Ebook: Computational Science – ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006, Proceedings, Part I
- Tags: Theory of Computation, Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems, Numeric Computing, Information Systems and Communication Service, Computer Imaging Vision Pattern Recognition and Graphics, Simulation and Modeling
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3991
- Year: 2006
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The four-volume set LNCS 3991-3994 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2006, held in Reading, UK, in May 2006.
The main conference and its 32 topical workshops attracted over 1400 submissions. The 98 revised full papers and 29 revised poster papers of the main track presented together with 500 accepted workshop papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the four volumes.
The papers span the whole range of computational science, with focus on the following major themes: tackling grand challenges problems; modelling and simulations of complex systems; scalable algorithms and tools and environments for computational science. Of particular interest were the following major recent developments in novel methods and modelling of complex systems for diverse areas of science, scalable scientific algorithms, advanced software tools, computational grids, advanced numerical methods, and novel application areas where the above novel models, algorithms and tools can be efficiently applied such as physical systems, computational and systems biology, environmental systems, fin
The four-volume set LNCS 3991-3994 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2006, held in Reading, UK, in May 2006.
The main conference and its 32 topical workshops attracted over 1400 submissions. The 98 revised full papers and 29 revised poster papers of the main track presented together with 500 accepted workshop papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the four volumes.
The papers span the whole range of computational science, with focus on the following major themes: tackling grand challenges problems; modelling and simulations of complex systems; scalable algorithms and tools and environments for computational science. Of particular interest were the following major recent developments in novel methods and modelling of complex systems for diverse areas of science, scalable scientific algorithms, advanced software tools, computational grids, advanced numerical methods, and novel application areas where the above novel models, algorithms and tools can be efficiently applied such as physical systems, computational and systems biology, environmental systems, fin
Front Matter....Pages -
Metacomputing Revisited: Alternative Paradigms for Distributed Resource Sharing....Pages 1-1
Achieving Breakthrough Science with the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer....Pages 2-2
Visualizing the Future....Pages 3-3
IT Innovation: A New Era....Pages 4-6
The AWE HPC Benchmark....Pages 7-7
Financial Influences and Scale-Free Networks....Pages 8-15
Comparison of Simulation and Optimization Possibilities for Languages: DYNAMO and COSMIC & COSMOS – on a Base of the Chosen Models....Pages 16-23
Bond Pricing with Jumps and Monte Carlo Simulation....Pages 24-29
On Monte Carlo Simulation for the HJM Model Based on Jump....Pages 30-37
Scalable Execution of Legacy Scientific Codes....Pages 38-45
Parallel Solvers for Flexible Approximation Schemes in Multiparticle Simulation....Pages 46-53
Alternate Learning Algorithm on Multilayer Perceptrons....Pages 54-62
A Transformation Tool for ODE Based Models....Pages 63-67
Performance Comparison of Parallel Geometric and Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for the Bidomain Equations....Pages 68-75
Simulating and Modeling Secure Web Applications....Pages 76-83
A Treecode for Accurate Force Calculations....Pages 84-91
An Approximate Algorithm for the Minimal Cost Gateways Location, Capacity and Flow Assignment in Two-Level Hierarchical Wide Area Networks....Pages 92-99
Image-Based Robust Control of Robot Manipulators with Integral Actions....Pages 100-107
Symmetric Runge-Kutta Methods with Higher Derivatives and Quadratic Extrapolation....Pages 108-116
A Note on the Simplex Method for 2-Dimensional Second-Order Cone Programming....Pages 117-123
Local Linearization-Runge Kutta (LLRK) Methods for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations....Pages 124-131
The Study on the sEMG Signal Characteristics of Muscular Fatigue Based on the Hilbert-Huang Transform....Pages 132-139
