Ebook: Component-Based Software Engineering: 9th International Symposium, CBSE 2006, Västerås, Sweden, June 29 - July 1, 2006. Proceedings
- Tags: Software Engineering, Programming Techniques, Programming Languages Compilers Interpreters, Logics and Meanings of Programs, Computer Communication Networks
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4063
- Year: 2006
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
On behalf of the Organizing Committee I am pleased to present the proceedings of the 2006 Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE). CBSE is concerned with the development of software-intensive systems from reusable parts (components), the development of reusable parts, and system maintenance and improvement by means of component replacement and customization. CBSE 2006 was the ninth in a series of events that promote a science and technology foundation for achieving predictable quality in software systems through the use of software component technology and its associated software engineering practices. We were fortunate to have a dedicated Program Committee comprising 27 internationally recognized researchers and industrial practitioners. We received 77 submissions and each paper was reviewed by at least three Program Committee members (four for papers with an author on the Program Committee). The entire reviewing process was supported by Microsoft’s CMT technology. In total, 22 submissions were accepted as full papers and 9 submissions were accepted as short papers. This was the first time CBSE was not held as a co-located event at ICSE. Hence special thanks are due to Ivica Crnkovic for hosting the event. We also wish to thank the ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT) for their sponsorship of CBSE 2005. The proceedings you now hold were published by Springer and we are grateful for their support. Finally, we must thank the many authors who contributed the high-quality papers contained within these proceedings.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, CBSE 2006, held in V?ster?s, Sweden in June/July 2006.
The 22 revised full papers and 9 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 77 submissions. The papers cover all issues concerned with the development of software-intensive systems from reusable parts, the development of reusable parts, and system maintenance and improvement by means of component replacement and customization.
Topics addressed are architecture and design of component-based systems, components for real-time and embedded systems, combination of component-based with aspect-oriented software development, extra-functional system properties of components and component-based systems, components at work, and measurement and prediction models for component assemblies.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, CBSE 2006, held in V?ster?s, Sweden in June/July 2006.
The 22 revised full papers and 9 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 77 submissions. The papers cover all issues concerned with the development of software-intensive systems from reusable parts, the development of reusable parts, and system maintenance and improvement by means of component replacement and customization.
Topics addressed are architecture and design of component-based systems, components for real-time and embedded systems, combination of component-based with aspect-oriented software development, extra-functional system properties of components and component-based systems, components at work, and measurement and prediction models for component assemblies.
Front Matter....Pages -
Defining and Checking Deployment Contracts for Software Components....Pages 1-16
GLoo: A Framework for Modeling and Reasoning About Component-Oriented Language Abstractions....Pages 17-32
Behavioral Compatibility Without State Explosion: Design and Verification of a Component-Based Elevator Control System....Pages 33-49
Verification of Component-Based Software Application Families....Pages 50-66
Multi Criteria Selection of Components Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process....Pages 67-81
From Specification to Experimentation: A Software Component Search Engine Architecture....Pages 82-97
Architectural Building Blocks for Plug-and-Play System Design....Pages 98-113
A Symmetric and Unified Approach Towards Combining Aspect-Oriented and Component-Based Software Development....Pages 114-122
Designing Software Architectures with an Aspect-Oriented Architecture Description Language....Pages 123-138
A Component Model Engineered with Components and Aspects....Pages 139-153
CBSE in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise: Experience Report....Pages 154-165
Supervising Distributed Black Boxes....Pages 166-181
Generic Component Lookup....Pages 182-197
Using a Lightweight Workflow Engine in a Plugin-Based Product Line Architecture....Pages 198-205
A Formal Component Framework for Distributed Embedded Systems....Pages 206-221
A Prototype Tool for Software Component Services in Embedded Real-Time Systems....Pages 222-237
Service Policy Enhancements for the OSGi Service Platform....Pages 238-253
A Process for Resolving Performance Trade-Offs in Component-Based Architectures....Pages 254-269
A Model Transformation Approach for the Early Performance and Reliability Analysis of Component-Based Systems....Pages 270-284
Impact of Virtual Memory Managers on Performance of J2EE Applications....Pages 285-293
On-Demand Quality-Oriented Assistance in Component-Based Software Evolution....Pages 294-309
Components Have Test Buddies....Pages 310-319
Defining “Predictable Assembly”....Pages 320-327
A Tool to Generate an Adapter for the Integration of Web Services Interface....Pages 328-335
A QoS Driven Development Process Model for Component-Based Software Systems....Pages 336-343
Dynamic Reconfiguration and Access to Services in Hierarchical Component Models....Pages 344-351
Adaptation of Monolithic Software Components by Their Transformation into Composite Configurations Based on Refactoring....Pages 352-359
Towards Encapsulating Data in Component-Based Software Systems....Pages 360-367
Virtualization of Service Gateways in Multi-provider Environments....Pages 368-375
Back Matter....Pages 376-384
....Pages 385-392