Ebook: Thermal Conductivity 18
- Tags: Characterization and Evaluation of Materials
- Year: 1985
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The International Thermal Conductivity Conference was started in 1961 with the initiative of Mr. Charles F. Lucks, who passed away on 8 July 1982 and to the memory of whom this volume is dedicated. These Conferences on thermal conductivity grew out of the needs of researchers in the field. The Conferences were held annu ally from 1961 to 1973 and have been held biennially since 1975 when our Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) of Purdue University became the Permanent Sponsor of the Conferences. These Conferences provide a broadly based forum for researchers actively working on the thermal conduc tivity and closely related properties to convene on a regular basis to exchange their ideas and experiences and report their findings and results. The Conferences have been self-perpetuating and are an example of how a technical community with a common purpose can transcend the invisible, artificial barriers between disciplines and gather together in increasing numbers without the need of national pub licity and continuing funding support, when they see something worthwhile going on. It is believed that this series of Conferences not only will grow stronger, but will set an example for research ers in other fields on how to jointly attack their own problem areas.
Front Matter....Pages i-xix
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Metastable Liquids and the Nature of the Glass Transition....Pages 3-18
Front Matter....Pages 19-19
Solid Helium: A Review....Pages 21-28
Front Matter....Pages 29-29
On the Effective Thermal Diffusivity of Macroscopic Heterogeneous Two Phase Materials....Pages 31-31
The Use of Numerical Heat Transfer Techniques to Analyze Thermal Comparator Conductivity Measurements....Pages 33-42
A Numerical Method for Solving the Inverse Problem of Heat Transfer and Its Application to Determination of the Thermal Conductivity....Pages 43-59
Front Matter....Pages 61-62
Towards Reference Standards for the Thermal Conductivity of Liquids....Pages 63-63
Organic Liquid Mixtures: Measurement and Estimation at Different Temperatures....Pages 65-75
Thermal Conductivity of Methane and Ethane....Pages 77-79
Front Matter....Pages 81-91
Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of Molten Fluoride Salt Containing ThF4 (Improvement of the Simple Ceramic Cell)....Pages 93-93
The Thermal Conductivities of SrCl2 and SrF2 from 85 to 400 K....Pages 95-104
Thermal Conductivity of Tellurium Dioxide Single Crystals....Pages 105-114
Correlation Between the Structural Parameters and the Thermal Conductivity of Chalcopyrite-Type Ternary Compounds....Pages 115-124
Thermal Conductivity Behavior of Boron Carbides....Pages 125-125
Front Matter....Pages 127-137
The TEMP Microcomputer as an Instrument Controller and Data Logger....Pages 139-148
A Data Acquisition System for Low Level Signals....Pages 149-149
Front Matter....Pages 151-151
Thermoelectric Power of Selected Binary Alloy Systems Part II — Copper-Palladium, Gold-Palladium, and Silver-Palladium....Pages 153-160
Transport Properties of Polycrystalline Ni3Al....Pages 161-161
Thermal Conductivity of Selected Stainless Steels....Pages 163-164
Front Matter....Pages 165-174
Thermal Conductance Measurements of Pressed OFHC Copper Contacts at Liquid Helium Temperatures....Pages 175-185
Front Matter....Pages 161-161
Thermophysical Properties of Propellants....Pages 187-195
Thermal Conductivity of Mixtures....Pages 197-197
Phonon Conduction in Hexagonal Crystals Exhibiting Extreme Elastic Anisotrophy....Pages 199-211
Front Matter....Pages 213-223
A Guarded Hot Plate Apparatus for Effective Thermal Conductivity of Insulations at 80–360 K....Pages 225-234
An Automated Thermal Conductivity Probe and Applications to Powders....Pages 235-235
Analysis of Uncertainties in Calibration of a Heat Flow Meter Apparatus....Pages 237-246
A New Transient Hot Wire Thermal Conductivity Instrument for Use with Both Step Power and Ramp Power Forcing....Pages 247-257
A Thermal Properties Measuring System for Geologic Materials....Pages 259-272
Front Matter....Pages 273-282
Lattice Thermal Conductivity at Normal and High Temperatures....Pages 283-292
Theory of the Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Solids....Pages 293-293
Front Matter....Pages 295-305
