Ebook: Intelligence and Security Informatics: IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, May 23-24, 2006. Proceedings
- Tags: Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet), Information Storage and Retrieval, Computer Communication Networks, Computers and Society, Legal Aspects of Computing, Management of Computing and Information Systems
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3975
- Year: 2006
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
In the past few years, intelligence and security informatics (ISI) research, which is concerned with the study of the development and use of advanced information te- nologies and systems for national and international security-related applications, has experienced tremendous growth and attracted substantial interest from academic - searchers in related fields as well as practitioners from both government agencies and industry. The ISI community is maturing, and a core set of research methodologies and technical approaches has emerged and is becoming the underpinning of ISI research. The first two meetings (ISI 2003 and ISI 2004) in the ISI symposium and conf- ence series were held in Tucson, Arizona. With sponsorship by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, ISI 2005 was held in Atlanta, Georgia. Building on the momentum of these ISI meetings, we held ISI 2006 in San Diego, California, in May 2006. In addition to the established and emerging ISI technical research topics, ISI 2006 included a track on terrorism informatics, which is a new stream of terrorism research leveraging the latest advances in social science methodologies, and infor- tion technologies and tools.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2006, held in San Diego, CA, USA, in May 2006.
The 39 revised full papers, 30 revised short papers, and 56 extended poster abstracts presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on intelligence analysis and knowledge discovery; surveillance and emergency response; infrastructure protection and cyber security; terrorism informatics and countermeasures; emerging applications; data analysis, knowledge discovery, and information dissemination; access control, privacy, and cyber trust; surveillance, bioterrorism, and emergency response; infrastructure protection and cyber security; data analysis and knowledge discovery; data, information, and knowledge management; threat detection, surveillance, and emergency response; as well as infrastructure protection and cyber security.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2006, held in San Diego, CA, USA, in May 2006.
The 39 revised full papers, 30 revised short papers, and 56 extended poster abstracts presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on intelligence analysis and knowledge discovery; surveillance and emergency response; infrastructure protection and cyber security; terrorism informatics and countermeasures; emerging applications; data analysis, knowledge discovery, and information dissemination; access control, privacy, and cyber trust; surveillance, bioterrorism, and emergency response; infrastructure protection and cyber security; data analysis and knowledge discovery; data, information, and knowledge management; threat detection, surveillance, and emergency response; as well as infrastructure protection and cyber security.
Front Matter....Pages -
Computer-Mediated Collaborative Reasoning and Intelligence Analysis....Pages 1-13
Using Importance Flooding to Identify Interesting Networks of Criminal Activity....Pages 14-25
Towards Automatic Event Tracking....Pages 26-34
Interactive Refinement of Filtering Queries on Streaming Intelligence Data....Pages 35-47
Semantic Analytics Visualization....Pages 48-59
Visualizing Authorship for Identification....Pages 60-71
A Dictionary-Based Approach to Fast and Accurate Name Matching in Large Law Enforcement Databases....Pages 72-82
Iterative Relational Classification Through Three–State Epidemic Dynamics....Pages 83-92
Analyzing Entities and Topics in News Articles Using Statistical Topic Models....Pages 93-104
The Hats Simulator and Colab: An Integrated Information Fusion Challenge Problem and Collaborative Analysis Environment....Pages 105-116
Cost-Sensitive Access Control for Illegitimate Confidential Access by Insiders....Pages 117-128
Design and Implementation of a Policy-Based Privacy Authorization System....Pages 129-140
Privacy Preserving DBSCAN for Vertically Partitioned Data....Pages 141-153
Inferring Privacy Information from Social Networks....Pages 154-165
Motion-Alert: Automatic Anomaly Detection in Massive Moving Objects....Pages 166-177
Adaptive Method for Monitoring Network and Early Detection of Internet Worms....Pages 178-189
