Ebook: Cellular Automata: 8th International Conference on Cellular Aotomata for Reseach and Industry, ACRI 2008, Yokohama, Japan, September 23-26, 2008. Proceedings
- Tags: Computation by Abstract Devices, Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity, Simulation and Modeling, Computer Communication Networks, Computational Biology/Bioinformatics
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5191
- Year: 2008
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2008, held in Yokohama, Japan, in September 2008.
The 43 revised full papers and 22 revised poster papers presented together with 4 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The papers focus on challenging problems and new research not only in theoretical but application aspects of cellular automata, including cellular automata tools and computational sciences. The volume also contains 11 extended abstracts dealing with crowds and cellular automata, which were presented during the workshop C&CA 2008. The papers are organized in topical sections on CA theory and implementation, computational theory, physical modeling, urban, environmental and social modeling, pedestrian and traffic flow modeling, crypto and security, system biology, CA-based hardware, as well as crowds and cellular automata.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2008, held in Yokohama, Japan, in September 2008.
The 43 revised full papers and 22 revised poster papers presented together with 4 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The papers focus on challenging problems and new research not only in theoretical but application aspects of cellular automata, including cellular automata tools and computational sciences. The volume also contains 11 extended abstracts dealing with crowds and cellular automata, which were presented during the workshop C&CA 2008. The papers are organized in topical sections on CA theory and implementation, computational theory, physical modeling, urban, environmental and social modeling, pedestrian and traffic flow modeling, crypto and security, system biology, CA-based hardware, as well as crowds and cellular automata.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2008, held in Yokohama, Japan, in September 2008.
The 43 revised full papers and 22 revised poster papers presented together with 4 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The papers focus on challenging problems and new research not only in theoretical but application aspects of cellular automata, including cellular automata tools and computational sciences. The volume also contains 11 extended abstracts dealing with crowds and cellular automata, which were presented during the workshop C&CA 2008. The papers are organized in topical sections on CA theory and implementation, computational theory, physical modeling, urban, environmental and social modeling, pedestrian and traffic flow modeling, crypto and security, system biology, CA-based hardware, as well as crowds and cellular automata.
Front Matter....Pages -
From CA to Gene Expression: Machines and Mechanisms....Pages 1-10
What’s New in Wolfram’s New Kind of Science?....Pages 11-11
Quantum Walks and Quantum Cellular Automata....Pages 12-21
Modelling of Transport and Traffic Problems....Pages 22-31
Occurrence of Gliders in an Infinite Class of Life-Like Cellular Automata....Pages 32-41
Cellular Automata-Based Structures to Compute the Solutions of Linear Difference Equations....Pages 42-49
Computing by Swarm Networks....Pages 50-59
On a Membrane Formation in a Spatio-temporally Generalized Prisoner’s Dilemma....Pages 60-66
An Asynchronous Cellular Automaton Implementing 2-State 2-Input 2-Output Reversed-Twin Reversible Elements....Pages 67-76
Game ‘Life’ with Anticipation Property....Pages 77-82
On the Representation of Gliders in Rule 54 by De Bruijn and Cycle Diagrams....Pages 83-91
A Cellular Automaton Model for Tribological Problems....Pages 92-99
Stabilizing and Destabilizing Effects of Embedding 3-Node Subgraphs on the State Space of Boolean Networks....Pages 100-107
About 4-States Solutions to the Firing Squad Synchronization Problem....Pages 108-113
Evaluating Cellular Automata Models by Evolutionary Multiobjective Calibration....Pages 114-119
Entropy and Chaos in a Lattice Gas Cellular Automata....Pages 120-127
Analysis of 90/150 Two Predecessor Nongroup Cellular Automata....Pages 128-135
On the Collision-Propagation and Gather-Update Formulations of a Cellular Automata Rule....Pages 136-143
Exploring CA State Space to Synthesize Cellular Automata with Specified Attractor Set....Pages 144-151
Characterization of Non-reachable States in Irreversible CA State Space....Pages 152-159
An Efficient n ?n Boolean Mapping Using Additive Cellular Automata....Pages 160-167
Controlling the Dynamics of the Fuzzy Cellular Automaton Rule 90, I.....Pages 168-173
Examples of Fast and Slow Convergence of 2D Asynchronous Cellular Systems....Pages 174-183
