Ebook: Disordered Semiconductors
- Tags: Solid State Physics, Spectroscopy and Microscopy, Condensed Matter Physics, Crystallography, Electrical Engineering, Optical and Electronic Materials
- Series: Institute for Amorphous Studies Series
- Year: 1987
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Twenty-four years ago, Hellmut Fritzsche came to our laboratory to evaluate our work in amorphous materials. He came many times, sometimes bringing his violin to play with our youngest son, to talk, to help, to discover, and to teach. The times with him were always exciting and rewarding. There was a camaraderie in the early years that has continued and a friendship that has deepened among Iris and me and Hellmut, Sybille and their children. The vision that Hellmut Fritzsche shared with me, the many important contributions he made, the science that he helped so firmly to establish, the courage he showed in the time of our adversity, and the potential that he recognized put all of us in the amorphous field, not only his close friends and collaborators, in his debt. He helped make a science out of intuition, and played an important role not only in the experimental field but also in the basic theoretical aspects. It has been an honor to work with Hellmut through the years.
Front Matter....Pages i-xiv
Introduction....Pages 1-2
Impurity Bands in Silicon and Germanium....Pages 3-10
Critical Phenomena Near the Metal-Insulator Transition....Pages 11-21
The Metal-Insulator Transition at Millikelvin Temperatures....Pages 23-28
Magnetic Field Induced Transitions in Disordered Metals....Pages 29-36
Compensation Tuning Study of Metal Insulator Transition in Si:P....Pages 37-44
The Metal-Insulator Transition in Compensated Silicon....Pages 45-56
The Spectroscopic Investigation of Negatively Charged Donor Ions (D? States)....Pages 57-64
Magnetic Properties of Donors and Acceptors in Silicon: Similarities and Differences....Pages 65-71
The AC Conductivity in n-Type Silicon Below the Metal-Insulator Transition....Pages 73-82
Low Frequency Conductivity Anomalies of Strongly Disordered Semiconductors....Pages 83-90
Inelastic Scattering Time of Electrons in Metallic Ge:Sb....Pages 91-96
Localization Effects in Quasi-One-Dimensional Lithium Quench-Condensed Microstructures....Pages 97-105
Potential Disorder in Granular Metals....Pages 107-114
X-ray and Neutron Scattering Studies of Graphite Intercalated with Two-Dimensional K-NH3 Metal-Ammonia Solutions....Pages 115-124
Pressure-Induced Effects on Phonons and Gap States in Alloy Semiconductors....Pages 125-134
Photoinduced and Radiation-Induced Structural Transformations in Vitreous Arsenic Chalcogenides....Pages 135-149
New Aspects of Photoinduced Paramagnetic States in Chalcogenide Glasses....Pages 151-154
Photo-Induced Effects in Amorphous Ge-S....Pages 155-161
Polarization Memory of Photoluminescence and Photoinduced Optical Anisotropy in Chalcogenide Glasses....Pages 163-172
The Quantum Nature of Amorphous Solids....Pages 173-183
Changes in the Photoelectronic Properties of Glassy Chalcogenides Induced by Chemical Doping, Irradiation, and Thermal History....Pages 185-194
A Model for the Electrical Doping of Chalcogenide Glasses by Bismuth....Pages 195-204
Current Transient Studies of Al-a-As2Se3 Contacts....Pages 205-217
Structure of Amorphous Semiconductors....Pages 219-236
The Sillium Model....Pages 237-246
High Brilliance X-ray Sources and the Study of Amorphous Materials....Pages 247-255
X-ray Absorption Studies of Amorphous Arsenic Chalcogenide Semiconductors....Pages 257-259
Structural Order and Dynamics of Noncrystalline Condensed Matter....Pages 261-267
Bonding and Short Range Order in a-Gex Te1–x Alloys....Pages 269-272
Refractive Index Dispersion and Structure of Chalcogenide Glasses....Pages 273-282
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies of Void Structure in Obliquely Deposited Amorphous Ge Films....Pages 283-295
