Ebook: Information Security Applications: 5th International Workshop, WISA 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 23-25, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Author: Kihun Hong Souhwan Jung Luigi Lo Iacono Christoph Ruland (auth.) Chae Hoon Lim Moti Yung (eds.)
- Tags: Data Encryption, Operating Systems, Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity, Computer Communication Networks, Management of Computing and Information Systems, Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3325
- Year: 2005
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The 5th International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA 2004) was held in Jeju Island, Korea during August 23-25, 2004. The workshop was sponsored by the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC), the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC). The aim of the workshop is to serve as a forum for new conceptual and - perimental research results in the area of information security applications from the academic community as well as from the industry. The workshop program covers a wide range of security aspects including cryptography, cryptanalysis, network/system security and implementation aspects. The programcommittee received169 papersfrom 22 countries,andaccepted 37 papers for a full presentation track and 30 papers for a short presentation track. Each paper was carefully evaluated through peer-review by at least three members of the programcommittee. This volume contains revised versions of 36 papers accepted and presented in the full presentation track. Short papers were only published in the WISA 2004 pre-proceedings as preliminary versions and are allowed to be published elsewhere as extended versions. In addition to the contributed papers, Professors Gene Tsudik and Ross Andersongaveinvitedtalks,entitledSecurityinOutsourcedDatabasesandWhat does ‘Security’ mean for Ubiquitous Applications?, respectively.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Security Applications, WISA 2004, held in Jeju Island, Korea in August 2004.
The 36 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement from 169 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on network and computer security, public key systems, intrusion detection, watermarking and anti-spamming, digital rights management, e-commerce security, efficient implementations, anonymous communication, and side channel attacks.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Security Applications, WISA 2004, held in Jeju Island, Korea in August 2004.
The 36 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement from 169 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on network and computer security, public key systems, intrusion detection, watermarking and anti-spamming, digital rights management, e-commerce security, efficient implementations, anonymous communication, and side channel attacks.
Front Matter....Pages -
Impacts of Security Protocols on Real-Time Multimedia Communications....Pages 1-13
An Improvement on Privacy and Authentication in GSM....Pages 14-26
Encrypted Watermarks and Linux Laptop Security....Pages 27-38
Inconsistency Detection of Authorization Policies in Distributed Component Environment....Pages 39-50
Custodian-Hiding Verifiable Encryption....Pages 51-64
Proving Key Usage....Pages 65-72
Public Key Encryption with Conjunctive Field Keyword Search....Pages 73-86
A Probabilistic Method for Detecting Anomalous Program Behavior....Pages 87-98
Service Discrimination and Audit File Reduction for Effective Intrusion Detection....Pages 99-113
IDS False Alarm Filtering Using KNN Classifier....Pages 114-121
Content-Based Synchronization Using the Local Invariant Feature for Robust Watermarking....Pages 122-134
Some Fitting of Naive Bayesian Spam Filtering for Japanese Environment....Pages 135-143
Efficient Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Dynamic Groups....Pages 144-159
A Ring Signature Scheme Using Bilinear Pairings....Pages 160-169
Verifiable Pairing and Its Applications....Pages 170-187
Improving the Performance of Signature-Based Network Intrusion Detection Sensors by Multi-threading....Pages 188-203
An Effective Placement of Detection Systems for Distributed Attack Detection in Large Scale Networks....Pages 204-210
Application of Content Computing in Honeyfarm....Pages 211-222
License Protection with a Tamper-Resistant Token....Pages 223-237
An Adaptive Approach to Hardware Alteration for Digital Rights Management....Pages 238-250
Dynamic Fingerprinting over Broadcast Using Revocation Scheme....Pages 251-263
Practical Pay-TV Scheme Using Traitor Tracing Scheme for Multiple Channels....Pages 264-277
Vulnerability of a Mobile Payment System Proposed at WISA 2002....Pages 278-285
Fair Offline Payment Using Verifiable Encryption....Pages 286-301
A Limited-Used Key Generation Scheme for Internet Transactions....Pages 302-316
Efficient Representation and Software Implementation of Resilient Maiorana-McFarland S-boxes....Pages 317-331
Novel Efficient Implementations of Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystems Using Degenerate Divisors....Pages 332-344
Hyperelliptic Curve Coprocessors on a FPGA....Pages 345-359
Key-Exchange Protocol Using Pre-agreed Session-ID....Pages 360-374
A New k-Anonymous Message Transmission Protocol....Pages 375-387
Onions Based on Universal Re-encryption – Anonymous Communication Immune Against Repetitive Attack....Pages 388-399
Side Channel Cryptanalysis on SEED....Pages 400-410
Secure and Efficient AES Software Implementation for Smart Cards....Pages 411-424
Practical Template Attacks....Pages 425-439
Evaluation and Improvement of the Tempest Fonts....Pages 440-456
Back Matter....Pages 457-469
....Pages -