Ebook: Advances in Natural Computation: Second International Conference, ICNC 2006, Xi’an, China, September 24-28, 2006. Proceedings, Part I
Author: Qing Wu Sanyang Liu Leyou Zhang (auth.) Licheng Jiao Lipo Wang Xin-bo Gao Jing Liu Feng Wu (eds.)
- Tags: Computation by Abstract Devices, Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity, Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Image Processing and Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Evolutionary Biology
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4221
- Year: 2006
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The two-volume set LNCS 4221 and LNCS 4222 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2006, held in Xi'an, China, in September 2006 as a joint event in federation with the Third International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery FSKD 2006 (LNAI 4223).
After a demanding review process 168 carefully revised full papers and 86 revised short papers were selected from 1915 submissions for presentation in two volumes. This first volume includes 130 papers related to artificial neural networks, natural neural systems and cognitive science, neural network applications, as well as evolutionary computation: theory and algorithms. The 124 papers in the second volume are organized in topical sections on other topics in natural computation, natural computation techniques applications, hardware, and cross-disciplinary topics.
The two-volume set LNCS 4221 and LNCS 4222 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2006, held in Xi'an, China, in September 2006 as a joint event in federation with the Third International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery FSKD 2006 (LNAI 4223).
After a demanding review process 168 carefully revised full papers and 86 revised short papers were selected from 1915 submissions for presentation in two volumes. This first volume includes 130 papers related to artificial neural networks, natural neural systems and cognitive science, neural network applications, as well as evolutionary computation: theory and algorithms. The 124 papers in the second volume are organized in topical sections on other topics in natural computation, natural computation techniques applications, hardware, and cross-disciplinary topics.
Front Matter....Pages -
Hypersphere Support Vector Machines Based on Multiplicative Updates....Pages 1-4
The Study of Leave-One-Out Error-Based Classification Learning Algorithm for Generalization Performance....Pages 5-14
Gabor Feature Based Classification Using LDA/QZ Algorithm for Face Recognition....Pages 15-24
Breast Cancer Detection Using Hierarchical B-Spline Networks....Pages 25-28
Ensemble-Based Discriminant Manifold Learning for Face Recognition....Pages 29-38
Perceptual Learning Inspired Model Selection Method of Neural Networks....Pages 39-42
Improving Nearest Neighbor Rule with a Simple Adaptive Distance Measure....Pages 43-46
A Sparse Kernel-Based Least-Squares Temporal Difference Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning....Pages 47-56
Independent Component Analysis Based Blind Deconvolution of Spectroscopic Data....Pages 57-65
Parameterized Semi-supervised Classification Based on Support Vector for Multi-relational Data....Pages 66-75
Credit Scoring Model Based on Neural Network with Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 76-79
A Novel CFNN Model for Designing Complex FIR Digital Filters....Pages 80-84
SAPSO Neural Network for Inspection of Non-development Hatching Eggs....Pages 85-88
Research on Stereographic Projection and It’s Application on Feed Forward Neural Network....Pages 89-92
Fuzzy CMAC with Online Learning Ability and Its Application....Pages 93-96
Multiresolution Neural Networks Based on Immune Particle Swarm Algorithm....Pages 97-106
Multicategory Classification Based on the Hypercube Self-Organizing Mapping (SOM) Scheme....Pages 107-110
Increased Storage Capacity in Hopfield Networks by Small-World Topology....Pages 111-114
Associative Memory with Small World Connectivity Built on Watts-Strogatz Model....Pages 115-122
A Hopfiled Neural Network Based on Penalty Function with Objective Parameters....Pages 123-126
Study on Discharge Patterns of Hindmarsh-Rose Neurons Under Slow Wave Current Stimulation....Pages 127-134
Proximal SVM Ensemble Based on Feature Selection....Pages 135-138
Exact Semismooth Newton SVM....Pages 139-142
General Kernel Optimization Model Based on Kernel Fisher Criterion....Pages 143-146
A Novel Multiple Support Vector Machines Architecture for Chaotic Time Series Prediction....Pages 147-156
Robust LS-SVM Regression Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering....Pages 157-166
Support Vector Regression Based on Unconstrained Convex Quadratic Programming....Pages 167-174
Base Vector Selection for Support Vector Machine....Pages 175-184
How to Stop the Evolutionary Process in Evolving Neural Network Ensembles....Pages 185-194
Stable Robust Control for Chaotic Systems Based on Linear-Paremeter-Neural-Networks....Pages 195-204