Measures to Detect Word Substitution in Intercepted Communication....Pages 190-200
Finding Hidden Group Structure in a Stream of Communications....Pages 201-212
Collective Sampling and Analysis of High Order Tensors for Chatroom Communications....Pages 213-224
Naturally Occurring Incidents as Facsimiles for Biochemical Terrorist Attacks....Pages 225-236
DrillSim: A Simulation Framework for Emergency Response Drills....Pages 237-248
A Review of Public Health Syndromic Surveillance Systems....Pages 249-260
A Novel Mechanism to Defend Against Low-Rate Denial-of-Service Attacks....Pages 261-271
Integrating IDS Alert Correlation and OS-Level Dependency Tracking....Pages 272-284
Attacking Confidentiality: An Agent Based Approach....Pages 285-296
Viability of Critical Mission of Grid Computing....Pages 297-307
Suspect Vehicle Identification for Border Safety with Modified Mutual Information....Pages 308-318
Experimental Analysis of Sequential Decision Making Algorithms for Port of Entry Inspection Procedures....Pages 319-330
Analyzing the Terrorist Social Networks with Visualization Tools....Pages 331-342
Tracing the Event Evolution of Terror Attacks from On-Line News....Pages 343-354
Measuring Effectiveness of Anti-terrorism Programs Using Performance Logic Models....Pages 355-366
On the Topology of the Dark Web of Terrorist Groups....Pages 367-376
Indicators of Threat: Reflecting New Trends....Pages 377-388
Practical Algorithms for Destabilizing Terrorist Networks....Pages 389-400
Combating Terrorism Insurgency Resolution Software: A Research Note....Pages 401-406
A First Look at Domestic and International Global Terrorism Events, 1970–1997....Pages 407-419
Computational Modeling and Experimental Validation of Aviation Security Procedures....Pages 420-431
Intelligent Face Recognition Using Feature Averaging....Pages 432-439
Multi-perspective Video Analysis of Persons and Vehicles for Enhanced Situational Awareness....Pages 440-451
Database Security Protection Via Inference Detection....Pages 452-458
An Embedded Bayesian Network Hidden Markov Model for Digital Forensics....Pages 459-465
Entity Workspace: An Evidence File That Aids Memory, Inference, and Reading....Pages 466-472
Strategic Intelligence Analysis: From Information Processing to Meaning-Making....Pages 473-478
A Multi-layer Na?ve Bayes Model for Approximate Identity Matching....Pages 479-484
Towards Optimal Police Patrol Routes with Genetic Algorithms....Pages 485-491
SemanticSpy: Suspect Tracking Using Semantic Data in a Multimedia Environment....Pages 492-497
A Framework for Exploring Gray Web Forums: Analysis of Forum-Based Communities in Taiwan....Pages 498-503
Detecting Deception in Person-of-Interest Statements....Pages 504-509
Personal Information Management (PIM) for Intelligence Analysis....Pages 510-515
Synergy: A Policy-Driven, Trust-Aware Information Dissemination Framework....Pages 516-521
Sanitization of Databases for Refined Privacy Trade-Offs....Pages 522-528
Access Control Requirements for Preventing Insider Threats....Pages 529-534
Venn Diagram Construction of Internet Chatroom Conversations....Pages 535-541
Spatial-Temporal Cross-Correlation Analysis: A New Measure and a Case Study in Infectious Disease Informatics....Pages 542-547
Integration of Instance-Based Learning and Text Mining for Identification of Potential Virus/Bacterium as Bio-terrorism Weapons....Pages 548-553
An Info-Gap Approach to Policy Selection for Bio-terror Response....Pages 554-559
Fighting Fear of a Bioterrorism Event with Information Technology: Real-World Examples and Opportunities....Pages 560-565
Covering Based Granular Computing for Conflict Analysis....Pages 566-571
Hybrid Modeling for Large-Scale Worm Propagation Simulations....Pages 572-577
Worm Traffic Modeling for Network Performance Analysis....Pages 578-583
Analysis of Abnormalities of Worm Traffic for Obtaining Worm Detection Vectors....Pages 584-589
A Two-Tier Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks – A Friend Approach....Pages 590-595
Distributing the Cost of Securing a Transportation Infrastructure....Pages 596-601
Multi-document Summarization for Terrorism Information Extraction....Pages 602-608
Rational Choice Deterrence and Israeli Counter-Terrorism....Pages 609-614
Content Analysis of Jihadi Extremist Groups’ Videos....Pages 615-620
Exploring the Dark Side of the Web: Collection and Analysis of U.S. Extremist Online Forums....Pages 621-626
Fast Pedestrian Detection Using Color Information....Pages 627-632
SG-Robot: CDMA Network-Operated Mobile Robot for Security Guard at Home....Pages 633-638
Design of Syntactical Morphological and Semantical Analyzer (SMSA) for Processing Arabic Texts....Pages 639-641
Using Author Topic to Detect Insider Threats from Email Traffic....Pages 642-643