Multi-scale Modeling with Cellular Automata: The Complex Automata Approach....Pages 184-191
Reconfiguring Circuits Around Defects in Self-Timed Cellular Automata....Pages 192-199
Theory of Composing Non-linear Machines with Predictable Cyclic Structures....Pages 200-209
Combined Effect of Topology and Synchronism Perturbation on Cellular Automata: Preliminary Results....Pages 210-219
Finite Size Stability Analysis for Stochastic Cellular Automata....Pages 220-227
On the Addition of Recurrent Configurations of the Sandpile-Model....Pages 228-235
A Construction Method of Moore Neighborhood Number-Conserving Cellular Automata....Pages 236-243
Changing Neighborhoods of CA: Reduced Local Structures and Embeddings for Universality....Pages 244-251
Error Investigations in Complex Automata Models for Reaction-Diffusion Systems....Pages 252-259
Simulation of the Effect of Intermittent Flow in Polycrystals on the Basis of Cellular Automata and Relaxation Element Method....Pages 260-267
Lattice Gas Automata Simulation of 2D Site-Percolation Diffusion: Configuration Dependence of the Theoretically Expected Crossover of Diffusion Regime....Pages 268-273
Study on Acoustic Field with Fractal Boundary Using Cellular Automata....Pages 274-281
The Heart Pacemaker by Cellular Automata on Complex Networks....Pages 282-290
A Proposal for a Japanese Keyboard on Cellular Phones....Pages 291-298
Quick Energy Drop in Stochastic 2D Minority....Pages 299-306
The Diffusion of Perturbations in a Model of Coupled Random Boolean Networks....Pages 307-314
Research into the Generation of Sound Effects Using a Cellular Automaton....Pages 315-322
Modelling Combined Subaerial-Subaqueous Flow-Like Landslides by Cellular Automata....Pages 323-328
Unstructured Cellular Automata and the Application to Model River Riparian Vegetation Dynamics....Pages 329-336
Improving the Behavior of Creatures by Time-Shuffling....Pages 337-344
Contact Network Modeling of Flu Epidemics....Pages 345-353
A Slight Delay in the Onset of Conservation May Bring about an Abrupt Increase of Extinction Risk: Perturbation Experiments in an Ecological Lattice Model....Pages 354-361
Lattice Population and Optimality of Sex Ratio: Effect of Sterile Male....Pages 362-367
Real Option Approach to Quoting Queueing System....Pages 368-373
Modeling of Environmental Effects on Bridge Components: Possibilities of Cellular Programming....Pages 374-378
A CA Model of Spontaneous Formation of Concentration Gradients....Pages 379-384
Applying a Cellular Automata Method for the Study of Transport and Deposition of Volcanic Particles....Pages 385-392
Global and Local Processes in a Model of Innovation....Pages 393-400
GP Generation of Pedestrian Behavioral Rules in an Evacuation Model Based on SCA....Pages 401-408
A Three-Dimensional Pedestrian-Flow Simulation for High-Rising Buildings....Pages 409-416
Compartment Lines Forming Emergent Alternative Configurations of Vehicles on Weaving Sections....Pages 417-424
Real-Time Railway Network Simulator “KUTTY”....Pages 425-432
Cellular Automata Simulation of Traffic Jam in Sag Section....Pages 433-440
Simulation of Fire Evacuation by Real-Coded Cellular Automata (RCA)....Pages 441-446
Walking-Distance Introduced Queueing Theory....Pages 447-454
An Improved Double Byte Error Correcting Code Using Cellular Automata....Pages 455-462
Nonlinear Pseudorandom Sequences Based on 90/150 LHGCA ....Pages 463-470
Cryptographically Strong S-Boxes Based on Cellular Automata....Pages 471-477
Computational Hematology in Systems Biology....Pages 478-485
Dynamically Reorganising Vascular Networks Modelled Using Cellular Automata Approach....Pages 486-493
A Stochastic Multi-agent Model of Stem Cell Proliferation....Pages 494-499
coreBIST: A Cellular Automata Based Core for Self Testing System-on-Chips....Pages 500-505
GPU Accelerated Computation and Visualization of Hexagonal Cellular Automata....Pages 506-511
Automatic Design of FPGA Processor for the Backtracking of DNA Sequences Evolution Using Cellular Automata and Genetic Algorithms....Pages 512-521
From Data and Signals Cellular Automata to Self-organizing Circuits....Pages 522-530
Integrated Simulation and Information Sharing System for Disaster Mitigation....Pages 531-536
Towards an Ontology for Crowds Description: A Proposal Based on Description Logic....Pages 537-537
Towards a Multi-agent Model for Planning and Design of Exposition Spaces....Pages 538-541
Potential Field Approach of a Cellular Automaton Evacuation Model and Its FPGA Implementation....Pages 542-545
Evolving Multi-creature Systems for All-to-All Communication....Pages 546-549
Counterflow Extension for the F.A.S.T.-Model....Pages 550-554
Conflicts and Friction in Pedestrian Dynamics....Pages 555-558
Fundamental Diagram and Validation of Crowd Models....Pages 559-562
Multi-agent Frame of Social Distances Model....Pages 563-566
Evacuation Simulation in Floor Field by Real-Coded Cellular Automata....Pages 567-570
Back Matter....Pages 571-574
....Pages -