussion: Remark Concerning the Evidence of Cleavage in our Experiments in Single Crystals of Fe2.6%Si.....Pages 85-90
Plastic Flow Instabilities at Crack Tips....Pages 91-128
Distributed Damage Processes in Fracture....Pages 129-147
A Comparison of Void Growth and Ductile Failure in Plane and Axisymmetric States of Strain....Pages 148-160
Front Matter....Pages 161-161
Theoretical Approaches to Materials Design: Intergranular Embrittlement....Pages 163-176
Interatomic Forces and the Simulation of Cracks....Pages 177-195
Application of the Embedded Atom Method to Hydrogen Embrittlement....Pages 196-218
Theory of Environmental Effects on Transgranular Fracture....Pages 219-252
Front Matter....Pages 253-253
Surface Chemistry in Aqueous Solutions....Pages 255-286
Crack-Tip Electrochemistry: Recent Developments....Pages 287-310
Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics and Their Application to the Study of Stress-Corrosion Cracking....Pages 311-326
Front Matter....Pages 327-327
Universal Properties of Bonding at Metal Interfaces....Pages 329-362
Structure of Grain Boundaries and Interfaces....Pages 363-387
Segregation at Interfaces....Pages 388-415
Novel Techniques as Applied to Fracture Process Zone Theory....Pages 419-436
In Situ Tem Studies of Crack Tip Deformation in Molybdenum....Pages 437-442
Quantitative Study of Striations in Stage II Fatigue Crack Growth....Pages 443-448
The Brittle-Ductile Transition of Silicon....Pages 449-453
Workshop Summary: Novel Aspects in Applications and Fracture Theory....Pages 454-457
Intergranular Fracture....Pages 461-491
Structure-Dependent Intergranular Fracture and the Control of Embrittlement of Polycrystals....Pages 492-498
Workshop Summary: Intergranular Embrittlement....Pages 499-502
The Role of Hydrogen Transport in Hydrogen Embrittlement....Pages 505-537
Hydrogen Induced Fracture....Pages 538-551
Surface Hydrogen and Fracture Stress of 4340 Steel....Pages 552-559
Hydrogen Effects in Nickel Based Superalloy Single Crystals....Pages 560-567
Hydrogen-Induced Phase Transformations in Thin Specimens of an Austenitic Stainless Steel....Pages 568-573
A System of Cracks in Bonded Half Planes....Pages 574-579
Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Resistivity of Hydrogen in Cold-Worked Palladium....Pages 580-585
Fracture Initiation Due to Hydrides in Zircaloy-2....Pages 586-590
Workshop Summary: Hydrogen Embrittlement....Pages 591-594
Film-Induced Cleavage During Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Ductile Metals and Alloys....Pages 597-611
Corrosion Fatigue of Metals: A Survey of Recent Advances and Issues....Pages 612-645
Stress Corrosion Cracking of a 508 Steel in Saturated MnS-Solution....Pages 646-651
Experiments on Bicrystals Concerning the Influence of Segregation and Slip on Stress Corrosion Cracking....Pages 652-658
Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Cu-25Au Single Crystals in Aqueous Chloride Media....Pages 659-669
Role of Sulfur in the Formation and the Breakdown of Passive Films....Pages 670-677
Breakdown and Formation Process of Titanium Oxide Film During Straining in Aqueous Electrolyte....Pages 678-682
Initiation and Evolution of Microcracks During Corrosion Fatigue of BCC Stainless Steels....Pages 683-686
Workshop Summary: Stress Corrosion and Corrosion Fatigue....Pages 687-691
Front Matter....Pages 693-693
Chemistry and Physics of Fracture a Conference Summary....Pages 695-711
Back Matter....Pages 713-723
Front Matter....Pages I-XIII
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Chemistry and Physics of Fracture (An Overview)....Pages 3-11
What, if Anything, Can Chemistry Offer to Fracture Mechanics?....Pages 12-22
