Ebook: Frontiers of High Performance Computing and Networking ISPA 2007 Workshops: ISPA 2007 International Workshops SSDSN, UPWN, WISH, SGC, ParDMCom, HiPCoMB, and IST-AWSN Niagara Falls, Canada, August 28-September 1, 2007 Proceedings
- Tags: Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity, Computer Communication Networks, Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet), System Performance and Evaluation, Software Engineering, Computational Biology/Bioinformatics
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4743
- Year: 2007
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of seven international workshops held in conjunction with the 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ISPA 2007, held in Niagara Falls, Canada in August 2007.
The 53 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from many high quality submissions. The workshops are very specific and contribute to enlarging the spectrum of the more general topics treated in the ISPA 2007 main conference. Topics addressed are Security and Survivability in Distributed Sensor Networks (SSDSN 2007), Ubiquitous Processing for Wireless Networks (UPWN 2007), Intelligent Systems and Smart Home (WISH 2007), Semantic and Grid Computing (SGC 2007), Parallel and Distributed Multimedia Computing (ParDMCom 2007), High Performance Computing in Medicine and Biology (HiPCoMB 2007), as well as Intelligent Systems Techniques for Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks (IST-AWSN 2007).
This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of seven international workshops held in conjunction with the 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ISPA 2007, held in Niagara Falls, Canada in August 2007.
The 53 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from many high quality submissions. The workshops are very specific and contribute to enlarging the spectrum of the more general topics treated in the ISPA 2007 main conference. Topics addressed are Security and Survivability in Distributed Sensor Networks (SSDSN 2007), Ubiquitous Processing for Wireless Networks (UPWN 2007), Intelligent Systems and Smart Home (WISH 2007), Semantic and Grid Computing (SGC 2007), Parallel and Distributed Multimedia Computing (ParDMCom 2007), High Performance Computing in Medicine and Biology (HiPCoMB 2007), as well as Intelligent Systems Techniques for Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks (IST-AWSN 2007).
Front Matter....Pages -
To Increase Survivability with Software Rejuvenation by Having Dual Base Station in WSN Environment....Pages 1-10
DoS Attack Mining in Sensor Node Replacement....Pages 11-19
Secure Cluster Header Election Techniques in Sensor Network....Pages 20-31
A Secure Data Aggregation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 32-40
A Key Revocation Scheme for Mobile Sensor Networks....Pages 41-49
Adaptive Binding Update Schemes in NEMO....Pages 50-59
An Information Aggregation Scheme of Multi-node in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks....Pages 60-68
QLP-LBS: Quantization and Location Prediction-Based LBS for Reduction of Location Update Costs....Pages 69-76
Positioning System in Taipei Children’s Museum of Transportation and Communication....Pages 77-86
Portable Patient Information Integration System for Patient Safety Improvement....Pages 87-95
Secure Session Management Mechanism in VoIP Service....Pages 96-104
An Effective Local Repair Scheme Using Candidate Node and Hello Message in AODV....Pages 105-114
A Frame-Based Selective Encryption Method for Real Time Video Transmission on VoIP....Pages 115-122
ECG Anomaly Detection via Time Series Analysis....Pages 123-135
Semantics-Based Event-Driven Web News Classification....Pages 136-143
A Study on Application of Cyber Shopping Service with Utilization of Context Awareness in Smart Home Environment....Pages 144-152
A Transparent Protocol Scheme Based on UPnP AV for Ubiquitous Home....Pages 153-162
Learning Fuzzy Concept Hierarchy and Measurement with Node Labeling....Pages 163-172
Prepositions and Conjunctions in a Natural Language Interfaces to Databases....Pages 173-182
Zigbee Positioning System for Smart Home Application....Pages 183-192
Solving Unbounded Knapsack Problem Using an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm with Elitism Strategy....Pages 193-202
