Ebook: Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 39
- Year: 1998
- Publisher: Springer US
- Language: English
- pdf
Historical Reviews of X-Ray Science and Technology: The Early Years of X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Spectrometry; J.L. de Vries.Conditoningof X-Ray Beams and Other Developments in X-Ray Instrumentation: Application of Graded Multilayer Optics in X-Ray Diffraction; M.Schuster, H. Gobel.Stress and Strain Determination by DiffractionMethods, Peak Broadening Analysis: Actual Tasks of Stress Analysis by Diffraction; V. Hauk.Characterization of Polymers, AmorphousMaterials and Organics by X-Ray Neutron Scattering: Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Scans of Poorly Crystallized Semicrystalline Polymers; N.S. Murthy.Precision, Accuracy in XRD, Phase Analysis: Results of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Round Robin Tests with Corundum Plates and Powder Samples; V. Valvoda, et al.Characterization of Thin Films byX-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence: Inhomogeneous Deformation in Thin Films; I.C. Noyan, C.C. Goldsmith.Other Applications of X-RayDiffractions Including High-Temperature and Nonambient: TotalReflection XRF and Trace Analysis: Quantitative ZRF DataInterpretation and Other XRF Applications. 95 Additional Articles. Index.
Front Matter....Pages i-xvii
The Early Years of X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Spectrometry....Pages 1-11
Evolution of X-Ray Instrumentation & Techniques, 1970–1990....Pages 13-18
Software Development for X-Ray Diffraction Analysis 1950-1995....Pages 19-27
100 Years of Progress in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis....Pages 29-39
The Evolution of X-ray Analytical Instrumentation at Rigaku Corporation....Pages 41-46
The Evolution of X-Ray Instrumentation at Rich. Seifert & Co.....Pages 47-51
The Evolution of XRF Instrumentation Within Oxford Instruments....Pages 53-56
Application of Graded Multilayer Optics in X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 57-66
Multi-Capillary and Conic Optical Elements for Parallel Beam Production....Pages 73-79
Application of Tapered Monocapillary in a Laboratory MXRF Set-Up....Pages 81-86
New Tools for Grazing Incidence Diffraction Measurements: Comparison of Different Primary and Secondary Beam Conditioners....Pages 87-94
Generation of 1-10 PS Hard X-Ray Pulses for Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 95-102
X-Ray Point Focusing Using Cylindrically Bent Crystals with Modulated Structures for Synchrotron X-Ray Beams....Pages 103-107
Improvement of the Detection Sensitivity of EDXRF Trace Element Analysis by Means of Efficient X-Ray Focusing Based on Strongly Curved Hopg Crystals....Pages 109-117
The Excitation of Low Z Elements by Means of a Cylindrical Graded Multilayer as a High Energy Cut-Off in EdXRF Analysis....Pages 119-126
Comparison of Various Descriptions of X-Ray Tube Spectra....Pages 127-135
Energy Dispersive Measurement of X-Ray Tube Spectra....Pages 137-147
New Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator for XAFS Experiments....Pages 149-153
Development of ?-Fluorescent and Diffracted X-Ray Spectrometer with a Fine Focused X-Ray Beam and Its Application for Ulsi Microanalysis....Pages 155-164
A Polycrystalline Thin Film Diffractometer for Asymmetric Diffraction Using Parallel Beam and High Resolution Parallel Slits....Pages 165-170
Novel Gix2 Apparatus for Thin Film Analysis Using Color Laue Method....Pages 171-180
Actual Tasks of Stress Analysis by Diffraction....Pages 181-193
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Simultaneous Changes in Stress and Dislocation Densities in Thin Films....Pages 195-210
Analysis of Residual Stress States in Coarse Grained and Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloys....Pages 211-223
X-Ray Determination of Stresses Distribution in a Coarse Grained Silicon Billet....Pages 225-235
Residual Stress in SI3N4-Passivated GaAs Wafers....Pages 237-241
X-Ray Stress Measurement of Ni-Al System Intermetallic Compounds....Pages 243-249
X-Ray Stress Measurement of Hexagonal Polycrystals With [001]_Fiber Texture....Pages 251-255
Elastic Anisotrophy and Residual Stress in Textured Production Electrolytic Chromium Coatings on Steel....Pages 257-266
Residual Stress of Aluminum Thin Films Sputtered on Silicon Wafers Measured by X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 267-279
Assessing the Validity of Diffraction Stress Data with the Goodness-of-Fit Statistic....Pages 281-289
Sample Curvature Effects on d-versus-sin2? plots for Residual Stress Analysis....Pages 291-296
Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Studies of the Metallurgical Condition and Residual Stresses in Weldalite Welds....Pages 297-303
Visualization of Errors in Residual Stresses....Pages 305-310
X-Ray Residual Stress Measurement of Ground Tungsten Carbides with Various Cobalt Contents....Pages 311-318
Residual Stress and microstructural characterization using Rietveld refinement of a carburized layer in a 5120 steel....Pages 319-329
Measurement of Residual Stress Distribution of Ground Silicon Nitride by Glancing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Technique....Pages 331-338
Selfconsistent Evaluation of Non-Uniform Stress Profiles and X-Ray Elastic Constants from X-Ray Diffraction Experiments....Pages 339-352
An Analysis of Macro- and Microstresses Around a Fatigue Crack Tip....Pages 353-361
Depth Profiling Biaxial Stresses in Sputter Deposited Molybdenum Films; Use of the Cos2? Method....Pages 363-370
Residual Stress Depth Profiling on Ground and on Polished Surfaces of an Al2O3/SiC(w) Composite....Pages 371-380
Measurement of the Refraction Correction for Asymmetric Grazing Incidence Xrd from Rough Surfaces and Powders....Pages 381-387
Internal Stress in an Alumina/Silicon Carbide Whisker Composite....Pages 391-403
Effect of Macro and Micro Stresses on Hardness of Titanium Aluminides....Pages 405-412
The X-Ray Study on Diamond Film....Pages 413-420
Oxide Scale Stresses in Polycrystalline Cu/Cu2O System....Pages 421-432
Residual Stress in Thin Films of Rf-Sputtered Aluminum by X-Ray Multiaxial Stress Measurement....Pages 433-438
High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of [111]B Oriented InGaAs/GaAs Mqw Structures....Pages 439-448
Accurate Measurement of Lattice Misfit Between ? and ?’ Phases in Nickel-Base Superalloys at High Temperatures....Pages 449-456
Software for Comparative Analysis of Detraction-Line Broadening....Pages 457-464