Applications of Granger Causality Model to Connectivity Network Based on fMRI Time Series....Pages 205-213
A Spiking Neuron Model of Theta Phase Precession....Pages 214-223
Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance in Single Neuron Using Sinusoidal Wave Sequence....Pages 224-227
Phase Coding on the Large-Scaled Neuronal Population Subjected to Stimulation....Pages 228-236
Coherent Sources Mapping by K-Means Cluster and Correlation Coefficient....Pages 237-240
Measuring Usability: Use HMM Emotion Method and Parameter Optimize....Pages 241-250
Affective Computing Model Based on Emotional Psychology....Pages 251-260
Locating Salient Edges for CBIR Based on Visual Attention Model....Pages 261-264
“What” and “Where” Information Based Attention Guidance Model....Pages 265-274
Emotion Social Interaction for Virtual Characters....Pages 275-278
Biologically Inspired Bayes Learning and Its Dependence on the Distribution of the Receptive Fields....Pages 279-288
Using PCA-Based Neural Network Committee Model for Early Warning of Bank Failure....Pages 289-292
Theoretical Derivation of Minimum Mean Square Error of RBF Based Equalizer....Pages 293-302
A Hybrid Unscented Kalman Filter and Support Vector Machine Model in Option Price Forecasting....Pages 303-312
Empirical Study of Financial Affairs Early Warning Model on Companies Based on Artificial Neural Network....Pages 313-320
Rolling Bearings Fault Diagnosis Based on Adaptive Gaussian Chirplet Spectrogram and Independent Component Analysis....Pages 321-330
T-Test Model for Context Aware Classifier....Pages 331-336
Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis and Its Mixture Model....Pages 337-340
A Hybrid Bayesian Optimal Classifier Based on Neuro-fuzzy Logic....Pages 341-350
Face Detection Using Kernel PCA and Imbalanced SVM....Pages 351-360
Neural Networks Based Structural Model Updating Methodology Using Spatially Incomplete Accelerations....Pages 361-370
Appearance-Based Gait Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis....Pages 371-380
Combining Apriori Algorithm and Constraint-Based Genetic Algorithm for Tree Induction for Aircraft Electronic Ballasts Troubleshooting....Pages 381-384
Container Image Recognition Using ART2-Based Self-organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm....Pages 385-394
Fingerprint Classification by SPCNN and Combined LVQ Networks....Pages 395-398
Gait Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model....Pages 399-407
Neurocontroller Via Adaptive Learning Rates for Stable Path Tracking of Mobile Robots....Pages 408-417
Neuro-PID Position Controller Design for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor....Pages 418-426
Robust Stability of Nonlinear Neural-Network Modeled Systems....Pages 427-436
Effects of Using Different Neural Network Structures and Cost Functions in Locomotion Control....Pages 437-446
Humanoid Robot Behavior Learning Based on ART Neural Network and Cross-Modality Learning....Pages 447-450
An Online Blind Source Separation for Convolutive Acoustic Signals in Frequency-Domain....Pages 451-460
GPS/INS Navigation Filter Designs Using Neural Network with Optimization Techniques....Pages 461-470
An Adaptive Image Segmentation Method Based on a Modified Pulse Coupled Neural Network....Pages 471-474
A Edge Feature Matching Algorithm Based on Evolutionary Strategies and Least Trimmed Square Hausdorff Distance....Pages 475-478
Least Squares Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm for Passive Multi-sensor Maneuvering Target Tracking....Pages 479-482
Multiple Classifiers Approach for Computational Efficiency in Multi-scale Search Based Face Detection....Pages 483-492
A Blind Watermarking Algorithm Based on HVS and RBF Neural Network for Digital Image....Pages 493-496
Multiscale BiLinear Recurrent Neural Network with an Adaptive Learning Algorithm....Pages 497-506
On-Line Signature Verification Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network....Pages 507-510
Multiobjective RBFNNs Designer for Function Approximation: An Application for Mineral Reduction....Pages 511-520
A New Time Series Forecasting Approach Based on Bayesian Least Risk Principle....Pages 521-524
Feature Reduction Techniques for Power System Security Assessment....Pages 525-534
Harmonic Source Model Based on Support Vector Machine....Pages 535-544
Sound Quality Evaluation Based on Artificial Neural Network....Pages 545-554
SOC Dynamic Power Management Using Artificial Neural Network....Pages 555-564
Effects of Feature Selection on the Identification of Students with Learning Disabilities Using ANN....Pages 565-574
A Comparison of Competitive Neural Network with Other AI Techniques in Manufacturing Cell Formation....Pages 575-583
Intelligent Natural Language Processing....Pages 584-587
Optimal Clustering-Based ART1 Classification in Bioinformatics: G-Protein Coupled Receptors Classification....Pages 588-597
Trawling Pattern Analysis with Neural Classifier....Pages 598-601
