Ebook: Computational Intelligence and Security: International Conference, CIS 2006. Guangzhou, China, November 3-6, 2006. Revised Selected Papers
- Tags: Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Information Storage and Retrieval, Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet), Computation by Abstract Devices, Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity, Management of Computing and Infor
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4456
- Year: 2007
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security was held in Guangzhou, China, in November 2006. The conference brought together leading minds in computing, programming, and security to discuss the latest developments, applications, and challenges in the field. This volume constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the conference.
The 116 papers contained in this volume were submitted to two rounds of careful review and revision. Collectively, they represent some of the most important developments and new applications in the field.
The papers are organized into topical sections covering bio-inspired computing, evolutionary computation, learning systems and multi-agents, cryptography, information processing and intrusion detection, systems and security, image and signal processing, and pattern recognition.
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security was held in Guangzhou, China, in November 2006. The conference brought together leading minds in computing, programming, and security to discuss the latest developments, applications, and challenges in the field. This volume constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the conference.
The 116 papers contained in this volume were submitted to two rounds of careful review and revision. Collectively, they represent some of the most important developments and new applications in the field.
The papers are organized into topical sections covering bio-inspired computing, evolutionary computation, learning systems and multi-agents, cryptography, information processing and intrusion detection, systems and security, image and signal processing, and pattern recognition.
Front Matter....Pages -
An Improved Particle Swarm Optimizer for Truss Structure Optimization....Pages 1-10
Two-Phase Quantum Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment....Pages 11-21
A Further Discussion on Convergence Rate of Immune Genetic Algorithm to Absorbed-State....Pages 22-28
Linear Programming Relax-PSO Hybrid Bound Algorithm for a Class of Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems....Pages 29-35
An Improved Ant Colony System and Its Application....Pages 36-45
Molecular Diagnosis of Tumor Based on Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines....Pages 46-56
Gene Selection Using Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and Support Vector Machine for Cancer Classification....Pages 57-66
General Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Simulated Annealing for Multi-specification One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem....Pages 67-76
Neurodynamic Analysis for the Schur Decomposition of the Box Problems....Pages 77-86
A New Model Based Multi-objective PSO Algorithm....Pages 87-94
A New Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimisation Algorithm: The Two-Archive Algorithm....Pages 95-104
Labeling of Human Motion by Constraint-Based Genetic Algorithm....Pages 105-114
Genetic Algorithm and Pareto Optimum Based QoS Multicast Routing Scheme in NGI....Pages 115-122
A Centralized Network Design Problem with Genetic Algorithm Approach....Pages 123-132
CGA: Chaotic Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy Job Scheduling in Grid Environment....Pages 133-143
Population-Based Extremal Optimization with Adaptive L?vy Mutation for Constrained Optimization....Pages 144-155
An Analysis About the Asymptotic Convergence of Evolutionary Algorithms....Pages 156-166
Seeker Optimization Algorithm....Pages 167-176
Game Model Based Co-evolutionary Algorithm and Its Application for Multiobjective Nutrition Decision Making Optimization Problems....Pages 177-183
A Novel Optimization Strategy for the Nonlinear Systems Identification....Pages 184-190
A New Schema Survival and Construction Theory for One-Point Crossover....Pages 191-201
Adaptive Parallel Immune Evolutionary Strategy....Pages 202-208
About the Time Complexity of Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Finite Search Space....Pages 209-219
