Ebook: Advanced Distributed Systems: 5th International School and Symposium, ISSADS 2005, Guadalajara, Mexico, January 24-28, 2005, Revised Selected Papers
- Tags: Computer Communication Networks, Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Information Storage and Retrieval, Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet), Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics)
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3563
- Year: 2005
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
It is our pleasure to present the papers accepted and presented at the 5th Int- national School and Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems (ISSADS) in this LNCS volume. The symposium was held in the city of Guadalajara,Mexico from January 24 to 28, 2005. The organization team was composed of members of CINVESTAV Guadalajara, Rostock University in Germany, the CUCEI and CUCEA campuses of Guadalajara University, and Instituto Tecnol´ ogico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, ITESO. The symposium is already a we- established annual meeting, at which scientists and people from the industrial ?eld meet and discuss the progress of applications and the theory of distributed systems in a forum during the last week of January. This year, more than 250 people from 3 continents attended the conference. Most of them are scientists, teachers, students and engineers from the local industry. The papers presented in the sessions of the symposium cover not only the subjects of distributed systems from the system level and applications, but also contributions from the area of theory and arti?cial intelligence concepts. These papers were selected out of more than 100 submissions. There was a selection ?lter in which each paper was evaluated by at least three members of the - ternational Program Committee, who came from research institutions of good reputation all over the world.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Fifth International School and Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems, ISSADS 2005, held in Guadalajara, Mexico in January 2005.
The 50 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from over 100 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on database systems, distributed and parallel algorithms, real-time distributed systems, cooperative information systems, fault tolerance, information retrieval, modeling and simulation, wireless networks and mobile computing, artificial life and multi agent systems.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Fifth International School and Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems, ISSADS 2005, held in Guadalajara, Mexico in January 2005.
The 50 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from over 100 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on database systems, distributed and parallel algorithms, real-time distributed systems, cooperative information systems, fault tolerance, information retrieval, modeling and simulation, wireless networks and mobile computing, artificial life and multi agent systems.
Front Matter....Pages -
Database System Architecture – A Walk Through Time: From Centralized Platform to Mobile Computing – Keynote Address....Pages 1-9
Extending Wide-Area Replication Support with Mobility and Improved Recovery....Pages 10-20
Extending Databases to Precision-Controlled Retrieval of Qualitative Information....Pages 21-32
An Approach for Solving Very Large Scale Instances of the Design Distribution Problem for Distributed Database Systems....Pages 33-42
On the Abstraction of Message-Passing Communications Using Algorithmic Skeletons....Pages 43-50
Implementing Distributed Mutual Exclusion on Multithreaded Environments: The Alien-Threads Approach....Pages 51-62
On Time Analysis of Random Walk Based Token Circulation Algorithms....Pages 63-71
Architecture for Media Streaming Delivery over P2P Networks....Pages 72-82
On the Role of Information Compaction to Intrusion Detection....Pages 83-97
A Hybrid Framework of RR Scheduler to Ensure Priority, Low Complexity and Delay with Relative Fairness....Pages 98-117
Data Hiding in Identification and Offset IP Fields....Pages 118-125
Interpretation of UML Sequence Diagrams as Causality Flows....Pages 126-140
A Proposal for On-Line Reconfiguration Based upon a Modification of Planning Scheduler and Fuzzy Logic Control Law Response....Pages 141-152
Integrated Tool for Testing Timed Systems....Pages 153-166
Conformance Testing of Real-Time Component Based Systems....Pages 167-181
Modeling Multiple Interactions Using Coloured Petri Nets: A Case Study....Pages 182-193
A Framework for Information Integration with Uncertainty....Pages 194-206
Model Fragmentation for Distributed Workflow Execution: A Petri Net Approach....Pages 207-214
An Online Component Deployment System for Dynamic Collaborative Sessions....Pages 215-225
Complexity in Collaborative Online Socio-Interationist Environments: A Good Reason for Distributed Systems....Pages 226-234
Injecting Communication Faults to Experimentally Validate Java Distributed Applications....Pages 235-245
Implementing Rollback-Recovery Coordinated Checkpoints....Pages 246-257
An Identity-Based Model for Grid Security Infrastructure....Pages 258-266
Lineage Tracing in Mediator-Based Information Integration Systems....Pages 267-282
Combining Sources of Evidence for Recognition of Relevant Passages in Texts....Pages 283-290
A Hierarchical and by Role Multi-agent Organization: Application to the Information Retrieval....Pages 291-300
Evaluating a Scientific SPMD Application on a Computational Grid with Different Load Balancing Techniques....Pages 301-311
Increasing the Training Speed of SVM, the Zoutendijk Algorithm Case....Pages 312-320
Video Motion Detection Using the Algorithm of Discrimination and the Hamming Distance....Pages 321-330
An Efficient and Grain Preservation Mapping Algorithm: From ER Diagram to Multidimensional Model....Pages 331-346
Quadratic Optimization Fine Tuning for the Learning Phase of SVM....Pages 347-357
Performance Analysis of Two Approaches to Service Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks....Pages 358-367
Some Security Issues of Wireless Systems....Pages 368-376
Overview the Key Management in Ad Hoc Networks....Pages 377-387
On Performance Improvement for 802.11-based Multi-hop Ad Hoc Wireless Networks....Pages 388-396
Analysis of Context Transfer in Seamless IP Mobility....Pages 397-406
An Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms and Their Applications....Pages 407-416
Distributed Anticipatory System....Pages 417-424
Memory as an Active Component of a Behavioral Animation System....Pages 425-442
Growing Functional Modules, a Prospective Paradigm for Epigenetic Artificial Intelligence....Pages 443-451
Specifying Agent’s Goals in 3D Scenarios Using Process Algebras....Pages 452-464
A New Approach for Offer Evaluation in Multi-agent System Negotiation Based in Evidential Paraconsistent Logic....Pages 465-471
A Voice-Enabled Assistant in a Multi-agent System for e-Government Services....Pages 472-482
CAS – An Interface Generator in Natural Language to Information System....Pages 483-494
A Formal Approach to Model Multiagent Interactions Using the B Formal Method....Pages 495-503
Behavioral Self-control of Agent-Based Virtual Pedestrians....Pages 504-515
Security Challenges of Distributed e-Learning Systems....Pages 516-528
A Component-Based Transactional Service, Including Advanced Transactional Models....Pages 529-537
Back Matter....Pages 538-544
....Pages 545-556