Ebook: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 11th International Workshop, HSCC 2008, St. Louis, MO, USA, April 22-24, 2008. Proceedings
- Tags: Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems, Processor Architectures, Logics and Meanings of Programs, Software Engineering, Computation by Abstract Devices, Simulation and Modeling
- Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4981
- Year: 2008
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- pdf
This volume contains the proceedings ofthe 11th Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2008) held in St. Louis, Missouriduring April 22–24,2008.The annual workshop on hybrid systems focuses on researchin - bedded,reactivesystemsinvolvingtheinterplaybetweensymbolic/switchingand continuous dynamical behaviors. HSCC attracts academic as well as industrial researchers to exchange information on the latest developments of applications and theoretical advancements in the design, analysis, control, optimization, and implementation of hybrid systems, with particular attention to embedded and networked control systems. New for this year was that HSCC was part of the inaugural CPSWEEK (Cyber-Physical Systems Week) – a co-located cluster of three conferences: HSCC, RTAS (Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Sym- sium), and IPSN (International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks). The previous workshops in the series of HSCC were held in Berkeley, USA (1998),Nijmegen,TheNetherlands(1999),Pittsburgh,USA(2000),Rome,Italy (2001), Palo Alto, USA (2002), Prague, Czech Republic (2003), Philadelphia, USA (2004),Zurich, Switzerland (2005) , Santa Barbara,USA (2006), and Pisa, Italy (2007). We would like to thank the Program Committee members and the reviewers for an excellent job of evaluating the submissions and participating in the online Program Committee discussions. We are grateful to the Steering Committee for their helpful guidance and support. We would also like to thank Patrick Martin for putting together these proceedings, and Jiuguang Wang for developing and maintaining the HSCC 2008 website. January 2008 Magnus Egerstedt Bud Mishra Organization HSCC 2008 was technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society and organized in cooperation with ACM/SIGBED.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, HSCC 2008, held in St. Louis, MO, USA, in April 2008.
The 42 revised full papers and 20 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions for inclusion in the book. The papers focus on research in embedded, reactive systems involving the interplay between symbolic/switching and continuous dynamical behaviors and feature the latest developments of applications and theoretical advancements in the design, analysis, control, optimization, and implementation of hybrid systems, with particular attention to embedded and networked control systems.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, HSCC 2008, held in St. Louis, MO, USA, in April 2008.
The 42 revised full papers and 20 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions for inclusion in the book. The papers focus on research in embedded, reactive systems involving the interplay between symbolic/switching and continuous dynamical behaviors and feature the latest developments of applications and theoretical advancements in the design, analysis, control, optimization, and implementation of hybrid systems, with particular attention to embedded and networked control systems.
Front Matter....Pages -
Markov Set-Chains as Abstractions of Stochastic Hybrid Systems....Pages 1-15
Co-simulation Tools for Networked Control Systems....Pages 16-29
On the Maximum Principle for Impulsive Hybrid Systems....Pages 30-42
Algebraic Identification of MIMO SARX Models....Pages 43-57
Contract-Based Design for Computation and Verification of a Closed-Loop Hybrid System....Pages 58-71
Controller Synthesis with Budget Constraints....Pages 72-86
Trading Infinite Memory for Uniform Randomness in Timed Games....Pages 87-100
Solutions to Switched Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and Conservation Laws Using Hybrid Components....Pages 101-115
Lost in Translation: Hybrid-Time Flows vs. Real-Time Transitions....Pages 116-129
A Control Lyapunov Approach to Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems....Pages 130-143
Discrete and Hybrid Stochastic State Estimation Algorithms for Networked Control Systems....Pages 144-157
