Online Library » Network and Parallel Computing: 9th IFIP International Conference, NPC 2012, Gwangju, Korea, September 6-8, 2012. Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the 9th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, NPC 2012, held in Gwangju, Korea, in September 2012. The 38 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 136 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: algorithms, scheduling, analysis, and data mining; network architecture and protocol design; network security; paralel, distributed, and virtualization techniques; performance modeling, prediction, and tuning; resource management; ubiquitous communications and networks; and web, communication, and cloud computing. In addition, a total of 37 papers selected from five satellite workshops (ATIMCN, ATSME, Cloud&Grid, DATICS, and UMAS 2012) are included.

This book constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the 9th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, NPC 2012, held in Gwangju, Korea, in September 2012. The 38 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 136 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: algorithms, scheduling, analysis, and data mining; network architecture and protocol design; network security; paralel, distributed, and virtualization techniques; performance modeling, prediction, and tuning; resource management; ubiquitous communications and networks; and web, communication, and cloud computing. In addition, a total of 37 papers selected from five satellite workshops (ATIMCN, ATSME, Cloud&Grid, DATICS, and UMAS 2012) are included.

This book constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the 9th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, NPC 2012, held in Gwangju, Korea, in September 2012. The 38 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 136 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: algorithms, scheduling, analysis, and data mining; network architecture and protocol design; network security; paralel, distributed, and virtualization techniques; performance modeling, prediction, and tuning; resource management; ubiquitous communications and networks; and web, communication, and cloud computing. In addition, a total of 37 papers selected from five satellite workshops (ATIMCN, ATSME, Cloud&Grid, DATICS, and UMAS 2012) are included.
Front Matter....Pages -
An Application-Level Scheduling with Task Bundling Approach for Many-Task Computing in Heterogeneous Environments....Pages 1-13
DGraph: Algorithms for Shortgun Reads Assembly Using De Bruijn Graph....Pages 14-21
Knowledge-Based Adaptive Self-Scheduling....Pages 22-32
Communication Locality Analysis of Triplet-Based Hierarchical Interconnection Network in Chip Multiprocessor....Pages 33-41
A Scoring System for Short Answers on the Test in a Large Group....Pages 42-47
Reference Variables for Dynamic, Reliable Packet Operations....Pages 48-60
Are Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Superior to Homogeneous Ones?....Pages 61-68
Dynamic Spray and Wait Routing Protocol for Delay Tolerant Networks....Pages 69-76
A Dynamic Popularity-Aware Load Balancing Algorithm for Structured P2P Systems....Pages 77-84
NCCPIS: A Co-simulation Tool for Networked Control and Cyber-Physical System Evaluation....Pages 85-93
Dempster-Shafer Theory to Identify Insider Attacker in Wireless Sensor Network....Pages 94-100
MIB-ITrace-CP: An Improvement of ICMP-Based Traceback Efficiency in Network Forensic Analysis....Pages 101-109
Breaking a Robust Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards....Pages 110-118
An Analysis of Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols for WSNs....Pages 119-128
Hybrid Obfuscated Javascript Strength Analysis System for Detection of Malicious Websites....Pages 129-137
Detection and Mitigation of Web Application Vulnerabilities Based on Security Testing....Pages 138-144
Small World Asynchronous Parallel Model for Genome Assembly....Pages 145-155
UKCF: A New Graphics Driver Cross-Platform Translation Framework for Virtual Machines....Pages 156-163
Fast Parallel Garner Algorithm for Chinese Remainder Theorem....Pages 164-171
dMPI: Facilitating Debugging of MPI Programs via Deterministic Message Passing....Pages 172-179
On Dynamic Communication Performance of a Hierarchical 3D-Mesh Network....Pages 180-187
An Elastic Architecture Adaptable to Millions of Application Scenarios....Pages 188-195
Demystifying Performance Predictions of Distributed FFT3D Implementations....Pages 196-207
MAP-numa: Access Patterns Used to Characterize the NUMA Memory Access Optimization Techniques and Algorithms....Pages 208-216
mHLogGP: A Parallel Computation Model for CPU/GPU Heterogeneous Computing Cluster....Pages 217-224
Estimating Available Bandwidth in Cooperative Multi-hop Wireless Networks....Pages 225-232
Relative Priority Analysis of Korean IS Audit Standard Check Items Using the Constant-Sum Method....Pages 233-240
Improving the Performances of Internet-Based Marketplace for Technology: A Korean Case Study....Pages 241-247
The Day-of-the Week Effects for Cloud-Based Shipment Timing Support System for Stored Apples....Pages 248-255
An Empirical View on Opportunistic Forwarding Relay Selection Using Contact Records....Pages 256-263
Design and Deployment of Testbed for Experimental Sensor Network Research....Pages 264-272
