Ebook: Operations Research Proceedings 2004: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR). Jointly Organized with the Netherlands Society for Operations Research (NGB) Tilburg, September 1–3, 2004
- Tags: Operations Research/Decision Theory, Optimization
- Series: Operations Research Proceedings 2004
- Year: 2005
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This volume contains a selection of papers referring to lectures presented at the symposium "Operations Research 2004" (OR 2004) held at Tilburg University, September 1-3, 2004. This international conference took place under the auspices of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) and the Dutch Operations Research Society (NGB). The symposium had about 500 participants from more than 30 countries all over the world. It attracted academicians and practitioners working in various fields of Operations Research and provided them with the most recent ad vances in Operations Research and related areas in Economics, Mathematics, and Computer Science. The program consisted of 4 plenary and 19 semi-plenary talks and more than 300 contributed presentations, selected by the program committee, to be presented in 20 sections. Due to a limited number of pages available for the proceedings volume, the length of each article as well as the total number of accepted contributions had to be restricted. Submitted manuscripts have therefore been reviewed and 59 of them have been selected for publication. We would like to thank the GOR-board for the abundant collaboration, which we always found to be helpful and fruitful. We are grateful to all the review ers, which were asked to review one or more submitted papers. Finally, we would like to thank our colleague Annemiek Dankers and Barbara Fess from Springer-Verlag for their support in publishing this proceedings volume.
This volume contains a selection of papers referring to lectures presented at the symposium "Operations Research 2004" (OR 2004) held at Tilburg University, September 1-3, 2004. This international conference took place under the auspices of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) and the Dutch Operations Research Society (NGB).
The symposium had about 500 participants from countries all over the world. It attracted academics and practitioners working in various fields of Operations Research and provided them with the most recent advances in Operations Research and related areas in Economics, Mathematics, and Computer Science.
The program consisted of 4 plenary and 19 semi-plenary talks and more than 300 contributed presentations selected by the program committee to be presented in 20 sections.
This volume contains a selection of papers referring to lectures presented at the symposium "Operations Research 2004" (OR 2004) held at Tilburg University, September 1-3, 2004. This international conference took place under the auspices of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) and the Dutch Operations Research Society (NGB).
The symposium had about 500 participants from countries all over the world. It attracted academics and practitioners working in various fields of Operations Research and provided them with the most recent advances in Operations Research and related areas in Economics, Mathematics, and Computer Science.
The program consisted of 4 plenary and 19 semi-plenary talks and more than 300 contributed presentations selected by the program committee to be presented in 20 sections.
Front Matter....Pages I-XIV
Koordination von Abruf- und Lieferpolitiken in Supply Chains....Pages 1-9
Ein Entscheidungsunterst?tzungssystem zur Verschnittoptimierung von Rollenstahl....Pages 10-17
Conflict-free Real-time AGV Routing....Pages 18-24
Dynamical Configuration of Transparent Optical Telecommunication Networks....Pages 25-32
The value of information in a container collection system for end-of-life vehicles....Pages 33-40
Approximate Policies for Hybrid Production and Rework Systems with Stochastic Demand and Yield....Pages 41-49
Life cycle considerations in remanufacturing strategies — a framework for decision support....Pages 50-58
Stochastic Models of Customer Portfolio Management in Call Centers....Pages 59-66
An Milp Modelling Approach for Shelf Life Integrated Planning in Yoghurt Production....Pages 67-75
Dynamic optimization of routing in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant....Pages 76-83
Blood Platelet Production: a multi-type perishable inventory problem....Pages 84-92
Zeitdiskrete Modellierung der Wechselwirkungen der Plan-Vorgaben bei Verwendung der Liefertreue als Leistungsgr??e f?r die interne Supply Chain in der Halbleiterindustrie....Pages 93-101
Sequencing and lot-size optimisation of a production-and-inventory-system with multiple items using simulation and parallel genetic algorithm....Pages 102-109
