Ebook: Stripes and Related Phenomena
- Tags: Characterization and Evaluation of Materials, Physical Chemistry, Mechanics
- Series: Selected Topics in Superconductivity 8
- Year: 2002
- Publisher: Springer US
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
The problem of superconductors has been a central issue in Solid State Physics since 1987. After the discovery of superconductivity (HTSC) in doped perovskites, it was realized that the HTSC appears in an unknown complex electronic phase of c- densed matter. In the early years, all theories of HTSC were focused on the physics of a homogeneous 2D metal with large electron–electron correlations or on a 2D polaron gas. Only after 1990, a novel paradigm started to grow where this 2D metallic phase is described as an inhomogeneous metal. This was the outcome of several experimental evidences of phase separation at low doping. Since 1992, a series of conferences on phase separation were organized to allow scientists to get together to discuss the phase separation and related issues. Following the discovery by the Rome group in 1992 that “the charges move freely mainly in one direction like the water running in the grooves in the corrugated iron foil,” a new scenario to understand superconductivity in the superconductors was open. Because the charges move like rivers, the physics of these materials shifts toward the physics of novel mesoscopic heterostructures and complex electronic solids. Therefore, understanding the striped phases in the perovskites not only provides an opportunity to understand the anomalous metallic state of cuprate superconductors, but also suggests a way to design new materials of technological importance. Indeed, the stripes are becoming a field of general scientific interest.
This book is a collection of papers in the field of stripes and high Tc superconductivity. The most relevant theoretical and experimental contributions from experts in the field of stripes, presented at the Second International Conference on Stripes and High Tc Superconductivity, are selected for publication. The book includes contributions on other stripe phases observed in manganites, nikelates, spin ladders, and heterostructures. Since a large stream of research in a growing community is converging towards the stripe scenario, this book serves as an important reference in the field of striped phases and high Tc superconductivity.
The problem of high Tc superconductors has been a central issue in solid-state physics since 1987. After the discovery of high Tc superconductivity (HTSC) in doped perovskites, it was realized that HTSC appears in an unknown complex electronic phase of condensed matter. In the early years, all theories of HTSC were focused on the physics of a homogeneous 2D metal with large electron-electron correlations or on a 2D polaron gas. Only after 1990 a novel paradigm started to emerge in which this 2D metallic phase is described as an inhomogeneous metal. This was the outcome of several experimental evidences of phase separation at low doping.
Following the discovery by the Rome Group in 1992 that `the changes move freely mainly in one direction like the water running in the grooves in corrugated iron foil', a new scenario for understanding superconductivity in high Tc superconductors was opened. Since the charges move like rivers, the physics of these materials shifts towards the physics of novel mesoscopic heterostructures and complex electronic solids. Therefore, understanding the striped phases in the perovskites not only provides an opportunity to understand the anomalous metallic state of cuprate superconductors, but also suggests a way to design new materials of technological importance. The stripes are begetting a field of general scientific interest.
This book is a collection of papers in the field of stripes and high Tc superconductivity. The most relevant theoretical and experimental contributions from experts in the field of stripes, presented at the Second International Conference on Stripes and High Tc Superconductivity, are selected for publication. The book includes contributions on other stripe phases observed in manganites, nikelates, spin ladders, and heterostructures. Since a large stream of research in a growing community is converging towards the stripe scenario, this book serves as an important reference in the field of striped phases and high Tc superconductivity.
The problem of high Tc superconductors has been a central issue in solid-state physics since 1987. After the discovery of high Tc superconductivity (HTSC) in doped perovskites, it was realized that HTSC appears in an unknown complex electronic phase of condensed matter. In the early years, all theories of HTSC were focused on the physics of a homogeneous 2D metal with large electron-electron correlations or on a 2D polaron gas. Only after 1990 a novel paradigm started to emerge in which this 2D metallic phase is described as an inhomogeneous metal. This was the outcome of several experimental evidences of phase separation at low doping.
Following the discovery by the Rome Group in 1992 that `the changes move freely mainly in one direction like the water running in the grooves in corrugated iron foil', a new scenario for understanding superconductivity in high Tc superconductors was opened. Since the charges move like rivers, the physics of these materials shifts towards the physics of novel mesoscopic heterostructures and complex electronic solids. Therefore, understanding the striped phases in the perovskites not only provides an opportunity to understand the anomalous metallic state of cuprate superconductors, but also suggests a way to design new materials of technological importance. The stripes are begetting a field of general scientific interest.