Modeling and Optimization Algorithm to Analyse Xrpd Data Via Modulation and Pseudo-Voigt Functions....Pages 465-471
Techniques for the Determination of Particle Size and Texture in Retained Austenite / Martensite Microstructures and Interpretation of the Measurements....Pages 473-479
X-Ray Quantitative Analysis of Transformed Martensite in Austentic Stainless Steel....Pages 481-489
X-Ray Fractography on Fatigue Fracture Surfaces of Mg-9mass%Al-lmass%Zn Alloy....Pages 491-498
Peak Broadening in Asymmetric X-Ray Diffraction Resulting from Chi Tilts....Pages 499-503
Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Scans of Poorly Crystallized Semicrystalline Polymers....Pages 505-514
Structure Refinement of High-Density Polyethylene Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data and the Rietveld Method....Pages 515-521
Pair-Density Function of Nano-Scale Morphology in Oriented Polymer Fibers: Applicati on to Nomex Aramid....Pages 523-533
What Can Crystallography Tell Us About the Intermediate Range Order in Borate Glasses?....Pages 535-552
Refined Determination of the Structure of Kerogen Etc. by Xrd and Its Significance....Pages 553-560
Composition of Coal Dusts and Their Cytotoxicity On Alveolar Macrophages....Pages 561-569
Results of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Round Robin Tests with Corundum Plates and Powder Samples....Pages 571-577
Characterisation and Modelling of Peak Shifts in Conventional Powder Diffractometry....Pages 579-585
Pc Software for Rem Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis....Pages 589-597
Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Smectites: Ii — Reference Intensity Ratio Calculations for Smectite Analysis....Pages 599-606
Rietveld Refinement of YBa2Cu3-xNixOy Prepared by Quenching and Oxygen Gettering....Pages 607-614
Structural Characterization of Thin Films by X-Ray Diffraction and Reflectivity....Pages 615-625
Inhomogeneous Deformation in Thin Films....Pages 627-633
Determination of Thickness of Multiple Layer Thin Films by X-ray Diffraction Technique....Pages 637-643
Characterization of Single Crystal Epitaxial Aluminum Nitride Thin Films on Sapphire, Silicon Carbide and Silicon Substrates by X-ray Double Crystal Diffractometry and Transmission Electron Microscopy....Pages 645-650
The In-Situ Observation of Organic Thin Films During Growth Process by Using Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Methods....Pages 653-658
Energy Dispersive Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Study on Organic Thin Films Epitaxially Grown on Crystalline Substrate....Pages 659-664
On the Sampling Depth of Total Electron Yield (Tey) Measurements....Pages 665-674
Depth Profiling by Xrf With Variable Beam Geometry Applied to Thin Films in the Nanometer Region....Pages 675-682
Determination of Thickness and Composition of Thin AlxGa1-xAs Films on GaAs Substrates by Total Electron Yield (Tey) Measurements....Pages 683-694
Analysis of Specific Interfaces in Thin Films by X-Ray Fluorescence Using Interference Effect in Total Reflection....Pages 695-700
Analysis of Thin Films and Multi-Layer Thin Films containing Light Elements by XRF....Pages 701-706
Metal Film Thickness Standards....Pages 707-712
Controlled-Humidity Xrd Analyses: Application to the Study of Smectite Expansion/Contraction....Pages 713-722
Peritectic Melting Sequence of Bi-2212 and Bi-2212/Ag Measured Using insitu Xrd....Pages 723-729
X-Ray Characterization Of Phase Equilibria Of the Raveau and 2212 Phases in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System....Pages 731-738
X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns As Random Fractals....Pages 739-746
Comparison of Modelled and Experimental Data for the NiRu1-xAl Intermetallic Compound in the Ni-Ru-Al Ternary System....Pages 747-753
Txrf - Sources - Samples and Detectors....Pages 755-766
An Update on Standards Activity for Txrf and the Challenges Ahead....Pages 767-770
Recent Developments in Txrf of Light Elements....Pages 771-779
Light Element Analysis Using Txrf....Pages 781-790
Separation of Txrf Peaks and Background Using a Spreadsheet....Pages 791-797
An Order of Magnitude Improvement in Detection Limits Achieved by Using a New Sample Support in Small Spot Xrf Analysis....Pages 799-804
Electronic Spreadsheets for Xrf— Survey and Comparison....Pages 805-811
The Perspectives of High-Accuracy X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis -Some Fundamental Aspects±and Applications....Pages 815-820
Quantitative Xrfa of Carbon in a Special Matrix by the Fundamental Parameter Method....Pages 821-827
The Study of the Electronic Structure of Zns Doped with Co by Electron Microprobe....Pages 831-835
An Analytical Expression for X-Ray Fluorescence Intensity Distribution Based on the Probability Theory....Pages 837-842
X-Ray Fluorescence Cross-Section Measurements in the Energy Range 4-18 keV....Pages 845-852
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Ancient Glasses....Pages 857-860
Demonstration of an X-ray Fluorescence Sensor for the Cone Penetrometer....Pages 861-866
Application of Xrf to the Detection and Estimation of Metals in Toxicological Specimens....Pages 869-879
A Supported Ultrathin Window for Improved Performance in Gas Flow Proportional Counters....Pages 881-884
Diffusivity of Pt in BaxSri-xTiO3 by XPS Compositional Depth Profiling....Pages 885-892
Back Matter....Pages 891-908
Historical Reviews of X-Ray Science and Technology: The Early Years of X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Spectrometry; J.L. de Vries.Conditoningof X-Ray Beams and Other Developments in X-Ray Instrumentation: Application of Graded Multilayer Optics in X-Ray Diffraction; M.Schuster, H. Gobel.Stress and Strain Determination by DiffractionMethods, Peak Broadening Analysis: Actual Tasks of Stress Analysis by Diffraction; V. Hauk.Characterization of Polymers, AmorphousMaterials and Organics by X-Ray Neutron Scattering: Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Scans of Poorly Crystallized Semicrystalline Polymers; N.S. Murthy.Precision, Accuracy in XRD, Phase Analysis: Results of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Round Robin Tests with Corundum Plates and Powder Samples; V. Valvoda, et al.Characterization of Thin Films byX-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence: Inhomogeneous Deformation in Thin Films; I.C. Noyan, C.C. Goldsmith.Other Applications of X-RayDiffractions Including High-Temperature and Nonambient: TotalReflection XRF and Trace Analysis: Quantitative ZRF DataInterpretation and Other XRF Applications. 95 Additional Articles. Index.
