Ebook: Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IV
Author: Hyung Suk Kang Charles Meneveau (auth.) Bernard J. Geurts Rainer Friedrich Olivier Métais (eds.)
- Tags: Engineering general, Physics general, Mathematics general, Mechanics
- Series: ERCOFTAC Series 8
- Year: 2001
- Publisher: Springer Netherlands
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The workshop 'Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation-4' was held at the Uni versity ofTwente, July 18-20, 2001. DLES4is part of a series ofERCOFfAC workshops that originated at the University of Surrey in 1994. Over the years the DLES-series has grown into a major international venue focused on the development and application of direct and large-eddy simulation. Fundamental turbulence - and modeling issues but also elements from modem numerical analysis are at the heart of this field of interest, a fact which is clearly reflected by the contents of these proceedings. Modeling and simulation of complex flow phenomena forms a central ele ment in a large volume of scientific - and applied research. The problem of simulating turbulent flows and capturing their main dynamical features remains a highly motivating challenge. This three-day workshop focused on recent de velopments in numerical and physical modeling of complex flow phenomena concentrating on modem strategies in the field of direct and large-eddy simula tion. A major aim was to promote the exchange of ideas and problems from both industrial and academic background paying attention to physical, mathematical and engineering aspects.
This volume contains the proceedings of DLES4, the fourth international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large-eddy simulation which was held at the University of Twente, July 18-20, 2001. It contains an exposition and discussion of state-of-the-art modeling and simulation approaches for complex flows. Fundamental turbulence - and modeling issues but also elements from modern numerical analysis are at the heart of this field of interest. Present-day DNS and LES tend to be extended toward flows of realistic complexity, at practically relevant flow conditions and with the inclusion of additional complex physical phenomena such as arise e.g. in combustion research, environmental flows, multiphase applications and process-engineering. These extensions of DNS and LES are illustrated in the contributions, while an ongoing interest remains with sophisticated modeling and numerical approaches, paying attention to physical, mathematical and engineering aspects.
This volume contains the proceedings of DLES4, the fourth international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large-eddy simulation which was held at the University of Twente, July 18-20, 2001. It contains an exposition and discussion of state-of-the-art modeling and simulation approaches for complex flows. Fundamental turbulence - and modeling issues but also elements from modern numerical analysis are at the heart of this field of interest. Present-day DNS and LES tend to be extended toward flows of realistic complexity, at practically relevant flow conditions and with the inclusion of additional complex physical phenomena such as arise e.g. in combustion research, environmental flows, multiphase applications and process-engineering. These extensions of DNS and LES are illustrated in the contributions, while an ongoing interest remains with sophisticated modeling and numerical approaches, paying attention to physical, mathematical and engineering aspects.
Front Matter....Pages i-xiii
Experimental Measurements of Subgrid Passive Scalar Anisotropy and Universality....Pages 1-10
Simulation of the Motion of Particles in Turbulent Flow....Pages 11-20
On the Accuracy of Symmetry-Preserving Discretization....Pages 21-28
DNS of Turbulent Supersonic Channel Flow....Pages 29-36
Les of Wall-Bounded Turbulence Based on a 6th-Order Compact Scheme....Pages 37-44
Large Eddy Simulations Using the Subgrid-Scale Estimation Model and Truncated Navier-Stokes Dynamics....Pages 45-54
Assessment of Some Models for LES without/with Explicit Filtering....Pages 55-66
Alignment of Eigenvectors for Strain Rate and Subgrid-Scale Stress Tensors....Pages 67-72
A Finite-Mode Spectral Model of Homogeneous and Isotropic Navier-Stokes Turbulence....Pages 73-80
Analysing Near-Wall Behaviour in a Separating Turbulent Boundary Layer by DNS....Pages 81-88
A Dynamic Subgrid-Scale Model Based on the Turbulent Kinetic Energy....Pages 89-96
A Model Based on Incremental Scales Applied to LES of Turbulent Channel Flow....Pages 97-104
Progress in Direct Simulations of 3D Turbulent Flames....Pages 105-112
Direct Numerical Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Combustion....Pages 113-120
Partially-Premixed Combustion during Autoignition of a Turbulent Nonpremixed Flame....Pages 121-128
DNS of Turbulent H2/O2 Premixed Flames Using Compressible and Low-Mach Number Formulations....Pages 129-136