New Radial Basis Function Neural Network Training for Nonlinear and Nonstationary Signals....Pages 220-230
Structure-Based Rule Selection Framework for Association Rule Mining of Traffic Accident Data....Pages 231-239
A Multi-classification Method of Temporal Data Based on Support Vector Machine....Pages 240-249
Towards a Management Paradigm with a Constrained Benchmark for Autonomic Communications....Pages 250-258
A Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Discernibility Matrix....Pages 259-269
Using Hybrid Hadamard Error Correcting Output Codes for Multi-class Problem Based on Support Vector Machines....Pages 270-276
Range Image Based Classification System Using Support Vector Machines....Pages 277-287
Two Evolutionary Methods for Learning Bayesian Network Structures....Pages 288-297
Fuzzy Q-Map Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning....Pages 298-307
Spatial Data Mining with Uncertainty....Pages 308-316
Locally Weighted LS-SVM for Fuzzy Nonlinear Regression with Fuzzy Input-Output....Pages 317-325
Learning SVM with Varied Example Cost: A kNN Evaluating Approach....Pages 326-335
Using Evolving Agents to Critique Subjective Music Compositions....Pages 336-346
Multi-agent Coordination Schemas in Decentralized Production Systems....Pages 347-356
Ontology-Based RFID System Model for Supporting Semantic Consistency in Ubiquitous Environment....Pages 357-366
Multiagent Search Strategy for Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Ant Model....Pages 367-373
Secure and Efficient Trust Negotiation....Pages 374-384
Hardware/Software Co-design of a Secure Ubiquitous System....Pages 385-395
Efficient Implementation of Tate Pairing on a Mobile Phone Using Java....Pages 396-405
ID-Based (t,n) Threshold Proxy Signcryption for Multi-agent Systems....Pages 406-416
A Differential Power Analysis Attack of Block Cipher Based on the Hamming Weight of Internal Operation Unit....Pages 417-426
Chosen Message Attack Against Mukherjee-Ganguly-Chaudhuri’s Message Authentication Scheme....Pages 427-434
Binary Sequences with Three and Four Level Autocorrelation....Pages 435-442
Security Analysis of Public-Key Encryption Scheme Based on Neural Networks and Its Implementing....Pages 443-450
Enhanced Security Scheme for Managing Heterogeneous Server Platforms....Pages 451-459
A New Parallel Multiplier for Type II Optimal Normal Basis....Pages 460-469
Identity-Based Key-Insulated Signature Without Random Oracles....Pages 470-480
Research on a Novel Hashing Stream Cipher....Pages 481-490
Secure Password Authentication for Distributed Computing....Pages 491-501
A Novel ID-Based Threshold Ring Signature Scheme Competent for Anonymity and Anti-forgery....Pages 502-512
Ternary Tree Based Group Key Management in Dynamic Peer Networks....Pages 513-522
Practical Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol....Pages 523-533
XTR?+?: A Provable Security Public Key Cryptosystem....Pages 534-544
Proxy Ring Signature: Formal Definitions, Efficient Construction and New Variant....Pages 545-555
Linkability Analysis of Some Blind Signature Schemes....Pages 556-566
An Efficient Device Authentication Protocol Using Bioinformatic....Pages 567-575
Subjective and Objective Watermark Detection Using a Novel Approach – Barcode Watermarking....Pages 576-586
Forward Secure Threshold Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings....Pages 587-597
Low-Cost Authentication Protocol of the RFID System Using Partial ID....Pages 598-604
A VLSI Implementation of Minutiae Extraction for Secure Fingerprint Authentication....Pages 605-615
Image-Adaptive Watermarking Using the Improved Signal to Noise Ratio....Pages 616-625
New Malicious Code Detection Based on N-Gram Analysis and Rough Set Theory....Pages 626-633
An Efficient Watermarking Technique Using ADEW and CBWT for Copyright Protection....Pages 634-641
An Image Protection Scheme Using the Wavelet Coefficients Based on Fingerprinting Technique....Pages 642-651
iOBS3: An iSCSI-Based Object Storage Security System....Pages 652-660
An Efficient Algorithm for Clustering Search Engine Results....Pages 661-671
Network Anomalous Attack Detection Based on Clustering and Classifier....Pages 672-682
Fair Reputation Evaluating Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network....Pages 683-693
Multisensor Real-Time Risk Assessment Using Continuous-Time Hidden Markov Models....Pages 694-703