Mechanics of Brittle Cracking of Crystal Lattices and Interfaces....Pages 23-43
Materials Science of Fracture Processes....Pages 44-59
Front Matter....Pages 61-61
Plastic Processes at Crack Tips....Pages 63-84
Discussion: Remark Concerning the Evidence of Cleavage in our Experiments in Single Crystals of Fe2.6%Si.....Pages 85-90
Plastic Flow Instabilities at Crack Tips....Pages 91-128
Distributed Damage Processes in Fracture....Pages 129-147
A Comparison of Void Growth and Ductile Failure in Plane and Axisymmetric States of Strain....Pages 148-160
Front Matter....Pages 161-161
Theoretical Approaches to Materials Design: Intergranular Embrittlement....Pages 163-176
Interatomic Forces and the Simulation of Cracks....Pages 177-195
Application of the Embedded Atom Method to Hydrogen Embrittlement....Pages 196-218
Theory of Environmental Effects on Transgranular Fracture....Pages 219-252
Front Matter....Pages 253-253
Surface Chemistry in Aqueous Solutions....Pages 255-286
Crack-Tip Electrochemistry: Recent Developments....Pages 287-310
Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics and Their Application to the Study of Stress-Corrosion Cracking....Pages 311-326
Front Matter....Pages 327-327
Universal Properties of Bonding at Metal Interfaces....Pages 329-362
Structure of Grain Boundaries and Interfaces....Pages 363-387
Segregation at Interfaces....Pages 388-415
Novel Techniques as Applied to Fracture Process Zone Theory....Pages 419-436
In Situ Tem Studies of Crack Tip Deformation in Molybdenum....Pages 437-442
Quantitative Study of Striations in Stage II Fatigue Crack Growth....Pages 443-448
The Brittle-Ductile Transition of Silicon....Pages 449-453
Workshop Summary: Novel Aspects in Applications and Fracture Theory....Pages 454-457
Intergranular Fracture....Pages 461-491
Structure-Dependent Intergranular Fracture and the Control of Embrittlement of Polycrystals....Pages 492-498
Workshop Summary: Intergranular Embrittlement....Pages 499-502
The Role of Hydrogen Transport in Hydrogen Embrittlement....Pages 505-537
Hydrogen Induced Fracture....Pages 538-551
Surface Hydrogen and Fracture Stress of 4340 Steel....Pages 552-559
Hydrogen Effects in Nickel Based Superalloy Single Crystals....Pages 560-567
Hydrogen-Induced Phase Transformations in Thin Specimens of an Austenitic Stainless Steel....Pages 568-573
A System of Cracks in Bonded Half Planes....Pages 574-579
Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Resistivity of Hydrogen in Cold-Worked Palladium....Pages 580-585
Fracture Initiation Due to Hydrides in Zircaloy-2....Pages 586-590
Workshop Summary: Hydrogen Embrittlement....Pages 591-594
Film-Induced Cleavage During Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Ductile Metals and Alloys....Pages 597-611
Corrosion Fatigue of Metals: A Survey of Recent Advances and Issues....Pages 612-645
Stress Corrosion Cracking of a 508 Steel in Saturated MnS-Solution....Pages 646-651
Experiments on Bicrystals Concerning the Influence of Segregation and Slip on Stress Corrosion Cracking....Pages 652-658
Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Cu-25Au Single Crystals in Aqueous Chloride Media....Pages 659-669
Role of Sulfur in the Formation and the Breakdown of Passive Films....Pages 670-677
Breakdown and Formation Process of Titanium Oxide Film During Straining in Aqueous Electrolyte....Pages 678-682
Initiation and Evolution of Microcracks During Corrosion Fatigue of BCC Stainless Steels....Pages 683-686
Workshop Summary: Stress Corrosion and Corrosion Fatigue....Pages 687-691
Front Matter....Pages 693-693
Chemistry and Physics of Fracture a Conference Summary....Pages 695-711
Back Matter....Pages 713-723