Automatic Lexico-Semantic Frames Acquisition from Syntactic Parsed Tree by Using Clustering and Combining Techniques....Pages 203-213
Intelligent Home Network Authentication: S/Key-Based Home Device Authentication....Pages 214-223
GA Based Optimal Keyword Extraction in an Automatic Chinese Web Document Classification System....Pages 224-234
Design and Implementation of Context-Aware Security Management System for Ubiquitous Computing Environment....Pages 235-244
Forward Secure Privacy Protection Scheme for RFID System Using Advanced Encryption Standard....Pages 245-254
Polygon-Based Similarity Aggregation for Ontology Matching....Pages 255-264
A User-Controlled VoiceXML Application Based on Dynamic Voice Anchor and Node....Pages 265-272
Grid Computing in New York State, USA....Pages 273-284
A Data Allocation Method for Efficient Content-Based Retrieval in Parallel Multimedia Databases....Pages 285-294
Optimization of VoD Streaming Scheduling for IPTV Multi-channel Support....Pages 295-304
Continuous Kernel-Based Outlier Detection over Distributed Data Streams....Pages 305-314
A Resource Discovery and Allocation Mechanism in Large Computational Grids for Media Applications....Pages 315-325
Impact of Dynamic Growing on the Internet Degree Distribution....Pages 326-334
Simulation-Based Evaluation of Distributed Mesh Allocation Algorithms....Pages 335-344
A New Method for Describing the Syntax and Semantics of VIEWCHARTS....Pages 345-354
A New Formalism for Describing Concurrent Systems....Pages 355-364
Distributed Multi-source Regular Path Queries....Pages 365-374
Parallel Matrix Multiplication Based on Dynamic SMP Clusters in SoC Technology....Pages 375-385
Multi-Agent Design of Urban Oriented Traffic Integration Control System....Pages 386-393
Register File Management and Compiler Optimization on EDSMT....Pages 394-403
Services, Standards, and Technologies for High Performance Computational Proteomics ....Pages 404-413
High Throughput Protein Similarity Searches in the LIBI Grid Problem Solving Environment....Pages 414-423
Grid and Distributed Public Computing Schemes for Structural Proteomics: A Short Overview....Pages 424-434
Distributed Processing of Clinical Practice Data in Grid Environment for Pharmacotherapy Personalization and Evidence-Based Pharmacology....Pages 435-443
Fault Tolerance of Connectivity Performance in CDMA-Based Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 444-454
Lifetime Performance of an Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 455-464
Balancing Energy Dissipation in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 465-474
Dynamic Key Management Schemes for Secure Group Communication Based on Hierarchical Clustering in Mobile AdHocNetworks....Pages 475-484
Privacy Preserving Monitoring and Surveillance in Sensor Networks....Pages 485-492
A Distributed Clustering Algorithm for Fault-Tolerant Event Region Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 493-502
Optimal Multicast Multichannel Routing in Computer Networks....Pages 503-512
A Secure On-Demand Source Routing Scheme Using Hierarchical Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks....Pages 513-522
A Hybrid Location-Semantic Approach to Routing Assisted by Agents in a Virtual Network....Pages 523-533
Back Matter....Pages -
This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of seven international workshops held in conjunction with the 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ISPA 2007, held in Niagara Falls, Canada in August 2007.
The 53 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from many high quality submissions. The workshops are very specific and contribute to enlarging the spectrum of the more general topics treated in the ISPA 2007 main conference. Topics addressed are Security and Survivability in Distributed Sensor Networks (SSDSN 2007), Ubiquitous Processing for Wireless Networks (UPWN 2007), Intelligent Systems and Smart Home (WISH 2007), Semantic and Grid Computing (SGC 2007), Parallel and Distributed Multimedia Computing (ParDMCom 2007), High Performance Computing in Medicine and Biology (HiPCoMB 2007), as well as Intelligent Systems Techniques for Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks (IST-AWSN 2007).