Model Optimization of Artificial Neural Networks for Performance Predicting in Spot Welding of the Body Galvanized DP Steel Sheets, ....Pages 602-605
Robust Clustering Algorithms Based on Finite Mixtures of Multivariate t Distribution....Pages 606-609
A Hybrid Algorithm for Solving Generalized Class Cover Problem....Pages 610-619
Cooperative Co-evolutionary Approach Applied in Reactive Power Optimization of Power System....Pages 620-628
Evolutionary Algorithms for Group/Non-group Decision in Periodic Boundary CA....Pages 629-632
A Fuzzy Intelligent Controller for Genetic Algorithms’ Parameters....Pages 633-642
An Interactive Preference-Weight Genetic Algorithm for Multi-criterion Satisficing Optimization....Pages 643-652
A Uniform-Design Based Multi-objective Adaptive Genetic Algorithm and Its Application to Automated Design of Electronic Circuits....Pages 653-656
The Research on the Optimal Control Strategy of a Serial Supply Chain Based on GA....Pages 657-665
A Nested Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Container Pick-Up Operation Scheduling on Container Yards....Pages 666-675
A Genetic Algorithm for Scale-Based Product Platform Planning....Pages 676-685
A Pattern Based Evolutionary Approach to Prediction Computation in XCSF....Pages 686-695
Genetic Algorithm Based on the Orthogonal Design for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems....Pages 696-705
A Markov Random Field Based Hybrid Algorithm with Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm for Image Segmentation....Pages 706-715
Genetic Algorithm Based Fine-Grain Sleep Transistor Insertion Technique for Leakage Optimization....Pages 716-725
Self-adaptive Length Genetic Algorithm for Urban Rerouting Problem....Pages 726-729
A Global Archive Sub-Population Genetic Algorithm with Adaptive Strategy in Multi-objective Parallel-Machine Scheduling Problem....Pages 730-739
A Penalty-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Optimization....Pages 740-748
Parallel Hybrid PSO-GA Algorithm and Its Application to Layout Design....Pages 749-758
Knowledge-Inducing Interactive Genetic Algorithms Based on Multi-agent....Pages 759-768
Concurrent Design of Heterogeneous Object Based on Method of Feasible Direction and Genetic Algorithm....Pages 769-778
Genetic Algorithm-Based Text Clustering Technique....Pages 779-782
On Directed Edge Recombination Crossover for ATSP....Pages 783-791
Research on the Convergence of Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Based on Rough Classification....Pages 792-795
Continuous Optimization by Evolving Probability Density Functions with a Two-Island Model....Pages 796-805
Make Fast Evolutionary Programming Robust by Search Step Control....Pages 806-815
Improved Approach of Genetic Programming and Applications for Data Mining....Pages 816-819
Niching Clonal Selection Algorithm for Multimodal Function Optimization....Pages 820-827
A New Macroevolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Problems....Pages 828-837
Clonal Selection Algorithm with Search Space Expansion Scheme for Global Function Optimization....Pages 838-847
Network Evolution Modeling and Simulation Based on SPD....Pages 848-855
Intelligent Optimization Algorithm Approach to Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography....Pages 856-859
A Framework of Oligopolistic Market Simulation with Coevolutionary Computation....Pages 860-869
Immune Clonal MO Algorithm for 0/1 Knapsack Problems....Pages 870-878
Training Neural Networks Using Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 879-888
New Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization Problems....Pages 889-892
Simulation for Interactive Markov Chains....Pages 893-902
On Parallel Immune Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Learning Mechanism and Its Convergence....Pages 903-912
Self-Organization Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Information Feedback....Pages 913-922
An Evolving Wavelet-Based De-noising Method for the Weigh-In-Motion System....Pages 923-926
SAR Image Classification Based on Clonal Selection Algorithm....Pages 927-934
Crossed Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm....Pages 935-938
A Dynamic Convexized Function with the Same Global Minimizers for Global Optimization....Pages 939-948
Clonal Selection Algorithm with Dynamic Population Size for Bimodal Search Spaces....Pages 949-958
Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization with Adaptive Mutation Operator....Pages 959-967
An Improved Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization Reconstruction....Pages 968-971
Self-Adaptive Chaos Differential Evolution....Pages 972-975
Using the Ring Neighborhood Topology with Self-adaptive Differential Evolution....Pages 976-979
Liquid State Machine by Spatially Coupled Oscillators....Pages 980-983
Back Matter....Pages -
The two-volume set LNCS 4221 and LNCS 4222 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2006, held in Xi'an, China, in September 2006 as a joint event in federation with the Third International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery FSKD 2006 (LNAI 4223).