Digitized Forensic Investigation at P2P Copyright Controversy, Infringement....Pages 644-646
On Off-Topic Web Browsing....Pages 647-649
Mining Weighted Sequential Patterns Based on Length-Decreasing Support Constraints....Pages 650-651
Intelligence Analysis Using High Resolution Displays....Pages 652-653
Privacy Preserving Mining of Global Association Rules on Distributed Dataset....Pages 654-656
CC-GiST: Cache Conscious-Generalized Search Tree for Supporting Various Fast Intelligent Applications....Pages 657-658
KD3 Scheme for Privacy Preserving Data Mining....Pages 659-661
Using Logic Programming to Detect Deception on the Basis of Actions....Pages 662-663
Intelligent Information Retrieval Tools for Police....Pages 664-665
Evaluation of Information Retrieval and Text Mining Tools on Automatic Named Entity Extraction....Pages 666-667
A Child’s Story to Illustrate Automated Reasoning Systems Using Opportunity and History....Pages 668-670
Detection Using Clustering Query Results....Pages 671-673
Application of Latent Semantic Indexing in Generating Graphs of Terrorist Networks....Pages 674-675
Mining the Acceleration-Like Association Rules....Pages 676-677
Analyzing Social Networks in E-Mail with Rich Syntactic Features....Pages 678-679
E-mail Traffic Analysis Using Visualisation and Decision Trees....Pages 680-681
Advanced Patterns and Matches in Link Analysis....Pages 682-683
A Flexible Context-Aware Authorization Framework for Mediation Systems....Pages 684-685
Continuous Authentication by Keystroke Dynamics Using Committee Machines....Pages 686-687
A Flexible and Scalable Access Control for Ubiquitous Computing Environments....Pages 688-689
A Parallel System Strategy of Evaluation and Forecasting for Security Information with Artificial Society....Pages 690-691
Identifying Information Provenance in Support of Intelligence Analysis, Sharing, and Protection....Pages 692-693
Intelligence Use of Unstructured Data in a Data Warehouse Environment....Pages 694-695
An Evolutionary Approach in Threats Detection for Distributed Security Defence Systems....Pages 696-698
Classification of Threats Via a Multi-sensor Security Portal....Pages 699-700
Exploring the Detection Process: Integrating Judgment and Outcome Decomposition....Pages 701-703
Issues in Merging Internet Autonomous Systems for Emergency Communications....Pages 704-705
CWME: A Framework of Group Support System for Emergency Responses....Pages 706-707
Abnormal Detection Algorithm Based on Match Range Model....Pages 708-710
Experimental Validation and Analysis of an Intelligent Detection and Response Strategy to False Positives and Network Attacks....Pages 711-714
A PCA-LVQ Model for Intrusion Alert Analysis....Pages 715-716
A Formalized Taxonomy of DDoS Attacks Based on Similarity....Pages 717-719
Practical Intrusion Detection Using Genetic-Clustering....Pages 720-721
An Ontology-Based Network Intrusion Detection System: A User-Oriented Approach....Pages 722-723
Design and Implementation of FPGA Based High-Performance Intrusion Detection System....Pages 724-725
Anomaly Detection of Excessive Network Traffic Based on Ratio and Volume Analysis....Pages 726-727
Detecting Anomalies in Cargo Using Graph Properties....Pages 728-730
Design of a Reliable Hardware Stack to Defend Against Frame Pointer Overwrite Attacks....Pages 731-732
Email Worm Detection Using Na?ve Bayes and Support Vector Machine....Pages 733-734
An Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Detecting Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 735-736
A New Methodology of Analyzing Security Vulnerability for Network Services....Pages 737-738
Using One-Time Password Based Authentication for Wireless IP Network....Pages 739-740
Experimental Study on Wireless Sensor Network Security....Pages 741-743
Terrorist Database: A Bangladesh Study....Pages 744-745
Terrorist Organizations and Effects of Terrorism in Bangladesh....Pages 746-747
Decider.Track, a Revolutionary Cyber-Tracker for Antiterrorist Fight....Pages 748-749
The Role of Information Superiority in the Global War on Terrorism....Pages 750-752
A Trust-Based Security Architecture for Ubiquitous Computing Systems....Pages 753-754
A Trust Model for Uncertain Interactions in Ubiquitous Environments....Pages 755-757
A Multiclass Classifier to Detect Pedestrians and Acquire Their Moving Styles....Pages 758-759
A Home Firewall Solution for Securing Smart Spaces....Pages 760-761
The Security Performance Evaluation of Digital Watermarking....Pages 762-763
A Novel Key Release Scheme from Biometrics....Pages 764-765
Matching Images of Never-Before-Seen Individuals in Large Law Enforcement Databases....Pages 766-767
Back Matter....Pages -
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2006, held in San Diego, CA, USA, in May 2006.