A New Approach for Solving Evolution Problems in Time-Parallel Way....Pages 140-147
CGO: A Sound Genetic Optimizer for Cyclic Query Graphs....Pages 148-155
Multiscale Characteristics of Human Sleep EEG Time Series....Pages 156-163
A Hybrid Feature Selection Algorithm for the QSAR Problem....Pages 164-171
Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) for Dynamic Radiation Level Determination – Preliminary Assessment....Pages 172-178
Knowledge-Based Multiclass Support Vector Machines Applied to Vertical Two-Phase Flow....Pages 179-187
Performance Improvement of Sparse Matrix Vector Product on Vector Machines....Pages 188-195
A New Reconstruction Algorithm in Spline Signal Spaces....Pages 196-203
An Implicit Riemannian Trust-Region Method for the Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblem....Pages 204-209
Interval Arithmetic and Computational Science: Performance Considerations....Pages 210-217
Floating-Point Computation with Just Enough Accuracy....Pages 218-225
Independent Component Analysis Applied to Voice Activity Detection....Pages 226-233
Characterizing the Performance and Energy Attributes of Scientific Simulations....Pages 234-241
Computation of Si Nanowire Bandstructures on Parallel Machines Through Domain Decomposition....Pages 242-249
Semi-Lagrangian Scale Selective Two-Time-Level Scheme for Hydrostatic Atmospheric Model....Pages 250-257
Identifying Cost-Effective Common Subexpressions to Reduce Operation Count in Tensor Contraction Evaluations....Pages 258-266
Prediction of Readthroughs Based on the Statistical Analysis of Nucleotides Around Stop Codons....Pages 267-275
Web Service for Finding Ribosomal Frameshifts....Pages 276-283
A Remote Sensing Application Workflow and Its Implementation in Remote Sensing Service Grid Node....Pages 284-291
Predictive Analysis of Blood Gasometry Parameters Related to the Infants Respiration Insufficiency....Pages 292-299
Protein Simulation Using Fast Volume Preservation....Pages 300-307
Third-Order Spectral Characterization of Termite’s Emission Track....Pages 308-315
Parallel Optimization Methods Based on Direct Search....Pages 316-323
On the Selection of a Transversal to Solve Nonlinear Systems with Interval Arithmetic....Pages 324-331
Landscape Properties and Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimum Multiuser Detection Problem....Pages 332-339
A Parallel Solution of Hermitian Toeplitz Linear Systems,....Pages 340-347
Speech Event Detection Using Support Vector Machines....Pages 348-355
BRUST: An Efficient Buffer Replacement for Spatial Databases....Pages 356-363
Effects of O3 Adsorption on the Emission Properties of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: A Density Functional Theory Study....Pages 364-371
Developing Metadata Services for Grid Enabling Scientific Applications....Pages 372-378
Fuzzy Logic Speech/Non-speech Discrimination for Noise Robust Speech Processing....Pages 379-386
Classification of Surimi Gel Strength Patterns Using Backpropagation Neural Network and Principal Component Analysis....Pages 387-394
Optimal Matching of Images Using Combined Color Feature and Spatial Feature....Pages 395-402
A Novel Network Intrusion Attempts Prediction Model Based on Fuzzy Neural Network....Pages 403-410
On the Random Sampling Amplitude Error....Pages 411-418
Enhancing 3D Face Recognition by Combination of Voiceprint....Pages 419-426
Physical Modeling of Laser-Induced Breakdown of Glass....Pages 427-434
An Enhanced Speech Emotion Recognition System Based on Discourse Information....Pages 435-442
Simulation of Time-Multiplexing Cellular Neural Networks with Numerical Integration Algorithms....Pages 443-448
Dynamics of POD Modes in Wall Bounded Turbulent Flow....Pages 449-456
Score Evaluation Within the Extended Square-Root Information Filter....Pages 457-464
An Improved Algorithm for Sequence Pair Generation....Pages 465-472
Implicit Constraint Enforcement for Rigid Body Dynamic Simulation....Pages 473-481
Heat Diffusion – Searching for the Accurate Modeling....Pages 482-489
Parallel Exact and Approximate Arrow-Type Inverses on Symmetric Multiprocessor Systems....Pages 490-497
A Permutation-Based Differential Evolution Algorithm Incorporating Simulated Annealing for Multiprocessor Scheduling with Communication Delays....Pages 498-505
Accelerating the Viterbi Algorithm for Profile Hidden Markov Models Using Reconfigurable Hardware....Pages 506-513
Benchmarking and Adaptive Load Balancing of the Virtual Reactor Application on the Russian-Dutch Grid....Pages 514-521