Front Matter....Pages i-xvii
The Early Years of X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Spectrometry....Pages 1-11
Evolution of X-Ray Instrumentation & Techniques, 1970–1990....Pages 13-18
Software Development for X-Ray Diffraction Analysis 1950-1995....Pages 19-27
100 Years of Progress in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis....Pages 29-39
The Evolution of X-ray Analytical Instrumentation at Rigaku Corporation....Pages 41-46
The Evolution of X-Ray Instrumentation at Rich. Seifert & Co.....Pages 47-51
The Evolution of XRF Instrumentation Within Oxford Instruments....Pages 53-56
Application of Graded Multilayer Optics in X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 57-66
Multi-Capillary and Conic Optical Elements for Parallel Beam Production....Pages 73-79
Application of Tapered Monocapillary in a Laboratory MXRF Set-Up....Pages 81-86
New Tools for Grazing Incidence Diffraction Measurements: Comparison of Different Primary and Secondary Beam Conditioners....Pages 87-94
Generation of 1-10 PS Hard X-Ray Pulses for Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 95-102
X-Ray Point Focusing Using Cylindrically Bent Crystals with Modulated Structures for Synchrotron X-Ray Beams....Pages 103-107
Improvement of the Detection Sensitivity of EDXRF Trace Element Analysis by Means of Efficient X-Ray Focusing Based on Strongly Curved Hopg Crystals....Pages 109-117
The Excitation of Low Z Elements by Means of a Cylindrical Graded Multilayer as a High Energy Cut-Off in EdXRF Analysis....Pages 119-126
Comparison of Various Descriptions of X-Ray Tube Spectra....Pages 127-135
Energy Dispersive Measurement of X-Ray Tube Spectra....Pages 137-147
New Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator for XAFS Experiments....Pages 149-153
Development of ?-Fluorescent and Diffracted X-Ray Spectrometer with a Fine Focused X-Ray Beam and Its Application for Ulsi Microanalysis....Pages 155-164
A Polycrystalline Thin Film Diffractometer for Asymmetric Diffraction Using Parallel Beam and High Resolution Parallel Slits....Pages 165-170
Novel Gix2 Apparatus for Thin Film Analysis Using Color Laue Method....Pages 171-180
Actual Tasks of Stress Analysis by Diffraction....Pages 181-193
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Simultaneous Changes in Stress and Dislocation Densities in Thin Films....Pages 195-210
Analysis of Residual Stress States in Coarse Grained and Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloys....Pages 211-223
X-Ray Determination of Stresses Distribution in a Coarse Grained Silicon Billet....Pages 225-235
Residual Stress in SI3N4-Passivated GaAs Wafers....Pages 237-241
X-Ray Stress Measurement of Ni-Al System Intermetallic Compounds....Pages 243-249
X-Ray Stress Measurement of Hexagonal Polycrystals With [001]_Fiber Texture....Pages 251-255
Elastic Anisotrophy and Residual Stress in Textured Production Electrolytic Chromium Coatings on Steel....Pages 257-266
Residual Stress of Aluminum Thin Films Sputtered on Silicon Wafers Measured by X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 267-279
Assessing the Validity of Diffraction Stress Data with the Goodness-of-Fit Statistic....Pages 281-289
Sample Curvature Effects on d-versus-sin2? plots for Residual Stress Analysis....Pages 291-296
Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Studies of the Metallurgical Condition and Residual Stresses in Weldalite Welds....Pages 297-303
Visualization of Errors in Residual Stresses....Pages 305-310
X-Ray Residual Stress Measurement of Ground Tungsten Carbides with Various Cobalt Contents....Pages 311-318
Residual Stress and microstructural characterization using Rietveld refinement of a carburized layer in a 5120 steel....Pages 319-329
Measurement of Residual Stress Distribution of Ground Silicon Nitride by Glancing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Technique....Pages 331-338
Selfconsistent Evaluation of Non-Uniform Stress Profiles and X-Ray Elastic Constants from X-Ray Diffraction Experiments....Pages 339-352
An Analysis of Macro- and Microstresses Around a Fatigue Crack Tip....Pages 353-361
Depth Profiling Biaxial Stresses in Sputter Deposited Molybdenum Films; Use of the Cos2? Method....Pages 363-370
Residual Stress Depth Profiling on Ground and on Polished Surfaces of an Al2O3/SiC(w) Composite....Pages 371-380
Measurement of the Refraction Correction for Asymmetric Grazing Incidence Xrd from Rough Surfaces and Powders....Pages 381-387
Internal Stress in an Alumina/Silicon Carbide Whisker Composite....Pages 391-403
Effect of Macro and Micro Stresses on Hardness of Titanium Aluminides....Pages 405-412
The X-Ray Study on Diamond Film....Pages 413-420
Oxide Scale Stresses in Polycrystalline Cu/Cu2O System....Pages 421-432
Residual Stress in Thin Films of Rf-Sputtered Aluminum by X-Ray Multiaxial Stress Measurement....Pages 433-438
High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of [111]B Oriented InGaAs/GaAs Mqw Structures....Pages 439-448
Accurate Measurement of Lattice Misfit Between ? and ?’ Phases in Nickel-Base Superalloys at High Temperatures....Pages 449-456
Software for Comparative Analysis of Detraction-Line Broadening....Pages 457-464
Modeling and Optimization Algorithm to Analyse Xrpd Data Via Modulation and Pseudo-Voigt Functions....Pages 465-471
Techniques for the Determination of Particle Size and Texture in Retained Austenite / Martensite Microstructures and Interpretation of the Measurements....Pages 473-479
X-Ray Quantitative Analysis of Transformed Martensite in Austentic Stainless Steel....Pages 481-489
