Ebook: Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbulence
- Genre: Physics // Mechanics: Fluid Mechanics
- Tags: Mathematics general
- Series: Trends in Mathematics
- Year: 1999
- Publisher: Birkhäuser Basel
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The Second Monte Verita Colloquium Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbu lence was held in Monte Verita, Switzerland, on March 23-27, 1998. The main goal of the Colloquium was to bring together in the relaxed atmo sphere of Monte Verita a group of leading scientists (consisting of representatives of different generations) and to discuss informally and free of the influence of funding agencies and/or other "politics" of nonscientific nature the basic issues of turbulence. The intention was to put major emphasis on the exposition of the problematic aspects and discussion(s) - not mere reporting of results, i. e. not hav ing just one more meeting. For this purpose it was originally thought to leave all the afternoons free of formal presentations at all. However, this intention became unrealistic due to a number of reasons, and, in the first place, due to strong pres sure from various parts of the scientific community and non-scientific constraints to broaden the scope and to increase the number of participants as compared to the First Colloquium held in 1991. This resulted in a considerable reduction of time for discussions. Nevertheless, the remaining time for discussions was much larger than usually allocated at scientific conferences. On the scientific side the main idea was to bring together scientists work ing in turbulence from different fields, such as mathematics, physics, engineering and others. In this respect the Colloquium was definitely very successful and re sulted in a number of interesting interactions and contacts.
The intention of the book is to highlight the problematic aspects of turbulence. The contributions treat a variety of mathematical, physical and engineering subjects related to turbulence. The topics include mathematical issues, control and related problems, observational aspects, two- and quasi-two-dimensional flows, basic aspects of turbulence modeling, statistical issues and passive scalars. The main questions addressed are the controllability of turbulent flows, possible qualitative differences between pure two-dimensional and real quasi-two-dimensional turbulent flows, common features of two-dimensional and three-dimensional turbulence, universality (or not) of small-scale turbulence and its relation to large scales, the question of how realistic the prospects of reduced description of turbulent flows are, the necessity of dealing more with the physics of turbulence in general, and in turbulence modeling and (beyond) scaling properties, in particular.
The intention of the book is to highlight the problematic aspects of turbulence. The contributions treat a variety of mathematical, physical and engineering subjects related to turbulence. The topics include mathematical issues, control and related problems, observational aspects, two- and quasi-two-dimensional flows, basic aspects of turbulence modeling, statistical issues and passive scalars. The main questions addressed are the controllability of turbulent flows, possible qualitative differences between pure two-dimensional and real quasi-two-dimensional turbulent flows, common features of two-dimensional and three-dimensional turbulence, universality (or not) of small-scale turbulence and its relation to large scales, the question of how realistic the prospects of reduced description of turbulent flows are, the necessity of dealing more with the physics of turbulence in general, and in turbulence modeling and (beyond) scaling properties, in particular.
Front Matter....Pages i-ix
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Does turbulence saturate global transport estimates?....Pages 3-16
The closure problem for Friedman-Keller infinite chain of moment equations, corresponding to the Navier-Stokes system....Pages 17-24
Vorticity alignment results for the 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations....Pages 25-32
On the finite-time singularity problem in hydrodynamics....Pages 33-40
The outer regions in singular Euler....Pages 41-48
Front Matter....Pages 49-49
On controllability of the Navier-Stokes equations....Pages 51-56
Low dimensional models, the minimal flow unit and control....Pages 57-66
Active control of turbulence in boundary layer flows....Pages 67-73
Origin and growth of structures in boundary layer flows....Pages 75-82
Vortex control in a spatially growing round jet....Pages 83-92
Front Matter....Pages 93-93
The lack of a simple paradigm in fully developed turbulence: characteristics of local concentrations of vorticity and Reynolds stress in turbulent shear flows....Pages 95-106
Near-singular flow structure in small-scale turbulence....Pages 107-116
Some thoughts on similarity, the POD, and finite boundaries....Pages 117-128
Worms in a turbulence experiment, from hot wire time series....Pages 129-140
Intermittency in the closed flow between coaxial disks....Pages 141-148
Front Matter....Pages 149-149
Turbulent statistical dynamics of a system of point vortices....Pages 151-161
Combining deterministic and statistical approaches to compute two-dimensional turbulent flows with walls....Pages 163-174
Evolution of decaying two-dimensional turbulence and self-similarity....Pages 175-183
Linear and nonlinear models for turbulence in the presence of waves....Pages 185-193
On the stationary energy spectra of the stratified fluid in a weak turbulence regime....Pages 195-201
Front Matter....Pages 149-149
On a possible mechanism of anomalous diffusion in geophysical turbulence....Pages 203-209
Front Matter....Pages 211-211
Basic issues of turbulence modeling....Pages 213-219
Physics and modeling of small scale turbulence for large eddy simulation....Pages 221-231
On dynamical systems obtained via Galerkin projections onto low-dimensional bases of eigenfunctions....Pages 233-245
Symmetries of the Navier-Stokes equations and their implications for subgrid-models in large-eddy simulation of turbulence....Pages 247-255
Subgrid modeling for the filtered scalar transport equation....Pages 257-263
Front Matter....Pages 265-265
Turbulent fluctuations, predictability, and action principles....Pages 267-276
Instantons in the theory of turbulence....Pages 277-301
A variational approach to turbulent boundary layers....Pages 303-306
Scaling laws of a passive scalar energy flux in fully developed turbulence....Pages 307-311