Improved Prediction Methods for Wildfires Using High Performance Computing: A Comparison....Pages 522-529
Support Vector Machine Regression Algorithm Based on Chunking Incremental Learning....Pages 530-538
Factorization with Missing and Noisy Data....Pages 539-546
An Edge-Based Approach to Motion Detection....Pages 547-554
A Dominating Set Based Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks....Pages 555-562
MVRC Heuristic for Solving the Multi-Choice Multi-Constraint Knapsack Problem....Pages 563-570
FACT: A New Fuzzy Adaptive Clustering Technique....Pages 571-578
Algorithm for K Disjoint Maximum Subarrays....Pages 579-587
An Evolutionary Approach in Information Retrieval....Pages 588-594
An Index Data Structure for Searching in Metric Space Databases....Pages 595-602
Unsplittable Anycast Flow Problem: Formulation and Algorithms....Pages 603-610
Lagrangean Heuristic for Anycast Flow Assignment in Connection-Oriented Networks....Pages 611-617
A Generic Framework for Local Search: Application to the Sudoku Problem....Pages 618-625
An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Global Numerical Optimization....Pages 626-633
Pores in a Two-Dimensional Network of DNA Strands – Computer Simulations....Pages 634-640
Efficient Storage and Processing of Adaptive Triangular Grids Using Sierpinski Curves....Pages 641-648
Integrating Legacy Authorization Systems into the Grid: A Case Study Leveraging AzMan and ADAM....Pages 649-656
Quasi-Gaussian Particle Filtering....Pages 657-664
Constrained Optimization of the Stress Function for Multidimensional Scaling....Pages 665-672
Targeted Observations for Atmospheric Chemistry and Transport Models....Pages 673-680
Model Optimization and Parameter Estimation with Nimrod/O....Pages 681-688
The Criticality of Spare Parts Evaluating Model Using Artificial Neural Network Approach....Pages 689-696
Solving Election Problem in Asynchronous Distributed Systems....Pages 697-703
A Performance Model of Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm in Interconnect Networks....Pages 704-711
Speculation Meets Checkpointing....Pages 712-719
Design and Verification for Hierarchical Power Efficiency System (HPES) Design Techniques Using Low Power CMOS Digital Logic....Pages 720-727
Dynamic Fault Tolerance in Distributed Simulation System....Pages 728-735
A Novel Supervised Information Feature Compression Algorithm....Pages 736-743
On a Family of Cheap Symmetric One-Step Methods of Order Four....Pages 744-752
Influence of the Mutation Operator on the Solution of an Inverse Stefan Problem by Genetic Algorithms....Pages 753-760
A Novel Nonlinear Neural Network Ensemble Model for Financial Time Series Forecasting....Pages 761-768
Performance Analysis of Block Jacobi Preconditioning Technique Based on Block Broyden Method....Pages 769-776
The Generic McMillan Degree: A New Method Using Integer Matrices....Pages 777-780
State Estimation of Congested TCP Traffic Networks....Pages 781-785
Study of Electron Transport in Composite Films Below the Percolation Threshold....Pages 786-789
A Dynamic Partitioning Self-scheduling Scheme for Parallel Loops on Heterogeneous Clusters....Pages 790-793
3-D Numerical Modelling of Coastal Currents and Suspended Sediment Transport....Pages 794-797
Ontology-Driven Resource Selecting in the Grid Environments....Pages 798-801
Error Estimate on Non-bandlimited Random Signals by Local Averages....Pages 802-805
A Fast Pseudo Stochastic Sequence Quantification Algorithm Based on Chebyshev Map and Its Application in Data Encryption....Pages 806-809
Supporting Interactive Computational Science Applications Within the JGrid Infrastructure....Pages 810-813
Application of Virtual Ant Algorithms in the Optimization of CFRP Shear Strengthened Precracked Structures....Pages 814-817
Massive Data Oriented Replication Algorithms for Consistency Maintenance in Data Grids....Pages 818-821
A Model of the Role of Cholesterol in the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease....Pages 822-825
Characterization of Cardiac Dynamics from Locally Topological Considerations....Pages 826-829
Sliding Free Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Method....Pages 830-833
Large-Scale Simulations of a Bi-dimensional n-Ary Fragmentation Model....Pages 834-837
Computationally Efficient Technique for Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation....Pages 838-841
Geometric Calibration for Multi-projector Tiled Display Based on Vanishing Point Theory....Pages 842-845
Immersive Open Surgery Simulation....Pages 846-850