The Thermal Transmission Properties of High Temperature Thermal Insulation Materials....Pages 307-314
Status of Thermal Conductivity Standard Reference Materials at the National Bureau of Standards....Pages 315-315
Apparent Thermal Conductivity Measurements by an Unguarded Technique....Pages 317-326
Calibration of Heat Flow Meter Apparatus Used for Quality Control of Low-Density Mineral Fiber Insulations....Pages 327-338
Insulations with Low Thermal Conductivity....Pages 339-355
Thermal Diffusivity of Heterogeneous Materials and Non-Fibrous Insulators....Pages 357-366
Front Matter....Pages 367-377
Optical Properties and Radiative Heat Transport in Polyester Fiber Insulation....Pages 379-390
Spectral Transmission and Reflection Properties of High Temperature Insulation Materials and their Relation to Radiative Heat Flow....Pages 391-391
Temperature-Dependent Extinction Coefficients and Solid Thermal Conductivities of Glass Fiber Insulations....Pages 393-402
Front Matter....Pages 403-411
Thermal Behaviour of Insulating Building Mortars: Experimental Apparatus, Carbonatation and Ageing....Pages 413-424
Thermal Conductivity of a Polyimide Foam....Pages 391-391
Front Matter....Pages 425-436
Thermal Diffusivity Measurements of Thermal Barrier Coatings and Carbon Fibre/Carbon Composites....Pages 437-443
Front Matter....Pages 445-445
Thermal Diffusivity of Cemented Carbides....Pages 447-469
The High-Temperature Ex-Reactor Thermal Conductivity of Thoria and Thoria-Urania....Pages 471-471
Role of Porosity in the Effect of Microcracking on the Thermal Conductivity of Brittle Ceramic Composites....Pages 473-481
Radiative Contribution to the Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity of a Silicon Carbide Fiber Reinforced Glass-Ceramic....Pages 483-484
Front Matter....Pages 485-498
Measurement of Thermal Conductivity from High Temperature Pulse Diffusivity and Calorimetry Measurements....Pages 499-510
Sensitivity and Accuracy Analysis of Pulse Diffusivity Measurements on Layered Samples....Pages 511-511
Heat Pulse Thermal Diffusivity Measurements-Thermal Properties Temperature Dependence and Non-Uniformity of the Pulse Heating....Pages 513-524
Thermal Properties of Surface Layers Using Pulse Transient Hot Strip Measurements....Pages 525-536
Surface Temperature Measurements with Intrinsic Contacting Thermo-Couples — Steady Errors and Transient Effects — Analytical and Experimental Study....Pages 537-551
Preliminary Study of the Thermal Diffusivity of Source Sprayed Materials by the Flash Laser Method....Pages 553-563
Front Matter....Pages 565-566
Thermal Conduction in Composites....Pages 567-568
Front Matter....Pages 569-569
Mathematical Models for Effective Thermal Conductivity....Pages 571-582
Finite Element Analysis of Unguarded Hot-Plate Thermal Conductivity Apparatuses....Pages 583-583
Front Matter....Pages 585-598
Thermal Diffusivity in Situ Measurements of Carbon/Carbon Composite Reinforcements....Pages 599-609
On the Interpretation of Off-Axis Thermal Diffusivity Data for Coarse-Weave Composites....Pages 611-611
On the Influence of Irradiation on Thermal Conductivity of Polyethylene....Pages 613-624
An Investigation of Thermal Contact Resistance in Thermal Conductivity Measurements of a Thin Nylon Sample....Pages 625-637
Front Matter....Pages 639-639
Heat Transport in Geologic Media: What We Can Learn in the Laboratory....Pages 641-650
Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity Measurements of Salt Rocks by Different Methods....Pages 651-651
Thermal Conductivity Measurements in Relation to the Geothermal Exploration of the Gorleben Salt Dome....Pages 653-660
Thermal Conductivity of Permian Basin Bedded Salt at Elevated Pressure....Pages 661-672
Effective Thermal Diffusivity of Powdered Coal....Pages 673-685
Front Matter....Pages 687-698
An Apparatus to Measure Thermophysical Properties of Heavy Crudes....Pages 699-707
The Thermal Diffusivity/Conductivity of 316 Stainless Steel Powders in Air and Nitric Acid Mixtures at Room Temperature....Pages 709-709
Thermal Diffusivity and Thermal Conductivity of Some Solid Metals at the Melting Point....Pages 711-712
Error Analysis and Equations for the Thermal Conductivity of Composites....Pages 713-722
Transient Line-Source Apparatus for Thermal Conductivity Determination of Fluids at 295-600K and 1-700 Bars....Pages 723-732
Thermal Conductivity and Contact Conductance of Explosafe....Pages 733-742
Back Matter....Pages 743-743
....Pages 745-753