Picosecond Photomodulation Studies of Carrier Trapping in a-Si:H....Pages 297-306
Photoluminescence Studies of Band-Tail States in a-Si:H....Pages 307-315
Recombination in a-Si:H Based Materials: Evidence for Two Slow Radiative Processes....Pages 317-326
Thermal and Optical Quenching of the Photoconductivity in a-Si:H-Films....Pages 327-337
Recombination and the Standard Model in Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon (a-Si:H) : An Essay....Pages 339-348
An Extension of Einstein’s Treatment of Spontaneous Emission....Pages 349-356
Optical and Photoelectrical Properties of a-Si:H Implanted by Mg Ions....Pages 357-368
Determination of the Electronic Density of States of N-Type Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon from Transient Sweep-Out Experiments....Pages 369-378
Electron Correlation Energies in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon....Pages 379-388
Defects in a-Si:H....Pages 389-394
Optical Absorption Edge of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon....Pages 395-400
Preparation of a-Si and its Related Materials by Hydrogen Radical Enhanced CVD....Pages 401-406
Application of in Situ Ellipsometry to the Growth of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon....Pages 407-414
Density of Gap States in Undoped and Doped Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Obtained by Optical Spectroscopy....Pages 415-424
Structural and Electronic Properties of Polymeric Amorphous Semiconductors Si1?xCx:H....Pages 425-434
Structural Characterization of Amorphous Silicon and Germanium....Pages 435-446
Electrical Conductivity of Non-Hydrogenated Amorphous Tetracoordinated Semiconductors....Pages 447-458
DC Electrical Conductivity of Highly Disordered Elemental Semiconductors....Pages 459-468
Resonant Tunneling Through Quantized States in a-Si:H....Pages 469-478
Persistent Photoconductivity in Amorphous Silicon Alloys....Pages 479-488
The Thermal Equilibration Model for Persistent Photoconductivity in Doping Modulated Amorphous Silicon....Pages 489-497
Band Edge Alignment and Quantum Size Effects in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon/Germanium Superlattice Structures....Pages 499-509
Carrier Recombination Kinetics in Amorphous Doping Superlattices....Pages 511-518
Material Design by Structural Modulation of Amorphous Semiconductors....Pages 519-527
Junction Capacitance Studies of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Doping Superiattice Films....Pages 529-539
The Effects of Band Bending on the Optical, Electrical and Photo-Electronic Properties of a-Si:H Thin Films in Surface Cell Structures....Pages 541-550
Effect of Band Tails on the Electric Field of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells....Pages 551-561
Hydrogen Motion and the Staebler-Wronski Effect in Amorphous Silicon....Pages 563-575
Elimination of Photo-Induced Degradation in Semiconductor Devices....Pages 577-585
Dangling Bonds and Metastability in Semiconductors....Pages 587-602
Recombination-Enhanced Defect Formation and Annealing in a-Si:H....Pages 603-611
Composition and Thermal Stability of Glow-Discharge a-Si:C:H and a-Si:N:H Alloys....Pages 613-620
Investigation of the Electronic Structure of Amorphous Silicon Based on Studies of the Amorphous-to-Crystalline Transition....Pages 621-623
Theory of Covalent Amorphous Semiconductors....Pages 625-633
Tails in the Density of States....Pages 635-640
Localization Effects in Amorphous Semiconductors....Pages 641-658
Band-Edge Conduction in Amorphous Semiconductors....Pages 659-672
The Statistical Shift of the Fermi Energy and the Prefactor of the DC Conductivity in a-Si:H....Pages 673-680
Luminescence and Relaxation of Energy in Disordered Organic and Inorganic Materials....Pages 681-695
Thermoelectric Power of Anderson-Mott Insulators with an Exponential Density of States Distribution....Pages 697-704
Dramatic Effects of Disorder on Small-Polaron Formation and Motion....Pages 705-712
Back Matter....Pages 713-722
....Pages 723-743