X-Ray Fractography on Fatigue Fracture Surfaces of Mg-9mass%Al-lmass%Zn Alloy....Pages 491-498
Peak Broadening in Asymmetric X-Ray Diffraction Resulting from Chi Tilts....Pages 499-503
Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Scans of Poorly Crystallized Semicrystalline Polymers....Pages 505-514
Structure Refinement of High-Density Polyethylene Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data and the Rietveld Method....Pages 515-521
Pair-Density Function of Nano-Scale Morphology in Oriented Polymer Fibers: Applicati on to Nomex Aramid....Pages 523-533
What Can Crystallography Tell Us About the Intermediate Range Order in Borate Glasses?....Pages 535-552
Refined Determination of the Structure of Kerogen Etc. by Xrd and Its Significance....Pages 553-560
Composition of Coal Dusts and Their Cytotoxicity On Alveolar Macrophages....Pages 561-569
Results of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Round Robin Tests with Corundum Plates and Powder Samples....Pages 571-577
Characterisation and Modelling of Peak Shifts in Conventional Powder Diffractometry....Pages 579-585
Pc Software for Rem Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis....Pages 589-597
Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Smectites: Ii — Reference Intensity Ratio Calculations for Smectite Analysis....Pages 599-606
Rietveld Refinement of YBa2Cu3-xNixOy Prepared by Quenching and Oxygen Gettering....Pages 607-614
Structural Characterization of Thin Films by X-Ray Diffraction and Reflectivity....Pages 615-625
Inhomogeneous Deformation in Thin Films....Pages 627-633
Determination of Thickness of Multiple Layer Thin Films by X-ray Diffraction Technique....Pages 637-643
Characterization of Single Crystal Epitaxial Aluminum Nitride Thin Films on Sapphire, Silicon Carbide and Silicon Substrates by X-ray Double Crystal Diffractometry and Transmission Electron Microscopy....Pages 645-650
The In-Situ Observation of Organic Thin Films During Growth Process by Using Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Methods....Pages 653-658
Energy Dispersive Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Study on Organic Thin Films Epitaxially Grown on Crystalline Substrate....Pages 659-664
On the Sampling Depth of Total Electron Yield (Tey) Measurements....Pages 665-674
Depth Profiling by Xrf With Variable Beam Geometry Applied to Thin Films in the Nanometer Region....Pages 675-682
Determination of Thickness and Composition of Thin AlxGa1-xAs Films on GaAs Substrates by Total Electron Yield (Tey) Measurements....Pages 683-694
Analysis of Specific Interfaces in Thin Films by X-Ray Fluorescence Using Interference Effect in Total Reflection....Pages 695-700
Analysis of Thin Films and Multi-Layer Thin Films containing Light Elements by XRF....Pages 701-706
Metal Film Thickness Standards....Pages 707-712
Controlled-Humidity Xrd Analyses: Application to the Study of Smectite Expansion/Contraction....Pages 713-722
Peritectic Melting Sequence of Bi-2212 and Bi-2212/Ag Measured Using insitu Xrd....Pages 723-729
X-Ray Characterization Of Phase Equilibria Of the Raveau and 2212 Phases in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System....Pages 731-738
X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns As Random Fractals....Pages 739-746
Comparison of Modelled and Experimental Data for the NiRu1-xAl Intermetallic Compound in the Ni-Ru-Al Ternary System....Pages 747-753
Txrf - Sources - Samples and Detectors....Pages 755-766
An Update on Standards Activity for Txrf and the Challenges Ahead....Pages 767-770
Recent Developments in Txrf of Light Elements....Pages 771-779
Light Element Analysis Using Txrf....Pages 781-790
Separation of Txrf Peaks and Background Using a Spreadsheet....Pages 791-797
An Order of Magnitude Improvement in Detection Limits Achieved by Using a New Sample Support in Small Spot Xrf Analysis....Pages 799-804
Electronic Spreadsheets for Xrf— Survey and Comparison....Pages 805-811
The Perspectives of High-Accuracy X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis -Some Fundamental Aspects±and Applications....Pages 815-820
Quantitative Xrfa of Carbon in a Special Matrix by the Fundamental Parameter Method....Pages 821-827
The Study of the Electronic Structure of Zns Doped with Co by Electron Microprobe....Pages 831-835
An Analytical Expression for X-Ray Fluorescence Intensity Distribution Based on the Probability Theory....Pages 837-842
X-Ray Fluorescence Cross-Section Measurements in the Energy Range 4-18 keV....Pages 845-852
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Ancient Glasses....Pages 857-860
Demonstration of an X-ray Fluorescence Sensor for the Cone Penetrometer....Pages 861-866
Application of Xrf to the Detection and Estimation of Metals in Toxicological Specimens....Pages 869-879
A Supported Ultrathin Window for Improved Performance in Gas Flow Proportional Counters....Pages 881-884
Diffusivity of Pt in BaxSri-xTiO3 by XPS Compositional Depth Profiling....Pages 885-892
Back Matter....Pages 891-908
Front Matter....Pages i-xvii
The Early Years of X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Spectrometry....Pages 1-11
Evolution of X-Ray Instrumentation & Techniques, 1970–1990....Pages 13-18
Software Development for X-Ray Diffraction Analysis 1950-1995....Pages 19-27
100 Years of Progress in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis....Pages 29-39
The Evolution of X-ray Analytical Instrumentation at Rigaku Corporation....Pages 41-46
The Evolution of X-Ray Instrumentation at Rich. Seifert & Co.....Pages 47-51
The Evolution of XRF Instrumentation Within Oxford Instruments....Pages 53-56