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Reacting Flow....Pages 137-144
Transition in LES of Bluff Body Flows and Airfoils....Pages 145-156
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Around a High Lift Airfoil....Pages 157-164
An LES Investigation of the Separated Flow Past an Airfoil at High Angle of Attack....Pages 165-172
Direct Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Transition in the Incompressible Flow Around a Wing....Pages 173-180
DNS of Turbulent Flows in a Channel with Roughness....Pages 181-188
Dynamics of Transitional Noncircular Buoyant Reactive Jets with Side-Wall Effects....Pages 189-196
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation of a Transitional Rectangular Jet....Pages 197-204
Coherent Structures in Excited Spatially Evolving Round Jets....Pages 205-212
Direct and Large Eddy Simulations of Compressible Open Cavity Flows....Pages 213-220
Diagonal Cartesian Method on Staggered Grids for a DNS in a Tube Bundle....Pages 221-228
A New Approach Towards Subgrid Modeling in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence....Pages 229-236
Numerical Diffusion Based on High-Order Derivatives in MUSCL Schemes for LES on Unstructured Grids....Pages 237-244
Large-Eddy Simulation of Variable-Density Turbulent Flows Impinging on Wall Plates and Cavity Enclosures....Pages 245-252
An Adaptive Wavelet Method for Fluid—Structure Interaction....Pages 253-260
Development of Coherent Perturbations in a Laminar Boundary Layer....Pages 261-268
LES of Supersonic Boundary Layers Using the Approximate Deconvolution Model....Pages 269-276
Large Eddy Simulation of a Spatially Growing Thermal Boundary Layer in a Turbulent Square Duct....Pages 277-284
DNS of Transition near the Leading Edge of an Aerofoil....Pages 285-292
DNS of Turbulent Channel Flow in the Presence of a Thin Liquid Film....Pages 293-300
Direct Simulation of Transonic Flow over a Bump....Pages 301-310
The Role of Deconvolution and Numerical Discretization in Subgrid-Scale Modeling....Pages 311-320
Differential Rotation Effects within a Turbulent Batchelor Vortex....Pages 321-328
LES of Flow Around a Circular Cylinder at a High Subcritical Reynolds Number....Pages 329-336
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows over a Cylinder of Square Cross-Section....Pages 337-344
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow Past Straight and Tapered Circular Cylinders....Pages 345-352
LES of a Turbulent Flow around a Sharp Trailing Edge....Pages 353-362
Partly Compressible Fluids for DNS/LES of Free and Bounded Turbulent Flows....Pages 363-372
Large-Eddy Simulation of Complex Internal Flows....Pages 373-380
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow around a Low Pressure Turbine Blade....Pages 381-388
The Turbulent Reacting Shear Layer: DNS and LES....Pages 389-398
DNS Study of Supersonic Mixing Layers....Pages 399-408
2D-LES of a free-surface mixing layer....Pages 409-418
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow over a Wall-Mounted Fence....Pages 419-426
Active Control of Turbulent Separated Flows Using Large-Eddy Simulation....Pages 427-434
Large-Eddy Simulation of Convective Entrainment in Linearly and Discretely Stratified Fluids....Pages 435-442
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulence and Interfacial Dynamics in Counter—Current Air—Water Flows....Pages 443-452
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation of Particle-Laden Flows Using the Point-Particle Approach....Pages 453-460
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Shear Flows Laden with Bubbles....Pages 461-470
Dynamics of Coherent Vortices in Large-Eddy Simulation....Pages 471-480
Detached-Eddy Simulation of the Separated Flow around a Forebody Cross-Section....Pages 481-500
Turbulence Modification in a Stably-Stratified Channel Flow....Pages 501-508
The Use and Relevance of Reacting LES in Engineering Design Cycle....Pages 509-516
Direct Numerical Simulations of Multiphase Flows....Pages 517-526
Back Matter....Pages 527-530
This volume contains the proceedings of DLES4, the fourth international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large-eddy simulation which was held at the University of Twente, July 18-20, 2001. It contains an exposition and discussion of state-of-the-art modeling and simulation approaches for complex flows. Fundamental turbulence - and modeling issues but also elements from modern numerical analysis are at the heart of this field of interest. Present-day DNS and LES tend to be extended toward flows of realistic complexity, at practically relevant flow conditions and with the inclusion of additional complex physical phenomena such as arise e.g. in combustion research, environmental flows, multiphase applications and process-engineering. These extensions of DNS and LES are illustrated in the contributions, while an ongoing interest remains with sophisticated modeling and numerical approaches, paying attention to physical, mathematical and engineering aspects.