The 39 revised full papers, 30 revised short papers, and 56 extended poster abstracts presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on intelligence analysis and knowledge discovery; surveillance and emergency response; infrastructure protection and cyber security; terrorism informatics and countermeasures; emerging applications; data analysis, knowledge discovery, and information dissemination; access control, privacy, and cyber trust; surveillance, bioterrorism, and emergency response; infrastructure protection and cyber security; data analysis and knowledge discovery; data, information, and knowledge management; threat detection, surveillance, and emergency response; as well as infrastructure protection and cyber security.
Front Matter....Pages -
Computer-Mediated Collaborative Reasoning and Intelligence Analysis....Pages 1-13
Using Importance Flooding to Identify Interesting Networks of Criminal Activity....Pages 14-25
Towards Automatic Event Tracking....Pages 26-34
Interactive Refinement of Filtering Queries on Streaming Intelligence Data....Pages 35-47
Semantic Analytics Visualization....Pages 48-59
Visualizing Authorship for Identification....Pages 60-71
A Dictionary-Based Approach to Fast and Accurate Name Matching in Large Law Enforcement Databases....Pages 72-82
Iterative Relational Classification Through Three–State Epidemic Dynamics....Pages 83-92
Analyzing Entities and Topics in News Articles Using Statistical Topic Models....Pages 93-104
The Hats Simulator and Colab: An Integrated Information Fusion Challenge Problem and Collaborative Analysis Environment....Pages 105-116
Cost-Sensitive Access Control for Illegitimate Confidential Access by Insiders....Pages 117-128
Design and Implementation of a Policy-Based Privacy Authorization System....Pages 129-140
Privacy Preserving DBSCAN for Vertically Partitioned Data....Pages 141-153
Inferring Privacy Information from Social Networks....Pages 154-165
Motion-Alert: Automatic Anomaly Detection in Massive Moving Objects....Pages 166-177
Adaptive Method for Monitoring Network and Early Detection of Internet Worms....Pages 178-189
Measures to Detect Word Substitution in Intercepted Communication....Pages 190-200
Finding Hidden Group Structure in a Stream of Communications....Pages 201-212
Collective Sampling and Analysis of High Order Tensors for Chatroom Communications....Pages 213-224
Naturally Occurring Incidents as Facsimiles for Biochemical Terrorist Attacks....Pages 225-236
DrillSim: A Simulation Framework for Emergency Response Drills....Pages 237-248
A Review of Public Health Syndromic Surveillance Systems....Pages 249-260
A Novel Mechanism to Defend Against Low-Rate Denial-of-Service Attacks....Pages 261-271
Integrating IDS Alert Correlation and OS-Level Dependency Tracking....Pages 272-284
Attacking Confidentiality: An Agent Based Approach....Pages 285-296
Viability of Critical Mission of Grid Computing....Pages 297-307
Suspect Vehicle Identification for Border Safety with Modified Mutual Information....Pages 308-318
Experimental Analysis of Sequential Decision Making Algorithms for Port of Entry Inspection Procedures....Pages 319-330
Analyzing the Terrorist Social Networks with Visualization Tools....Pages 331-342
Tracing the Event Evolution of Terror Attacks from On-Line News....Pages 343-354
Measuring Effectiveness of Anti-terrorism Programs Using Performance Logic Models....Pages 355-366
On the Topology of the Dark Web of Terrorist Groups....Pages 367-376
Indicators of Threat: Reflecting New Trends....Pages 377-388
Practical Algorithms for Destabilizing Terrorist Networks....Pages 389-400
Combating Terrorism Insurgency Resolution Software: A Research Note....Pages 401-406
A First Look at Domestic and International Global Terrorism Events, 1970–1997....Pages 407-419
Computational Modeling and Experimental Validation of Aviation Security Procedures....Pages 420-431