Application of Graded Multilayer Optics in X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 57-66
Multi-Capillary and Conic Optical Elements for Parallel Beam Production....Pages 73-79
Application of Tapered Monocapillary in a Laboratory MXRF Set-Up....Pages 81-86
New Tools for Grazing Incidence Diffraction Measurements: Comparison of Different Primary and Secondary Beam Conditioners....Pages 87-94
Generation of 1-10 PS Hard X-Ray Pulses for Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 95-102
X-Ray Point Focusing Using Cylindrically Bent Crystals with Modulated Structures for Synchrotron X-Ray Beams....Pages 103-107
Improvement of the Detection Sensitivity of EDXRF Trace Element Analysis by Means of Efficient X-Ray Focusing Based on Strongly Curved Hopg Crystals....Pages 109-117
The Excitation of Low Z Elements by Means of a Cylindrical Graded Multilayer as a High Energy Cut-Off in EdXRF Analysis....Pages 119-126
Comparison of Various Descriptions of X-Ray Tube Spectra....Pages 127-135
Energy Dispersive Measurement of X-Ray Tube Spectra....Pages 137-147
New Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator for XAFS Experiments....Pages 149-153
Development of ?-Fluorescent and Diffracted X-Ray Spectrometer with a Fine Focused X-Ray Beam and Its Application for Ulsi Microanalysis....Pages 155-164
A Polycrystalline Thin Film Diffractometer for Asymmetric Diffraction Using Parallel Beam and High Resolution Parallel Slits....Pages 165-170
Novel Gix2 Apparatus for Thin Film Analysis Using Color Laue Method....Pages 171-180
Actual Tasks of Stress Analysis by Diffraction....Pages 181-193
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Simultaneous Changes in Stress and Dislocation Densities in Thin Films....Pages 195-210
Analysis of Residual Stress States in Coarse Grained and Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloys....Pages 211-223
X-Ray Determination of Stresses Distribution in a Coarse Grained Silicon Billet....Pages 225-235
Residual Stress in SI3N4-Passivated GaAs Wafers....Pages 237-241
X-Ray Stress Measurement of Ni-Al System Intermetallic Compounds....Pages 243-249
X-Ray Stress Measurement of Hexagonal Polycrystals With [001]_Fiber Texture....Pages 251-255
Elastic Anisotrophy and Residual Stress in Textured Production Electrolytic Chromium Coatings on Steel....Pages 257-266
Residual Stress of Aluminum Thin Films Sputtered on Silicon Wafers Measured by X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 267-279
Assessing the Validity of Diffraction Stress Data with the Goodness-of-Fit Statistic....Pages 281-289
Sample Curvature Effects on d-versus-sin2? plots for Residual Stress Analysis....Pages 291-296
Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Studies of the Metallurgical Condition and Residual Stresses in Weldalite Welds....Pages 297-303
Visualization of Errors in Residual Stresses....Pages 305-310
X-Ray Residual Stress Measurement of Ground Tungsten Carbides with Various Cobalt Contents....Pages 311-318
Residual Stress and microstructural characterization using Rietveld refinement of a carburized layer in a 5120 steel....Pages 319-329
Measurement of Residual Stress Distribution of Ground Silicon Nitride by Glancing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Technique....Pages 331-338
Selfconsistent Evaluation of Non-Uniform Stress Profiles and X-Ray Elastic Constants from X-Ray Diffraction Experiments....Pages 339-352
An Analysis of Macro- and Microstresses Around a Fatigue Crack Tip....Pages 353-361
Depth Profiling Biaxial Stresses in Sputter Deposited Molybdenum Films; Use of the Cos2? Method....Pages 363-370
Residual Stress Depth Profiling on Ground and on Polished Surfaces of an Al2O3/SiC(w) Composite....Pages 371-380
Measurement of the Refraction Correction for Asymmetric Grazing Incidence Xrd from Rough Surfaces and Powders....Pages 381-387
Internal Stress in an Alumina/Silicon Carbide Whisker Composite....Pages 391-403
Effect of Macro and Micro Stresses on Hardness of Titanium Aluminides....Pages 405-412
The X-Ray Study on Diamond Film....Pages 413-420
Oxide Scale Stresses in Polycrystalline Cu/Cu2O System....Pages 421-432
Residual Stress in Thin Films of Rf-Sputtered Aluminum by X-Ray Multiaxial Stress Measurement....Pages 433-438
High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of [111]B Oriented InGaAs/GaAs Mqw Structures....Pages 439-448
Accurate Measurement of Lattice Misfit Between ? and ?’ Phases in Nickel-Base Superalloys at High Temperatures....Pages 449-456
Software for Comparative Analysis of Detraction-Line Broadening....Pages 457-464
Modeling and Optimization Algorithm to Analyse Xrpd Data Via Modulation and Pseudo-Voigt Functions....Pages 465-471
Techniques for the Determination of Particle Size and Texture in Retained Austenite / Martensite Microstructures and Interpretation of the Measurements....Pages 473-479
X-Ray Quantitative Analysis of Transformed Martensite in Austentic Stainless Steel....Pages 481-489
X-Ray Fractography on Fatigue Fracture Surfaces of Mg-9mass%Al-lmass%Zn Alloy....Pages 491-498
Peak Broadening in Asymmetric X-Ray Diffraction Resulting from Chi Tilts....Pages 499-503
Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Scans of Poorly Crystallized Semicrystalline Polymers....Pages 505-514
Structure Refinement of High-Density Polyethylene Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data and the Rietveld Method....Pages 515-521
Pair-Density Function of Nano-Scale Morphology in Oriented Polymer Fibers: Applicati on to Nomex Aramid....Pages 523-533
What Can Crystallography Tell Us About the Intermediate Range Order in Borate Glasses?....Pages 535-552
