Ebook: Syntactic and Structural Pattern Recognition
- Tags: Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Control Robotics Mechatronics, Engineering Economics Organization Logistics Marketing, Acoustics
- Series: NATO ASI Series 45
- Year: 1988
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Thirty years ago pattern recognition was dominated by the learning machine concept: that one could automate the process of going from the raw data to a classifier. The derivation of numerical features from the input image was not considered an important step. One could present all possible features to a program which in turn could find which ones would be useful for pattern recognition. In spite of significant improvements in statistical inference techniques, progress was slow. It became clear that feature derivation was a very complex process that could not be automated and that features could be symbolic as well as numerical. Furthennore the spatial relationship amongst features might be important. It appeared that pattern recognition might resemble language analysis since features could play the role of symbols strung together to form a word. This led. to the genesis of syntactic pattern recognition, pioneered in the middle and late 1960's by Russel Kirsch, Robert Ledley, Nararimhan, and Allan Shaw. However the thorough investigation of the area was left to King-Sun Fu and his students who, until his untimely death, produced most of the significant papers in this area. One of these papers (syntactic recognition of fingerprints) received the distinction of being selected as the best paper published that year in the IEEE Transaction on Computers. Therefore syntactic pattern recognition has a long history of active research and has been used in industrial applications.
Front Matter....Pages I-XV
A String Correction Method Based on the Context-Dependent Similarity....Pages 3-17
An Error-Correcting Parser for a Context-Free Language Based on the Context-Dependent Similarity....Pages 19-32
Ordered Structural Matching....Pages 33-47
A Parsing Algorithm for Weighted Grammars and Substring Recognition....Pages 51-67
Computing the Minimum Error Distance of Graphs in 0(n3) Time with Precedence Graph Grammars....Pages 69-83
A Unified View on Tree Metrics....Pages 85-100
Problems in Recognition of Drawings....Pages 103-113
Application of Structural Pattern Recognition in Histopathology....Pages 115-135
Applications of Multidimensional Search to Structural Feature Identification....Pages 137-149
Learning From Examples in Sequences and Grammatical Inference....Pages 153-171
An Efficient Algorithm for the Inference of Circuit-Free Automata....Pages 173-184
Voronoi Trees and Clustering Problems....Pages 185-194
Hough-Space Decomposition for Polyhedral Scene Analysis....Pages 197-216
Running Efficiently Arc Consistency....Pages 217-231
Smith: An Efficient Model-Based two Dimensional Shape Matching Technique....Pages 233-247
Training and Model Generation for a Syntactic Curve Network Parser....Pages 249-267
Knowledge-Based Computer Recognition of Speech....Pages 271-290
Computers Viewing Artists at Work....Pages 291-301
Face Recognition From Range Data by Structural Analysis....Pages 303-314
Cryptosystems for Picture Languages....Pages 315-332
Hybrid Approaches....Pages 335-361
An AI-Structural Approach to Edge Detection....Pages 363-377
Building Hierarchies – An Algorithmic Approach....Pages 379-392
Combining Logic Based and Syntactic Techniques: A Powerful Approach....Pages 395-429
A Syntactic Approach to Planning....Pages 431-440
Working Group A: 2D and 3D Image Understanding....Pages 443-446
Working Group B: Waveform and Speech Recognition....Pages 447-451
Working Group C: Hybrid Techniques....Pages 453-456
Working Group D: Models and Inference....Pages 457-457
Panel: Artificial Intelligence Versus Syntactic Techniques: Theoretical and Practical Issues....Pages 461-463
Back Matter....Pages 465-467
Front Matter....Pages I-XV
A String Correction Method Based on the Context-Dependent Similarity....Pages 3-17
An Error-Correcting Parser for a Context-Free Language Based on the Context-Dependent Similarity....Pages 19-32
Ordered Structural Matching....Pages 33-47
A Parsing Algorithm for Weighted Grammars and Substring Recognition....Pages 51-67
Computing the Minimum Error Distance of Graphs in 0(n3) Time with Precedence Graph Grammars....Pages 69-83
A Unified View on Tree Metrics....Pages 85-100
Problems in Recognition of Drawings....Pages 103-113
Application of Structural Pattern Recognition in Histopathology....Pages 115-135
Applications of Multidimensional Search to Structural Feature Identification....Pages 137-149
Learning From Examples in Sequences and Grammatical Inference....Pages 153-171
An Efficient Algorithm for the Inference of Circuit-Free Automata....Pages 173-184
Voronoi Trees and Clustering Problems....Pages 185-194
Hough-Space Decomposition for Polyhedral Scene Analysis....Pages 197-216
Running Efficiently Arc Consistency....Pages 217-231
Smith: An Efficient Model-Based two Dimensional Shape Matching Technique....Pages 233-247
Training and Model Generation for a Syntactic Curve Network Parser....Pages 249-267
Knowledge-Based Computer Recognition of Speech....Pages 271-290
Computers Viewing Artists at Work....Pages 291-301
Face Recognition From Range Data by Structural Analysis....Pages 303-314
Cryptosystems for Picture Languages....Pages 315-332
Hybrid Approaches....Pages 335-361
An AI-Structural Approach to Edge Detection....Pages 363-377
Building Hierarchies – An Algorithmic Approach....Pages 379-392
Combining Logic Based and Syntactic Techniques: A Powerful Approach....Pages 395-429
A Syntactic Approach to Planning....Pages 431-440
Working Group A: 2D and 3D Image Understanding....Pages 443-446
Working Group B: Waveform and Speech Recognition....Pages 447-451
Working Group C: Hybrid Techniques....Pages 453-456
Working Group D: Models and Inference....Pages 457-457
Panel: Artificial Intelligence Versus Syntactic Techniques: Theoretical and Practical Issues....Pages 461-463
Back Matter....Pages 465-467