Intermittency in channel-flow turbulence....Pages 313-318
Structure functions in homogeneous and non-homogeneous turbulent flows....Pages 319-327
Pressure fluctuations in a turbulent channel....Pages 329-335
Statistics of longitudinal and transverse velocity increments....Pages 337-346
Turbulent transport in a liquid layer heated on its free surface....Pages 347-351
On the statistics of small-scale turbulence and its universality....Pages 353-360
A new method to characterize inhomogeneous turbulence....Pages 361-364
Multiscale similarity of isotropic homogeneous turbulence....Pages 365-378
Front Matter....Pages 379-379
The role of Lagrangian chaos in the creation of multifractal measures....Pages 381-403
On the geometry of two-dimensional slices of irregular level sets in turbulent flows....Pages 405-418
Front Matter....Pages 379-379
Universal and nonuniversal properties of the passive scalar statistics....Pages 419-426
Multi-scalar mixing and Lagrangian approaches....Pages 427-434
Turbulent transport of vector (magnetic) field: intermittency and anomalous scalings....Pages 435-444
Intermittency and anomalous scalings of inertial particles distribution in turbulent flow....Pages 445-455
Scalar fluctuation PDF’s and kinetics of turbulent mixing....Pages 457-465
Magnetohydrodynamics in turbulent swirling flow....Pages 467-470
Back Matter....Pages 471-480
The intention of the book is to highlight the problematic aspects of turbulence. The contributions treat a variety of mathematical, physical and engineering subjects related to turbulence. The topics include mathematical issues, control and related problems, observational aspects, two- and quasi-two-dimensional flows, basic aspects of turbulence modeling, statistical issues and passive scalars. The main questions addressed are the controllability of turbulent flows, possible qualitative differences between pure two-dimensional and real quasi-two-dimensional turbulent flows, common features of two-dimensional and three-dimensional turbulence, universality (or not) of small-scale turbulence and its relation to large scales, the question of how realistic the prospects of reduced description of turbulent flows are, the necessity of dealing more with the physics of turbulence in general, and in turbulence modeling and (beyond) scaling properties, in particular.
Front Matter....Pages i-ix
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Does turbulence saturate global transport estimates?....Pages 3-16
The closure problem for Friedman-Keller infinite chain of moment equations, corresponding to the Navier-Stokes system....Pages 17-24
Vorticity alignment results for the 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations....Pages 25-32
On the finite-time singularity problem in hydrodynamics....Pages 33-40
The outer regions in singular Euler....Pages 41-48
Front Matter....Pages 49-49
On controllability of the Navier-Stokes equations....Pages 51-56
Low dimensional models, the minimal flow unit and control....Pages 57-66
Active control of turbulence in boundary layer flows....Pages 67-73
Origin and growth of structures in boundary layer flows....Pages 75-82
Vortex control in a spatially growing round jet....Pages 83-92
Front Matter....Pages 93-93
The lack of a simple paradigm in fully developed turbulence: characteristics of local concentrations of vorticity and Reynolds stress in turbulent shear flows....Pages 95-106
Near-singular flow structure in small-scale turbulence....Pages 107-116
Some thoughts on similarity, the POD, and finite boundaries....Pages 117-128
Worms in a turbulence experiment, from hot wire time series....Pages 129-140
Intermittency in the closed flow between coaxial disks....Pages 141-148
Front Matter....Pages 149-149
Turbulent statistical dynamics of a system of point vortices....Pages 151-161
Combining deterministic and statistical approaches to compute two-dimensional turbulent flows with walls....Pages 163-174
Evolution of decaying two-dimensional turbulence and self-similarity....Pages 175-183
Linear and nonlinear models for turbulence in the presence of waves....Pages 185-193
On the stationary energy spectra of the stratified fluid in a weak turbulence regime....Pages 195-201
Front Matter....Pages 149-149
On a possible mechanism of anomalous diffusion in geophysical turbulence....Pages 203-209
Front Matter....Pages 211-211
Basic issues of turbulence modeling....Pages 213-219
Physics and modeling of small scale turbulence for large eddy simulation....Pages 221-231
On dynamical systems obtained via Galerkin projections onto low-dimensional bases of eigenfunctions....Pages 233-245
Symmetries of the Navier-Stokes equations and their implications for subgrid-models in large-eddy simulation of turbulence....Pages 247-255
Subgrid modeling for the filtered scalar transport equation....Pages 257-263
Front Matter....Pages 265-265
Turbulent fluctuations, predictability, and action principles....Pages 267-276
Instantons in the theory of turbulence....Pages 277-301
A variational approach to turbulent boundary layers....Pages 303-306
Scaling laws of a passive scalar energy flux in fully developed turbulence....Pages 307-311
Intermittency in channel-flow turbulence....Pages 313-318
Structure functions in homogeneous and non-homogeneous turbulent flows....Pages 319-327
Pressure fluctuations in a turbulent channel....Pages 329-335
Statistics of longitudinal and transverse velocity increments....Pages 337-346
Turbulent transport in a liquid layer heated on its free surface....Pages 347-351
On the statistics of small-scale turbulence and its universality....Pages 353-360
A new method to characterize inhomogeneous turbulence....Pages 361-364
Multiscale similarity of isotropic homogeneous turbulence....Pages 365-378
Front Matter....Pages 379-379
The role of Lagrangian chaos in the creation of multifractal measures....Pages 381-403
On the geometry of two-dimensional slices of irregular level sets in turbulent flows....Pages 405-418
Front Matter....Pages 379-379
Universal and nonuniversal properties of the passive scalar statistics....Pages 419-426
Multi-scalar mixing and Lagrangian approaches....Pages 427-434
Turbulent transport of vector (magnetic) field: intermittency and anomalous scalings....Pages 435-444
Intermittency and anomalous scalings of inertial particles distribution in turbulent flow....Pages 445-455
Scalar fluctuation PDF’s and kinetics of turbulent mixing....Pages 457-465
Magnetohydrodynamics in turbulent swirling flow....Pages 467-470
Back Matter....Pages 471-480