Refined Determination of the Structure of Kerogen Etc. by Xrd and Its Significance....Pages 553-560
Composition of Coal Dusts and Their Cytotoxicity On Alveolar Macrophages....Pages 561-569
Results of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Round Robin Tests with Corundum Plates and Powder Samples....Pages 571-577
Characterisation and Modelling of Peak Shifts in Conventional Powder Diffractometry....Pages 579-585
Pc Software for Rem Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis....Pages 589-597
Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Smectites: Ii — Reference Intensity Ratio Calculations for Smectite Analysis....Pages 599-606
Rietveld Refinement of YBa2Cu3-xNixOy Prepared by Quenching and Oxygen Gettering....Pages 607-614
Structural Characterization of Thin Films by X-Ray Diffraction and Reflectivity....Pages 615-625
Inhomogeneous Deformation in Thin Films....Pages 627-633
Determination of Thickness of Multiple Layer Thin Films by X-ray Diffraction Technique....Pages 637-643
Characterization of Single Crystal Epitaxial Aluminum Nitride Thin Films on Sapphire, Silicon Carbide and Silicon Substrates by X-ray Double Crystal Diffractometry and Transmission Electron Microscopy....Pages 645-650
The In-Situ Observation of Organic Thin Films During Growth Process by Using Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Methods....Pages 653-658
Energy Dispersive Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Study on Organic Thin Films Epitaxially Grown on Crystalline Substrate....Pages 659-664
On the Sampling Depth of Total Electron Yield (Tey) Measurements....Pages 665-674
Depth Profiling by Xrf With Variable Beam Geometry Applied to Thin Films in the Nanometer Region....Pages 675-682
Determination of Thickness and Composition of Thin AlxGa1-xAs Films on GaAs Substrates by Total Electron Yield (Tey) Measurements....Pages 683-694
Analysis of Specific Interfaces in Thin Films by X-Ray Fluorescence Using Interference Effect in Total Reflection....Pages 695-700
Analysis of Thin Films and Multi-Layer Thin Films containing Light Elements by XRF....Pages 701-706
Metal Film Thickness Standards....Pages 707-712
Controlled-Humidity Xrd Analyses: Application to the Study of Smectite Expansion/Contraction....Pages 713-722
Peritectic Melting Sequence of Bi-2212 and Bi-2212/Ag Measured Using insitu Xrd....Pages 723-729
X-Ray Characterization Of Phase Equilibria Of the Raveau and 2212 Phases in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System....Pages 731-738
X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns As Random Fractals....Pages 739-746
Comparison of Modelled and Experimental Data for the NiRu1-xAl Intermetallic Compound in the Ni-Ru-Al Ternary System....Pages 747-753
Txrf - Sources - Samples and Detectors....Pages 755-766
An Update on Standards Activity for Txrf and the Challenges Ahead....Pages 767-770
Recent Developments in Txrf of Light Elements....Pages 771-779
Light Element Analysis Using Txrf....Pages 781-790
Separation of Txrf Peaks and Background Using a Spreadsheet....Pages 791-797
An Order of Magnitude Improvement in Detection Limits Achieved by Using a New Sample Support in Small Spot Xrf Analysis....Pages 799-804
Electronic Spreadsheets for Xrf— Survey and Comparison....Pages 805-811
The Perspectives of High-Accuracy X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis -Some Fundamental Aspects±and Applications....Pages 815-820
Quantitative Xrfa of Carbon in a Special Matrix by the Fundamental Parameter Method....Pages 821-827
The Study of the Electronic Structure of Zns Doped with Co by Electron Microprobe....Pages 831-835
An Analytical Expression for X-Ray Fluorescence Intensity Distribution Based on the Probability Theory....Pages 837-842
X-Ray Fluorescence Cross-Section Measurements in the Energy Range 4-18 keV....Pages 845-852
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Ancient Glasses....Pages 857-860
Demonstration of an X-ray Fluorescence Sensor for the Cone Penetrometer....Pages 861-866
Application of Xrf to the Detection and Estimation of Metals in Toxicological Specimens....Pages 869-879
A Supported Ultrathin Window for Improved Performance in Gas Flow Proportional Counters....Pages 881-884
Diffusivity of Pt in BaxSri-xTiO3 by XPS Compositional Depth Profiling....Pages 885-892
Back Matter....Pages 891-908
Historical Reviews of X-Ray Science and Technology: The Early Years of X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Spectrometry; J.L. de Vries.Conditoningof X-Ray Beams and Other Developments in X-Ray Instrumentation: Application of Graded Multilayer Optics in X-Ray Diffraction; M.Schuster, H. Gobel.Stress and Strain Determination by DiffractionMethods, Peak Broadening Analysis: Actual Tasks of Stress Analysis by Diffraction; V. Hauk.Characterization of Polymers, AmorphousMaterials and Organics by X-Ray Neutron Scattering: Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Scans of Poorly Crystallized Semicrystalline Polymers; N.S. Murthy.Precision, Accuracy in XRD, Phase Analysis: Results of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Round Robin Tests with Corundum Plates and Powder Samples; V. Valvoda, et al.Characterization of Thin Films byX-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence: Inhomogeneous Deformation in Thin Films; I.C. Noyan, C.C. Goldsmith.Other Applications of X-RayDiffractions Including High-Temperature and Nonambient: TotalReflection XRF and Trace Analysis: Quantitative ZRF DataInterpretation and Other XRF Applications. 95 Additional Articles. Index.