Front Matter....Pages i-xiii
Experimental Measurements of Subgrid Passive Scalar Anisotropy and Universality....Pages 1-10
Simulation of the Motion of Particles in Turbulent Flow....Pages 11-20
On the Accuracy of Symmetry-Preserving Discretization....Pages 21-28
DNS of Turbulent Supersonic Channel Flow....Pages 29-36
Les of Wall-Bounded Turbulence Based on a 6th-Order Compact Scheme....Pages 37-44
Large Eddy Simulations Using the Subgrid-Scale Estimation Model and Truncated Navier-Stokes Dynamics....Pages 45-54
Assessment of Some Models for LES without/with Explicit Filtering....Pages 55-66
Alignment of Eigenvectors for Strain Rate and Subgrid-Scale Stress Tensors....Pages 67-72
A Finite-Mode Spectral Model of Homogeneous and Isotropic Navier-Stokes Turbulence....Pages 73-80
Analysing Near-Wall Behaviour in a Separating Turbulent Boundary Layer by DNS....Pages 81-88
A Dynamic Subgrid-Scale Model Based on the Turbulent Kinetic Energy....Pages 89-96
A Model Based on Incremental Scales Applied to LES of Turbulent Channel Flow....Pages 97-104
Progress in Direct Simulations of 3D Turbulent Flames....Pages 105-112
Direct Numerical Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Combustion....Pages 113-120
Partially-Premixed Combustion during Autoignition of a Turbulent Nonpremixed Flame....Pages 121-128
DNS of Turbulent H2/O2 Premixed Flames Using Compressible and Low-Mach Number Formulations....Pages 129-136
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Reacting Flow....Pages 137-144
Transition in LES of Bluff Body Flows and Airfoils....Pages 145-156
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Around a High Lift Airfoil....Pages 157-164
An LES Investigation of the Separated Flow Past an Airfoil at High Angle of Attack....Pages 165-172
Direct Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Transition in the Incompressible Flow Around a Wing....Pages 173-180
DNS of Turbulent Flows in a Channel with Roughness....Pages 181-188
Dynamics of Transitional Noncircular Buoyant Reactive Jets with Side-Wall Effects....Pages 189-196
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation of a Transitional Rectangular Jet....Pages 197-204
Coherent Structures in Excited Spatially Evolving Round Jets....Pages 205-212
Direct and Large Eddy Simulations of Compressible Open Cavity Flows....Pages 213-220
Diagonal Cartesian Method on Staggered Grids for a DNS in a Tube Bundle....Pages 221-228
A New Approach Towards Subgrid Modeling in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence....Pages 229-236
Numerical Diffusion Based on High-Order Derivatives in MUSCL Schemes for LES on Unstructured Grids....Pages 237-244
Large-Eddy Simulation of Variable-Density Turbulent Flows Impinging on Wall Plates and Cavity Enclosures....Pages 245-252
An Adaptive Wavelet Method for Fluid—Structure Interaction....Pages 253-260
Development of Coherent Perturbations in a Laminar Boundary Layer....Pages 261-268
LES of Supersonic Boundary Layers Using the Approximate Deconvolution Model....Pages 269-276
Large Eddy Simulation of a Spatially Growing Thermal Boundary Layer in a Turbulent Square Duct....Pages 277-284
DNS of Transition near the Leading Edge of an Aerofoil....Pages 285-292
DNS of Turbulent Channel Flow in the Presence of a Thin Liquid Film....Pages 293-300
Direct Simulation of Transonic Flow over a Bump....Pages 301-310
The Role of Deconvolution and Numerical Discretization in Subgrid-Scale Modeling....Pages 311-320
Differential Rotation Effects within a Turbulent Batchelor Vortex....Pages 321-328
LES of Flow Around a Circular Cylinder at a High Subcritical Reynolds Number....Pages 329-336
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows over a Cylinder of Square Cross-Section....Pages 337-344
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow Past Straight and Tapered Circular Cylinders....Pages 345-352
LES of a Turbulent Flow around a Sharp Trailing Edge....Pages 353-362
Partly Compressible Fluids for DNS/LES of Free and Bounded Turbulent Flows....Pages 363-372
Large-Eddy Simulation of Complex Internal Flows....Pages 373-380
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow around a Low Pressure Turbine Blade....Pages 381-388
The Turbulent Reacting Shear Layer: DNS and LES....Pages 389-398
DNS Study of Supersonic Mixing Layers....Pages 399-408
2D-LES of a free-surface mixing layer....Pages 409-418
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow over a Wall-Mounted Fence....Pages 419-426
Active Control of Turbulent Separated Flows Using Large-Eddy Simulation....Pages 427-434
Large-Eddy Simulation of Convective Entrainment in Linearly and Discretely Stratified Fluids....Pages 435-442
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulence and Interfacial Dynamics in Counter—Current Air—Water Flows....Pages 443-452
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation of Particle-Laden Flows Using the Point-Particle Approach....Pages 453-460
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Shear Flows Laden with Bubbles....Pages 461-470
Dynamics of Coherent Vortices in Large-Eddy Simulation....Pages 471-480
Detached-Eddy Simulation of the Separated Flow around a Forebody Cross-Section....Pages 481-500
Turbulence Modification in a Stably-Stratified Channel Flow....Pages 501-508
The Use and Relevance of Reacting LES in Engineering Design Cycle....Pages 509-516
Direct Numerical Simulations of Multiphase Flows....Pages 517-526
Back Matter....Pages 527-530