Intelligent Face Recognition Using Feature Averaging....Pages 432-439
Multi-perspective Video Analysis of Persons and Vehicles for Enhanced Situational Awareness....Pages 440-451
Database Security Protection Via Inference Detection....Pages 452-458
An Embedded Bayesian Network Hidden Markov Model for Digital Forensics....Pages 459-465
Entity Workspace: An Evidence File That Aids Memory, Inference, and Reading....Pages 466-472
Strategic Intelligence Analysis: From Information Processing to Meaning-Making....Pages 473-478
A Multi-layer Na?ve Bayes Model for Approximate Identity Matching....Pages 479-484
Towards Optimal Police Patrol Routes with Genetic Algorithms....Pages 485-491
SemanticSpy: Suspect Tracking Using Semantic Data in a Multimedia Environment....Pages 492-497
A Framework for Exploring Gray Web Forums: Analysis of Forum-Based Communities in Taiwan....Pages 498-503
Detecting Deception in Person-of-Interest Statements....Pages 504-509
Personal Information Management (PIM) for Intelligence Analysis....Pages 510-515
Synergy: A Policy-Driven, Trust-Aware Information Dissemination Framework....Pages 516-521
Sanitization of Databases for Refined Privacy Trade-Offs....Pages 522-528
Access Control Requirements for Preventing Insider Threats....Pages 529-534
Venn Diagram Construction of Internet Chatroom Conversations....Pages 535-541
Spatial-Temporal Cross-Correlation Analysis: A New Measure and a Case Study in Infectious Disease Informatics....Pages 542-547
Integration of Instance-Based Learning and Text Mining for Identification of Potential Virus/Bacterium as Bio-terrorism Weapons....Pages 548-553
An Info-Gap Approach to Policy Selection for Bio-terror Response....Pages 554-559
Fighting Fear of a Bioterrorism Event with Information Technology: Real-World Examples and Opportunities....Pages 560-565
Covering Based Granular Computing for Conflict Analysis....Pages 566-571
Hybrid Modeling for Large-Scale Worm Propagation Simulations....Pages 572-577
Worm Traffic Modeling for Network Performance Analysis....Pages 578-583
Analysis of Abnormalities of Worm Traffic for Obtaining Worm Detection Vectors....Pages 584-589
A Two-Tier Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks – A Friend Approach....Pages 590-595
Distributing the Cost of Securing a Transportation Infrastructure....Pages 596-601
Multi-document Summarization for Terrorism Information Extraction....Pages 602-608
Rational Choice Deterrence and Israeli Counter-Terrorism....Pages 609-614
Content Analysis of Jihadi Extremist Groups’ Videos....Pages 615-620
Exploring the Dark Side of the Web: Collection and Analysis of U.S. Extremist Online Forums....Pages 621-626
Fast Pedestrian Detection Using Color Information....Pages 627-632
SG-Robot: CDMA Network-Operated Mobile Robot for Security Guard at Home....Pages 633-638
Design of Syntactical Morphological and Semantical Analyzer (SMSA) for Processing Arabic Texts....Pages 639-641
Using Author Topic to Detect Insider Threats from Email Traffic....Pages 642-643
Digitized Forensic Investigation at P2P Copyright Controversy, Infringement....Pages 644-646
On Off-Topic Web Browsing....Pages 647-649
Mining Weighted Sequential Patterns Based on Length-Decreasing Support Constraints....Pages 650-651
Intelligence Analysis Using High Resolution Displays....Pages 652-653
Privacy Preserving Mining of Global Association Rules on Distributed Dataset....Pages 654-656
CC-GiST: Cache Conscious-Generalized Search Tree for Supporting Various Fast Intelligent Applications....Pages 657-658
KD3 Scheme for Privacy Preserving Data Mining....Pages 659-661
Using Logic Programming to Detect Deception on the Basis of Actions....Pages 662-663
Intelligent Information Retrieval Tools for Police....Pages 664-665
Evaluation of Information Retrieval and Text Mining Tools on Automatic Named Entity Extraction....Pages 666-667