Front Matter....Pages -
To Increase Survivability with Software Rejuvenation by Having Dual Base Station in WSN Environment....Pages 1-10
DoS Attack Mining in Sensor Node Replacement....Pages 11-19
Secure Cluster Header Election Techniques in Sensor Network....Pages 20-31
A Secure Data Aggregation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 32-40
A Key Revocation Scheme for Mobile Sensor Networks....Pages 41-49
Adaptive Binding Update Schemes in NEMO....Pages 50-59
An Information Aggregation Scheme of Multi-node in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks....Pages 60-68
QLP-LBS: Quantization and Location Prediction-Based LBS for Reduction of Location Update Costs....Pages 69-76
Positioning System in Taipei Children’s Museum of Transportation and Communication....Pages 77-86
Portable Patient Information Integration System for Patient Safety Improvement....Pages 87-95
Secure Session Management Mechanism in VoIP Service....Pages 96-104
An Effective Local Repair Scheme Using Candidate Node and Hello Message in AODV....Pages 105-114
A Frame-Based Selective Encryption Method for Real Time Video Transmission on VoIP....Pages 115-122
ECG Anomaly Detection via Time Series Analysis....Pages 123-135
Semantics-Based Event-Driven Web News Classification....Pages 136-143
A Study on Application of Cyber Shopping Service with Utilization of Context Awareness in Smart Home Environment....Pages 144-152
A Transparent Protocol Scheme Based on UPnP AV for Ubiquitous Home....Pages 153-162
Learning Fuzzy Concept Hierarchy and Measurement with Node Labeling....Pages 163-172
Prepositions and Conjunctions in a Natural Language Interfaces to Databases....Pages 173-182
Zigbee Positioning System for Smart Home Application....Pages 183-192
Solving Unbounded Knapsack Problem Using an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm with Elitism Strategy....Pages 193-202
Automatic Lexico-Semantic Frames Acquisition from Syntactic Parsed Tree by Using Clustering and Combining Techniques....Pages 203-213
Intelligent Home Network Authentication: S/Key-Based Home Device Authentication....Pages 214-223
GA Based Optimal Keyword Extraction in an Automatic Chinese Web Document Classification System....Pages 224-234
Design and Implementation of Context-Aware Security Management System for Ubiquitous Computing Environment....Pages 235-244
Forward Secure Privacy Protection Scheme for RFID System Using Advanced Encryption Standard....Pages 245-254
Polygon-Based Similarity Aggregation for Ontology Matching....Pages 255-264
A User-Controlled VoiceXML Application Based on Dynamic Voice Anchor and Node....Pages 265-272
Grid Computing in New York State, USA....Pages 273-284
A Data Allocation Method for Efficient Content-Based Retrieval in Parallel Multimedia Databases....Pages 285-294
Optimization of VoD Streaming Scheduling for IPTV Multi-channel Support....Pages 295-304
Continuous Kernel-Based Outlier Detection over Distributed Data Streams....Pages 305-314
A Resource Discovery and Allocation Mechanism in Large Computational Grids for Media Applications....Pages 315-325
Impact of Dynamic Growing on the Internet Degree Distribution....Pages 326-334
Simulation-Based Evaluation of Distributed Mesh Allocation Algorithms....Pages 335-344
A New Method for Describing the Syntax and Semantics of VIEWCHARTS....Pages 345-354
A New Formalism for Describing Concurrent Systems....Pages 355-364
Distributed Multi-source Regular Path Queries....Pages 365-374
Parallel Matrix Multiplication Based on Dynamic SMP Clusters in SoC Technology....Pages 375-385
Multi-Agent Design of Urban Oriented Traffic Integration Control System....Pages 386-393
Register File Management and Compiler Optimization on EDSMT....Pages 394-403
Services, Standards, and Technologies for High Performance Computational Proteomics ....Pages 404-413
High Throughput Protein Similarity Searches in the LIBI Grid Problem Solving Environment....Pages 414-423
Grid and Distributed Public Computing Schemes for Structural Proteomics: A Short Overview....Pages 424-434
Distributed Processing of Clinical Practice Data in Grid Environment for Pharmacotherapy Personalization and Evidence-Based Pharmacology....Pages 435-443
Fault Tolerance of Connectivity Performance in CDMA-Based Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 444-454
Lifetime Performance of an Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 455-464
Balancing Energy Dissipation in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 465-474
Dynamic Key Management Schemes for Secure Group Communication Based on Hierarchical Clustering in Mobile AdHocNetworks....Pages 475-484
Privacy Preserving Monitoring and Surveillance in Sensor Networks....Pages 485-492
A Distributed Clustering Algorithm for Fault-Tolerant Event Region Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 493-502
Optimal Multicast Multichannel Routing in Computer Networks....Pages 503-512
A Secure On-Demand Source Routing Scheme Using Hierarchical Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks....Pages 513-522
A Hybrid Location-Semantic Approach to Routing Assisted by Agents in a Virtual Network....Pages 523-533
Back Matter....Pages -