Ebook: Synergetic Phenomena in Active Lattices: Patterns, Waves, Solitons, Chaos
- Tags: Statistical Physics Dynamical Systems and Complexity, Condensed Matter Physics, Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems, Mathematical Methods in Physics
- Series: Springer Series in Synergetics
- Year: 2002
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
Within nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamics, active lattice systems are of relevance to the study of multi-dimensional dynamical systems and the theory of nonlinear waves and dis- sipative structures of extended systems. In this book, the authors deal with basic concepts and models, with methodolo- gies for studying the existence and stability of motions, understanding the mechanisms of formation of patterns and waves, their propagation and interactions in active lattice systems, and about how much cooperation or competition bet- ween order and chaos is crucial for synergetic behavior and evolution. The results described in the book have both in- ter- and trans-disciplinary features and a fundamental cha- racter. It is a textbook for graduate courses in nonlinear sciences, including physics, biophysics, biomathematics, bioengineering, neurodynamics, electrical and electronic engineering, mathematical economics, and computer sciences.
Front Matter....Pages I-XVII
Introduction: Synergetics and Models of Continuous and Discrete Active Media. Steady States and Basic Motions (Waves, Dissipative Solitons, etc.)....Pages 1-18
Solitary Waves, Bound Soliton States and Chaotic Soliton Trains in a Dissipative Boussinesq-Korteweg-de Vries Equation....Pages 19-48
Self-Organization in a Long Josephson Junction....Pages 49-75
Spatial Structures, Wave Fronts, Periodic Waves, Pulses and Solitary Waves in a One-Dimensional Array of Chua’s Circuits....Pages 77-164
Patterns, Spatial Disorder and Waves in a Dynamical Lattice of Bistable Units....Pages 165-226
Mutual Synchronization, Control and Replication of Patterns and Waves in Coupled Lattices Composed of Bistable Units....Pages 227-278
Spatio-Temporal Chaos in Bistable Coupled Map Lattices....Pages 279-323
Conclusions and Perspective....Pages 325-328
Back Matter....Pages 329-359
Front Matter....Pages I-XVII
Introduction: Synergetics and Models of Continuous and Discrete Active Media. Steady States and Basic Motions (Waves, Dissipative Solitons, etc.)....Pages 1-18
Solitary Waves, Bound Soliton States and Chaotic Soliton Trains in a Dissipative Boussinesq-Korteweg-de Vries Equation....Pages 19-48
Self-Organization in a Long Josephson Junction....Pages 49-75
Spatial Structures, Wave Fronts, Periodic Waves, Pulses and Solitary Waves in a One-Dimensional Array of Chua’s Circuits....Pages 77-164
Patterns, Spatial Disorder and Waves in a Dynamical Lattice of Bistable Units....Pages 165-226
Mutual Synchronization, Control and Replication of Patterns and Waves in Coupled Lattices Composed of Bistable Units....Pages 227-278
Spatio-Temporal Chaos in Bistable Coupled Map Lattices....Pages 279-323
Conclusions and Perspective....Pages 325-328
Back Matter....Pages 329-359