A Load Scattering Algorithm for Dynamic Routing of Automated Material Handling Systems....Pages 704-713
Software Agents Action Securities....Pages 714-724
A Key Distribution Scheme Based on Public Key Cryptography for Sensor Networks....Pages 725-732
Collision-Resilient Multi-state Query Tree Protocol for Fast RFID Tag Identification....Pages 733-742
Toward Modeling Sensor Node Security Using Task-Role Based Access Control with TinySec....Pages 743-749
An Intelligent Digital Content Protection Framework Between Home Network Receiver Devices....Pages 750-757
An Efficient Anonymous Registration Scheme for Mobile IPv4....Pages 758-766
An Elliptic Curve Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Security....Pages 767-777
An Efficient and Secure RFID Security Method with Ownership Transfer....Pages 778-787
Security and Privacy on Authentication Protocol for Low-Cost RFID....Pages 788-794
Securing Overlay Activities of Peers in Unstructured P2P Networks....Pages 795-805
Security Contexts in Autonomic Systems....Pages 806-816
Knowledge Structure on Virus for User Education....Pages 817-823
An Efficient Anonymous Fingerprinting Protocol....Pages 824-832
Senior Executives Commitment to Information Security – from Motivation to Responsibility....Pages 833-838
A Hierarchical Key Distribution Scheme for Conditional Access System in DTV Broadcasting....Pages 839-846
Combining User Authentication with Role-Based Authorazition Based on Identity-Based Signature....Pages 847-857
Modeling and Simulation for Security Risk Propagation in Critical Information Systems....Pages 858-868
Information Assurance Evaluation for Network Information Systems....Pages 869-877
Simulation and Analysis of DDoS in Active Defense Environment....Pages 878-886
Access Control and Authorization for Security of RFID Multi-domain Using SAML and XACML....Pages 887-893
Generalization of the Selective-ID Security Model for HIBS Protocols....Pages 894-902
Discriminatively Learning Selective Averaged One-Dependence Estimators Based on Cross-Entropy Method....Pages 903-912
Image-Adaptive Spread Transform Dither Modulation Using Human Visual Model....Pages 913-923
Improvement of Film Scratch Inpainting Algorithm Using Sobel Based Isophote Computation over Hilbert Scan Line....Pages 924-934
A Watershed Algorithmic Approach for Gray-Scale Skeletonization in Thermal Vein Pattern Biometrics....Pages 935-942
Estimation of Source Signals Number and Underdetermined Blind Separation Based on Sparse Representation....Pages 943-952
Edge Detection Based on Mathematical Morphology and Iterative Thresholding....Pages 953-962
Image Denoising Based on Wavelet Support Vector Machine....Pages 963-971
Variational Decomposition Model in Besov Spaces and Negative Hilbert-Sobolev Spaces....Pages 972-982
Performance Analysis of Cooperative Hopfield Networks for Stereo Matching....Pages 983-990
An Improved Entropy Function and Chaos Optimization Based Scheme for Two-Dimensional Entropic Image Segmentation....Pages 991-1000
Face Pose Estimation and Synthesis by 2D Morphable Model....Pages 1001-1008
Study of the Wavelet Basis Selections....Pages 1009-1017
Feature Weighted Rival Penalized EM for Gaussian Mixture Clustering: Automatic Feature and Model Selections in a Single Paradigm....Pages 1018-1028
Fingerprint Matching Using Invariant Moment Features....Pages 1029-1038
Survey of Distance Measures for NMF-Based Face Recognition....Pages 1039-1049
Weighted Kernel Isomap for Data Visualization and Pattern Classification....Pages 1050-1057
DT-CWT Feature Combined with ONPP for Face Recognition....Pages 1058-1067
Precise Eye Localization with AdaBoost and Fast Radial Symmetry....Pages 1068-1077
Real-Time Expression Recognition System Using Active Appearance Model and EFM....Pages 1078-1084
Feature Extraction Using Histogram Entropies of Euclidean Distances for Vehicle Classification....Pages 1085-1096
Full-Space LDA With Evolutionary Selection for Face Recognition....Pages 1097-1105
Subspace KDA Algorithm for Non-linear Feature Extraction in Face Identification....Pages 1106-1114
Back Matter....Pages -
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security was held in Guangzhou, China, in November 2006. The conference brought together leading minds in computing, programming, and security to discuss the latest developments, applications, and challenges in the field. This volume constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the conference.