Front Matter....Pages i-xvii
The Early Years of X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Spectrometry....Pages 1-11
Evolution of X-Ray Instrumentation & Techniques, 1970–1990....Pages 13-18
Software Development for X-Ray Diffraction Analysis 1950-1995....Pages 19-27
100 Years of Progress in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis....Pages 29-39
The Evolution of X-ray Analytical Instrumentation at Rigaku Corporation....Pages 41-46
The Evolution of X-Ray Instrumentation at Rich. Seifert & Co.....Pages 47-51
The Evolution of XRF Instrumentation Within Oxford Instruments....Pages 53-56
Application of Graded Multilayer Optics in X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 57-66
Multi-Capillary and Conic Optical Elements for Parallel Beam Production....Pages 73-79
Application of Tapered Monocapillary in a Laboratory MXRF Set-Up....Pages 81-86
New Tools for Grazing Incidence Diffraction Measurements: Comparison of Different Primary and Secondary Beam Conditioners....Pages 87-94
Generation of 1-10 PS Hard X-Ray Pulses for Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 95-102
X-Ray Point Focusing Using Cylindrically Bent Crystals with Modulated Structures for Synchrotron X-Ray Beams....Pages 103-107
Improvement of the Detection Sensitivity of EDXRF Trace Element Analysis by Means of Efficient X-Ray Focusing Based on Strongly Curved Hopg Crystals....Pages 109-117
The Excitation of Low Z Elements by Means of a Cylindrical Graded Multilayer as a High Energy Cut-Off in EdXRF Analysis....Pages 119-126
Comparison of Various Descriptions of X-Ray Tube Spectra....Pages 127-135
Energy Dispersive Measurement of X-Ray Tube Spectra....Pages 137-147
New Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator for XAFS Experiments....Pages 149-153
Development of ?-Fluorescent and Diffracted X-Ray Spectrometer with a Fine Focused X-Ray Beam and Its Application for Ulsi Microanalysis....Pages 155-164
A Polycrystalline Thin Film Diffractometer for Asymmetric Diffraction Using Parallel Beam and High Resolution Parallel Slits....Pages 165-170
Novel Gix2 Apparatus for Thin Film Analysis Using Color Laue Method....Pages 171-180
Actual Tasks of Stress Analysis by Diffraction....Pages 181-193
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Simultaneous Changes in Stress and Dislocation Densities in Thin Films....Pages 195-210
Analysis of Residual Stress States in Coarse Grained and Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloys....Pages 211-223
X-Ray Determination of Stresses Distribution in a Coarse Grained Silicon Billet....Pages 225-235
Residual Stress in SI3N4-Passivated GaAs Wafers....Pages 237-241
X-Ray Stress Measurement of Ni-Al System Intermetallic Compounds....Pages 243-249
X-Ray Stress Measurement of Hexagonal Polycrystals With [001]_Fiber Texture....Pages 251-255
Elastic Anisotrophy and Residual Stress in Textured Production Electrolytic Chromium Coatings on Steel....Pages 257-266
Residual Stress of Aluminum Thin Films Sputtered on Silicon Wafers Measured by X-Ray Diffraction....Pages 267-279
Assessing the Validity of Diffraction Stress Data with the Goodness-of-Fit Statistic....Pages 281-289
Sample Curvature Effects on d-versus-sin2? plots for Residual Stress Analysis....Pages 291-296
Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Studies of the Metallurgical Condition and Residual Stresses in Weldalite Welds....Pages 297-303
Visualization of Errors in Residual Stresses....Pages 305-310
X-Ray Residual Stress Measurement of Ground Tungsten Carbides with Various Cobalt Contents....Pages 311-318
Residual Stress and microstructural characterization using Rietveld refinement of a carburized layer in a 5120 steel....Pages 319-329
Measurement of Residual Stress Distribution of Ground Silicon Nitride by Glancing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction Technique....Pages 331-338
Selfconsistent Evaluation of Non-Uniform Stress Profiles and X-Ray Elastic Constants from X-Ray Diffraction Experiments....Pages 339-352
An Analysis of Macro- and Microstresses Around a Fatigue Crack Tip....Pages 353-361
Depth Profiling Biaxial Stresses in Sputter Deposited Molybdenum Films; Use of the Cos2? Method....Pages 363-370
Residual Stress Depth Profiling on Ground and on Polished Surfaces of an Al2O3/SiC(w) Composite....Pages 371-380
Measurement of the Refraction Correction for Asymmetric Grazing Incidence Xrd from Rough Surfaces and Powders....Pages 381-387
Internal Stress in an Alumina/Silicon Carbide Whisker Composite....Pages 391-403
Effect of Macro and Micro Stresses on Hardness of Titanium Aluminides....Pages 405-412
The X-Ray Study on Diamond Film....Pages 413-420
Oxide Scale Stresses in Polycrystalline Cu/Cu2O System....Pages 421-432
Residual Stress in Thin Films of Rf-Sputtered Aluminum by X-Ray Multiaxial Stress Measurement....Pages 433-438
High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of [111]B Oriented InGaAs/GaAs Mqw Structures....Pages 439-448
Accurate Measurement of Lattice Misfit Between ? and ?’ Phases in Nickel-Base Superalloys at High Temperatures....Pages 449-456
Software for Comparative Analysis of Detraction-Line Broadening....Pages 457-464
Modeling and Optimization Algorithm to Analyse Xrpd Data Via Modulation and Pseudo-Voigt Functions....Pages 465-471