A Child’s Story to Illustrate Automated Reasoning Systems Using Opportunity and History....Pages 668-670
Detection Using Clustering Query Results....Pages 671-673
Application of Latent Semantic Indexing in Generating Graphs of Terrorist Networks....Pages 674-675
Mining the Acceleration-Like Association Rules....Pages 676-677
Analyzing Social Networks in E-Mail with Rich Syntactic Features....Pages 678-679
E-mail Traffic Analysis Using Visualisation and Decision Trees....Pages 680-681
Advanced Patterns and Matches in Link Analysis....Pages 682-683
A Flexible Context-Aware Authorization Framework for Mediation Systems....Pages 684-685
Continuous Authentication by Keystroke Dynamics Using Committee Machines....Pages 686-687
A Flexible and Scalable Access Control for Ubiquitous Computing Environments....Pages 688-689
A Parallel System Strategy of Evaluation and Forecasting for Security Information with Artificial Society....Pages 690-691
Identifying Information Provenance in Support of Intelligence Analysis, Sharing, and Protection....Pages 692-693
Intelligence Use of Unstructured Data in a Data Warehouse Environment....Pages 694-695
An Evolutionary Approach in Threats Detection for Distributed Security Defence Systems....Pages 696-698
Classification of Threats Via a Multi-sensor Security Portal....Pages 699-700
Exploring the Detection Process: Integrating Judgment and Outcome Decomposition....Pages 701-703
Issues in Merging Internet Autonomous Systems for Emergency Communications....Pages 704-705
CWME: A Framework of Group Support System for Emergency Responses....Pages 706-707
Abnormal Detection Algorithm Based on Match Range Model....Pages 708-710
Experimental Validation and Analysis of an Intelligent Detection and Response Strategy to False Positives and Network Attacks....Pages 711-714
A PCA-LVQ Model for Intrusion Alert Analysis....Pages 715-716
A Formalized Taxonomy of DDoS Attacks Based on Similarity....Pages 717-719
Practical Intrusion Detection Using Genetic-Clustering....Pages 720-721
An Ontology-Based Network Intrusion Detection System: A User-Oriented Approach....Pages 722-723
Design and Implementation of FPGA Based High-Performance Intrusion Detection System....Pages 724-725
Anomaly Detection of Excessive Network Traffic Based on Ratio and Volume Analysis....Pages 726-727
Detecting Anomalies in Cargo Using Graph Properties....Pages 728-730
Design of a Reliable Hardware Stack to Defend Against Frame Pointer Overwrite Attacks....Pages 731-732
Email Worm Detection Using Na?ve Bayes and Support Vector Machine....Pages 733-734
An Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Detecting Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 735-736
A New Methodology of Analyzing Security Vulnerability for Network Services....Pages 737-738
Using One-Time Password Based Authentication for Wireless IP Network....Pages 739-740
Experimental Study on Wireless Sensor Network Security....Pages 741-743
Terrorist Database: A Bangladesh Study....Pages 744-745
Terrorist Organizations and Effects of Terrorism in Bangladesh....Pages 746-747
Decider.Track, a Revolutionary Cyber-Tracker for Antiterrorist Fight....Pages 748-749
The Role of Information Superiority in the Global War on Terrorism....Pages 750-752
A Trust-Based Security Architecture for Ubiquitous Computing Systems....Pages 753-754
A Trust Model for Uncertain Interactions in Ubiquitous Environments....Pages 755-757
A Multiclass Classifier to Detect Pedestrians and Acquire Their Moving Styles....Pages 758-759
A Home Firewall Solution for Securing Smart Spaces....Pages 760-761
The Security Performance Evaluation of Digital Watermarking....Pages 762-763
A Novel Key Release Scheme from Biometrics....Pages 764-765
Matching Images of Never-Before-Seen Individuals in Large Law Enforcement Databases....Pages 766-767
Back Matter....Pages -