The 116 papers contained in this volume were submitted to two rounds of careful review and revision. Collectively, they represent some of the most important developments and new applications in the field.
The papers are organized into topical sections covering bio-inspired computing, evolutionary computation, learning systems and multi-agents, cryptography, information processing and intrusion detection, systems and security, image and signal processing, and pattern recognition.
Front Matter....Pages -
An Improved Particle Swarm Optimizer for Truss Structure Optimization....Pages 1-10
Two-Phase Quantum Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment....Pages 11-21
A Further Discussion on Convergence Rate of Immune Genetic Algorithm to Absorbed-State....Pages 22-28
Linear Programming Relax-PSO Hybrid Bound Algorithm for a Class of Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems....Pages 29-35
An Improved Ant Colony System and Its Application....Pages 36-45
Molecular Diagnosis of Tumor Based on Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines....Pages 46-56
Gene Selection Using Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and Support Vector Machine for Cancer Classification....Pages 57-66
General Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Simulated Annealing for Multi-specification One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem....Pages 67-76
Neurodynamic Analysis for the Schur Decomposition of the Box Problems....Pages 77-86
A New Model Based Multi-objective PSO Algorithm....Pages 87-94
A New Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimisation Algorithm: The Two-Archive Algorithm....Pages 95-104
Labeling of Human Motion by Constraint-Based Genetic Algorithm....Pages 105-114
Genetic Algorithm and Pareto Optimum Based QoS Multicast Routing Scheme in NGI....Pages 115-122
A Centralized Network Design Problem with Genetic Algorithm Approach....Pages 123-132
CGA: Chaotic Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy Job Scheduling in Grid Environment....Pages 133-143
Population-Based Extremal Optimization with Adaptive L?vy Mutation for Constrained Optimization....Pages 144-155
An Analysis About the Asymptotic Convergence of Evolutionary Algorithms....Pages 156-166
Seeker Optimization Algorithm....Pages 167-176
Game Model Based Co-evolutionary Algorithm and Its Application for Multiobjective Nutrition Decision Making Optimization Problems....Pages 177-183
A Novel Optimization Strategy for the Nonlinear Systems Identification....Pages 184-190
A New Schema Survival and Construction Theory for One-Point Crossover....Pages 191-201
Adaptive Parallel Immune Evolutionary Strategy....Pages 202-208
About the Time Complexity of Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Finite Search Space....Pages 209-219
New Radial Basis Function Neural Network Training for Nonlinear and Nonstationary Signals....Pages 220-230
Structure-Based Rule Selection Framework for Association Rule Mining of Traffic Accident Data....Pages 231-239
A Multi-classification Method of Temporal Data Based on Support Vector Machine....Pages 240-249
Towards a Management Paradigm with a Constrained Benchmark for Autonomic Communications....Pages 250-258
A Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Discernibility Matrix....Pages 259-269
Using Hybrid Hadamard Error Correcting Output Codes for Multi-class Problem Based on Support Vector Machines....Pages 270-276
Range Image Based Classification System Using Support Vector Machines....Pages 277-287
Two Evolutionary Methods for Learning Bayesian Network Structures....Pages 288-297
Fuzzy Q-Map Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning....Pages 298-307
Spatial Data Mining with Uncertainty....Pages 308-316