After a demanding review process 168 carefully revised full papers and 86 revised short papers were selected from 1915 submissions for presentation in two volumes. This first volume includes 130 papers related to artificial neural networks, natural neural systems and cognitive science, neural network applications, as well as evolutionary computation: theory and algorithms. The 124 papers in the second volume are organized in topical sections on other topics in natural computation, natural computation techniques applications, hardware, and cross-disciplinary topics.
Front Matter....Pages -
Hypersphere Support Vector Machines Based on Multiplicative Updates....Pages 1-4
The Study of Leave-One-Out Error-Based Classification Learning Algorithm for Generalization Performance....Pages 5-14
Gabor Feature Based Classification Using LDA/QZ Algorithm for Face Recognition....Pages 15-24
Breast Cancer Detection Using Hierarchical B-Spline Networks....Pages 25-28
Ensemble-Based Discriminant Manifold Learning for Face Recognition....Pages 29-38
Perceptual Learning Inspired Model Selection Method of Neural Networks....Pages 39-42
Improving Nearest Neighbor Rule with a Simple Adaptive Distance Measure....Pages 43-46
A Sparse Kernel-Based Least-Squares Temporal Difference Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning....Pages 47-56
Independent Component Analysis Based Blind Deconvolution of Spectroscopic Data....Pages 57-65
Parameterized Semi-supervised Classification Based on Support Vector for Multi-relational Data....Pages 66-75
Credit Scoring Model Based on Neural Network with Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 76-79
A Novel CFNN Model for Designing Complex FIR Digital Filters....Pages 80-84
SAPSO Neural Network for Inspection of Non-development Hatching Eggs....Pages 85-88
Research on Stereographic Projection and It’s Application on Feed Forward Neural Network....Pages 89-92
Fuzzy CMAC with Online Learning Ability and Its Application....Pages 93-96
Multiresolution Neural Networks Based on Immune Particle Swarm Algorithm....Pages 97-106
Multicategory Classification Based on the Hypercube Self-Organizing Mapping (SOM) Scheme....Pages 107-110
Increased Storage Capacity in Hopfield Networks by Small-World Topology....Pages 111-114
Associative Memory with Small World Connectivity Built on Watts-Strogatz Model....Pages 115-122
A Hopfiled Neural Network Based on Penalty Function with Objective Parameters....Pages 123-126
Study on Discharge Patterns of Hindmarsh-Rose Neurons Under Slow Wave Current Stimulation....Pages 127-134
Proximal SVM Ensemble Based on Feature Selection....Pages 135-138
Exact Semismooth Newton SVM....Pages 139-142
General Kernel Optimization Model Based on Kernel Fisher Criterion....Pages 143-146
A Novel Multiple Support Vector Machines Architecture for Chaotic Time Series Prediction....Pages 147-156
Robust LS-SVM Regression Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering....Pages 157-166
Support Vector Regression Based on Unconstrained Convex Quadratic Programming....Pages 167-174
Base Vector Selection for Support Vector Machine....Pages 175-184
How to Stop the Evolutionary Process in Evolving Neural Network Ensembles....Pages 185-194
Stable Robust Control for Chaotic Systems Based on Linear-Paremeter-Neural-Networks....Pages 195-204
Applications of Granger Causality Model to Connectivity Network Based on fMRI Time Series....Pages 205-213
A Spiking Neuron Model of Theta Phase Precession....Pages 214-223
Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance in Single Neuron Using Sinusoidal Wave Sequence....Pages 224-227
Phase Coding on the Large-Scaled Neuronal Population Subjected to Stimulation....Pages 228-236
Coherent Sources Mapping by K-Means Cluster and Correlation Coefficient....Pages 237-240
Measuring Usability: Use HMM Emotion Method and Parameter Optimize....Pages 241-250
Affective Computing Model Based on Emotional Psychology....Pages 251-260
Locating Salient Edges for CBIR Based on Visual Attention Model....Pages 261-264
“What” and “Where” Information Based Attention Guidance Model....Pages 265-274
Emotion Social Interaction for Virtual Characters....Pages 275-278
Biologically Inspired Bayes Learning and Its Dependence on the Distribution of the Receptive Fields....Pages 279-288
Using PCA-Based Neural Network Committee Model for Early Warning of Bank Failure....Pages 289-292