Implementation of the Integrated Monitoring System Based on an Automatic Disaster Prevention Device....Pages 273-278
Smart Ring: A Model of Node Failure Detection in High Available Cloud Data Center....Pages 279-288
EaSync: A Transparent File Synchronization Service across Multiple Machines....Pages 289-296
Relationship between Correcting Code and Module Technique in Hiding Secret Data....Pages 297-307
Different Characteristics of Radio Modules in Wireless Body Sensor Network Systems....Pages 308-314
The Development of Sustainable Growth Strategy Model Based on the User Tendency in the Online Game Services....Pages 315-319
Computer Education’s Teaching-Learning Methods Using Educational Programming Language Based on STEAM Education....Pages 320-327
The Performances Study of EDCF with Block_Ack in WLANs....Pages 328-335
A Study of SLA-Based Defense Resource Management Strategy in Network Security Defense System....Pages 336-348
A New Approach for Detecting SMTPFA Based on Entropy Measurement....Pages 349-359
A Multi-constraint Resource Search Algorithm for P2P-SIP Conference Services....Pages 360-372
The Effects of Governmental Subsidy on the Quality of Education in Taiwan’s Private Universities and Colleges....Pages 373-380
Examining the Effectiveness of a Distant Learning Education Program: Use of Patient Safety and Reporting Law and Ethics as Example....Pages 381-385
The Instructional Design of a Web-Based Self-reflective Learning Portfolio for Skill Training....Pages 386-393
The Difference Analysis between Demographic Variables and Personal Attributes – The Case of Internal Auditors in Taiwan....Pages 394-400
Success Factors and Problems Encountered in the Workplace Learning of University/College of Technology Students in Taiwan: A Five-Star Hotel as an Example....Pages 401-408
Cross-Cultural Training Programs and Expatriate Adjustment Effectiveness....Pages 409-413
Soft Power: A Critical Factor for the Effectiveness and Development of a School....Pages 414-420
Merging Grid into Clustering-Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 421-428
A Termination Detection Technique Using Gossip in Cloud Computing Environments....Pages 429-436
OEIRM: An Open Distributed Processing Based Interoperability Reference Model for e-Science....Pages 437-444
Using PCI Pass-Through for GPU Virtualization with CUDA....Pages 445-452
Parallel Valuation of the Lower and Upper Bound Prices for Multi-asset Bermudan Options....Pages 453-462
Insight of Direct Search Methods and Module-Integrated Algorithms for Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems....Pages 463-471
Pricing Bermudan Interest Rate Swaptions via Parallel Simulation under the Extended Multi-factor LIBOR Market Model....Pages 472-481
Evolving Linear Discriminant in a Continuously Growing Dimensional Space for Incremental Attribute Learning....Pages 482-491
Compact Multiplicative Inverter for Hardware Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem....Pages 492-499
Space Exploration of Multi-agent Robotics via Genetic Algorithm....Pages 500-507
Weightless Swarm Algorithm (WSA) for Dynamic Optimization Problems....Pages 508-515
Design of a Reliable XOR-XNOR Circuit for Arithmetic Logic Units....Pages 516-523
New Electronic Acupuncture System Using Intelligence....Pages 524-531
A Runtime Environment for Distributed Mashups in Multi-device Scenarios....Pages 532-541
A Location-Based Algorithm for Supporting Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks....Pages 542-549
Nibble-CRC for Underwater Acoustic Communication....Pages 550-558
An Optimized Sub-texture Mapping Technique for an Arbitrary Texture Considering Topology Relations....Pages 559-564
Research on a Smart Input Device Using Multimodal Bio-signal Interface....Pages 565-574
Cryptanalysis of an RFID Tag Search Protocol Preserving Privacy of Mobile Reader....Pages 575-580
Cryptanalysis of Goriparthi et al.’s Bilinear Pairing Based Remote User Authentication Scheme....Pages 581-588
Energy-Efficiency Protocol for Securing the Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 589-598
A Novel Time Reversal-Least Sidelobe Scheme to Minimize ISI and MUI....Pages 599-607
SNR-Based Partial Relay Selection Scheme over Multiple Relay Network....Pages 608-615
Robust Face Recognition in Low Resolution and Blurred Image Using Joint Information in Space and Frequency....Pages 616-624
Algorithms Based on Finite Automata for Testing of Z-codes....Pages 625-635
Design of the Cognitive Information Display for Water Level Control of the Steam Generator in Korean Nuclear Power Reactor....Pages 636-644
Back Matter....Pages -

This book constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the 9th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, NPC 2012, held in Gwangju, Korea, in September 2012. The 38 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 136 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: algorithms, scheduling, analysis, and data mining; network architecture and protocol design; network security; paralel, distributed, and virtualization techniques; performance modeling, prediction, and tuning; resource management; ubiquitous communications and networks; and web, communication, and cloud computing. In addition, a total of 37 papers selected from five satellite workshops (ATIMCN, ATSME, Cloud&Grid, DATICS, and UMAS 2012) are included.