Locally Weighted LS-SVM for Fuzzy Nonlinear Regression with Fuzzy Input-Output....Pages 317-325
Learning SVM with Varied Example Cost: A kNN Evaluating Approach....Pages 326-335
Using Evolving Agents to Critique Subjective Music Compositions....Pages 336-346
Multi-agent Coordination Schemas in Decentralized Production Systems....Pages 347-356
Ontology-Based RFID System Model for Supporting Semantic Consistency in Ubiquitous Environment....Pages 357-366
Multiagent Search Strategy for Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Ant Model....Pages 367-373
Secure and Efficient Trust Negotiation....Pages 374-384
Hardware/Software Co-design of a Secure Ubiquitous System....Pages 385-395
Efficient Implementation of Tate Pairing on a Mobile Phone Using Java....Pages 396-405
ID-Based (t,n) Threshold Proxy Signcryption for Multi-agent Systems....Pages 406-416
A Differential Power Analysis Attack of Block Cipher Based on the Hamming Weight of Internal Operation Unit....Pages 417-426
Chosen Message Attack Against Mukherjee-Ganguly-Chaudhuri’s Message Authentication Scheme....Pages 427-434
Binary Sequences with Three and Four Level Autocorrelation....Pages 435-442
Security Analysis of Public-Key Encryption Scheme Based on Neural Networks and Its Implementing....Pages 443-450
Enhanced Security Scheme for Managing Heterogeneous Server Platforms....Pages 451-459
A New Parallel Multiplier for Type II Optimal Normal Basis....Pages 460-469
Identity-Based Key-Insulated Signature Without Random Oracles....Pages 470-480
Research on a Novel Hashing Stream Cipher....Pages 481-490
Secure Password Authentication for Distributed Computing....Pages 491-501
A Novel ID-Based Threshold Ring Signature Scheme Competent for Anonymity and Anti-forgery....Pages 502-512
Ternary Tree Based Group Key Management in Dynamic Peer Networks....Pages 513-522
Practical Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol....Pages 523-533
XTR?+?: A Provable Security Public Key Cryptosystem....Pages 534-544
Proxy Ring Signature: Formal Definitions, Efficient Construction and New Variant....Pages 545-555
Linkability Analysis of Some Blind Signature Schemes....Pages 556-566
An Efficient Device Authentication Protocol Using Bioinformatic....Pages 567-575
Subjective and Objective Watermark Detection Using a Novel Approach – Barcode Watermarking....Pages 576-586
Forward Secure Threshold Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings....Pages 587-597
Low-Cost Authentication Protocol of the RFID System Using Partial ID....Pages 598-604
A VLSI Implementation of Minutiae Extraction for Secure Fingerprint Authentication....Pages 605-615
Image-Adaptive Watermarking Using the Improved Signal to Noise Ratio....Pages 616-625
New Malicious Code Detection Based on N-Gram Analysis and Rough Set Theory....Pages 626-633
An Efficient Watermarking Technique Using ADEW and CBWT for Copyright Protection....Pages 634-641
An Image Protection Scheme Using the Wavelet Coefficients Based on Fingerprinting Technique....Pages 642-651
iOBS3: An iSCSI-Based Object Storage Security System....Pages 652-660
An Efficient Algorithm for Clustering Search Engine Results....Pages 661-671
Network Anomalous Attack Detection Based on Clustering and Classifier....Pages 672-682
Fair Reputation Evaluating Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network....Pages 683-693
Multisensor Real-Time Risk Assessment Using Continuous-Time Hidden Markov Models....Pages 694-703
A Load Scattering Algorithm for Dynamic Routing of Automated Material Handling Systems....Pages 704-713
Software Agents Action Securities....Pages 714-724
A Key Distribution Scheme Based on Public Key Cryptography for Sensor Networks....Pages 725-732
Collision-Resilient Multi-state Query Tree Protocol for Fast RFID Tag Identification....Pages 733-742