Theoretical Derivation of Minimum Mean Square Error of RBF Based Equalizer....Pages 293-302
A Hybrid Unscented Kalman Filter and Support Vector Machine Model in Option Price Forecasting....Pages 303-312
Empirical Study of Financial Affairs Early Warning Model on Companies Based on Artificial Neural Network....Pages 313-320
Rolling Bearings Fault Diagnosis Based on Adaptive Gaussian Chirplet Spectrogram and Independent Component Analysis....Pages 321-330
T-Test Model for Context Aware Classifier....Pages 331-336
Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis and Its Mixture Model....Pages 337-340
A Hybrid Bayesian Optimal Classifier Based on Neuro-fuzzy Logic....Pages 341-350
Face Detection Using Kernel PCA and Imbalanced SVM....Pages 351-360
Neural Networks Based Structural Model Updating Methodology Using Spatially Incomplete Accelerations....Pages 361-370
Appearance-Based Gait Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis....Pages 371-380
Combining Apriori Algorithm and Constraint-Based Genetic Algorithm for Tree Induction for Aircraft Electronic Ballasts Troubleshooting....Pages 381-384
Container Image Recognition Using ART2-Based Self-organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm....Pages 385-394
Fingerprint Classification by SPCNN and Combined LVQ Networks....Pages 395-398
Gait Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model....Pages 399-407
Neurocontroller Via Adaptive Learning Rates for Stable Path Tracking of Mobile Robots....Pages 408-417
Neuro-PID Position Controller Design for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor....Pages 418-426
Robust Stability of Nonlinear Neural-Network Modeled Systems....Pages 427-436
Effects of Using Different Neural Network Structures and Cost Functions in Locomotion Control....Pages 437-446
Humanoid Robot Behavior Learning Based on ART Neural Network and Cross-Modality Learning....Pages 447-450
An Online Blind Source Separation for Convolutive Acoustic Signals in Frequency-Domain....Pages 451-460
GPS/INS Navigation Filter Designs Using Neural Network with Optimization Techniques....Pages 461-470
An Adaptive Image Segmentation Method Based on a Modified Pulse Coupled Neural Network....Pages 471-474
A Edge Feature Matching Algorithm Based on Evolutionary Strategies and Least Trimmed Square Hausdorff Distance....Pages 475-478
Least Squares Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm for Passive Multi-sensor Maneuvering Target Tracking....Pages 479-482
Multiple Classifiers Approach for Computational Efficiency in Multi-scale Search Based Face Detection....Pages 483-492
A Blind Watermarking Algorithm Based on HVS and RBF Neural Network for Digital Image....Pages 493-496
Multiscale BiLinear Recurrent Neural Network with an Adaptive Learning Algorithm....Pages 497-506
On-Line Signature Verification Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network....Pages 507-510
Multiobjective RBFNNs Designer for Function Approximation: An Application for Mineral Reduction....Pages 511-520
A New Time Series Forecasting Approach Based on Bayesian Least Risk Principle....Pages 521-524
Feature Reduction Techniques for Power System Security Assessment....Pages 525-534
Harmonic Source Model Based on Support Vector Machine....Pages 535-544
Sound Quality Evaluation Based on Artificial Neural Network....Pages 545-554
SOC Dynamic Power Management Using Artificial Neural Network....Pages 555-564
Effects of Feature Selection on the Identification of Students with Learning Disabilities Using ANN....Pages 565-574
A Comparison of Competitive Neural Network with Other AI Techniques in Manufacturing Cell Formation....Pages 575-583
Intelligent Natural Language Processing....Pages 584-587
Optimal Clustering-Based ART1 Classification in Bioinformatics: G-Protein Coupled Receptors Classification....Pages 588-597
Trawling Pattern Analysis with Neural Classifier....Pages 598-601
Model Optimization of Artificial Neural Networks for Performance Predicting in Spot Welding of the Body Galvanized DP Steel Sheets, ....Pages 602-605
Robust Clustering Algorithms Based on Finite Mixtures of Multivariate t Distribution....Pages 606-609
A Hybrid Algorithm for Solving Generalized Class Cover Problem....Pages 610-619
Cooperative Co-evolutionary Approach Applied in Reactive Power Optimization of Power System....Pages 620-628