Front Matter....Pages i-xi
From Phase Separation to Stripes....Pages 1-8
Stripe on a Lattice: Superconducting Kink/Soliton Condensate....Pages 9-25
Microscopic Theory of High-Temperature Superconductivity....Pages 27-37
Two Reasons of Instability in Layered Cuprates....Pages 39-43
Influence of Disorder and Lattice Potentials on the Striped Phase....Pages 45-53
Stripe Liquid, Crystal, and Glass Phases of Doped Antiferromagnets....Pages 55-62
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Stripe Ordering....Pages 63-68
Tunneling and Photoemission in an SO(6) Superconductor....Pages 69-75
Spin, Charge, and Orbital Ordering in 3d Transition-Metal Oxides Studied by Model Hartree-Fock Calculation....Pages 77-82
Sliding Stripes in 2D Antiferromagnets....Pages 83-89
Quantum Interference Mechanism of the Stripe-Phase Ordering....Pages 91-100
Spontaneous Orientation of a Quantum Lattice String....Pages 101-109
Domain Wall Structures in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model with Long-Range Coulomb Interaction....Pages 111-119
Boson-Fermion Mixtures, d-Wave Condensate, and Tunneling in Cuprates....Pages 121-128
The Small Polaron Crossover: Role of Dimensionality....Pages 129-134
CDW Instability and Infrared Absorption of an Interacting Large Polaron Gas....Pages 135-142
The Charge-Ordered State from Weak to Strong Coupling....Pages 143-150
Low-Temperature Phonon Anomalies in Cuprates....Pages 151-157
Enhanced Thermoelectric Power and Stripes in Cuprate Superconductors....Pages 159-167
A Refined Picture of the YBa2Cu3Ox Structure: Sequence of Dimpling-Chain Superstructures, 1D-Modulation of the Planes, Phase Separation Phenomena....Pages 169-174
Evolution of the Gap Structure from Underdoped to Optimally Doped YBa2Cu3O7?? from Femtosecond Optical Spectroscopy....Pages 175-182
Local Lattice Distortions in YBa2Cu3Oy: Doping Dependence....Pages 183-189
Fermi Surface of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+? Superconductor by Angle-Scanning Photoemission....Pages 191-197
Local Lattice Fluctuations and the Incoherent ARPES Background....Pages 199-209
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Study of 1D Chain and Two-Leg Ladder....Pages 211-217
Vibrational Pseudo-Diffusive Motion of the Oxygen Octahedra in La2CuO4 from Anelastic and 139La Quadrupolar Relaxation....Pages 219-226
Charge and Spin Dynamics of Cu-O Chains in REBa2Cu3O7 Cuprates (RE=Pr, Y): An NMR/NQR Study....Pages 227-235
Mobile Antiphase Domains in Lightly Doped Lanthanum Cuprate....Pages 237-243
On the Estimate of the Spin-Gap in Quasi-1D Heisenberg Antiferromagnets from Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation....Pages 245-251
Marginal Stability of d-Wave Superconductor: Spontaneous P and T Violation in the Presence of Magnetic Impurities....Pages 253-262
Skyrmions in 2D Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Static Magnetic Susceptibility....Pages 263-270
Spin Peierls Order and d-Wave Superconductivity....Pages 271-277
On Localization Effects in Underdoped Cuprates....Pages 279-285
Interpolative Self-Energy Calculation for the Doped Emery Model in the Antiferromagnetic and in the Paramagnetic State....Pages 287-293
The Quasi-Particle Density of States of Optimally Doped Bi 2212: Break-Junction vs. Vacuum-Tunneling Measurements....Pages 295-302
Chemical Analysis of the Superconducting Cuprates by Means of Theory....Pages 303-308
Superconductivity with Antiferromagnetic Background in a d=? Hubbard Model....Pages 309-314
Enhancement of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Exotic Superconductors near a Ferroelectric Transition....Pages 315-321
Infrared Signatures of Charge Density Waves in Manganites....Pages 323-328
Recent Results in the Context of Models for Ladders....Pages 329-334
Charge-Ordered States in Doped AFMs: Long-Range “Casimir” Attraction and Instability....Pages 335-342
Numerical Studies of Models for Manganites....Pages 343-347
Pressure-Induced Structural Phase Transition in the Spin-Ladder Compounds (Sr,M)14Cu24O41, with M=Ca, Ba, Nd....Pages 349-353
X-Ray Scattering Studies of Charge Stripes in Manganites and Nickelates....Pages 355-359
Synthesis and Characteristics of the Indium-Doped Tl-1212 Phase....Pages 361-367
High-Frequency Optical Excitations in YBCO Measured from Differential Optical Reflectivity....Pages 369-376
Josephson Nanostructures and the Universal Transport and Magnetic Properties of YBCO....Pages 377-383
Pinning Mechanisms in a-Axis-Oriented EuBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3O7 and EuBa2Cu3O7/SrTiO3 Multilayers....Pages 385-390
Angular Dependence of the Irreversibility Line in Irradiated a-Axis-Oriented EuBa2Cu3O7 Films....Pages 391-397
Defect-Modulated Long Josephson Junctions as Source of Strong Pinning in Superconducting Films....Pages 399-405
Bulk Confinement of Fluxons by Means of Surface Patterning of Columnar Defects in BSCCO Tapes....Pages 407-412
New Copper-Free Layered Perovskite Superconductors: KCa2Nb3O10 and Related Compounds....Pages 413-420
Back Matter....Pages 421-425
....Pages 427-435