Ein Dekompositionsverfahren zur Bestimmung der Produktionsrate einer Flie?produktionslinie mit Montagestationen und stochastischen Bearbeitungszeiten....Pages 110-117
A dynamic model for strategic supplier selection....Pages 118-126
Functional Analysis of Process-Oriented Systems....Pages 127-135
Finding Delay-Tolerant Train Routings through Stations....Pages 136-143
Router: A Fast and Flexible Local Search Algorithm for a Class of Rich Vehicle Routing Problems....Pages 144-149
Integrated Optimization of School Starting Times and Public Bus Services....Pages 150-157
A Decision Support Framework for the Airline Crew Schedule Disruption Management with Strategy Mapping....Pages 158-165
Tail Assignment in Practice....Pages 166-173
Ein praxistauglicher Ansatz zur L?sung eines spezifischen D-VRSP-TW-UC....Pages 174-183
Freight Flow Consolidation in Presence of Time Windows....Pages 184-191
Minimizing Total Delay in Fixed-Time Controlled Traffic Networks....Pages 192-199
On Asymptotic Optimality of Permutation Schedules in Stochastic Flow Shops and Assembly Lines....Pages 200-206
An Exact Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Workforce Scheduling....Pages 207-212
A Single Processor Scheduling Problem with a Common Due Window Assignment....Pages 213-220
Modeling SMEs’ Choice of Foreign Market Entry: Joint Venture vs. Wholly Owned Venture....Pages 221-229
Pattern Detection with Growing Neural Networks — An Application to Marketing and Library Data....Pages 230-237
The Quality of Prior Information Structure in Business Planning - An Experiment in Environmental Scanning....Pages 238-245
Product Line Optimization as a Two Stage Problem....Pages 246-253
Optimising energy models for hydrothermal generation systems to derive electricity prices....Pages 254-262
Simulation of the epidemiology of Salmonella in the pork supply chain....Pages 263-270
Modeling Signal Transduction of Neural System by Hybrid Petri Net Representation....Pages 271-279
Mathematical Modeling and Approximation of Gene Expression Patterns....Pages 280-287
On the Empirical Linkages between Stock Prices and Trading Activity on the German Stock Market....Pages 288-296
Numerical Transform Inversion for Autocorrelations of Waiting Times....Pages 297-304
A Note on the Relationship between Strongly Convex Functions and Multiobjective Stochastic Programming Problems....Pages 305-312
Two-Step Drawing from Urns....Pages 313-318
Total Reward Variance in Discrete and Continuous Time Markov Chains....Pages 319-326
An Efficient Conjugate Directions Method Without Linear Searches....Pages 327-334
The Robust Shortest Path Problem by Means of Robust Linear Optimization....Pages 335-342
Approximation Algorithms for Finding a Maximum-Weight Spanning Connected Subgraph with given Vertex Degrees....Pages 343-351
Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem with Stepwise Model of Job Value Change....Pages 352-359
The Prize Collecting Connected Subgraph Problem - A New NP-Hard Problem arising in Snow Removal Routing....Pages 360-367
A Less Flexibility First Based Algorithm for the Container Loading Problem....Pages 368-376
Scheduling with Fuzzy Methods....Pages 377-384
Generalized DEA-Range Adjusted Measurement....Pages 385-392
A fuzzy DEA approach....Pages 393-399
Verkn?pfung von Standortdaten und Vegetationsmodellen ?ber die Zeigerwerte nach Ellenberg....Pages 400-407
Extracting Rules from Support Vector Machines....Pages 408-415
A square law for power of positions in a network....Pages 416-424
Automated business diagnosis in the OLAP context....Pages 425-433
User-Oriented Filtering of Qualitative Data....Pages 434-442
Vorstellung einer erweiterbaren Selbstlernumgebung „Operations Research“ als Beispiel f?r exploratives, Web-basiertes E-Learning im Hochschulumfeld....Pages 443-451
Partially Integrated Airline Crew Scheduling for Team-oriented Rostering....Pages 452-460
Multi Objective Pinch Analysis (MOPA) for Integrated Process Design....Pages 461-469
Revenue Management in a Make-to-Order Environment....Pages 470-478
Hierarchical Multilevel Approaches of Forecast Combination....Pages 479-486
This volume contains a selection of papers referring to lectures presented at the symposium "Operations Research 2004" (OR 2004) held at Tilburg University, September 1-3, 2004. This international conference took place under the auspices of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) and the Dutch Operations Research Society (NGB).
The symposium had about 500 participants from countries all over the world. It attracted academics and practitioners working in various fields of Operations Research and provided them with the most recent advances in Operations Research and related areas in Economics, Mathematics, and Computer Science.
The program consisted of 4 plenary and 19 semi-plenary talks and more than 300 contributed presentations selected by the program committee to be presented in 20 sections.