Anytime Control Algorithms for Embedded Real-Time Systems....Pages 158-171
Stochastic Satisfiability Modulo Theory: A Novel Technique for the Analysis of Probabilistic Hybrid Systems....Pages 172-186
A Counterexample-Guided Approach to Parameter Synthesis for Linear Hybrid Automata....Pages 187-200
Approximately Bisimilar Symbolic Models for Incrementally Stable Switched Systems....Pages 201-214
Zonotope/Hyperplane Intersection for Hybrid Systems Reachability Analysis....Pages 215-228
Learning and Detecting Emergent Behavior in Networks of Cardiac Myocytes....Pages 229-243
Compositional Modeling and Minimization of Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Chains....Pages 244-258
Observer-Based Control of Linear Complementarity Systems....Pages 259-272
Complementarity Systems in Constrained Steady-State Optimal Control....Pages 273-286
Dealing with Nondeterminism in Symbolic Control....Pages 287-300
Safety and Liveness in Intelligent Intersections....Pages 301-315
LTLC: Linear Temporal Logic for Control....Pages 316-329
Switched and PieceWise Nonlinear Hybrid System Identification....Pages 330-343
Verification of Supervisory Control Software Using State Proximity and Merging....Pages 344-357
Optimotaxis: A Stochastic Multi-agent Optimization Procedure with Point Measurements....Pages 358-371
Noncausal Optimal Tracking of Linear Switched Systems....Pages 372-385
Realization Theory for Discrete-Time Semi-algebraic Hybrid Systems....Pages 386-400
A Decidable Class of Planar Linear Hybrid Systems....Pages 401-414
Reachability of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Using a Nonlinear Hybridization....Pages 415-428
Modeling and Simulation of Biochemical Processes Using Stochastic Hybrid Systems: The Sugar Cataract Development Process....Pages 429-442
Distributed Lyapunov Functions in Analysis of Graph Models of Software....Pages 443-456
On the Optimality of Dubins Paths across Heterogeneous Terrain....Pages 457-470
Switching Surface Design for Periodically Operated Discretely Controlled Continuous Systems....Pages 471-485
Discrete Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Hybrid Automata....Pages 486-499
Input-to-State Stabilization with Quantized Output Feedback....Pages 500-513
Bisimilar Finite Abstractions of Interconnected Systems....Pages 514-527
On Controllability of Timed Continuous Petri Nets....Pages 528-541
Parameter Synthesis for Piecewise Affine Systems from Temporal Logic Specifications....Pages 542-555
Necessary Conditions for the Impulsive Time-Optimal Control of Finite-Dimensional Lagrangian Systems....Pages 556-569
Composition of Motion Description Languages....Pages 570-583
On Optimal Quadratic Regulation for Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems....Pages 584-597
Approximation of General Stochastic Hybrid Systems by Switching Diffusions with Random Hybrid Jumps....Pages 598-601
On Stability of Switched Linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Reflecting Boundaries....Pages 602-605
Sampling-Based Resolution-Complete Algorithms for Safety Falsification of Linear Systems....Pages 606-609
Reachability Analysis of Stochastic Hybrid Systems by Optimal Control....Pages 610-613
An Integrated Approach to Parametric and Discrete Fault Diagnosis in Hybrid Systems....Pages 614-617
d-IRA: A Distributed Reachability Algorithm for Analysis of Linear Hybrid Automata....Pages 618-621
Sufficient Conditions for Zeno Behavior in Lagrangian Hybrid Systems....Pages 622-625
Separation in Stability Analysis of Piecewise Linear Systems in Discrete Time....Pages 626-629
Level Set Methods for Computing Reachable Sets of Hybrid Systems with Differential Algebraic Equation Dynamics....Pages 630-633
Approximate Control Design for Solar Driven Sensor Nodes....Pages 634-637
Steering a Leader-Follower Team Via Linear Consensus....Pages 638-641
Logical Verification and Systematic Parametric Analysis in Train Control....Pages 642-645
Information Theoretical Approach to Identification of Hybrid Systems....Pages 646-649
A Policy Iteration Technique for Time Elapse over Template Polyhedra....Pages 650-653
Generating Box Invariants....Pages 654-657
Qualitative Stability Patterns for Lotka-Volterra Systems on Rectangles....Pages 658-661
Sampled-Data Event Control of Hybrid Systems for Control Specifications Given by Predicates....Pages 662-665
On the Timing of Discrete Events in Event-Driven Control Systems....Pages 666-669
Decentralized Event-Triggered Broadcasts over Networked Control Systems....Pages 670-673
Back Matter....Pages 674-677
....Pages -