Ebook: Hydrodynamics of Ocean Wave-Energy Utilization: IUTAM Symposium Lisbon/Portugal 1985
- Tags: Mechanics, Renewable and Green Energy, Geoengineering Foundations Hydraulics, Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution
- Series: International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
- Year: 1986
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The papers which follow were presented at an International Sym posium held in Lisbon from 8-11 July 1985 on the Hydrodynamics of Ocean Wave-Energy Utilization and sponsored by the Interna tional Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. The subject of the Symposium embraced wave statistics, numerical methods, theoretical, experimental and field studies of wave energy devices. The idea of extracting useful energy from ocean waves continues to attract the curiosity of scientists and engineers in many parts of the world as the following papers indicate. Increasing ly the trend is towards smaller devices suitable for use near remote island communities where wave power, as an alternative to costly diesel fuel for electric generators, is already very competitive in economic terms. The decision to build two different prototype wave-power devices into the cliffs off Bergen in Norway has provided a welcome impetus to the field, stimulating a large amount of theoretical work on oscillating water column-type devices. In particular phase control methods - in which force and velocity of a rigid body, or pressure and volume flux across a turbine are matched in phase to achieve maximum power output - rightfully occupy a central place in the papers that follow. In addition to the established workers in the field, a new ge neration of wave-energy enthusiasts is emerging, learning from the mistakes of others and contributing exciting ideas of both a conceptual and practical nature.
Front Matter....Pages I-XVI
The Hydrodynamic Efficiency of Wave-Energy Devices....Pages 1-34
Progress on Edinburgh Ducks....Pages 35-50
TAPCHAN....Pages 51-55
Development of the Kvaerner Multiresonant OWC....Pages 57-67
The Circular Sea Clam Wave Energy Converter....Pages 69-79
Optimization of Wave Energy Absorber of an Attenuator OWC Device with an Air Turbine....Pages 81-92
On the Experimental Investigation of a Wave Power Converter....Pages 93-101
Design Optimization of Axi-symmetric Tail Tube Buoys....Pages 103-111
Physical and Mathematical Modelling of a Point Absorber Wave Energy Conversion System with Nonlinear Damping....Pages 113-124
Progress in China’s Developmental Research on Wave Energy....Pages 125-132
Wave Climate and the Wave Power Resource....Pages 133-156
Wave Power Climate of Portugal....Pages 157-167
Oceanographic Design Criteria and Site Selection for Ocean Wave Energy Conversion....Pages 169-178
Accuracy of the Estimate of Extreme Wave Conditions....Pages 179-184
On-line Identification and Prediction of Waves....Pages 185-193
Extreme Wave Heights along the Norwegian Coast....Pages 195-204
Wave Forces on a Horizontal, Submerged, Spinning Cylinder....Pages 205-215
The Concept of a Bipartite Point Absorber....Pages 217-226
Thrust Generation by a Hydrofoil Driven by Waves — A Basic Aspect of Wave Devouring Propulsion....Pages 227-236
Wave Energy Absorption Characteristics of Circular Air-Chamber for Use of Light Beacon Fixed on Sunken Rock....Pages 237-246
Heaving Point Absorbers Reacting against an Internal Mass....Pages 247-255
Phase Control for the Oscillating Water Column....Pages 257-268
Wave Energy Absorption in Irregular Waves by Feedforward Control System....Pages 269-280
Latching Control of an Oscillating Water Column Device with Air Compressibility....Pages 281-291
Increase in Absorbed Wave Energy by the Phase Control for Air Flow on OWC Wave Power Device....Pages 293-302
Simulation of a Pneumatic Wave-Power Buoy with Phase Control....Pages 303-313
Dynamic Response and Input Adaptive Maximum Energy Converting Control of an Ocean Wave Energy Converter....Pages 315-324
A Comparative Evaluation of Numerical Methods in Free-Surface Hydrodynamics....Pages 325-356
Survival of Surface-Piercing Wave Energy Devices in Extreme Waves....Pages 357-373
Progress on Flap-type Wave Absorbing Devices....Pages 375-384
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Oscillating-Water-Column Terminator Devices in Obliquely Incident Waves....Pages 385-395
Hydrodynamic Analysis and Design Method of OWC Wave Energy Convertors....Pages 397-405
Wave Interaction with Oscillating Bodies and Water Columns....Pages 407-417
The Radiation and Scattering of Long Water Waves....Pages 419-431
Investigation of Wave Focusing over a Parabolic Step....Pages 433-443
An Experience of Wave Power Generator through Tests and Improvement....Pages 445-452
Front Matter....Pages I-XVI
The Hydrodynamic Efficiency of Wave-Energy Devices....Pages 1-34
Progress on Edinburgh Ducks....Pages 35-50
TAPCHAN....Pages 51-55
Development of the Kvaerner Multiresonant OWC....Pages 57-67
The Circular Sea Clam Wave Energy Converter....Pages 69-79
Optimization of Wave Energy Absorber of an Attenuator OWC Device with an Air Turbine....Pages 81-92
On the Experimental Investigation of a Wave Power Converter....Pages 93-101
Design Optimization of Axi-symmetric Tail Tube Buoys....Pages 103-111
Physical and Mathematical Modelling of a Point Absorber Wave Energy Conversion System with Nonlinear Damping....Pages 113-124
Progress in China’s Developmental Research on Wave Energy....Pages 125-132
Wave Climate and the Wave Power Resource....Pages 133-156
Wave Power Climate of Portugal....Pages 157-167
Oceanographic Design Criteria and Site Selection for Ocean Wave Energy Conversion....Pages 169-178
Accuracy of the Estimate of Extreme Wave Conditions....Pages 179-184
On-line Identification and Prediction of Waves....Pages 185-193
Extreme Wave Heights along the Norwegian Coast....Pages 195-204
Wave Forces on a Horizontal, Submerged, Spinning Cylinder....Pages 205-215
The Concept of a Bipartite Point Absorber....Pages 217-226
Thrust Generation by a Hydrofoil Driven by Waves — A Basic Aspect of Wave Devouring Propulsion....Pages 227-236
Wave Energy Absorption Characteristics of Circular Air-Chamber for Use of Light Beacon Fixed on Sunken Rock....Pages 237-246
Heaving Point Absorbers Reacting against an Internal Mass....Pages 247-255
Phase Control for the Oscillating Water Column....Pages 257-268
Wave Energy Absorption in Irregular Waves by Feedforward Control System....Pages 269-280
Latching Control of an Oscillating Water Column Device with Air Compressibility....Pages 281-291
Increase in Absorbed Wave Energy by the Phase Control for Air Flow on OWC Wave Power Device....Pages 293-302
Simulation of a Pneumatic Wave-Power Buoy with Phase Control....Pages 303-313
Dynamic Response and Input Adaptive Maximum Energy Converting Control of an Ocean Wave Energy Converter....Pages 315-324
A Comparative Evaluation of Numerical Methods in Free-Surface Hydrodynamics....Pages 325-356
Survival of Surface-Piercing Wave Energy Devices in Extreme Waves....Pages 357-373
Progress on Flap-type Wave Absorbing Devices....Pages 375-384
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Oscillating-Water-Column Terminator Devices in Obliquely Incident Waves....Pages 385-395
Hydrodynamic Analysis and Design Method of OWC Wave Energy Convertors....Pages 397-405
Wave Interaction with Oscillating Bodies and Water Columns....Pages 407-417
The Radiation and Scattering of Long Water Waves....Pages 419-431
Investigation of Wave Focusing over a Parabolic Step....Pages 433-443
An Experience of Wave Power Generator through Tests and Improvement....Pages 445-452