Front Matter....Pages -
An Application-Level Scheduling with Task Bundling Approach for Many-Task Computing in Heterogeneous Environments....Pages 1-13
DGraph: Algorithms for Shortgun Reads Assembly Using De Bruijn Graph....Pages 14-21
Knowledge-Based Adaptive Self-Scheduling....Pages 22-32
Communication Locality Analysis of Triplet-Based Hierarchical Interconnection Network in Chip Multiprocessor....Pages 33-41
A Scoring System for Short Answers on the Test in a Large Group....Pages 42-47
Reference Variables for Dynamic, Reliable Packet Operations....Pages 48-60
Are Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Superior to Homogeneous Ones?....Pages 61-68
Dynamic Spray and Wait Routing Protocol for Delay Tolerant Networks....Pages 69-76
A Dynamic Popularity-Aware Load Balancing Algorithm for Structured P2P Systems....Pages 77-84
NCCPIS: A Co-simulation Tool for Networked Control and Cyber-Physical System Evaluation....Pages 85-93
Dempster-Shafer Theory to Identify Insider Attacker in Wireless Sensor Network....Pages 94-100
MIB-ITrace-CP: An Improvement of ICMP-Based Traceback Efficiency in Network Forensic Analysis....Pages 101-109
Breaking a Robust Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards....Pages 110-118
An Analysis of Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols for WSNs....Pages 119-128
Hybrid Obfuscated Javascript Strength Analysis System for Detection of Malicious Websites....Pages 129-137
Detection and Mitigation of Web Application Vulnerabilities Based on Security Testing....Pages 138-144
Small World Asynchronous Parallel Model for Genome Assembly....Pages 145-155
UKCF: A New Graphics Driver Cross-Platform Translation Framework for Virtual Machines....Pages 156-163
Fast Parallel Garner Algorithm for Chinese Remainder Theorem....Pages 164-171
dMPI: Facilitating Debugging of MPI Programs via Deterministic Message Passing....Pages 172-179
On Dynamic Communication Performance of a Hierarchical 3D-Mesh Network....Pages 180-187
An Elastic Architecture Adaptable to Millions of Application Scenarios....Pages 188-195
Demystifying Performance Predictions of Distributed FFT3D Implementations....Pages 196-207
MAP-numa: Access Patterns Used to Characterize the NUMA Memory Access Optimization Techniques and Algorithms....Pages 208-216
mHLogGP: A Parallel Computation Model for CPU/GPU Heterogeneous Computing Cluster....Pages 217-224
Estimating Available Bandwidth in Cooperative Multi-hop Wireless Networks....Pages 225-232
Relative Priority Analysis of Korean IS Audit Standard Check Items Using the Constant-Sum Method....Pages 233-240
Improving the Performances of Internet-Based Marketplace for Technology: A Korean Case Study....Pages 241-247
The Day-of-the Week Effects for Cloud-Based Shipment Timing Support System for Stored Apples....Pages 248-255
An Empirical View on Opportunistic Forwarding Relay Selection Using Contact Records....Pages 256-263
Design and Deployment of Testbed for Experimental Sensor Network Research....Pages 264-272
Implementation of the Integrated Monitoring System Based on an Automatic Disaster Prevention Device....Pages 273-278
Smart Ring: A Model of Node Failure Detection in High Available Cloud Data Center....Pages 279-288
EaSync: A Transparent File Synchronization Service across Multiple Machines....Pages 289-296
Relationship between Correcting Code and Module Technique in Hiding Secret Data....Pages 297-307
Different Characteristics of Radio Modules in Wireless Body Sensor Network Systems....Pages 308-314
The Development of Sustainable Growth Strategy Model Based on the User Tendency in the Online Game Services....Pages 315-319
Computer Education’s Teaching-Learning Methods Using Educational Programming Language Based on STEAM Education....Pages 320-327
The Performances Study of EDCF with Block_Ack in WLANs....Pages 328-335