Evolutionary Algorithms for Group/Non-group Decision in Periodic Boundary CA....Pages 629-632
A Fuzzy Intelligent Controller for Genetic Algorithms’ Parameters....Pages 633-642
An Interactive Preference-Weight Genetic Algorithm for Multi-criterion Satisficing Optimization....Pages 643-652
A Uniform-Design Based Multi-objective Adaptive Genetic Algorithm and Its Application to Automated Design of Electronic Circuits....Pages 653-656
The Research on the Optimal Control Strategy of a Serial Supply Chain Based on GA....Pages 657-665
A Nested Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Container Pick-Up Operation Scheduling on Container Yards....Pages 666-675
A Genetic Algorithm for Scale-Based Product Platform Planning....Pages 676-685
A Pattern Based Evolutionary Approach to Prediction Computation in XCSF....Pages 686-695
Genetic Algorithm Based on the Orthogonal Design for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems....Pages 696-705
A Markov Random Field Based Hybrid Algorithm with Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm for Image Segmentation....Pages 706-715
Genetic Algorithm Based Fine-Grain Sleep Transistor Insertion Technique for Leakage Optimization....Pages 716-725
Self-adaptive Length Genetic Algorithm for Urban Rerouting Problem....Pages 726-729
A Global Archive Sub-Population Genetic Algorithm with Adaptive Strategy in Multi-objective Parallel-Machine Scheduling Problem....Pages 730-739
A Penalty-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Optimization....Pages 740-748
Parallel Hybrid PSO-GA Algorithm and Its Application to Layout Design....Pages 749-758
Knowledge-Inducing Interactive Genetic Algorithms Based on Multi-agent....Pages 759-768
Concurrent Design of Heterogeneous Object Based on Method of Feasible Direction and Genetic Algorithm....Pages 769-778
Genetic Algorithm-Based Text Clustering Technique....Pages 779-782
On Directed Edge Recombination Crossover for ATSP....Pages 783-791
Research on the Convergence of Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Based on Rough Classification....Pages 792-795
Continuous Optimization by Evolving Probability Density Functions with a Two-Island Model....Pages 796-805
Make Fast Evolutionary Programming Robust by Search Step Control....Pages 806-815
Improved Approach of Genetic Programming and Applications for Data Mining....Pages 816-819
Niching Clonal Selection Algorithm for Multimodal Function Optimization....Pages 820-827
A New Macroevolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Problems....Pages 828-837
Clonal Selection Algorithm with Search Space Expansion Scheme for Global Function Optimization....Pages 838-847
Network Evolution Modeling and Simulation Based on SPD....Pages 848-855
Intelligent Optimization Algorithm Approach to Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography....Pages 856-859
A Framework of Oligopolistic Market Simulation with Coevolutionary Computation....Pages 860-869
Immune Clonal MO Algorithm for 0/1 Knapsack Problems....Pages 870-878
Training Neural Networks Using Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization....Pages 879-888
New Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization Problems....Pages 889-892
Simulation for Interactive Markov Chains....Pages 893-902
On Parallel Immune Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Learning Mechanism and Its Convergence....Pages 903-912
Self-Organization Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Information Feedback....Pages 913-922
An Evolving Wavelet-Based De-noising Method for the Weigh-In-Motion System....Pages 923-926
SAR Image Classification Based on Clonal Selection Algorithm....Pages 927-934
Crossed Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm....Pages 935-938
A Dynamic Convexized Function with the Same Global Minimizers for Global Optimization....Pages 939-948
Clonal Selection Algorithm with Dynamic Population Size for Bimodal Search Spaces....Pages 949-958
Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization with Adaptive Mutation Operator....Pages 959-967
An Improved Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization Reconstruction....Pages 968-971
Self-Adaptive Chaos Differential Evolution....Pages 972-975
Using the Ring Neighborhood Topology with Self-adaptive Differential Evolution....Pages 976-979
Liquid State Machine by Spatially Coupled Oscillators....Pages 980-983
Back Matter....Pages -