Techniques for the Determination of Particle Size and Texture in Retained Austenite / Martensite Microstructures and Interpretation of the Measurements....Pages 473-479
X-Ray Quantitative Analysis of Transformed Martensite in Austentic Stainless Steel....Pages 481-489
X-Ray Fractography on Fatigue Fracture Surfaces of Mg-9mass%Al-lmass%Zn Alloy....Pages 491-498
Peak Broadening in Asymmetric X-Ray Diffraction Resulting from Chi Tilts....Pages 499-503
Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Scans of Poorly Crystallized Semicrystalline Polymers....Pages 505-514
Structure Refinement of High-Density Polyethylene Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data and the Rietveld Method....Pages 515-521
Pair-Density Function of Nano-Scale Morphology in Oriented Polymer Fibers: Applicati on to Nomex Aramid....Pages 523-533
What Can Crystallography Tell Us About the Intermediate Range Order in Borate Glasses?....Pages 535-552
Refined Determination of the Structure of Kerogen Etc. by Xrd and Its Significance....Pages 553-560
Composition of Coal Dusts and Their Cytotoxicity On Alveolar Macrophages....Pages 561-569
Results of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Round Robin Tests with Corundum Plates and Powder Samples....Pages 571-577
Characterisation and Modelling of Peak Shifts in Conventional Powder Diffractometry....Pages 579-585
Pc Software for Rem Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis....Pages 589-597
Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Smectites: Ii — Reference Intensity Ratio Calculations for Smectite Analysis....Pages 599-606
Rietveld Refinement of YBa2Cu3-xNixOy Prepared by Quenching and Oxygen Gettering....Pages 607-614
Structural Characterization of Thin Films by X-Ray Diffraction and Reflectivity....Pages 615-625
Inhomogeneous Deformation in Thin Films....Pages 627-633
Determination of Thickness of Multiple Layer Thin Films by X-ray Diffraction Technique....Pages 637-643
Characterization of Single Crystal Epitaxial Aluminum Nitride Thin Films on Sapphire, Silicon Carbide and Silicon Substrates by X-ray Double Crystal Diffractometry and Transmission Electron Microscopy....Pages 645-650
The In-Situ Observation of Organic Thin Films During Growth Process by Using Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Methods....Pages 653-658
Energy Dispersive Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Study on Organic Thin Films Epitaxially Grown on Crystalline Substrate....Pages 659-664
On the Sampling Depth of Total Electron Yield (Tey) Measurements....Pages 665-674
Depth Profiling by Xrf With Variable Beam Geometry Applied to Thin Films in the Nanometer Region....Pages 675-682
Determination of Thickness and Composition of Thin AlxGa1-xAs Films on GaAs Substrates by Total Electron Yield (Tey) Measurements....Pages 683-694
Analysis of Specific Interfaces in Thin Films by X-Ray Fluorescence Using Interference Effect in Total Reflection....Pages 695-700
Analysis of Thin Films and Multi-Layer Thin Films containing Light Elements by XRF....Pages 701-706
Metal Film Thickness Standards....Pages 707-712
Controlled-Humidity Xrd Analyses: Application to the Study of Smectite Expansion/Contraction....Pages 713-722
Peritectic Melting Sequence of Bi-2212 and Bi-2212/Ag Measured Using insitu Xrd....Pages 723-729
X-Ray Characterization Of Phase Equilibria Of the Raveau and 2212 Phases in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System....Pages 731-738
X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns As Random Fractals....Pages 739-746
Comparison of Modelled and Experimental Data for the NiRu1-xAl Intermetallic Compound in the Ni-Ru-Al Ternary System....Pages 747-753
Txrf - Sources - Samples and Detectors....Pages 755-766
An Update on Standards Activity for Txrf and the Challenges Ahead....Pages 767-770
Recent Developments in Txrf of Light Elements....Pages 771-779
Light Element Analysis Using Txrf....Pages 781-790
Separation of Txrf Peaks and Background Using a Spreadsheet....Pages 791-797
An Order of Magnitude Improvement in Detection Limits Achieved by Using a New Sample Support in Small Spot Xrf Analysis....Pages 799-804
Electronic Spreadsheets for Xrf— Survey and Comparison....Pages 805-811
The Perspectives of High-Accuracy X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis -Some Fundamental Aspects±and Applications....Pages 815-820
Quantitative Xrfa of Carbon in a Special Matrix by the Fundamental Parameter Method....Pages 821-827
The Study of the Electronic Structure of Zns Doped with Co by Electron Microprobe....Pages 831-835
An Analytical Expression for X-Ray Fluorescence Intensity Distribution Based on the Probability Theory....Pages 837-842
X-Ray Fluorescence Cross-Section Measurements in the Energy Range 4-18 keV....Pages 845-852
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Ancient Glasses....Pages 857-860
Demonstration of an X-ray Fluorescence Sensor for the Cone Penetrometer....Pages 861-866
Application of Xrf to the Detection and Estimation of Metals in Toxicological Specimens....Pages 869-879
A Supported Ultrathin Window for Improved Performance in Gas Flow Proportional Counters....Pages 881-884
Diffusivity of Pt in BaxSri-xTiO3 by XPS Compositional Depth Profiling....Pages 885-892
Back Matter....Pages 891-908
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