A Study of SLA-Based Defense Resource Management Strategy in Network Security Defense System....Pages 336-348
A New Approach for Detecting SMTPFA Based on Entropy Measurement....Pages 349-359
A Multi-constraint Resource Search Algorithm for P2P-SIP Conference Services....Pages 360-372
The Effects of Governmental Subsidy on the Quality of Education in Taiwan’s Private Universities and Colleges....Pages 373-380
Examining the Effectiveness of a Distant Learning Education Program: Use of Patient Safety and Reporting Law and Ethics as Example....Pages 381-385
The Instructional Design of a Web-Based Self-reflective Learning Portfolio for Skill Training....Pages 386-393
The Difference Analysis between Demographic Variables and Personal Attributes – The Case of Internal Auditors in Taiwan....Pages 394-400
Success Factors and Problems Encountered in the Workplace Learning of University/College of Technology Students in Taiwan: A Five-Star Hotel as an Example....Pages 401-408
Cross-Cultural Training Programs and Expatriate Adjustment Effectiveness....Pages 409-413
Soft Power: A Critical Factor for the Effectiveness and Development of a School....Pages 414-420
Merging Grid into Clustering-Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 421-428
A Termination Detection Technique Using Gossip in Cloud Computing Environments....Pages 429-436
OEIRM: An Open Distributed Processing Based Interoperability Reference Model for e-Science....Pages 437-444
Using PCI Pass-Through for GPU Virtualization with CUDA....Pages 445-452
Parallel Valuation of the Lower and Upper Bound Prices for Multi-asset Bermudan Options....Pages 453-462
Insight of Direct Search Methods and Module-Integrated Algorithms for Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems....Pages 463-471
Pricing Bermudan Interest Rate Swaptions via Parallel Simulation under the Extended Multi-factor LIBOR Market Model....Pages 472-481
Evolving Linear Discriminant in a Continuously Growing Dimensional Space for Incremental Attribute Learning....Pages 482-491
Compact Multiplicative Inverter for Hardware Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem....Pages 492-499
Space Exploration of Multi-agent Robotics via Genetic Algorithm....Pages 500-507
Weightless Swarm Algorithm (WSA) for Dynamic Optimization Problems....Pages 508-515
Design of a Reliable XOR-XNOR Circuit for Arithmetic Logic Units....Pages 516-523
New Electronic Acupuncture System Using Intelligence....Pages 524-531
A Runtime Environment for Distributed Mashups in Multi-device Scenarios....Pages 532-541
A Location-Based Algorithm for Supporting Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks....Pages 542-549
Nibble-CRC for Underwater Acoustic Communication....Pages 550-558
An Optimized Sub-texture Mapping Technique for an Arbitrary Texture Considering Topology Relations....Pages 559-564
Research on a Smart Input Device Using Multimodal Bio-signal Interface....Pages 565-574
Cryptanalysis of an RFID Tag Search Protocol Preserving Privacy of Mobile Reader....Pages 575-580
Cryptanalysis of Goriparthi et al.’s Bilinear Pairing Based Remote User Authentication Scheme....Pages 581-588
Energy-Efficiency Protocol for Securing the Wireless Sensor Networks....Pages 589-598
A Novel Time Reversal-Least Sidelobe Scheme to Minimize ISI and MUI....Pages 599-607
SNR-Based Partial Relay Selection Scheme over Multiple Relay Network....Pages 608-615
Robust Face Recognition in Low Resolution and Blurred Image Using Joint Information in Space and Frequency....Pages 616-624
Algorithms Based on Finite Automata for Testing of Z-codes....Pages 625-635
Design of the Cognitive Information Display for Water Level Control of the Steam Generator in Korean Nuclear Power Reactor....Pages 636-644
Back Matter....Pages -
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