An XML Specification for Automatic Parallel Dynamic Programming....Pages 851-855
Remote Sensing Information Processing Grid Node with Loose-Coupling Parallel Structure....Pages 856-859
Preliminary Through-Out Research on Parallel-Based Remote Sensing Image Processing....Pages 860-863
A Shortest Path Searching Method with Area Limitation Heuristics....Pages 864-867
FPGA-Based Hyperspectral Data Compression Using Spectral Unmixing and the Pixel Purity Index Algorithm....Pages 868-871
Advertisement-Aided Search in a P2P Context Distribution System....Pages 872-875
A Reputation Management Framework Based on Global Trust Model for P2P Systems....Pages 876-879
A Comparative Study of Memory Structures for DSM Systems on Wireless Environments....Pages 880-883
Coordinated Exception Handling in J2EE Applications....Pages 884-887
Efficient Unilateral Authentication Mechanism for MIPv6....Pages 888-891
Optimal Constant Weight Codes....Pages 892-895
Measure on Time Scales with Mathematica....Pages 896-899
Mackendrick: A Maple Package Oriented to Symbolic Computational Epidemiology....Pages 900-903
The Effect of the Theorem Prover in Cognitive Science....Pages 904-907
Designing Next-Generation Training and Testing Environment for Expression Manipulation....Pages 908-911
Automatic Node Configuration Protocol Using Modified CGA in Hierarchical MANETs....Pages 912-915
Route Optimization in NEMO Environment with Limited Prefix Delegation Mechanism....Pages 916-919
A Target Tracking Method to Reduce the Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 920-923
Adaptive Space-Frequency Block Coded OFDM....Pages 924-927
On Modelling Reliability in RED Gateways....Pages 928-931
Control Parameter Setting of IEEE 802.11e for Proportional Loss Rate Differentiation....Pages 932-935
Dynamic Handoff Threshold Algorithm Using Mobile Speed for WLAN Utilization Improvement in 3G-WLAN Integrated Networks....Pages 936-939
Efficient Data Indexing System Based on OpenLDAP in Data Grid....Pages 940-943
A Home-Network Service System Based on User’s Situation Information in Ubiquitous Environment....Pages 944-947
Simple-Adaptive Link State Update Algorithm for QoS Routing....Pages 948-951
Throughput Analysis and Enhancement for CSMA Based Wireless Networks....Pages 952-955
Efficient Password-Authenticated Key Exchange for Three-Party Secure Against Undetectable On-Line Dictionary Attacks....Pages 956-959
A Publish-Subscribe Middleware for Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 960-964
Performance Evaluation of a Handover Scheme for Fast Moving Objects in Hierarchical Mobile Networks....Pages 965-968
Longest Path First WDM Multicast Protection for Maximum Degree of Sharing....Pages 969-972
Multi-scale CAFE Modelling for Hot Deformation of Aluminium Alloys....Pages 973-976
Construction of Small World Networks Based on K-Means Clustering Analysis....Pages 977-980
Spatiotemporal Data Mining with Cellular Automata....Pages 981-984
MicroCASim: An Automata Network Simulator Applied to the Competition Between Microparasites and Host Immune Response....Pages 985-988
Simulated Annealing: A Monte Carlo Method for GPS Surveying....Pages 989-992
Novel Congestion Control Scheme in Next-Generation Optical Networks....Pages 993-996
A New Fairness Guaranteeing Scheme in Optical Burst Switched Networks....Pages 997-1000
Disclosing the Element Distribution of Bloom Filter....Pages 1001-1004
An Efficient Key-Update Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 1005-1008
Estimating Average Flow Delay in AQM Router....Pages 1009-1012
Stock Trading System: Framework for Development and Evaluation of Stock Trading Strategies....Pages 1013-1017
A Quantum Hydrodynamic Simulation of Strained Nanoscale VLSI Device....Pages 1018-1021
Implementing Predictable Scheduling in RTSJ-Based Java Processor....Pages 1022-1025
The Improvement of NetSolve System....Pages 1026-1029
Grid Information Service Based on Network Hops....Pages 1030-1033
Security and Performance in Network Component Architecture....Pages 1034-1037
Design and Implementation of a Resource Management System Using On-Demand Software Streaming on Distributed Computing Environment....Pages 1038-1042
Pipelining Network Storage I/O....Pages 1043-1046
Modeling Efficient XOR-Based Hash Functions for Cache Memories....Pages 1047-1050
Maintaining Gaussian Mixture Models of Data Streams Under Block Evolution....Pages 1051-1054
An Adaptive Data Retrieval Scheme for Reducing Energy Consumption in Mirrored Video Servers....Pages 1055-1058
Back Matter....Pages 1059-1062
....Pages 1063-1066