Front Matter....Pages I-XIV
Koordination von Abruf- und Lieferpolitiken in Supply Chains....Pages 1-9
Ein Entscheidungsunterst?tzungssystem zur Verschnittoptimierung von Rollenstahl....Pages 10-17
Conflict-free Real-time AGV Routing....Pages 18-24
Dynamical Configuration of Transparent Optical Telecommunication Networks....Pages 25-32
The value of information in a container collection system for end-of-life vehicles....Pages 33-40
Approximate Policies for Hybrid Production and Rework Systems with Stochastic Demand and Yield....Pages 41-49
Life cycle considerations in remanufacturing strategies — a framework for decision support....Pages 50-58
Stochastic Models of Customer Portfolio Management in Call Centers....Pages 59-66
An Milp Modelling Approach for Shelf Life Integrated Planning in Yoghurt Production....Pages 67-75
Dynamic optimization of routing in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant....Pages 76-83
Blood Platelet Production: a multi-type perishable inventory problem....Pages 84-92
Zeitdiskrete Modellierung der Wechselwirkungen der Plan-Vorgaben bei Verwendung der Liefertreue als Leistungsgr??e f?r die interne Supply Chain in der Halbleiterindustrie....Pages 93-101
Sequencing and lot-size optimisation of a production-and-inventory-system with multiple items using simulation and parallel genetic algorithm....Pages 102-109
Ein Dekompositionsverfahren zur Bestimmung der Produktionsrate einer Flie?produktionslinie mit Montagestationen und stochastischen Bearbeitungszeiten....Pages 110-117
A dynamic model for strategic supplier selection....Pages 118-126
Functional Analysis of Process-Oriented Systems....Pages 127-135
Finding Delay-Tolerant Train Routings through Stations....Pages 136-143
Router: A Fast and Flexible Local Search Algorithm for a Class of Rich Vehicle Routing Problems....Pages 144-149
Integrated Optimization of School Starting Times and Public Bus Services....Pages 150-157
A Decision Support Framework for the Airline Crew Schedule Disruption Management with Strategy Mapping....Pages 158-165
Tail Assignment in Practice....Pages 166-173
Ein praxistauglicher Ansatz zur L?sung eines spezifischen D-VRSP-TW-UC....Pages 174-183
Freight Flow Consolidation in Presence of Time Windows....Pages 184-191
Minimizing Total Delay in Fixed-Time Controlled Traffic Networks....Pages 192-199
On Asymptotic Optimality of Permutation Schedules in Stochastic Flow Shops and Assembly Lines....Pages 200-206
An Exact Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Workforce Scheduling....Pages 207-212
A Single Processor Scheduling Problem with a Common Due Window Assignment....Pages 213-220
Modeling SMEs’ Choice of Foreign Market Entry: Joint Venture vs. Wholly Owned Venture....Pages 221-229
Pattern Detection with Growing Neural Networks — An Application to Marketing and Library Data....Pages 230-237
The Quality of Prior Information Structure in Business Planning - An Experiment in Environmental Scanning....Pages 238-245
Product Line Optimization as a Two Stage Problem....Pages 246-253
Optimising energy models for hydrothermal generation systems to derive electricity prices....Pages 254-262
Simulation of the epidemiology of Salmonella in the pork supply chain....Pages 263-270
Modeling Signal Transduction of Neural System by Hybrid Petri Net Representation....Pages 271-279
Mathematical Modeling and Approximation of Gene Expression Patterns....Pages 280-287
On the Empirical Linkages between Stock Prices and Trading Activity on the German Stock Market....Pages 288-296
Numerical Transform Inversion for Autocorrelations of Waiting Times....Pages 297-304
A Note on the Relationship between Strongly Convex Functions and Multiobjective Stochastic Programming Problems....Pages 305-312
Two-Step Drawing from Urns....Pages 313-318
Total Reward Variance in Discrete and Continuous Time Markov Chains....Pages 319-326
An Efficient Conjugate Directions Method Without Linear Searches....Pages 327-334
The Robust Shortest Path Problem by Means of Robust Linear Optimization....Pages 335-342
Approximation Algorithms for Finding a Maximum-Weight Spanning Connected Subgraph with given Vertex Degrees....Pages 343-351
Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem with Stepwise Model of Job Value Change....Pages 352-359
The Prize Collecting Connected Subgraph Problem - A New NP-Hard Problem arising in Snow Removal Routing....Pages 360-367
A Less Flexibility First Based Algorithm for the Container Loading Problem....Pages 368-376
Scheduling with Fuzzy Methods....Pages 377-384
Generalized DEA-Range Adjusted Measurement....Pages 385-392
A fuzzy DEA approach....Pages 393-399
Verkn?pfung von Standortdaten und Vegetationsmodellen ?ber die Zeigerwerte nach Ellenberg....Pages 400-407
Extracting Rules from Support Vector Machines....Pages 408-415
A square law for power of positions in a network....Pages 416-424
Automated business diagnosis in the OLAP context....Pages 425-433
User-Oriented Filtering of Qualitative Data....Pages 434-442
Vorstellung einer erweiterbaren Selbstlernumgebung „Operations Research“ als Beispiel f?r exploratives, Web-basiertes E-Learning im Hochschulumfeld....Pages 443-451
Partially Integrated Airline Crew Scheduling for Team-oriented Rostering....Pages 452-460
Multi Objective Pinch Analysis (MOPA) for Integrated Process Design....Pages 461-469
Revenue Management in a Make-to-Order Environment....Pages 470-478
Hierarchical Multilevel Approaches of Forecast Combination....Pages 479-486