Toward Modeling Sensor Node Security Using Task-Role Based Access Control with TinySec....Pages 743-749
An Intelligent Digital Content Protection Framework Between Home Network Receiver Devices....Pages 750-757
An Efficient Anonymous Registration Scheme for Mobile IPv4....Pages 758-766
An Elliptic Curve Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Security....Pages 767-777
An Efficient and Secure RFID Security Method with Ownership Transfer....Pages 778-787
Security and Privacy on Authentication Protocol for Low-Cost RFID....Pages 788-794
Securing Overlay Activities of Peers in Unstructured P2P Networks....Pages 795-805
Security Contexts in Autonomic Systems....Pages 806-816
Knowledge Structure on Virus for User Education....Pages 817-823
An Efficient Anonymous Fingerprinting Protocol....Pages 824-832
Senior Executives Commitment to Information Security – from Motivation to Responsibility....Pages 833-838
A Hierarchical Key Distribution Scheme for Conditional Access System in DTV Broadcasting....Pages 839-846
Combining User Authentication with Role-Based Authorazition Based on Identity-Based Signature....Pages 847-857
Modeling and Simulation for Security Risk Propagation in Critical Information Systems....Pages 858-868
Information Assurance Evaluation for Network Information Systems....Pages 869-877
Simulation and Analysis of DDoS in Active Defense Environment....Pages 878-886
Access Control and Authorization for Security of RFID Multi-domain Using SAML and XACML....Pages 887-893
Generalization of the Selective-ID Security Model for HIBS Protocols....Pages 894-902
Discriminatively Learning Selective Averaged One-Dependence Estimators Based on Cross-Entropy Method....Pages 903-912
Image-Adaptive Spread Transform Dither Modulation Using Human Visual Model....Pages 913-923
Improvement of Film Scratch Inpainting Algorithm Using Sobel Based Isophote Computation over Hilbert Scan Line....Pages 924-934
A Watershed Algorithmic Approach for Gray-Scale Skeletonization in Thermal Vein Pattern Biometrics....Pages 935-942
Estimation of Source Signals Number and Underdetermined Blind Separation Based on Sparse Representation....Pages 943-952
Edge Detection Based on Mathematical Morphology and Iterative Thresholding....Pages 953-962
Image Denoising Based on Wavelet Support Vector Machine....Pages 963-971
Variational Decomposition Model in Besov Spaces and Negative Hilbert-Sobolev Spaces....Pages 972-982
Performance Analysis of Cooperative Hopfield Networks for Stereo Matching....Pages 983-990
An Improved Entropy Function and Chaos Optimization Based Scheme for Two-Dimensional Entropic Image Segmentation....Pages 991-1000
Face Pose Estimation and Synthesis by 2D Morphable Model....Pages 1001-1008
Study of the Wavelet Basis Selections....Pages 1009-1017
Feature Weighted Rival Penalized EM for Gaussian Mixture Clustering: Automatic Feature and Model Selections in a Single Paradigm....Pages 1018-1028
Fingerprint Matching Using Invariant Moment Features....Pages 1029-1038
Survey of Distance Measures for NMF-Based Face Recognition....Pages 1039-1049
Weighted Kernel Isomap for Data Visualization and Pattern Classification....Pages 1050-1057
DT-CWT Feature Combined with ONPP for Face Recognition....Pages 1058-1067
Precise Eye Localization with AdaBoost and Fast Radial Symmetry....Pages 1068-1077
Real-Time Expression Recognition System Using Active Appearance Model and EFM....Pages 1078-1084
Feature Extraction Using Histogram Entropies of Euclidean Distances for Vehicle Classification....Pages 1085-1096
Full-Space LDA With Evolutionary Selection for Face Recognition....Pages 1097-1105
Subspace KDA Algorithm for Non-linear Feature Extraction in Face Identification....Pages 1106-1114
Back Matter....Pages -